Canvas3D within JSplitPane - can't resize

I am trying to put a Canvas3D (which is first placed into a JPanel) within a JSplitPane to create some CAD-style editor. The problem is, that you can only make the Canvas3D bigger using the JSplitPane's separator, there seems to be no way to reduce its size again.
I have searched the forum and found some people having the same problem, but no one found a solution yet.
Does anyone know a way how to fix this?

I seem to have the same problem. I tried overriding these methods in the extended Canvas3D class but still the Canvas3D resizes on its own during rendering and flickers. Is there any way to completely constrain the resizing of the Canvas3D?
Okay, it seems to be a known problem, and I found a
simple rework. Overriding the getPreferredSize and
getMinimumSize methods to return (0,0) will do the
Still looking for sideeffects, though.

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    Statix wrote:
    If you are running arch off your hd, yes you will need to make a cd/usb.
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