Cannot update inspiration browser

I have installed Inspiration Browser and when I go and try to update and get the click the install button below to reinstall the Adobe Inspiration browser in the adobe Air, nothing happens?

Follow the steps in this Adobe troubleshooting document:

Similar Messages


    I have uninstalled Adobe Inspiration Browser and cannot reinstall.  When I install, the Adobe AIR Installer keeps returning "A download error occurred".  How can I continue and install the update for Inspiration Browser.\?

      Adobe has stopped supporting IB in PSE11 and is moving towards cloud sharing via Adobe Revel. In view of this I wouldn’t worry too much about installing or updating.
    All of the tutorials can now be found on Adobe TV.

  • A "Script" is slowing down my computer. I keep stopping it, but it keeps coming back. I cannot update my browser, because I am running a MAC 10.4.11 (tiger) operating system.

    I keep getting a message that a "script" is running on my computer. I am given the option of discontinuing it--which I do. It works briefly, then the "script" comes back, I get the message again, choose to discontinue it, etc. I cannot upgrade my browser, because I have the MAC OS 10.4.11 (tiger). I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice? Thanks, and have a wonderful day. Jane

    It's from Apple (Mac OS X Leopard Upgrade DVD). I have never gone to an outside source for repair or software (outside of Microsoft Office which is no longer on my computer since I have had these issues).  This is the first time I have required help since my Apple Care ran out. 

  • Error  occurred downloading inspiration browser in window 7

    i was doing the update to the inspiration Browser and after that I click yes to add adobe air bring a message :
    A download error occurred , please trey again.
    I have Photoshop Element 10 and window 7.
    Please I need help

      1. Un-install Adobe AIR via the control panel.
    2. Download and install the latest version of Adobe AIR.
    3. Log in-to on the web and then update Inspiration browser in the Organizer.

  • Install problem - inspiration browser

    I'm getting an error in trying to install inspiration browser in PSE8 w/Win7.  I uninstalled an previous versions of browser.  AIR is installed.  Do I need to uninstall AIR, too?

      1. Un-install Adobe AIR via the control panel.
    2. Download and install the latest version of Adobe AIR.
    3. Log in-to on the web and then update Inspiration browser in the Organizer.

  • Cannot update or access inspiration Browser after installing Photoshop 10

    I have followed the Inpiration browser update instruction on Photoshop elements welcome page. With error message when downloading Adobe Air.
    I uninstalled Adobe Air and Inspiration browser, then tried to download again and received the same error message. I also tried it with my firewall disabled. Same results.
    Currently neither Adobe Air or Inspiration browser installed.

    Solution 1: Move required files to launch Inspiration Browser from the Welcome Screen.  
    If you use the Welcome Screen regularly to launch the Inspiration Browser, use this solution.
    This solution involves making an additional copy of an existing folder, PhotoshopdotcomInspirationBrowser, in a second location. The source folder is in the Program Files(x86)\Adobe. Place a copy of the file in the Program Files\Adobe folder.
    Navigate to the C:\Program Files(x86)\Adobe folder (assuming that your operating system is installed on the C: drive).
    Highlight the PhotoshopdotcomInspirationBrowser folder, right-click, and choose the Copy command.
      Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Adobe folder. Right-click and choose the Paste command.
    Launch Adobe Premiere Elements 10, and use the Welcome Screen to open the Photoshop Inspiration Browser.
      Solution 2: Launch Inspiration Browser from within Adobe Premiere Elements 10 instead of the Welcome Screen.  
    Launching the Inspiration Browser from within the Elements application doesn't result in the same behavior as when launched from the Welcome Screen.
    From the Welcome Screen, click either Organize, New Project, or Open Project.
    Click the lightbulb icon (on the lower-right corner) to launch the Elements Inspiration Browser.
    (Alternative method, in Organizer only) From the pop-up menus along the top, choose Help > Elements Inspiration Browser.
    Hope It Helps

  • Elements 9 inspiration browser update for Mac

    When I attempt to update the inspiration browser for my Mac, I get the following error message: " This  application cannot be installed because this installer has been misconfigured. Please contact the application author for assistance."
    Can anyone help?

      OK sorry you have problems.
    You could use TV.Adobe video tutorials.
    Do you actually need the Inspiration Browser? Most of us can give it a miss!

  • Cannot log into account via "Elements 10 "Inspiration Browser"

    I did a "live chat" and they sent me here.
    Cannot log into account via “Elements 10 Inspiration Browser”
    “When I click on “Help”      “Elements Inspiration Browser…”  and enter username and password and click on “sign in” the program goes to the sign in page and freezes for hours. I must use “Task Manager” to “end task” and close the frozen Elements 10.
    When I try to do an "update" I get the following Error Code:  U41M1C212
    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 10.0 (20110831.m.17215)
    Operating System Name: 2000 [Windows 8]
    Operating System Version: 6.2
    System Architecture: Intel CPU Family:6 Model:5 Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Built-in Memory: 7.8GB
    Free Memory: 3.3GB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: 7.73
    Adobe Reader Version: 11.0
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
    CD and DVD drives:
    E: (hp DVD BUS: 1 ID: 1 Firmware: RW)

    The IB is dead and gone, along with The tutorials are now over at
    although some of them have been updated for the newer versions.

  • Error message after update "Safari cannot open a browser window and may be

    My daughter just did an update and got the following error message: "Safari cannot open a browser window and may be missing important resources. Try installing Safari again.
    Any thoughts or tips as to what happened?

    Just a few pieces of clarifying information... This is Safari on OS X you're talking about, right? Also, what update did your daughter install? Have you tried reinstalling Safari (you can download it from Apple's site)?

  • In photoshop elements 10, I followed instructions to update the Inspiration Browser. Nothing happens

    I started Photoshop Elements 10 and followed instructions to update the Inspiration Browser.  After clicking download and install nothing happens.

    I installed Photoshop Elements today and ran into the same problem following the instructions to update the Inspiration Browser---nothing happened after clicking "Install Now" on the installation link. Updating Adobe Air to the latest version got around the problem for me. I was offered to update after running Adobe Commmunity Help for the first time. The update took my already installed version two to version three, and after that clicking on "Install Now" began an installation process that insalled the Inspiration Browser. Hope this helps.

  • Updating the inspiration browser in Photoshop Elements 10

    Why do I see alot of unanswered questions about the obvious problem with "updating" the inspiration browser for Elements 10?  Nice work...
    How does one go about FINDING the answer to this problem?

    I updated the title to make it more relevant to this discussion. Can you try the solution mentioned in this doc and let us know if you still have problems? shop.html

  • Cannot open PDF tutorials in Inspiration Browser?

    Hello, I have Photoshop Elements 7.0 & with it I would like to try using the Adobe Inspiration Browser tutorials.  However, every time I try to open a PDF tutorial on the Inspiration Browser I get an error message stating, "A sufficient version (8.1 or later) of Adobe Reader is detected, but the version of Adobe Reader that is setup to handle PDF content is older than Reader 8.1."
    I do have 2 Adobe programs (other than Elements) on my computer.  I have Adobe Acrobat Standard 6.0, & then I have Adobe Reader 9.  I am using my work computer for this & we have to have both Standard 6.0 & Reader 9 for work purposes.  My computer is set to automatically use Standard 6.0 if I click a PDF file, but I've tried changing this for the time being & the PDFs in the Inspiration Browser still will not open (I get the same error message even though if I click a PDF file on my computer with these settings changed Reader 9 does open it).  I'm not sure why this is happening, because if I change the "open with..." settings to automatically use Reader 9 when I click a PDF, then it should be working in the Inspiration Browser, shouldn't it?  The error message is stating I need 8.1 or later, which I obviously have with Reader 9.
    I've tried restarting the Inspiration Browser (even tried restarting Elements as well), I've tried already having Reader 9 open when I click the "View PDF" button, but nothing is working.  I just always get the same error message.
    I obviously cannot delete/uninstall Standard 6.0 as I need it for my work, so I'm not sure what to do.  If anyone knows a way to fix this, please share?  Thanks!!!

    Have you tried posting in the forum? It's doesn't have an icon but is listed in the pull down search box.
    Sorry, that I'm no real help but at least your post will get bumped up to the top of the list.

  • Where are links (that work) to download Adobe AIR Photoshop Elements10 Inspiration Browser UPDATES?

    In updating Photoshop Elements 10, I was instructed to uninstall both the Photoshop Elements 10 Inspiration Browser and Adobe AIR software.  I did.  But now I don't have the weblink where I can download the suggested updates.  (They were uninstalled along with the software.)
    Anyone have the weblinks (that work) for updating both Photoshop Elements 10 Inspiration Brower -AND- Adobe AIR?

    You can't get with out AIR.  you could uninstall it afterwards.
    i believe there is switch you could user when installing it to diable the AIR.  I have it disabled at work, but I'm also
    packaging it for mass deployment to 7000 machines.  Check out
    If you don't want AIR and you need to get the .msi and download the custom wizard and make an .mst file and run those.  Quite fun.  Or like I ssaid just run the set up and uninstall those features.

  • Update to inspirations browser fails in trial version of PSE 10

    Downloaded trial version of PSE 10.  The second time I opened the program the Welcome Screen had instructions on updating the Inspirations Browser, which I had been using to access tutorials.  I deleted the browser from my hard drive as instructed then clicked on download.  An error was returned "A download error occured. Try to down load again?". Appears to be downloading Adobe Air, but I can't be sure.  I tried deleting Air and then tried Inspiration update again with same result.
    No help from support, naturally, since it is trial version.
    Windows Vista, sp2.

    Set IE as your default browser.

  • Trying to update the Inspiration browser received message a download error occured

    Hello!  I am new to Photoshop 10 and pretty much a little old lady who has little idea what I am doing here.  I followed all the directions and deleted the Imagination browser I had but when I clicked download the update I received the message "A download error occured.  Try again."  I tried again and again to no luck.
    I assume the Imagination browser is important and I need it so what do I do?  Is it important that I have Windows 7?

    See if this Adobe document helps: shop.html
    P.S.,  The Inspiration Browser is not important -- it is used to display the tutorials, so if you don't want to view those tutorials, you don't have to worry about it.

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