"cannot resolve symbol" in a Timer !!!Please Help!!!

I am doing a program for a class which involves timers. I am using JCreator and when i try to construct a new timer, the compiler points to the "new" in the line:
Timer T1=new Timer(interval, ActionListener);
This is what it looks like and the error reads: cannot resolve symbol; constructor Timer.
please tell me if yiou have any information or suggestions as to how this error might be remedied.

Sure, here it is:
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.*;
interface ActionListener
     void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event);     
class Ploid
     public static void main(String[] args)
          class Car implements ActionListener
               int mpg=30;
               int mph=35;
               int gtank=20;
               int interval;
               int changer;
               int totalmiles;
               Car(int x)
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                    for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
                    int hyt=mpg*gtank;
                         int y=totalmiles-hyt;
class SUV implements ActionListener
     int mpg=15;
     int mph=55;
     int gtank=30;
     int interval;
     int changer;
     int totalmiles;
     SUV(int x)
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
               for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
               int hyt=mpg*gtank;
                    int y=totalmiles-hyt;
class Semi implements ActionListener
     int mpg=60;
     int mph=80;
     int gtank=50;
     int interval;
     int changer;
     int totalmiles;
     Semi(int x)
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
          for(int c=0;c<(interval/1000);c++)
          int hyt=mpg*gtank;
               int y=totalmiles-hyt;
          String flag="y";
          String trav=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How long do you want to drive?(1000=1 hour)");
          int t1=Integer.parseInt(trav);
          Car listen=new Car(t1);
          SUV listener2=new SUV(t1);
          Semi listener3=new Semi(t1);
          final int t2=t1/1000;
          final int t3=t1/t2;
          ActionListener listener=null;
          Timer T1=new Timer(t3, listener);
          Timer T2=new Timer(t3, listener);
          Timer T3=new Timer(t3, listener);
               String g=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Do you want to drive again?");
                    System.out.println("Let's Drive!");
}Here is the errors:
A:\Ploid2.java:116: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
location: class javax.swing.Timer
          Timer T1=new Timer(t3, listener);
A:\Ploid2.java:117: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
location: class javax.swing.Timer
          Timer T2=new Timer(t3, listener);
A:\Ploid2.java:118: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Timer (int,ActionListener)
location: class javax.swing.Timer
          Timer T3=new Timer(t3, listener);
3 errors
Process completed.
****There is the source code and the errors the compiler returns. That should be more help.****

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    import java.awt.*;
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         Button btnTwo = new Button("Two");
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              Panel pOne = new Panel( ) ;
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    private Socket client;
    private JTextArea textArea;
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    this.textArea = textArea;
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    String line;
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    PrintWriter out = null;
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    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
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    } catch (IOException e) {
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    // Variables declaration - do not modify
    private java.awt.Button button1;
    private java.awt.TextArea textArea1;
    // End of variables declaration
    Socket client = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    String line;
    PrintWriter out = null;
    ServerSocket server = null;
    When i compile the code i recieve this message..
    FinalServer2.java [111:1] cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor ClientWorker (java.net.Socket,java.awt.TextArea)
    location: class ClientWorker
    w = new ClientWorker(server.accept(), textArea1);
    Please help me..

    ClientWorker(Socket client, JTextArea textArea) {
    this.client = client;
    this.textArea = textArea;
    When i compile the code i recieve this message..
    FinalServer2.java [111:1] cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor ClientWorker
    location: class ClientWorker
    w = new ClientWorker(server.accept(),
    erver.accept(), textArea1);
    Please help me..Look at the costructor and and error message, s=and see if you can work it out; if you are still having difficuly, post back in 10 mins.

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    import java.io.*;
    class Q1
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              int num1,num2,sum;
              /*program statements start here*/
         System.out.printIn ("Input a number");
                   num1= Course_io.readInt();
              System.out.printIn ("Input another number");
                   num2= Course_io.readInt();
                   sum= num2 - num1;
              System.out.printIn ("Total is" +sum );
    and this is the error message i keep getting:
    javac -d . -g "C:\Java Programs\Q1.java"
    C:\Java Programs\Q1.java:12: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method printIn (java.lang.String)
    location: class java.io.PrintStream
    System.out.printIn ("Input a number");
    C:\Java Programs\Q1.java:16: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method printIn (java.lang.String)
    location: class java.io.PrintStream
    System.out.printIn ("Input another number");
    C:\Java Programs\Q1.java:22: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method printIn (java.lang.String)
    location: class java.io.PrintStream
    System.out.printIn ("Total is" +sum );
    3 errors
    Please help me, Thankyou.

    sum= num2 - num1;
    System.out.printIn ("Total is" +sum );While you're at it, do something about this, it's misleading.
    kind regards,

  • PLEASE HELP: cannot resolve symbol class

    it's showing me the error on the following lines 7 and 9
    it says cannot resolve symbol class Name and cannot resolve symbol class Phone
    I also have a package name addressBook and it contains two files Entry.java and Address.java
    Here is the code:
    import java.io.*;
    import addressBook.*;
    public class AddressDr
         public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              Name name;
              Address address;
              Phone phone;
              Entry entry;
              String first, last, middle, street, city, state, zip;
              int areaCode, number;
              BufferedReader in;
              in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
              PrintWriter outFile;
              outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("Entries"));
              System.out.println("Quit entered fot the first name ends the " + "application.");
              System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
              while (first.compareTo("Quit") !=0)
                   System.out.print("Enter last name: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter middle name: ");
                   name=new Name(first, last, middle);
                   System.out.print("Enter street address: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter city: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter state: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter ZIP code: ");
                   address=new Address(street, city, state, zip);
                   System.out.print("Enter areaCode: ");
                   areaCode = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
                   System.out.print("Enter number: ");
                   phone=new Phone(areaCode, number);
                   entry= new Entry(name, address, phone);
                   System.out.print("Enter first name: ");

    OK. Here is how I did it.
    I have AddressDr which is Address driver.
    I have two files Address and Entry which in package addressBook.
    import java.io.*;
    import addressBook.*;
    public class AddressDr
         public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              Name name;
              Address address;
              Phone phone;
              Entry entry;
              String first, last, middle, street, city, state, zip;
              int areaCode, number;
              BufferedReader in;
              in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
              PrintWriter outFile;
              outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("Entries"));
              System.out.println("Quit entered fot the first name ends the " + "application.");
              System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
              while (first.compareTo("Quit") !=0)
                   System.out.print("Enter last name: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter middle name: ");
                   name=new Name(first, last, middle);
                   System.out.print("Enter street address: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter city: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter state: ");
                   System.out.print("Enter ZIP code: ");
                   address=new Address(street, city, state, zip);
                   System.out.print("Enter areaCode: ");
                   areaCode = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
                   System.out.print("Enter number: ");
                   phone=new Phone(areaCode, number);
                   entry= new Entry(name, address, phone);
                   System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
    package addressBook;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Entry
         Name name;
         Address address;
         Phone phone;
    public Entry(Name newName, Address newAddress, Phone phoneNumber)
         name = newName;
         address = newAddress;
         phone = phoneNumber;
    public Name knowName()
         return name;
    public Address knowAddress()
         return address;
    public Phone knowPhone()
         return phone;
    public void writeToFile(PrintWriter outFile)
    package addressBook;
    public class Address
         String street;
         String city;
         String state;
         String zipCode;
         public Address(String newStreet, String newCity, String newState, String zip)
         public String knowStreet()
              return street;
         public String knowCity()
              return city;
         public String knowState()
              return state;
         public String knowZip()
              return zipCode;

  • HT201210 I have tried to update my iPhone 4 many times (from iOS 5.1 to latest version), but everytime it fails and says that it cannot be updated. unknown error (3194). please help.

    I have tried to update my iPhone 4 many times (from iOS 5.1 to latest version), but everytime it fails and says that it cannot be updated. unknown error (3194). please help.
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    You might try reading the entire help document you linked from:
    Unable to contact the iOS software update server gs.apple.com
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to gs.apple.com being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors:
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to gs.apple.com is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect gs.apple.com. FollowiTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

  • Need help - method call error cannot resolve symbol

    My code compiles fine but I continue to receive a method call error "cannot resolve symbol - variable superman" - can't figure out why. Here is my code:
    public static String caesar(String message, int shift)
    {   [b]String result = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i)
    {   [b]char newChar = message.charAt(i + shift);
    result += newChar;
    return result.toUpperCase();
    I entered "superman" for message and "3" for the shift. Can someone please help? Thanks!

    Your post worked great - especially since it made me realize I was going about it all wrong! I was attempting to convert "superman" to "vxshupdq" - basically a cipher shift starting at index 0 and shifting it 3 character values which would result in s changing to v. I restructured my code:
    public static String caesar(String message, int shift)
    {   [b]String result = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i)
    {   [b]char newChar = message.charAt(i);
    result += (newChar + shift) % message.length();
    return result.toUpperCase();
    But it's displaying the result as a "60305041". How can I get it to display the actual characters?

  • Help!!! error: cannot resolve symbol

    can anyone tell me how to solve the following problem
    thank you
    cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method decode (java.lang.String)
    location: class java.lang.Short
    Short psmShort = Short.decode(psmString);
    Long bdAddrLong = Long.decode("0x" + bdAddrString);

    that is because these methods does not exist. What you can use instead is parseShort(String) or parseLong.
    Maybe reading the javadoc could help you next time ;-)

  • Illegal start of expression and cannot resolve symbol HELP

    Can someone pls help me?
    These are the two problems:
    --------------------Configuration: j2sdk1.4.1_02 <Default>--------------------
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\Mindboggler.java:291: illegal start of expression
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\Mindboggler.java:285: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol: method inputJButtonActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    Here is my code :
    //Mind boggler quiz
    //Marcelyn Samson
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Mindboggler extends JFrame
              // JPanel for welcome window
              private JPanel welcomeJPanel;
              private JPanel presetJPanel;
         private JLabel titleJLabel;
         private JLabel quizJLabel;
         private JLabel girlJLabel, headJLabel;
         private JLabel introJLabel;
         private JButton startJButton;
         // JPanel for questionone window
         private JPanel questiononeJPanel;
         private JLabel textJLabel;
         private JPanel becksJPanel;
         private JButton oneJButton, twoJButton, threeJButton, fourJButton, nextJButton;
              //JPanel for questiontwo window
              private JPanel questiontwoJPanel;
              private JPanel orlandoJPanel;
              private JLabel q2JLabel;
              private JCheckBox lordJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox faceJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox piratesJCheckBox;
              private JButton next2JButton;
         private JButton inputJButton;
         //JPanel for questionthree
         private JPanel questionthreeJPanel;
         private JPanel howmuchJPanel;
         private JLabel howmuchJLabel;
         private JLabel nameJLabel;
         private JTextField nameJTextField;
         private JLabel moneyJLabel;
         private JTextField moneyJTextField;
         private JButton next3JButton;
         public JPanel welcomeJFrame, questionJFrame, questiontwoJFrame, questionthreeJFrame;
              public Container contentPane;
              //no argument constructor
              public Mindboggler()
              //create and position components
              private void createUserInterface()/////////////////////////; semo colon do not edit copy paste
                   //get contentPane and set layout to null
                   contentPane = getContentPane();
                   contentPane.setLayout ( null );
                   //set properties of applications window
                   setTitle( "Mindboggler" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
              setSize( 600, 400 ); // set width and height of JFrame
              setVisible( true ); // display JFrame on screen
              } // end method createUserInterface
              public void welcome(){
                        // set up welcomeJPanel
                   welcomeJPanel = new JPanel();
                   welcomeJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   welcomeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   welcomeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up textJLabel
                   titleJLabel = new JLabel();
                   titleJLabel.setText( "Mind Boggler" );
                   titleJLabel.setLocation( 30, 10);
                   titleJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
                   titleJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30 ) );
                   titleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( titleJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
                   presetJPanel = new JPanel();
                   presetJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   presetJPanel.setBounds( 150, 10, 300, 80 );
                   presetJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( presetJPanel );
                   //setup Intro JLabel
                   introJLabel = new JLabel();
                   introJLabel.setText( "Think, think, think. Can you get all the questions right?" );
                   introJLabel.setBounds( 40, 100, 500, 200 );
                   introJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 18 ) );
                   introJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   //set up head JLabel
                   headJLabel = new JLabel();
                   headJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "head.jpeg") );
                   headJLabel.setBounds( 540, 5, 40, 160 );
                   headJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //setup girlJLabel
                   girlJLabel = new JLabel();
                   girlJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "girl.Jjpeg") );
                   girlJLabel.setBounds( 5, 10, 60, 100 );
                   girlJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //set up startJbutton
                   startJButton = new JButton();
                   startJButton.setText( "Start" );
                   startJButton.setBounds(250, 300, 100, 30);
                   startJButton.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14) );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void question()
                   //set up question one JPanel
                   questiononeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questiononeJPanel.setLayout( null );
              questiononeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600,400);
              questiononeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
              // set up textJLabel
              textJLabel = new JLabel();
              textJLabel.setText( "Who did Beckham supposedly cheat with?" );
              textJLabel.setLocation( 20, 20);
              textJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
              textJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
              textJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
              questiononeJPanel.add( textJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
              becksJPanel = new JPanel();
              becksJPanel.setLayout( null );
              becksJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder(
         "Question 1" ) );
              becksJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80 );
              becksJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
              questiononeJPanel.add( becksJPanel );
                   // set up oneJButton
              oneJButton = new JButton();
              oneJButton.setBounds( 10, 120, 300, 40 );
              oneJButton.setText( "Britney Spears" );
              oneJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( oneJButton );
              // set up twoJButton
              twoJButton = new JButton();
              twoJButton.setBounds( 10, 180, 300, 40 );
              twoJButton.setText( "Meg Ryan" );
              twoJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( twoJButton );
              // set up threeJButton
              threeJButton = new JButton();
              threeJButton.setBounds( 10, 240, 300, 40 );
              threeJButton.setText( "Rebecca Loos" );
              threeJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( threeJButton );
              // set up fourJButton
              fourJButton = new JButton();
              fourJButton.setBounds( 10, 300, 300, 40 );
              fourJButton.setText( "Angelina Jolie" );
              fourJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( fourJButton );
                   // set up nextJButton
                   nextJButton = new JButton();
                   nextJButton.setBounds ( 375, 300, 150, 40 );
                   nextJButton.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   questiononeJPanel.add( nextJButton );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void questiontwo()
                   //set up question two JPanel
                   questiontwoJPanel=new JPanel();
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up q2JLabel
              q2JLabel = new JLabel();
              q2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 20, 550, 70 );
              q2JLabel.setText( "What films has Orlando Bloom starred in?" );
              q2JLabel.setFont(new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
         q2JLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
    //set up orlandoJPanel
    orlandoJPanel = new JPanel();
    orlandoJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 2"));
    orlandoJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80);
    // set up lordJCheckBox
              lordJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              lordJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 112, 200, 24 );
              lordJCheckBox.setText( "1. Lord of The Rings" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( lordJCheckBox );
                   // set up faceJCheckBox
              faceJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              faceJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 159, 200, 24 );
              faceJCheckBox.setText( "2. Face Off" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( faceJCheckBox );
              // set up piratesJCheckBox
              piratesJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              piratesJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 206, 200, 24 );
              piratesJCheckBox.setText( "3. Pirates of The Caribean" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( piratesJCheckBox );
              // set up inputJButton
              inputJButton = new JButton();
              inputJButton.setBounds(20, 256, 200, 21 );
              inputJButton.setText( "Input answer" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( inputJButton );
         new ActionListener()
              //event handler called when user clicks inputJButton
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    //show JOptionMessages when user clicks on JCheckBoxes and inputJButton
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         //display error message if no JCheckBoxes is checked
         if ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
              //display error message
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please check two boxes", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         // if lordjcheckbox and pirates is selected = right
              if ( ( lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats RIGHT!");
              //if others are selected = wrong
                   if ( (lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && faceJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
                        ( (faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
    // set up nest2JButton
              next2JButton = new JButton();
              next2JButton.setBounds( 155, 296, 94, 24 );
              next2JButton.setText( "Next" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( next2JButton );
         new ActionListener(){
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    } // end questiontwo
    public void questionthree()
         //setup questionthree JPanel
         questionthreeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questionthreeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
         questionthreeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN);
              // main method
              public static void main( String[] args )
              Mindboggler application = new Mindboggler();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              } // end method main
    }// end class

    Just want to say thank you by the way for trying to help. Ive moved public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) outside of brackets. Now i have a different problem on it. Sorry about this.
    PROBLEM: --------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laila\My Documents\CMT2080\Coursework\Game\Mindboggler.java:353: 'else' without 'if'
    else ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
    1 error
    Process completed.
    MY CODE:
    //Mind boggler quiz
    //Marcelyn Samson
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Mindboggler extends JFrame
              // JPanel for welcome window
              private JPanel welcomeJPanel;
              private JPanel presetJPanel;
         private JLabel titleJLabel;
         private JLabel quizJLabel;
         private JLabel girlJLabel, headJLabel;
         private JLabel introJLabel;
         private JButton startJButton;
         // JPanel for questionone window
         private JPanel questiononeJPanel;
         private JLabel textJLabel;
         private JPanel becksJPanel;
         private JButton oneJButton, twoJButton, threeJButton, fourJButton, nextJButton;
              //JPanel for questiontwo window
              private JPanel questiontwoJPanel;
              private JPanel orlandoJPanel;
              private JLabel q2JLabel;
              private JCheckBox lordJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox faceJCheckBox;
              private JCheckBox piratesJCheckBox;
              private JButton next2JButton;
         private JButton inputJButton;
         //JPanel for questionthree
         private JPanel questionthreeJPanel;
         private JPanel howmuchJPanel;
         private JLabel howmuchJLabel;
         private JLabel nameJLabel;
         private JTextField nameJTextField;
         private JLabel moneyJLabel;
         private JTextField moneyJTextField;
         private JButton next3JButton;
         public JPanel welcomeJFrame, questionJFrame, questiontwoJFrame, questionthreeJFrame;
              public Container contentPane;
              //no argument constructor
              public Mindboggler()
              //create and position components
              private void createUserInterface()/////////////////////////; semo colon do not edit copy paste
                   //get contentPane and set layout to null
                   contentPane = getContentPane();
                   contentPane.setLayout ( null );
                   //set properties of applications window
                   setTitle( "Mindboggler" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
              setSize( 600, 400 ); // set width and height of JFrame
              setVisible( true ); // display JFrame on screen
              } // end method createUserInterface
              public void welcome(){
                        // set up welcomeJPanel
                   welcomeJPanel = new JPanel();
                   welcomeJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   welcomeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   welcomeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up textJLabel
                   titleJLabel = new JLabel();
                   titleJLabel.setText( "Mind Boggler" );
                   titleJLabel.setLocation( 30, 10);
                   titleJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
                   titleJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30 ) );
                   titleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( titleJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
                   presetJPanel = new JPanel();
                   presetJPanel.setLayout( null );
                   presetJPanel.setBounds( 150, 10, 300, 80 );
                   presetJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   welcomeJPanel.add( presetJPanel );
                   //setup Intro JLabel
                   introJLabel = new JLabel();
                   introJLabel.setText( "Think, think, think. Can you get all the questions right?" );
                   introJLabel.setBounds( 40, 100, 500, 200 );
                   introJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 18 ) );
                   introJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                   //set up head JLabel
                   headJLabel = new JLabel();
                   headJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "head.jpeg") );
                   headJLabel.setBounds( 540, 5, 40, 160 );
                   headJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //setup girlJLabel
                   girlJLabel = new JLabel();
                   girlJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "girl.Jjpeg") );
                   girlJLabel.setBounds( 5, 10, 60, 100 );
                   girlJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
                        //set up startJbutton
                   startJButton = new JButton();
                   startJButton.setText( "Start" );
                   startJButton.setBounds(250, 300, 100, 30);
                   startJButton.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14) );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void question()
                   //set up question one JPanel
                   questiononeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questiononeJPanel.setLayout( null );
              questiononeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600,400);
              questiononeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
              // set up textJLabel
              textJLabel = new JLabel();
              textJLabel.setText( "Who did Beckham supposedly cheat with?" );
              textJLabel.setLocation( 20, 20);
              textJLabel.setSize( 550, 70);
              textJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
              textJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
              questiononeJPanel.add( textJLabel );
                   // set up presetJPanel
              becksJPanel = new JPanel();
              becksJPanel.setLayout( null );
              becksJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder(
         "Question 1" ) );
              becksJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80 );
              becksJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
              questiononeJPanel.add( becksJPanel );
                   // set up oneJButton
              oneJButton = new JButton();
              oneJButton.setBounds( 10, 120, 300, 40 );
              oneJButton.setText( "Britney Spears" );
              oneJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( oneJButton );
              // set up twoJButton
              twoJButton = new JButton();
              twoJButton.setBounds( 10, 180, 300, 40 );
              twoJButton.setText( "Meg Ryan" );
              twoJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( twoJButton );
              // set up threeJButton
              threeJButton = new JButton();
              threeJButton.setBounds( 10, 240, 300, 40 );
              threeJButton.setText( "Rebecca Loos" );
              threeJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( threeJButton );
              // set up fourJButton
              fourJButton = new JButton();
              fourJButton.setBounds( 10, 300, 300, 40 );
              fourJButton.setText( "Angelina Jolie" );
              fourJButton.setBackground( Color.ORANGE );
              questiononeJPanel.add( fourJButton );
                   // set up nextJButton
                   nextJButton = new JButton();
                   nextJButton.setBounds ( 375, 300, 150, 40 );
                   nextJButton.setBackground( Color.GRAY );
                   questiononeJPanel.add( nextJButton );
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              public void questiontwo()
                   //set up question two JPanel
                   questiontwoJPanel=new JPanel();
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
                   questiontwoJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN );
                   // set up q2JLabel
              q2JLabel = new JLabel();
              q2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 20, 550, 70 );
              q2JLabel.setText( "What films has Orlando Bloom starred in?" );
              q2JLabel.setFont(new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
         q2JLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
    //set up orlandoJPanel
    orlandoJPanel = new JPanel();
    orlandoJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 2"));
    orlandoJPanel.setBounds( 10, 10, 570, 80);
    // set up lordJCheckBox
              lordJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              lordJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 112, 200, 24 );
              lordJCheckBox.setText( "1. Lord of The Rings" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( lordJCheckBox );
                   // set up faceJCheckBox
              faceJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              faceJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 159, 200, 24 );
              faceJCheckBox.setText( "2. Face Off" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( faceJCheckBox );
              // set up piratesJCheckBox
              piratesJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
              piratesJCheckBox.setBounds( 16, 206, 200, 24 );
              piratesJCheckBox.setText( "3. Pirates of The Caribean" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( piratesJCheckBox );
              // set up inputJButton
              inputJButton = new JButton();
              inputJButton.setBounds(20, 256, 200, 21 );
              inputJButton.setText( "Input answer" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( inputJButton );
         new ActionListener()
              //event handler called when user clicks inputJButton
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   inputJButtonActionPerformed( event);
    // set up nest2JButton
              next2JButton = new JButton();
              next2JButton.setBounds( 155, 296, 94, 24 );
              next2JButton.setText( "Next" );
              questiontwoJPanel.add( next2JButton );
         new ActionListener(){
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    } // end questiontwo
    public void questionthree()
         //setup questionthree JPanel
         questionthreeJPanel = new JPanel();
         questionthreeJPanel.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 400);
         questionthreeJPanel.setBackground( Color.GREEN);
         //setup howmuchJLabel
         howmuchJLabel = new JLabel();
         howmuchJLabel.setText("I'm a student and would be very greatful if you could donate some money as it would help me very much.");
         howmuchJLabel.setBounds(20, 20, 550, 70);
         howmuchJLabel.setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD,14));
         //setup howmuchJPanel
         howmuchJPanel = new JPanel();
         howmuchJPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder("Question 3"));
         howmuchJPanel.setBounds(10, 10, 570, 80);
         howmuchJPanel.setBackground( Color.GRAY);
         //setup nameJLabel
         nameJLabel = new JLabel();
         nameJLabel.setBounds(10, 160, 150, 24);
         nameJLabel.setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
         //setup nameJTextField
         nameJTextField = new JTextField();
         nameJTextField.setBounds(125, 160, 200, 24 );
         //show JOptionMessages when user clicks on JCheckBoxes and inputJButton
    public void inputJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         //display error message if no JCheckBoxes is checked
         else ( ( !lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && !faceJCheckBox.isSelected && !piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ) )
              //display error message
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please check two boxes", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         // if lordjcheckbox and pirates is selected = right
              if ( ( lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats RIGHT!");
              //if others are selected = wrong
                   if ( (lordJCheckBox.isSelected() && faceJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
                        ( (faceJCheckBox.isSelected() && piratesJCheckBox.isSelected() ))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thats WRONG");
              // main method
              public static void main( String[] args )
              Mindboggler application = new Mindboggler();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              } // end method main
    }// end class

  • Someone meet the problem, I am not abble install mac OS 10.6 snow leopard on intel based machine, (intel core 2 duo, 2,8 ghz, 4GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, OSX 10.5.8) system every time wrote "OS X snow leopard cannot be install on this machine" please help, Majo

    omeone meet the problem, I am not abble install mac OS 10.6 snow leopard on intel based machine, (intel core 2 duo, 2,8 ghz, 4GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, OSX 10.5.8) system every time wrote "OS X snow leopard cannot be install on this machine" please help, Majo

    It is retail disk, i bought it in apple store. I also resetter PRRAM and SMC and checked disk. I also tried clean installation and upgrade, nothing works, after run installation program after few seconds wrote: OS X Snow Leopard cannot be install on this machine :-(
    Thank you for your answer

  • Please?!? Cannot Resolve Symbol Error Message

    //Elizabeth Skelton Section 001 Homework Set 3
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class skeltonMaxofThree
         public static void main (String[] args)
              //ask user for numbers
              String stringnum1= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter first number", "Input", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
              String stringnum2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter second number", "Input", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
              String stringnum3=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter third number", "Input", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
              //convert to numerical
              double num1=Double.parseDouble(stringnum1);
              double num2=Double.parseDouble(stringnum2);
              double num3=Double.parseDouble(stringnum3);
              //call max method
              double biggest=maximum(num1,num2,num3);
              //display answer
              String output = "The biggest is " + biggest;
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output, "Result", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
         public static double maximum(double num1, double num2, double num3)
              //determine biggest
              double biggest=Math.max(num1,num2,num3);
              return biggest;
    Returns error:
    :\My Documents\BD120\skeltonMaxofThree.java:36: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method max (double,double,double)
    location: class java.lang.Math
              double biggest=Math.max(num1,num2,num3);
    1 error
    Tool completed with exit code 1

    the max method of the Math class requires 2 parameters not 3...to find the maximum of 3 numbers u can do something like this...
    double biggest = Math.max(num1, Math.max(num2, num3));

  • "cannot resolve symbol" help..

    Here is a very short and simpel program that won't compile after I reinstalled java on my computer.
    import java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class PiTest extends Frame {
         public static void main(String[] p){
         System.out.println("testing MATHs");
    I get the following error:
    PiTest.java:8: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method sin (int)
    location: class PiTest
    [total 1553ms]
    1 error
    Why doesn't the compiler recognise the sine function? I have set my classpath to c:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\lib.
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

    Replace sin(10) with Math.sin(10), it should work.
    import java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class PiTest extends Frame {
    public static void main(String[] p){
    System.out.println("testing MATHs");

  • BufferedReader cannot resolve symbol

    I need some help with a java program which reads xml files to a specified location, running it on a UNIX machine using Java 1.4.1. I modified the code to include the BufferedReader class, but it keeps complaining about not being able to resolve symbol at line 50 & 53. Any help here would be appreciated, since I'm a newbie.
    bash-2.05$ javac outputScript.java
    outputScript.java:50: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor InputStreamReader (java.lang.String)
    location: class java.io.InputStreamReader
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("in"));
    outputScript.java:53: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method available ()
    location: class java.io.BufferedReader
    while (in.available() !=0)
    Here's the code:
    //package cognos8_3;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.File;
    * outputScript.java
    * Copyright Cognos Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
    * Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated.
    * Description: (KB 1013700) - Sample script that will rename output files generated by CM.OUTPUTLOCATION - Cognos 8.3
    class outputScript
    public static void main(String args[])
         String reportName = "";
         String reportViewName = "";
         String outputLocation = "/data/cognos/rn_filecp/";
         String defName = "";
         String ofTime = "";
         String burstKey = "";
         int countRenamed = 0;
         // get the list of desc files in the outputlocation
         File descFiles = new File(outputLocation);
         String[] children = descFiles.list();
         if (children == null || children.length == 0)
              System.out.println("Invalid file location or no reports found to rename.");
                   System.out.println("Found " + children.length + " files in this location, search for file names containing '_desc.'.");
              for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++)
                        // Get filename of file or directory
                        String filename = children;
                        if (filename.indexOf("_desc.")>=0)
                             // Open the file that is the first
                             // command line parameter
                             FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(outputLocation+filename);
                             FileInputStream bis = new FileInputStream(fstream);
                                  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("bis.in"));
                             //      Continue to read lines while there are still some left to read
                             while (in.available() !=0)
                                  String temp = in.readLine();
                                  // check for report name
                                  if (temp.indexOf("report[@name=")>0)
                                       // get beginning of name
                                       int startIndex = temp.indexOf("report[@name=&apos;");
                                       String startString;
                                       int endIndex = 0;
                                       if (startIndex > 0)
                                            startString = temp.substring(startIndex);
                                            startIndex = startString.indexOf("&apos;") + 5; //&apos; 6 characters
                                            endIndex = startString.lastIndexOf("&apos;");
                                            startIndex = temp.indexOf("report[@name=");
                                            startString = temp.substring(startIndex);
                                            startIndex = startString.indexOf("@name=") + 6; //&apos; 6 characters
                                            endIndex = startString.lastIndexOf("]");
                                       // get report name
                                       reportName = startString.substring(startIndex+1, endIndex);
                                       //System.out.println("Found report name - " + reportName);
                                  else if (temp.indexOf("reportView[@name=")>0)
                                       // get beginning of name
                                       int startIndex = temp.indexOf("reportView[@name=&apos;");
                                       String startString;
                                       int endIndex = 0;
                                       if (startIndex > 0)
                                            startString = temp.substring(startIndex);
                                            startIndex = startString.indexOf("&apos;") + 5; //&apos; 6 characters
                                            endIndex = startString.lastIndexOf("&apos;");
                                            startIndex = temp.indexOf("reportView[@name=");
                                            startString = temp.substring(startIndex);
                                            startIndex = startString.indexOf("@name=") + 6; //&apos; 6 characters
                                            endIndex = startString.lastIndexOf("]");
                                       // get report name
                                       reportViewName = startString.substring(startIndex+1, endIndex);
                                       //System.out.println("Found reportView name - " + reportViewName);
                                  else if (temp.indexOf("</fileName>")>0) //check for default name
                                       defName = temp.substring(temp.indexOf(">")+1, temp.lastIndexOf("<"));
                                  else if (temp.indexOf("asOfTime")>=0) // get the time to assure uniqueness when saving
                                       ofTime = temp.substring(temp.indexOf(">")+1, temp.lastIndexOf("<"));
                                       // clean colons from time
                                       ofTime = ofTime.replaceAll(":","_");
                                  else if (temp.indexOf("</burstKey>")>=0)
                                       burstKey = temp.substring(temp.indexOf(">")+1, temp.lastIndexOf("<"));
                             if (reportName.length() == 0)
                                  reportName = reportViewName;
                                  //System.out.println("Renaming using view name - no report name found");
                                       String format = defName.substring(defName.length()-3, defName.length());
                             // new description xml file
                                       File file = new File(outputLocation+filename);
                             File newDescFile = new File(outputLocation + reportName+"_"+burstKey+"_"+ofTime+"DESC_" + format+ ".xml");
                                       // new renamed specific format file.
                             File file3 = new File(outputLocation+defName);
                             File newDefFile = new File(outputLocation + reportName+"_"+burstKey+"_"+ofTime+"."+format);
                             boolean success = file3.renameTo(newDefFile);
                             if (!success)
                                  // File was not successfully renamed
                                  System.out.println("ERROR attempting to rename - " + file3.getAbsolutePath() + " to \n\t\t" +
                                  // File was successfully renamed
                                  System.out.println(countRenamed +") Renamed - " + file3.getAbsolutePath() + " to \n\t\t" +
                             // Rename file (or directory)
                             success = file.renameTo(newDescFile);
                             if (!success)
                                  // File was not successfully renamed
                                  System.out.println("ERROR attempting to rename - " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " to \n\t\t" +
                                  // File was successfully renamed
                                  System.out.println(" - " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " to \n\t\t" +
                   catch (Exception e)
                        System.err.println("File input error " + e.getMessage()) ;
    Edited by: nickmills on Aug 31, 2008 5:05 PM

    First, you only need to create the FileInputStream once. Then that's what you pass to the InputStreamReader constructor. Your code for reading from the BufferedReader is also wrong.FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(outputLocation+filename);
    // FileInputStream bis = new FileInputStream(fstream);  <-- remove this line
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
    // available() doesn't do what you think it does; forget about it.
    // Here's the standard way to use a BufferedReader
    String line = null;
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
      // process 'line'
    } There are probably other errors in the code, but reading all that unformatted code is too much of a hassle. In future, please use &#x7B;code} tags when posting source code.

  • Cannot resolve symbol when the classes are in the same package

    i have one interface and two classes all in the same package. am getting " cannot resolve symbol", when the code refers to the interface or the class .
    the package name is collections.impl and
    the directory i used to store all the java files:
    isthere any othe option other than compiling all the files from the comand line at the same time?
    please help - i m new to java.

    If you have:
    package some;
    public interface I {
        void method();
    package some;
    public class A implements I {
        public void method() {
            new B();
    package some;
    public class B implements I {
        public void method() {
            new A();
    }in c:/temp/some for example
    you can compile your files with
    javac c:/temp/some/*.java
    It seems that you have errors in your code.
    Recheck it twice or use NetBeans IDE(http://www.netbeans.org) it will do this for you ;)

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