Cannot remove cookies from XP. Firefox 17

I have Firefox set to delete cookies when closed. After I close Firefox, I usually run CC Cleaner. In the Analysis, CC Cleaner shows 307 cookies using a total of 0 space.
In XP, I went to Options, Privacy, and Show Cookies. There are probably 307 shown. When I click to Remove All Cookies nothing happens. When I highlight one cookie and click to Remove, nothing happens. When I open the particular cookie folder and see the cookie, highlight it and click Remove, that cookie seems to disappear for an instant, but when I click on the next one, the first one returns.
I want ALL evidences of all these cookies OFF my computer.
How do I accomplish that?

If clearing cookies doesn't work then it is possible that the cookies.sqlite file that stores the cookies is corrupted.
Rename (or delete) cookies.sqlite (cookies.sqlite.old) and delete other present cookie files like cookies.sqlite-journal in the Firefox Profile Folder in

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I downloaded

    Help->Troubleshooting information
    Copy contents of the webpage
    Paste them into your reply
    Help->Troubleshooting information
    Find on this page this part of table
    Build Configuration about:buildconfig
    click "about:buildconfig" link
    copy contents of this page
    paste them into your next reply
    (separately from contents of previous page)
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    If you don't mind using [GUI Scripting|], you might try this:
    *set theWebsite to ""*
    --However I tested the script with "" instead of ""
    *tell application "Safari" to activate*
    *tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"*
    *click menu item 4 of menu 1 of menu bar item 2 of menu bar 1* -- Preferences…
    *tell window 1*
    *click button -2 of tool bar 1* -- Security
    *click button 1 of group 1 of group 1* -- Show Cookies
    *keystroke theWebsite* -- enter the Website string
    *keystroke tab*
    *delay 1* -- (optional, just for visual feedback)
    *keystroke "a" using command down* -- Select All
    *click button 1 of sheet 1* -- Remove (without alert)
    *end tell*
    *keystroke return* -- Done
    *keystroke "w" using command down* -- close the Security window
    *end tell*

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    "Avast" is perhaps the worst of the whole wretched lot of commercial "security" products for the Mac. Not only does it fail to protect you from any real danger, it throws false warnings, destabilizes and slows down the computer, and sometimes or always corrupts the network settings and the permissions of files in your home folder. Removing it may not repair all the damage.
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    Since you removed the music from directly from the phone and not iTunes, once you connect to iTunes and sync, the same music will be synced back onto the phone.
    Try playing with the settings and see what you come up with. Also, try closing iTunes and restart your computer amd see if this fixes things.

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    I want to remove aPO from transaction MR11 (maintian GR/IR account).
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    They have different company codes.
    How can I post the documents?
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,
    Linfa .
    Edited by: Belinda Verding on Apr 28, 2009 4:09 PM

    Good morning,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Where can I lock the PO? In which TAB of the PO line?
    I found OSS note 728362 MR11 incorrect clearing values for delivery costs.
    Could this OSS note also be used?
    Do you have any experience?
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

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