Cant launch KDE or Gnome

As im using fluxbox, and i like it, i really didnt care much about those two, at least not about using them in this distro, but i have finally decided to give them a go, but i cant make them work and i dont know why.
I looked at my .xinitrc and it had the opcions (preseted and preceded with #) for other WM like enlightenment or windowmaker or blackbox.
but there was no one for kde or gnome, so i tryed startkde and gnomesession and several more, but i couldnt get it working...
How should i launch KDE or Gnome on Arch? i used all the commands i use in MDK and it didnt work.
thanks in advance.

once you get in, you can add all the different wm's and de's to your login screen by editing your sessions tab in the control center in kde under system administration-login manager.
btw, if you have kde installed, try typing kdm, see if that brings up your login screen. if you don't have kdm, you can get it with pacman.

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    Skickat från min iPhone
    21 apr 2015 kl. 22:07 skrev Arpit Kapoor <[email protected]>:
    I cant launch Lightroom CC from desktopp
    created by Arpit Kapoor in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    Hi Kjelle,
    What exactly happens when you try to launch it?
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    ~ Arpit
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    Last edited by samjh (2009-09-24 13:33:02)

    Thanks for the reply, but it's not the answer.  Gtk-chtheme changes the GTK theme that QtCurve uses.  The problem I have is that although I've removed QtCurve from my system (including configuration files using pacman's -Rn option, and the configuration file in my /~ directory), my Gnome system is still using QtCurve for themes, blocking other theme engines from running.  So I'm really looking for a way to get back the ability to use proper GTK/Gnome themes, not QtCurve.
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    Last edited by samjh (2009-09-23 23:39:39)

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    well,I am a Gnome user for years.but,in Archlinux,after hearing about kdemod,I installed kdemod and it is working perfectly.
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