Cannot share windows PC

Hi all,
Have a problem that suddently started happening a week or so ago. I have a number of devices on my network - including the following:
2 x intel iMacs (brand new machines)
1 x Windows Vista PC
1 x Macbook Pro
1 x Windows XP Notebook
1 x WDTV Media Player
Up until recently I have had the Windows Vista PC connected as a shared device on my main iMac. It would come up in shared devices in the Finder window. Recently, I noticed that it is no longer there and I cannot connect to it through my iMac. I am using a netgear N wireless router (the iMac and PC are connected with Cat 6 cable to the router, however).
When I login to the network through the router tools page, I can see all of the connected devices and my WDTV media player can connect to my PC. Unfortunately, I can't seem to connect to the PC from my iMac at all. I have tried 'connect to servers' using both the name of the computer and the PC address, but still no luck.
Anyone able to assist with this problem?

Here is a workaround I found. I had to set up a workgroup for the PC and AirPort Extreme. Here's what to do.
First, determine the workgroup that your Windows PC is on. To do so, Right Click on My Computer and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Click on the Computer Name tab. Look nest to the Workgroup label to find the workgroup name. Remember it or write it down.
Next, go to AirPort Utility (on Mac, Applications->Utilities->AirPort Utility; on PC, Start->All Programs->AirPort->AirPort Utility). On the menu bar select Base Station->Manual Setup. Go to the Disks screen and click on the File Sharing Tab. There are settings at the bottom for Windows File Sharing. Put the Workgroup from your PC in the Workgroup box and click the Update button at the bottom.
Back on the PC, open My Network Places. In the Explore bar on the left , under Network Tasks, click View Workgroup Computers. There should be at least two items shown, your PC and the AEBS. Mine is called Officetation-fa. I have no idea why, yours is probably different. Double click the icon for the AEBS (whatever it may be called) and it should show your USB drive. Again, this is a workaround , not very glamourous.

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    Did this issue happen to other Lync 2013 client?
    As you mentioned that you can used the same Lync 2013 to sharing desktop screen when it connects Lync Server 2010 while you couldn’t share desktop screen when it connects to Lync Server 2013,
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    This is related to Apple's new SMB2 implementation in Mavericks.
    Instead of connecting to your Windows share via SMB, connect via CFIS.  Note that I had to disconnect from Windows share, restart, and then reconnect with CFIS to get the NTFS junction points to work.
    From ZDNet:
    You can also try forcing Mavericks to use the older SMB variant, Common Internet File System (CIFS). To do this, simply edit your server connection URL so that it uses CIFS. Use the Finder to choose the "Go" menu and select "Connect to Server..." (or just use command-K) and type "cifs://YourServerName" and hit Return; the server should mount. If it doesn't, try entering the share's designation as well, e.g. "cifs://YourServerName/YourDriveName."

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    Adding that feature wouldn't pose a problem for you, though, as you wouldn't have to use it (though I bet you would in time). For people switching to mac after years on the PC, this is in fact a much-lamented issue.
    Since it wouldn't hurt 'the people who don't care' to add the functionality, but the vast majority of Windows converts would be happier, it only makes sense, from a marketing standpoint, to add the feature.
    People who aren't in the habit of using the feature (like yourself) quite naturally don't care much, but if you ARE in the habit of using it, it's quite annoying to have to draw the mouse all the way across the screen to find some dumb little spot (how I feel about it) when you know full well there is a more efficient way to handle the issue, and you're quite accustomed to it.
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    Download the combo update (don't install it yet):
    SafeBoot your computer:
    While in SafeBoot install the combo update
    Restart the computer to come out of SafeBoot
    Try running software update again and see if it works.
    Hope that helps.

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    Pardon the intrusion DJ,
    Hi Ben, congratulations on reaching level 6.
    We've started a party to welcome you to the MVP lounge. Hopefully you will get an email shortly with details and your pass to show the bouncers on your way in. See you soon..

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    The interface with QT is one of the reasons that Steve has that listed in the FAQ's and in many replies to error messages. Same for updating drivers, especially for video and audio equipment. One update from MS for the OS can render many drivers obsolete.
    One of the problems with a program like PE is that it is really many modules. Some, like the DVD-authoring module (Sonic core), do not readily communicate with other modules, so error messages can be horribly cryptic, or non existant. Same thing, if the crash comes from something with the OS. That is one reason that I always recommend giving the Event Log (through Windows' Event Viewer) a good read, especially the Applications and System tabs. There is often a lot of useful info there (along with a bunch of code, that even MS cannot read!).
    Glad you got it working, and thanks for reporting in with the fix.

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    Self built PC   Windows XP Pro   also PowerPC iBook
    Self built PC   Windows XP Pro   also PowerPC iBook

    This is a problem that Apple is not addressing. There are several discussion threads on this. My sharing, like yours, worked perfectly with Itunes 6 and stopped as soon as I upgraded to 7. Version 7.0.1 does not fix the problem. I have turned off the Windows firewall on both machines and still get that error message. For some reason, we are not on Apple's radar. Here are a few threads on this topic:
    Sony Vaio   Windows XP Pro  

  • Cannot install windows 8.1 on imac 5k - apple support says "Correct, that machine can't install windows" Boot camp fail

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    I've spent the last week and a half on tech support calls with Apple Senior Tech agents, and Microsoft agents as well, and today have been told that indeed this machine cannot run windows 8.1.  Apparently Apple engineering knows about the issue, but says the problem is microsoft's.  Ugh.
    The latest iteration of the issue comes when installing 8.1 onto an external thunderbolt SSD (without even using boot camp) - I go through the EFI installer, convert the drive to GPT, format it as ntfs, but when I select the partition to install onto, the installer says it can't find the partition it just created.  Smuh? 
    I've also tried the install through boot camp.  This installation actually worked twice, but the install was unstable.  After booting back into osX, then returning to Windows, the windows install went corrupt and couldn't be repaired.  Subsequent attempts to install windows yielded a flurry of different errors, including "windows doesn't support GPT in this mode" or "the disk is locked, please unlock the disk" or "MBR must be converted to GPT" (where once I converted to GPT, the drive could no longer be found, despite the operation completing successfully.)
    At any rate, it's a huge mess.  I'd happily return the machine for a different config, but the company I bought it from will only swap it for a similar model -- so I've spent a pile on a machine that does not function as advertised; apple says "too bad, talk to Microsoft." Microsoft says "too bad, we've never seen this, this is an apple issue."
    Has anyone out there gotten windows up and running on an iMac5k with fusion drive?  If so, did you have to go through a crazy maze to make it work?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Michael Conelly wrote:
    After much gnashing of teeth, and a half dozen support calls, I'd all but given up.  I finally seem to have solved this though - sort of - by installing windows 8.1 on boot camp on an older iMac, then cloning the bootcamp disk to an external thunderbolt drive via Winclone.  That worked seamlessly, sticking to winclone's instructions, and I can boot via EFI to Windows 8.1 on the new iMac.  So far so good.
    I usually install W8.1 via EFI by using DU and a Free Space partition. The 3TB Fusion is first split into the underlying SSD/HDD physicals. OSX and Windows OSes are installed on SSD via EFI (no BCA). The OSX part and half the HDD are then used to create a new CS volume. The other HDD half becomes NTFS for non-Windows OS files. The Hybrid MBR method is completely unsatisfactory with the 3TB Fusion drive.
    How is the TB/Winclone image for performance of the OS (since pagefile.sys is also on the TB)?

  • Cannot install windows, starting to get really pissed off with this PLEASE HELP

    ok, i'm starting to get agitated with this.
    i cannot install windows XP, 2003, OR Longhorn on my machine.
    right now, i have the following setup:
    msi 865pe neo2 motherboard
    intel p4 3.2ghz w/HT (factory HS/Fan currently)
    1 dimm of PC3200 crucial DDR400
    30GB maxtor HD plugged into primary IDE
    pioneer dvd/cd drive as sencondary IDE
    alps 3.5" floppy drive
    antec true blue 480wt PSU
    i do the following:
    format with maxtor cd
    boot from OS cd
    start setup, reboot, continue
    the farthest i can get is 'registering components/completing installation' i either get a blue screen stop error which isnt the same everytime, or it just locks up and doesnt do anything.
    ran the memtest checker and get errors on test #4
    i had a DIMM of kingston that gave the same errors, so i RMA'd it and got another. same errors, so i RMA'd again and got a Crucial stick. same errors.
    so i RMA'd the motherboard since i figured it had to be that. and it improved from the problems i had earlier. (the problems i had before were worse before.)
    below are my BIOS settings. SOMEONE WHO KNOWS PLEASE HELP ME!
    advanced bios features:
    quick boot - enabled
    boot order - floppy, cd, HDD
    full logo - disabled
    s.m.a.r.t - enabled
    num-lock on boot - enabled
    floppy swap - disabled
    floppy seek - enabled
    save rom to HD - no
    boot to os/2 - no
    hyper threading - disabled
    mps revision - 1.4
    apic acpi sci irq - disabled
    cpu l1 & l2 cache - enabled
    bios cacheable - disabled
    c000, 32k shadow - disabled
    advanced chipset:
    dram timing...
    configure by spd - enabled
    (i dont know what to set timing to, nothing anyone has since said helps)
    integrated perfs:
    usb controller - enabled (same errors if its disabled too so its not USB)
    usb device legacy support - disabled
    on chip IDE:
    operate mode - legacy mode
    ata config - pata only
    sata keep enabled - yes (for sata drive i have, error either way)
    pata channel selection - both
    onboard ethernet, 1394, prmoise ide and audio all DISABLED
    pc healt status:
    cpu - 49°C/120°F (idle sitting in bios)
    system temp - 28°C/82ºF
    cpu fan - 2678rpm
    nb fan speed - 6490rpm
    vcore - 1.456 up to 1.502
    3.3v - 3.232v
    +5.0v - 5.003v
    +12v - 11.680v
    -12v - -11.743v
    -5.0v - -4.826v
    battery - 2.896v
    +5V SB - 4.945
    freq/voltage control
    Dynamic OC - disabled
    cpu ratio locked
    dram freq - auto
    spread spectrum - enabled
    cpu bus clock - 200
    ddr clock (grayed out) - 400
    adjust agp/pci - 66.66/33.33
    cpu vcore adjust - no
    cpu vcore (grayed out) - 1.5500v
    ddr power voltage - 2.65v
    agp power voltage - 1.50v
    i'm running out of time, money, patience.
    if it cant be solved i'm going to set myself on fire!

    Originally posted by REILLY875
    Do NOT try the 250 Watt PSU!!, As "Wonk" said if you happen to Blow it, the PSU will most likely Take out the Mo-Bo with it! And maybe the CPU to, due to the Voltage Spike you would get ...I would not put to much Credence into the fact that as of now the +12V and the +3.3V Rails are reading a little low,(I say this because it is indeed a ANTEC), as this could be the Monitoring Hardware, or the Software that might be reading wrong....If I where you I would First set the Memory Timings Manually to 3-4-4-7-8, And up the DRAM (VDIMM) Voltage to 2.7 Volts, and if it still wont Load, I would Definitly try a different DIMM Slot, and Rince and Repeat .....If you dont mind me asking , Why are you running with just 1 Module?....Is it on purpose or are you saving up for More?................Sean REILLY875
    yea, i dont plan to run the 250. im gonna wait for the new 480.
    thanks for the info about ram timings as well. i havnt gotten any solid answers about what to set it to.
    even with new mobo and ram, i'm getting errors in memtest86 #4 test as i always have. i've tried different slots with same problems.
    i only have one module because i dont want to waste anymore money on a non-working system. once i get it up and running i'll add another 512.

  • Cannot install Windows 8.1 via Boot Camp on MBPr 13" Early 2013; tried almost everything.

    Hi guys,
    yesterday, I decided to install Windows 8.1 on my Mac using Boot Camp. I tried to install it, but the first attempt ended into booting to the screen, where it says "Cannot find any bootable device" or something like that. So I googled it up and then tried the EFI Boot. The EFI Boot booted into the Windows installation properly, but I cannot choose the partition I want to install it on. I tried partitioning it in Disk Utility using Tuxera to NTFS, I tried formatting it in the installation itself, always restarted between the processes, I tried to delete the partition and create a new one in the installation, but no luck. I am still stuck on the error "Cannot install Windows on MBR partition. Please, choose a GPT partition". I have a 256GB SSD disk. I browsed the problems and solutions for 3 hours, but no luck. None of the solution helps. The only solution that would work I guess is if I don’t boot into EFI, but into the BIOS installation. But when I do that, I get the "Cannot find any bootable device", so a dead end here. I also tried the tips where they say to remove the USB stick when the Windows installation starts, but didn’t help either.
    I am installing using a bootable USB drive, I do not have a Superdrive and cannot even lend it or something like that.
    I am really desperate, can anyone please help me?
    Thanks in advance,

    Some people have been successful installing 8.1 (me, for instance) despite it not being supported. However this seems to be hardware dependent.
    I would have expected the normal WININSTALL option to be available on a Bootcamp-created USB, not just the EFI boot option.
    It really depends on whether Bootcamp is creating a hybrid MBR when it creates the Bootcamp partition. Some later model Macs do not. On the Macs that do not create the hybrid MBR Windows may install in EFI mode.
    If you remove everything and stretch the Macintosh HD back to the full size of the disc again then reboot and when the system restarts begin the Bootcamp installation again but do not let it restart at that time, you can then run the following code in the terminal and report its output we will be able to see if a hybrid MBR has been created (this is after the partition has been created by Bootcamp, but before it reboots).
    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0

  • How do I share windows and iOS on my MAC book pro

    how do i share windows and iOS on the same hard disk on my MAC? will each of the operating system see the whole disk?

    Either you don't understand or misuse just what iOS is, it is only found on iPad, iPhone, iPod and does not run on Macs in any way, and as far as we here the only operating system of interest is Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 or above.
    There are forums for iPad and if you have a notebook then you want MacBook Pro forum.
    As for Windows, there is a forum for "Boot Camp" to set aside and use part of your hard drive for Windows to run natively.
      MacBook Series Forums
    Mac 101: Using Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp
    Helpful Apple Support Resources (Forum Overview)
    Boot Camp Support 
    Boot Camp Manuals
    Learn more about how Mac computers can run Windows 8 using Boot Camp 5.
    Products Affected
    Boot Camp, Windows 8
    General installation questions
    What is Boot Camp 5?
    Boot Camp 5 is not a release of OS X software. Rather, it is a release of the Windows Support Software (drivers). You will need to use this software on your Mac with Windows 8 or Windows 7. For more information on Boot Camp 5, see this article.
    Which Macs support Windows 8?
    MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Mini (Mid 2011 or newer)
    iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010 or Mid 2011 or newer)
    For more information, see this article.
    What are the System Requirements for Windows 8?
    Please see this article.
    How can I install Windows 8 on an eligible computer?
    Use the Boot Camp Assistant. The assistant will partition your internal hard drives and install Windows 8. For more information on Windows 8 installation, see the Boot Camp Installation & Setup Guide.

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