Cant install midlet on w810

I followed the Java ME Wireless Toolkit tutorial step-by-step. I downloadet a WTK from the Sony Ericsson homepage, they have modified it a bit, adding their phones, but the rest is the same. I select the SonyEricsson_W810_Emu Device ... created a midlet which prints a helloworld on the display (cut n pasted code from web). Works fine in simulator.
Selected Package -> Create package ... got a .jad .jar and a manifest in \bin. Which seems correct. Plugged the phone into usb socket (have all drivers installed), uploaded files on phone, started phone ... browsed to midlet, selected install. But then I get a message, installation failed ... no further information given.
Question: anyone got an idea of what is wrong? how do I debug/find out whats wrong? since it only says that the installation failed, but gives no more info than that.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
MIDlet-Vendor: Unknown
MIDlet-Version: 1.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
MIDlet-1: HelloSuite, HelloSuite.png, HelloMIDlet
Created-By: 1.6.0_02 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
MIDlet-Name: HelloSuite
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.1
java version "1.6.0_03"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
Version 2.5.0 (2007-jun-15 12:38)
Any help is appreciated, because I'm clueless and it kind of drives me nuts.
BR/ fettraktor

I believe your installation problem comes from the following lines :
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.1
Your code should be generated with :
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0
I've never worked on W810 which is a JP6 phone but I've worked on the SonyEricsson JP7 platform, and even on the JP7 platform you cannot install MIDlet generated for MIDP 2.1 but only the ones for MIDP 2.0 and lower.
You should be able to change this property by changing this option in your project properties.
I hope this will help you.

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    Your computer is not supported for Windows 8. Read the System Requirements here In case you missed the table of supported systems I'll repeat it below. Please note that your computer is listed as not supported.
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    Windows 8, 64-bit
    Windows 7, 64-bit
    Windows 7, 32-bit
    Windows Vista, 64-bit
    Windows Vista, 32-bit
    Windows XP, 32-bit
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    Hi Andreas,
    Please specify your hardware and software. Running OSX? Which version? Old hardware/new hardware?
    It is not sure what your problem is: is it that the CD will not eject? Or is it that the winbdows cd is not installing?

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    MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
    If you didn't empty the Trash, open the Trash, right or control click the file then click: Put Back
    If you already emptied the Trash, to go ~Library/Preferences. Look for a file similar:  com.(name of app).plist
    Move that .plist file to the Trash. 
    If that didn't help, try installing the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo
    Then restart your Mac.
    Try reinstalling that app.

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    Deloren19 wrote:
    "Open System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General, and choose "Anywhere" under "Allow applications downloaded from"
    Does not exist under 10.6.8.

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    That generally indicates that the installer is getting damaged during the download.
    The following document is a good place to start:
    iTunes: Windows reports that "iTunesSetup.exe is not a valid Win32 application"

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    Use this method:
    Starting when iOS 7 was released, Apple now allows downloading the last compatible version of some apps (iOS 4.2.1 and later only)
    App Store: Downloading Older Versions of Apps on iOS - Apple Club
    App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
    You first have to download the non-compatible version on your computer. Then when you try to purchase the version on your iPod you will be offered a compatible version if one exists.

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