Capitalization Script

Is there a capitalization script that can:capitalize only the first letter of each word and not make the rest of the letters lowercase, which is what this seems to do:
event.value = event.value.toLowerCase().replace(/\b\w/g, function(match){return match.toUpperCase();});
My issue is when a name such as "DeWolfe, John" is entered. It is automatically reformatted to "Dewolfe, John".

True, but the overhead is probably not worth it...
On a side note, I don't think it's a good idea to change the way people
choose to enter their names. You should trust your users that they know how
to spell their own names. For example, if someone enters: "Jan de Beer",
maybe they're doing it on purpose and don't want the second word to be
capitalized (because it shouldn't be in their language)...

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  • Set top and bottom inset spacing values in Text Frame Options via jsx script

    I am looking for a way to set the top and bottom inset spacing values only to 2 points in Text Frame Options via a .jsx scrpt.
    For years, I have used a script that sets Preferences, such as:
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    I would like to add the code to this same script that would make Top = 0p2 and Bottom 0p2 but leave Left and Right as 0p0.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the full .jsx file that we now use to set preferences.
    Ideally, this could be modified to include setting any text frame created to have 0p2 inset Top and Bottom, but 0p0 Left and Right:
    //An InDesign CS2 JavaScript
    //Sets the application text defaults, which will become the text defaults for all
    //new documents. Existing documents will remain unchanged.
        alignToBaseline = false;        // align to baseline grid
        try {
    //        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Times New Roman");
            appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Helvetica");
        catch (e) {}
        try {
            fontStyle = "Medium";
        catch (e) {}
        autoleading = 100;
        balanceRaggedLines = false;
        baselineShift = 0;
        capitalization = Capitalization.normal;
        composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
        desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
        desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
        desiredWordSpacing = 100;
        dropCapCharacters = 0;
        if (dropCapCharacters != 0) {
            dropCapLines = 3;
            //Assumes that the application has a default character style named "myDropCap"
            //dropCapStyle = app.characterStyles.item("myDropCap");
        fillColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        fillTint = 100;
        firstLineIndent = "0pt";
    //    firstLineIndent = "14pt";
        gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
        horizontalScale = 100;
        hyphenateAfterFirst = 3;
        hyphenateBeforeLast = 4;
        hyphenateCapitalizedWords = false;
        hyphenateLadderLimit = 1;
        hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
        hyphenation = true;
        hyphenationZone = "3p";
        hyphenWeight = 9;
        justification = Justification.leftAlign;
        keepAllLinesTogether = false;
        keepLinesTogether = true;
        keepFirstLines = 2;
        keepLastLines = 2;
        keepWithNext = 0;
        kerningMethod = "Optical";
        kerningValue = 0;
        leading = 6.3;
    //    leading = 14;
        leftIndent = 0;
        ligatures = true;
        maximumGlyphScaling = 100;
        maximumLetterSpacing = 0;
        maximumWordSpacing = 160;
        minimumGlyphScaling = 100;
        minimumLetterSpacing = 0;
        minimumWordSpacing = 80;
        noBreak = false;
        otfContextualAlternate = true;
        otfDiscretionaryLigature = true;
        otfFigureStyle = OTFFigureStyle.proportionalOldstyle;
        otfFraction = true;
        otfHistorical = true;
        otfOrdinal = false;
        otfSlashedZero = true;
        otfSwash = false;
        otfTitling = false;
        overprintFill = false;
        overprintStroke = false;
        pointSize = 6.3;
    //    pointSize = 11;
        position = Position.normal;
        rightIndent = 0;
        ruleAbove = false;
        if(ruleAbove == true){
            ruleAboveColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleAboveGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveGapTint = 100;
            ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveLineWeight = .25;
            ruleAboveOffset = 14;
            ruleAboveOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveTint = 100;
            ruleAboveType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleAboveWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        ruleBelow = false;
        if(ruleBelow == true){
            ruleBelowColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleBelowGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowGapTint = 100;
            ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowLineWeight = .25;
            ruleBelowOffset = 0;
            ruleBelowOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowTint = 100;
            ruleBelowType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleBelowWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        singleWordJustification = SingleWordJustification.leftAlign;
        skew = 0;
        spaceAfter = 0;
        spaceBefore = 0;
        startParagraph = StartParagraph.anywhere;
        strikeThru = false;
        if(strikeThru == true){
            strikeThroughColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            strikeThroughGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughGapTint = 100;
            strikeThroughOffset = 3;
            strikeThroughOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughTint = 100;
            strikeThroughType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            strikeThroughWeight = .25;
        strokeColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        strokeTint = 100;
        strokeWeight = 0;
        tracking = 0;
        underline = false;
        if(underline == true){
            underlineColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            underlineGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            underlineGapOverprint = false;
            underlineGapTint = 100;
            underlineOffset = 3;
            underlineOverprint = false;
            underlineTint = 100;
            underlineType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            underlineWeight = .25
        verticalScale = 100;
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;        // Ruler Units, vertical
    //General preference panel
        pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section;    // Page Numbering, View
        toolTips = ToolTipOptions.normal;                    // Tool Tips
    // Not supported in CS4
    //    toolsPalette = ToolsPaletteOptions.doubleColumn;    // Floating Tool Palette
        completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;                // Always Subset Fonts...
        try {
            //Wrapped in try/catch in case it is run with CS4 and earlier to avoid the error
            preventSelectingLockedItems = false;                // Needed for CS5+
        catch (e) {}
    //Type preference panel
    with (app.textEditingPreferences){
        tripleClickSelectsLine = true;    // Triple Click to Select a Line
        smartCutAndPaste = true;        // Adjust Spacing Automatically when Cutting and Pasting Words
        dragAndDropTextInLayout = false;    // Enable in Layout View
        allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;    // Enable in Story Editor
        typographersQuotes = true;            // Use Typographer's Quotes
        useOpticalSize = true;                // Automatically Use Correct Optical Size
        scalingAdjustsText = true;            // Adjust Text Attributes when Scaling
        useParagraphLeading = false;    // Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs
        linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;    // Create Links when Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files
    // Missing following (Font Preview Size, Past All Information/Text Only)
    //Advanced Type preference panel
        superscriptSize = 58.3;                // Superscript, size
        superscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Superscript, position
        subscriptSize = 58.3;                // Subscript, size
        subscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Subscript, position
        smallCap = 70;                        // Smallcap
        inlineInput = false;                // Use Inline Input for Non-Latin Text
    //Composition preference panel
        highlightKeeps = false;                    // Keep Violations
        highlightHjViolations = false;            // H&J Violations
        highlightCustomSpacing = false;            // Custom Tracking/Kerning
        highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;    // Substituted Fonts
        highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;    // Substituted Glyphs
        justifyTextWraps = false;                // Justify Text Next to an Object
        abutTextToTextWrap = true;                // Skip by Leading
        zOrderTextWrap = false;                    // Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath
    //Units & Increments preference panel
        rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;                    // Ruler Units, origin
    //    These are set at the end of the script after all the changes have been made
    //    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    //    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;        // Ruler Units, vertical
        pointsPerInch = 72;                    // Point/Pica Size, Points/Inch
        cursorKeyIncrement = 1;                // Keyboard Increment, Cursor Key
        baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 2;    // Keyboard Increment, Baseline Shift
        leadingKeyIncrement = 2;        // Keyboard Increment, Size/Leading
        kerningKeyIncrement = 20;            // Keyboard Increment, Kerning
    //Grids preference panel
        baselineColor = UIColors.lightBlue;    // Baseline Grid, Color
        baselineStart = 48;                        // Baseline Grid, Start
        baselineDivision = 6;                    // Baseline Grid, Increment Every
        baselineViewThreshold = 50;                // Baseline Grid, View Threshold
        baselineGridRelativeOption = BaselineGridRelativeOption.topOfPageOfBaselineGridRelativeOption;    // Baseline Grid, Relative To
        gridColor = UIColors.lightGray;            // Document Grid, Color
        horizontalGridlineDivision = 12;    // Document Grid, Horizontal, Gridline Every
        horizontalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Horizontal, Subdivisions
        verticalGridlineDivision = 12;            // Document Gird, Vertical, Gridline Every
        verticalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Vertical, Subdivisions
        gridsInBack = true;                        // Grids in Back
        documentGridSnapto = false;                // snap to grid or not
        documentGridShown = false;                // show document grid
    //Guides & Pasteboard preference panel
        marginGuideColor = UIColors.violet;                // Color, Margins
        columnGuideColor = UIColors.magenta;            // Color, Columns
        bleedGuideColor = UIColors.fiesta;                // Color, Bleed
        slugGuideColor = UIColors.gridBlue;                // Color, Slug
        previewBackgroundColor = UIColors.lightGray;    // Color, Preview Background
        minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 72;                    // Minimum Vertical Offset
        guideSnaptoZone = 4;                            // Snap to Zone
        guidesInBack = false;                            // Guides in Back
    //Dictionary preference panel
        composition = ComposeUsing.both;    // Hyphenatin Exceptions, Compose Using
        mergeUserDictionary = false;    // Merge User Dictionary into Document
        recomposeWhenChanged = true;    // Recompose All Stories When Modified
    // Missing (Lang, Hyph, Spelling, Double Quotes, Single Quotes)
    //Spelling preference panel
        checkMisspelledWords = true;                    // Find, Misspelled Words
        checkRepeatedWords = true;                        // Find, Repeated Words
        checkCapitalizedWords = true;                    // Find, Uncapitalized Words
        checkCapitalizedSentences = true;                // Find, Uncapitalized Sentences
        dynamicSpellCheck = true;                        // Enable Dynamic Spelling
        misspelledWordColor =;                // Color, Misspelled Words
        repeatedWordColor =;                // Color, Repeated Words
        uncapitalizedWordColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Words
        uncapitalizedSentenceColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Sentences
    //Autocorrect preference panel
        autoCorrect = true;                            // Enable Autocorrect
        autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;    // Autocorrect Capitalization
    // Missing (Language, Misspelled word pairs)
    //Display Performance preference panel
        defaultDisplaySettings = ViewDisplaySettings.typical;    // Preserve Object-Level
        persistLocalSettings = false;
    // Missing (antialiasiing, greek below
    //Story Editor Display preference panel
        textColor =;                // Text Color
        backgroundColor = InCopyUIColors.white;            // Background
        smoothText = true;                                // Enable Anti-Aliasing
        antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.grayAntialiasing;    // Type
        cursorType = CursorTypes.standardCursor;    // Cursor Type
        blinkCursor = true;                                // Blink
    // Missing (Font, Size, Line Spacing & Theme)
    //File Handling preference panel
        includePreview = true;                        // Always Save Preview Images with Doc
        previewSize = PreviewSizeOptions.medium;    // Preview Size
        preferPDFWhenPasting = false;                // Prefer PDF When Pasting
        copyPDFToClipboard = true;                    // Copy PDF to Clipboard
        preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;            // Preserve PDF Data at Quit
    // Missing (Enable Version Cue)
    //    Optical margin (hanging punctuation, outside margins)
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    //Wrap Up (do at end of script)
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;    // Ruler Units, vertical
    //    These two flags are turned off to avoid the error message about
    //    missing image links when InDesign opens an ad. This can especially
    //    be a problem when doing batch processes.
        checkLinksAtOpen = false;            // checkbox: true/false
        findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;        // checkbox: true/false

  • Script that worked in CS does not work in CS4 - multiple open page, print , pdf export and close

    I had a script that worked great for me in Indesign CS. But now does not work in CS4. Anyone knows what needs to be done to make it work again ?
    When I drop folder with indesign files on top of this script:
    1. opens first page
    2. turns specific layer on
    3. prints using preset
    4. exports using preset
    5. close without saving
    6. next page
    Anyone who can give me solution or idea how this should work is greatly appreciated.
    on open sourceFolders
    repeat with sourceFolder in sourceFolders
    tell application "Finder"
    -- If you would like to include subfolders, you say - every file of entire contents of folder…
    set idFiles to (every file of folder sourceFolder whose file type is "IDd5") as alias list
    on error -- work around bug if there is only one file
    set idFiles to (every file of folder sourceFolder whose file type is "IDd5") as alias as list
    end try
    end tell
    if idFiles is not {} then
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
    set user interaction level to never interact
    repeat with i from 1 to count of idFiles
    open item i of idFiles
    tell document 1
    set visible of layer "ImagesTag_Layer" to true
    end try
    set myPreset to "letter size" -- name of print style to use
    with timeout of 700 seconds
    print using myPreset without print dialog
    end timeout
    set myPreset1 to "pdf preset name" -- name of pdf export style to use
    set myName to the name -- name includes .indd should remove at some point          
    with timeout of 700 seconds
    export format PDF type to "users:temp:Desktop:pdf:" & myName & ".pdf" using myPreset1 without showing options -- set path here format ComputerName:Folder1:Folder2:......:FileName.pdf
    end timeout
    close without saving
    end tell
    end repeat
    set user interaction level to interact with all
    end tell
    end if
    return 10 -- try again in 10 seconds
    end repeat
    end open

    (Disclaimer: me not an AS guy!)
    First thing I noticed is the interaction level is set off. If you comment out this line
    set user interaction level to never interact
    you might be able to pinpoint the exact error -- ID will display a standard "failed" dialog, hopefully showing the line that it fails on.
    A quick question: the script assumes two presets in your InDesign: one for print ("letter size") and one for PDFs ("pdf preset name"):
    set myPreset to "letter size" -- name of print style to use
    set myPreset1 to "pdf preset name" -- name of pdf export style to use 
    Do these actually exist in your CS4, with the same (non)capitalization and spaces?

  • How to Capitalize the First Letter in Every Word in Mysql

    I have been trying to tidy up a massive database where visitors have been sloppy when entering text. The main thing I want to do is to Capitalize The First Letter In Every Word In Mysql.
    I have found the code below in PHP but it keeps finding an error on the WHILE line:
    <?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?>
    <?php require_once('Connections/maison_connection.php'); ?>
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT column, id FROM table");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id = $row["id"];
    $column2 = ucwords($row["column"]);
    $query2 = "UPDATE table SET column = '$column2′ WHERE id = '$id'";
    My table is called MailingList and the Column is called Name, so I have altered the script to this: but it still shows the same WHILE error:
    <?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?>
    <?php require_once('Connections/maison_connection.php'); ?>
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, id FROM MailingList");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id = $row["id"];
    $Name2 = ucwords($row["Name"]);
    $query2 = "UPDATE MailingList SET Name = '$Name2′ WHERE id = '$id'";
    Any ideas??

    I got it to work this way in SQL: I am SURE there is an abbreviated way to do it, but at least it works
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," a"," A");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," b"," B");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," c"," C");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," d"," D");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," e"," E");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," f"," F");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," g"," G");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," h"," H");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," i"," I");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," j"," J");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," k"," K");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," l"," L");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," m"," M");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," n"," N");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," o"," O");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," p"," P");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," q"," Q");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," r"," R");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," s"," S");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," t"," T");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," u"," U");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," v"," V");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," w"," W");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," x"," X");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," y"," Y");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," z"," Z");

  • Capitalization errors in iTunes 7.2 Cover Flow view

    iTunes 7.2 running under OS X 10.4.9 on MBP. Today I ripped a brand new cd to iTunes and two very strange things happened. One is that after ripping, I downloaded the cover art from iTunes and then decided to erase the downloaded artwork, but it still shows up in Cover Flow view. Nothing shows up for the individual files when I look at them individually with Get Info inside iTunes; there's no artwork shown to delete, yet it's still there in Cover Flow. I deleted the ripped music and emptied the Trash, reripped the cd, did NOT download the new album art, and it was still there in Cover Flow view! How could that possibly happen?
    The other weird thing is that the workaround I used to fix capitalization errors in Cover Flow view no longer works. The cd I ripped is titled "Myths and Legends" but I changed it to "Myths And Legends". It shows up correctly on the individual tracks but "And" remains uncapitalized in Cover Flow view. The old workaround was to simply add any new character to the album name, e.g. "MMyths And Legend", apply that change, and then reedit to take out the extra "M". Stubbornly, this no longer works! After taking the extra "M" back out, the "And" remains uncapitalized in Cover Flow view. I think 7.2 introduced a bug that breaks this fix and leaves the original bug in tact. Can anyone verify this?
    iMac G4/17" MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   30GB iPod w/video

    Over at Dougs:
    You will find a script which fixes all the "cap" issues. Try it on a few for a test. Beware of classical music though as it gets funky with stuff like "EMI", etc. breaks it to "Emi".
    Cheers, S.

  • Capitalization of DNS via Powershell? How to Change?

    Yes - I understand DNS is case insensitive, but when working with a windows/linux environment we have an issue when doing zone transfers in linux.
    host -l produces a variety of results that are have mixed capitalization. We're trying to determine how to rename DNS entries so that they are lowercase.
    Is there any way to do it aside from removing a computer and rejoining it to the domain?

    Not a scripting question.  You need to ask in the DNS/Directory Services forum.
    There is NO reason to change case on DNS.  No web,  Windows or Unix system pays attention to case.  Unix will but only if you configure it to detect case in dns names.  Windows cannot be configured to enforce case.
    Unix and Windows web servers can be configured to enforce case in url strings but are not set to do this by default.  I have not seen it done for more than ten years.
    THe case of names in Indows AD integrated DNS comes from the system names.  You would have to rename the systems to fix that.  It cannot be done in DNS or in AD.

  • How to Create a Script in Greasemonkey?

    Hello all, I have a couple of things.
    One is a rather chronic problem with scrolling on Tumblr (pages with backgrounds that do not scroll have varying degrees of choppiness/stalling scrolling. Just look at my past questions to see a more detailed description), and the other is a script that fixes the problem (again, see past question replies for the script).
    While it is a very small nitpick, I would like to know how to place that script in Greasemonkey, since it is a bit annoying to have to do it manually for every page that requires the script.
    I tried looking at Greasemonkey to see if it was something I could do myself, but I decided I would go to those who (might) know, because with my luck I would mess up something crucial. two questions:
    1) How does one make a Greasemonkey script? Or more like, how would one insert an existing script into Greasemonkey?
    2) Is there a way to make said script automatically affect only the pages that would need it (for example, only tumblr pages with non-scrolling backgrounds? Since those with no/scrolling backgrounds are fine), or would I need to manually enter in the pages in question as I encountered them?

    '''Edit: I read too fast. The rule in this thread is for content, and therefore goes into the user<u>Content</u>.css file. Please ignore this post for purposes of the above rule.'''
    Here's how to manually create/edit the userChrome.css file:
    (1) Find (or create) the chrome folder. This is a folder in your currently active Firefox settings folder, also known as your Firefox profile folder.
    * Open the your profile folder using: Help > Troubleshooting Information
    ** Windows: Click the "Show Folder" button
    ** Mac: Click the "Show in Finder" button
    * Check for a chrome folder.
    ** If it exists: double-click it to open it.
    ** If it does not exist: create a chrome folder, then double-click it to open it.
    (2) Create or Edit a userChrome.css file by adding your style rule.
    ''Note: spelling and capitalization are crucial. If Windows does not display file extensions such as .css, .js, .doc, and so forth, change that setting as described in this article: [].''
    * Check for a userChrome.css file in the chrome folder.
    ** If it exists: open it in a text editor. Check that it has this first line:<br><br>@namespace url(;<br><br>Then paste in the new style rule (not duplicating the above line).<br> &nbsp;
    ** If it does not exist: create a new text file named userChrome.css. (In Windows, right-click and choose New > Text Document and change the name to userChrome.css, making sure the file type ends up being CSS file and not Text Document.) Then see the previous step for what to place in the file.
    The rule change should take effect the next time you start Firefox.
    Note: I find it easier to use the Stylish extension, but if you don't want yet another extension, then userChrome.css makes the most sense.

  • InDesign CS3 script that changes fonts on open

    I am trying to come up with a script that would change a specific group of fonts, that will always show up missing, to the new font. Basically, it is a bunch of our postscript fonts that are now using our open type font. Below is what I have so far. I want to create a list that goes through about 8 fonts that are old and replace them on the fly with the 8 new fonts. This would be great if I could have this happen on open.
    Can anyone see what I have and offer some guidance?
    Open this Scriplet in your Editor:
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
       set find text preferences to nothing
       set change text preferences to nothing
       tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
           set OLDfont to {"times", "arial"}
           set NEWfont to {"times new roman", "helvetica"}
           --set find what of find text preferences to testString
           tell document 1
               repeat with swap from 1 to 2
                   set NEWfont to item swap of OLDfont
               end repeat
           end tell
       end tell
    end tell

    For starters, you're going to have to use the correct font names, including correct capitalization. The property you want to change is "applied font", not "find what". And it would probably be more sensible, to go through all paragraph and character styles and make the changes there first, otherwise you'll have troubles again every time you edit stuff.
    So start off by getting the name of the font used in every paragraph style, and loop through your list to see if they should be changed. Do the same for character styles. And then do the find/change to find any that have been applied manually.

  • Question for scripting gurus: GREP search, change case make Smallcaps

    I have no knowledge of scripting at all, but this question keeps coming up during training sessions: is it possible to (java)script this:
    - Do a GREP search \u\u+
    - Change case to lowercase
    - Apply SmallCaps (or: apply character style)
    this would allow to search for acronyms and change them to smallcaps (or, even better: apply a character style with small caps and tracking)
    I know it is easy for OpenType smallcaps (do a GREP search, change to OT smallcaps) but this doesn't really change case. And some fonts used aren't OT.
    Would be VERY apreciated!!

    But Harbs is a seasoned scripter who knows he'll get flamed if one of his scripts "just does not work" ;)
    Well, now that you mention it, the script is not really foolproof. It's a quick and dirty script which I threw together very quickly. It's missing any error checking, some of the variables global, and it's not in a private namespace. These are all things which could cause it to "just not work" ;-)
    Here's a more foolproof construct... (and it'll work on the current story if selected, or the whole document if there's no story selected) It will create a new character style if one does not exist and work on character styles within style groups as well. I wrapped the whole script in an anonymous function to give it a unique namespace as well.
    var doc=app.documents[0];
    // Change the following to your style name!
    var character_style_name = 'Small Caps';
    try{var range = app.selection[0].parentStory}
    catch (err){var range = doc}
    //comment out next line if you do not want styles.
    var charStyle = GetCharacterStyle(character_style_name,doc);
    app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    var finds=range.findGrep();
    for (var i=0;i<finds.length;i++){
    //comment out next line if you do not want styles.
    finds[i].applyCharacterStyle (charStyle)
    //uncomment next line if you do not want styles.
    function GetCharacterStyle(styleName,doc){
    var charStyles=doc.allCharacterStyles;
    for(var i=0;i<charStyles.length;i++){
       return charStyles[i];
    return doc.characterStyles.add({name:styleName,capitalization:Capitalization.smallCaps});

  • Script: Open all linked docs in *new* window

    Can anybody help? I have a pdf document that will need to have 2000+ links to other documents...and I need to have each link open in a *new* window (by default, they open in the exisitng window). We obviously don't want to have to individually set each link's Properties to "open in new window"...
    Is there a script I can add to the main (parent) pdf doc to make this happen for all links the user clicks on from the main doc? The kicker is that we can't expect the end user to be able to fool with the Preferences or anything like addition, we assume the user may be viewing in either Acrobat or Acrobat Reader in the corporate environment.
    Alternately, a script to automatically show the "previous view" and "next view" arrows, without having the user have to do anything, might work. The absence of those arrows in the default view (starting w Acro 8?) is why we've had to go with the "open in new window" idea. We are dealing with non-tech-savvy users, so we don't want them to have to know keyboard shortcuts or set Preferences...
    Thanks so much!!!

    Absolutely, thanks! I will try to create a variable to store -- and later, restore -- that. Since we have about a zillion links, changing each link would be no fun at all! Is there an issue with trying to evaluate the setting and store the variable from a "on page 1 open" action, and being able to access the variable's value from the "DocumentWillClose" action? (and apologies for any capitalization, etc., issues)
    Do I somehow need to declare the variable to be global, or do I need to have the initial actions happen from an "on document open" event? (I don't see such an event as being an available option)...
    Any code snippet(s) far a similar situation that you could point me towards...?

  • Script to replace small caps that are typed as capital letters with non-capital letters (A = a, B = b, etc...)

    I'm looking for a way to replace small caps that are typed as capitals by their normal equivalent.
    I've got a text that contains a lot of names which should all be set in small caps.
    In fact they are, but because capital letters are used for first letters they don't scale.
    Short: I would like to be able to look for A, B, C... (in small caps) and replace them with (a, b, c...) in small caps in one go.
    (compare two arrays?? -> is this possible in indesign scripting)

    Actually, it works only with OpenType fonts and - in this case - can be managed by UI find...change feature.
    With other type of font we need a real change of contents (another keyboard hit).
    It could be done with this code (activeDocument is a target):
    -- works for Open Type as well --
    // For Latin Basic (ASCII from 65 to 90)
    // changes a "cap" letter to a "small" letter
    // if Capitalization.SMALL_CAPS is applied to
    app.findGrepPreferences = app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\u";
    app.findGrepPreferences.capitalization = Capitalization.SMALL_CAPS;
      mSTART = 65, // ASCII number for "A"
      Mstart = 97, // ASCII number for "a"
      mDiff = 0,
      mTarget = app.activeDocument,
      mFound = mTarget.findGrep(),
      len = mFound.length, cString;
    while (len-->0) {
      cString = mFound[len].contents;
      mDiff = cString.charCodeAt(0) - mSTART;
      if (mDiff > -1 && mDiff < 26)
      mFound[len].contents = String.fromCharCode( Mstart + mDiff );
    app.findGrepPreferences = app.findGrepPreferences = null;

  • "Lorem ipsum"-izer script to make your documents make less sense

    I made some newspaper mock-ups and needed to change the text of existing pages into lorem-ipsum nonsense, while keeping the formatting and amount of text the same. So I made this scripts. It will change any words in the current selection into nonsense.
    It's a bit slow because it loops through every single word in the selection and changes it into latin-sounding words with the same number of characters, and then adds or subtracts some letters to make sure the text is pretty much the same number of lines in the end.
    I have only tested it with CS3.
    for (var n=0; n<app.selection.length; n++){
    function loremIpsumize(myText){ // myText could be a TextFrame, Story, InsertionPoint, Word, Text etc...
         var loremIpsumDictionary = [[""], // this is the dictionary of words sorted by number of letters. The words are taken from InDesigns "fill with placeholder text"-feature
         var myStory; // the parent Story of myText
         if (myText instanceof Story){
              myStory = myText;
         } else if (myText instanceof InsertionPoint){
              myText = myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else if (myText.hasOwnProperty("parentStory")){ // myText instanceof Word, TextFrame, Character, TextColumn or Paragraph
              myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else { // myText is not text, but some other object
         if  (myText.hasOwnProperty("paragraphs") && !(myText instanceof Paragraph)){ // The script returns better looking results when one Paragraph is processed at a time
              var myParagraphs = myText.paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
              for (var n=myParagraphs.length-1; n>=0 ; n--){
                   loremIpsumize(myParagraphs[n]); // clever recurson
         } else if (myText.contents!=""){
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "[\\u\\l'@\u00E6\u00C6]{1,"+loremIpsumDictionary.length+"}"; // only looks for word-characters and leave punctuation, spaces as they are
              var storyLineNumber = myStory.lines.length; // remembers how many lines the story has, and tries to make the new text the same number of lines
              var myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // an array of Word references that fit the grep
              for (var i=myWordMatches.length-1; i>=0; i--){
                   myWordMatches[i].contents = loremipsumWord(myWordMatches[i].contents); // changes the word into a random latin-sounding one
         function fineTuneText(targetNumberOfLines){ // tries to make the text the correct number of lines by adding or subtracting one letter at a time
              var myNumberOfCharacters;
              var newWord;
              var myWord;
              while (targetNumberOfLines != myStory.lines.length) {
                   myNumberOfCharacters = myText.characters.length;
                   for (var changeWord = myWordMatches.length-1; changeWord>=0; changeWord--){          
                        myWord = myWordMatches[changeWord];
                        if (targetNumberOfLines>myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.contents+"a"); // adds a letter
                        }else if (targetNumberOfLines<myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = myWord.contents.length>1? loremipsumWord(myWord.contents.slice(0,-1)): myWord.contents; // removes a letter                    
                        } else {
                             return true; // targetNumberOfLines == myStory.lines.length
                        myWord.contents = newWord;
                   if (myNumberOfCharacters == myText.characters.length){
                        return false; // Every word in the text has been reduced to a single character, and the text is still too long.... Give up.
                   } else {
                        myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // Need to do a new search, since the text has been changed
         function loremipsumWord(myWord){ // takes a string and returns a random word with same number of letters, and the same capitalization
              var replacementWord = "";
              var correctCaseWord= "";
              var wordLength = myWord.length;
                   if (wordLength >= loremIpsumDictionary.length){ // in case myWord is longer than the longest words in the dictionary
                        replacementWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(0,loremIpsumDictionary.length-1))+loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(loremIpsumDictionary.length-1)); // The word is longer than the longest words in the dictionary. So it's split in two.
                   } else {               
                   replacementWord = loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength][Math.floor(Math.random()*loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength].length)]; // finds a random word of the same length
                   if (myWord.toLowerCase()!=myWord){ // the word contains uppercase characters
                        correctCaseWord = "";
                        for (var n=0; n<wordLength; n++){ // loops through each character in the original word, checking if it's upper or lower case.
                             correctCaseWord += myWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase()==myWord.charAt(n)? replacementWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase(): replacementWord.charAt(n); // makes the character the correct case
                        replacementWord = correctCaseWord;
              return replacementWord;

    Thank you Haakenlid, exactly what I needed now.

  • Cleaning up script

    Hello All
    We often translate indesign files using a CAT tool to open the idml file. But most of the InDesign files we are sent have been created by people who take a great many short cuts to get things to fit, which maybe good for them but not for us.
    We need a script that can set all kerning to 0 or a constant value throughout a document, remove all stretched text and change any thing with ALL CAPS to true uppercase.
    There are a few more niggly things we have to do to clean it up which can take a few hours for a large document so it would be good it there was a script that could do this or if anyone knows how to create one for us we would be happy to work with you to create it.

    Here is a new version:
    const kerningConstant = 0;
    var doc = app.activeDocument,
    stories = doc.stories,
    story, text, s, t;
    for (var s = 0; s < stories.length; s++) {
         story = stories[s];
         for (var t = 0; t < story.texts.length; t++) {
              text = story.texts[t];
              text.kerningValue = kerningConstant;
              text.verticalScale = 100;
              text.horizontalScale = 100;
    function ChangeCase(text) {
         var i, found;
         if (text.contents != "") {
              app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+";
              app.findGrepPreferences.capitalization = Capitalization.ALL_CAPS;
              var found = text.findGrep();
              if (found.length > 1) {
                   for (i = 0; i < found.length; i++) {
                        // $.writeln( i + " - " + found[i] + "/"+ found[i].contents );
                   app.changeGrepPreferences.capitalization = Capitalization.NORMAL;

  • How to get certain applied styles using script?

    Hi All,
    I need to know how to get certain applied styles using ID Scripting. I don't have much experience in InDesign so need some help.
    Here is a screenshot with a sample text with the said styles applied and highlighted.
    I need to know what texts in my document have these styles applied like All Caps, Strikethrough, Underline, Subscript and Superscript etc.
    Please help.

    Hi Poortip87
    The first thing you have to understand is how to refer to "where" you want to apply the style.
    If you want the script to apply the style to the selected text then you would use for example app.selection[0].strikeThru = true;
    If you for example want to underline the last word of the first paragraph of the first story you would use app.activeDocument.stories[0].paragraphs[0].words[-1].underline = true;
    If you just wanted the first letter of that word underlined then you would add .characters[0] after the words[-1]
    To for example apply All Caps to all the text in all the stories you would use
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().texts[0].capitalization = Capitalization.ALL_CAPS;
    The easiest way to find how to set properties to a selections is to set them manually and make the selection and then run the script below.
    You should be able to find all the properties you want very easily after running the script.
    Or you can use Jongwares excellent reference guide. Indesign JavaScript Help
    // script to show most of the selection properties by Trevor
    // Creative-Scripts.Com (Still not ready!) available (sometimes) for custom scripts $$$
    // scripts {at} Creative-Scripts [dot] Com
    $.level = 0; // set debug mode to allow try catch (not read only as stated in manual);
    if (!app.selection.length) exit();
    var c = 0, s = app.selection[0], p,
          a = [], n, er;
    for (n in s) {
        try {
            p = s[n];
            if (p && === "Enumerator") p = getEnum(p ,n);
            a[c++] = n + ": " + p;
        } catch (er) {a[c++] = n + ": ???"}
    var f = new File (Folder.temp + +(new Date) + ".txt");'r');
    f.encoding = "UTF-8";
    f.lineFeed = ($.os[0]=="M") ? "Macintosh" :" Windows";'w');
    f.write("\uFEFF" + a.join("\r"));
    function getEnum (q, n) {
        var enums = ["AcrobatCompatibility",
        var l = enums.length,
            s = q.toString(), e, er, a;
        while (l--) {
            try {
                e = $.global [enums[l]];
                if (e.hasOwnProperty (s) && q === e[s]) {
                    a =;
                    a = (a.length < 2) ? "" : "\r[Possible " + enums[l]+ " Enumerations for " + n + "]:\r" + enums[l] + "." + a.join ("\r" + enums[l] + ".");
                    return enums[l] + "." + q.toString () + a;
            catch (er) {};
        return "???." + q.toString ();

  • Wonky .jsx Scripts & InD CS5

    Are there limitations on number of lines in a javascript? Reason I ask is I have 4 scripts, each containing about 10-15 text conversion lines (abbreviations, spelling changes, capitalization, etc.) that I routinely run on a supplied .txt file after formatting with a smart style. Often, some of each do not work; other times, after applying 3 or 4 or 5 of them, my character styling starts going wonky... lightface characters turning to boldface and vice-versa. The total number of lines in the text block is approximately 550 spread over 6 pages, 2 columns.
    See attached dump. Character will randomly change size, change from regular to bold, etc. (The way it's shown is correct.)
    Is this a bug in InDesign or a memory problem or what? Any solution?
    Running InD CS5 7.0.4 on Lion 10.7.2 on Mac Pro (early 2008), 16G ram

    Are there limitations on number of lines in a javascript?
    Not appreciably. Many people regularly run scripts that are thousands of lines long or more without difficulty.
    As described it sounds like a bug, in InDesign or in your script. I would add checking to your script to detect the failure condition and try to figure out why it goes wrong, and whittle it down to the smallest reproducible case. (Also, the scripting forum is probably more help than here...)

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