Canon Rebel t2i + RAW

Just picked up a T2i and snapped a few RAW photos. I'm using Aperture 3.0.1 and imported the pics however I can not view them. I assume this camera is not yet supported since it just came out.
How long does Apple typically take to provide support for new cameras?

The list of supported cameras is here :-
You may be able to deduce that timescale if you know when recent Canon models on the list were introduced.

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    We may need more info.  What are your flash drives?  What are you using to copy?  What computer/OS do you use?
    Normally a file is a file... a computer doesn't care what type of file it is.  Whether or not any software knows how to hope the file wont impact the computer's ability to copy it.  This makes me wonder if it is being copied, but can't be opened (e.g. if the software you are using doesn't know how to deal with a Canon T2i RAW file (.CR2).
    RAW is more of a "concept" than a "standard".  Every camera model's RAW file will be slightly different.  If you want to open an image in, say, Photoshop... they provide "Adobe Camera RAW" updates for their software and you'd need the update that supports your T2i (btw, when Adobe releases a "new" version of software, they tend to stop providing RAW updates for all previous versions of that software.  So depending on what version of software you use... the only way to get it to work with RAW may involve having to upgrade the software (there are some cumbersome work-arounds.))
    Tim Campbell
    5D II, 5D III, 60Da

  • Which sequence settings for Canon Rebel T2i ?

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    I need immediate help. A friend of mine did a rough cut of a project (in Windows Movie Maker) shot with a Canon Rebel T2i.
    He gave me the file (in .wmv), so that I could do a little color correction and sound editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CS 4.
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    Here is a picture:

    Hi there
    You should re-post this in the Premiere Pro forum. This forum is for Adobe Captivate discussion.
    Click the link below, then on the page that appears, click the drop-down selector and choose Premiere.
    Click here
    Cheers... Rick

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    Thank you,

    >When first imported, the render bar above the timeline is yellow
    I think this is written for CS5, but the concept should be the same

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    I am biased against e-mail for three reasons:
    1. All too frequently the message sent is blank and the one posting never knows.
    Not so frequently anymore
    2.  Any edits to a post never get reposted, so those using e-mail are "in the dark".
    Yes, but then again, one should read first what was written before sending it to the world (and sometimes it can be pretty to be in the dark...)
    3.  They do not get the advantage of scrolling up and down the responses to see what others said, reviewing what was said that did not work, or seeing what was not suggested.
    That is solved by hitting the links in the email to visit the forum or thread. Mail is just faster and the times I have to look at the history are far less to normal posts. I do find it more confusing with the general forums and I'm clueless where the moved discussions come from, like this thread that seems to be answered and is about an old version and a problem that has been discussed many times before.
    Guess old fashoned, but don't see any advantage to having my e-mail clogged with dozens of posts each day.  I follow 4 forums.
    Don't know what email you are using, I do have Apple mail but used to work with Entourage (the MS Outlook version for Mac) but both do have the option to create rules. I created a folder for each forum or other source that moves the mail automatically to the folders for the particular forums. Also have the option for Smart folders that creates a copy from predefined sources and puts it in those folders for better overview and searching...

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    You probably made a mistake following the manual installation instructions.  See this FAQ for troubleshooting:

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    I don't see the camera listed for any version of iMovie:
    That means that any videos you shoot will have to be imported into iPhoto and then moved to iMovie.

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    Thanks, Rob.
    I download the images via a usb cord -- simply going into C3, clicking on "Import." The software recognizes my camera, but the message I get is: "Although RAW or animated images exist in the camera, this software only displays JPEG images." C3 then proceeds to download the JPEG images but not the RAW images.
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    Please let me know what I can do to solve this issue.

    First, verify that you installed ACR 5.2 correctly by doing Help > System Info in the editor and scrolling down to Camera Raw -- does it show version 5.2?

  • Cannot open Canon Rebel XT raw files in Photoshop CS

    Get the following error message:
    "Could not complete your request because this version of Photoshop does not supply the services required by this plug-in module."
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    What do I need to do to get CS to enable the reading of the Digital Rebel XT raw files?

    Thanks, Rob.
    I download the images via a usb cord -- simply going into C3, clicking on "Import." The software recognizes my camera, but the message I get is: "Although RAW or animated images exist in the camera, this software only displays JPEG images." C3 then proceeds to download the JPEG images but not the RAW images.
    I should point out that I am using a trial version. I have been considering purchasing C3, with being able to work in raw format one of the primary reasons for doing so. Before purchasing, I decided to download the trial version for 30 days. Is it possible that the trial version does not have all of the same capacity -- including RAW editing -- that the regular version does? I was under the impression it was the full Photoshop C3 version.

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    The Rebel SL1 is supported by Camera Raw 7.4 and higher. I believe CS 5.5 uses Camera Raw version 6 and therefore does not support the SL1. Convert your raw files to DNG with the DNG converter found here:
    DNG Converter 8.8:
    Win –
    Mac –

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    I've looked around & downloaded the plug-in that was supposed to fix that, but it still isn't working.
    What am I missing??
    PS - I am also using Windows 7, the camera raw plug in version is, and my camera is a Canon EOS Rebel T5i
    *edited to add*
    so I just followed this link:
    because it looked like my camera raw plug in needed updating, but I got an installation error code: U44M2P7

    my camera is a Canon EOS Rebel T5i
    The Rebel T5i was first supported by Camera Raw 7.4 which is only compatible with Elements 11 and later
    Unfortunately Elements 10 is only compatible with Camera Raw up to version 6.7. It's not compatible with Camera Raw 7.4 so it'll never be able to open T5i Raw files.
    If you want to open T5i Raw files in Elements, you'll have to upgrade to Elements 12.
    Alternatively, if you want to stick with Elements 10, you can download the free DNG converter from Adobe, convert all T5i Raw files to DNGs. Then open the DNGs in Elements 10.

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    It is NOT the camera as iPhoto on my Powerbook can still import those images just fine.
    In iPhoto on the Powermac the import feature simply hangs.
    In Aperture it does import the files but then spews out an error message telling me that it can't do anything with the "unsupported file format".
    The files themselves are fine, when I import them first into iPhoto on the Powerbook, then export the RAW images and import them from the file system it works.
    Anybody encountered this? What strikes me as odd is that both Aperture AND iPhoto have this problem, so does Lightroom Beta btw.

    Did you run any updates shortly before this started happening? What system version are you at?
    Do you Twango?

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