Set top and bottom inset spacing values in Text Frame Options via jsx script

I am looking for a way to set the top and bottom inset spacing values only to 2 points in Text Frame Options via a .jsx scrpt.
For years, I have used a script that sets Preferences, such as:
    opticalMarginAlignment = false;
    opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
I would like to add the code to this same script that would make Top = 0p2 and Bottom 0p2 but leave Left and Right as 0p0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the full .jsx file that we now use to set preferences.
Ideally, this could be modified to include setting any text frame created to have 0p2 inset Top and Bottom, but 0p0 Left and Right:
//An InDesign CS2 JavaScript
//Sets the application text defaults, which will become the text defaults for all
//new documents. Existing documents will remain unchanged.
    alignToBaseline = false;        // align to baseline grid
    try {
//        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Times New Roman");
        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Helvetica");
    catch (e) {}
    try {
        fontStyle = "Medium";
    catch (e) {}
    autoleading = 100;
    balanceRaggedLines = false;
    baselineShift = 0;
    capitalization = Capitalization.normal;
    composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
    desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
    desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
    desiredWordSpacing = 100;
    dropCapCharacters = 0;
    if (dropCapCharacters != 0) {
        dropCapLines = 3;
        //Assumes that the application has a default character style named "myDropCap"
        //dropCapStyle = app.characterStyles.item("myDropCap");
    fillColor = app.colors.item("Black");
    fillTint = 100;
    firstLineIndent = "0pt";
//    firstLineIndent = "14pt";
    gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
    horizontalScale = 100;
    hyphenateAfterFirst = 3;
    hyphenateBeforeLast = 4;
    hyphenateCapitalizedWords = false;
    hyphenateLadderLimit = 1;
    hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
    hyphenation = true;
    hyphenationZone = "3p";
    hyphenWeight = 9;
    justification = Justification.leftAlign;
    keepAllLinesTogether = false;
    keepLinesTogether = true;
    keepFirstLines = 2;
    keepLastLines = 2;
    keepWithNext = 0;
    kerningMethod = "Optical";
    kerningValue = 0;
    leading = 6.3;
//    leading = 14;
    leftIndent = 0;
    ligatures = true;
    maximumGlyphScaling = 100;
    maximumLetterSpacing = 0;
    maximumWordSpacing = 160;
    minimumGlyphScaling = 100;
    minimumLetterSpacing = 0;
    minimumWordSpacing = 80;
    noBreak = false;
    otfContextualAlternate = true;
    otfDiscretionaryLigature = true;
    otfFigureStyle = OTFFigureStyle.proportionalOldstyle;
    otfFraction = true;
    otfHistorical = true;
    otfOrdinal = false;
    otfSlashedZero = true;
    otfSwash = false;
    otfTitling = false;
    overprintFill = false;
    overprintStroke = false;
    pointSize = 6.3;
//    pointSize = 11;
    position = Position.normal;
    rightIndent = 0;
    ruleAbove = false;
    if(ruleAbove == true){
        ruleAboveColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        ruleAboveGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
        ruleAboveGapTint = 100;
        ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
        ruleAboveLineWeight = .25;
        ruleAboveOffset = 14;
        ruleAboveOverprint = false;
        ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
        ruleAboveTint = 100;
        ruleAboveType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
        ruleAboveWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
    ruleBelow = false;
    if(ruleBelow == true){
        ruleBelowColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        ruleBelowGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
        ruleBelowGapTint = 100;
        ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
        ruleBelowLineWeight = .25;
        ruleBelowOffset = 0;
        ruleBelowOverprint = false;
        ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
        ruleBelowTint = 100;
        ruleBelowType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
        ruleBelowWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
    singleWordJustification = SingleWordJustification.leftAlign;
    skew = 0;
    spaceAfter = 0;
    spaceBefore = 0;
    startParagraph = StartParagraph.anywhere;
    strikeThru = false;
    if(strikeThru == true){
        strikeThroughColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        strikeThroughGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
        strikeThroughGapTint = 100;
        strikeThroughOffset = 3;
        strikeThroughOverprint = false;
        strikeThroughTint = 100;
        strikeThroughType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
        strikeThroughWeight = .25;
    strokeColor = app.swatches.item("None");
    strokeTint = 100;
    strokeWeight = 0;
    tracking = 0;
    underline = false;
    if(underline == true){
        underlineColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        underlineGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        underlineGapOverprint = false;
        underlineGapTint = 100;
        underlineOffset = 3;
        underlineOverprint = false;
        underlineTint = 100;
        underlineType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
        underlineWeight = .25
    verticalScale = 100;
//Units & Increments preference panel
//Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
//units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
//so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;        // Ruler Units, vertical
//General preference panel
    pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section;    // Page Numbering, View
    toolTips = ToolTipOptions.normal;                    // Tool Tips
// Not supported in CS4
//    toolsPalette = ToolsPaletteOptions.doubleColumn;    // Floating Tool Palette
    completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;                // Always Subset Fonts...
    try {
        //Wrapped in try/catch in case it is run with CS4 and earlier to avoid the error
        preventSelectingLockedItems = false;                // Needed for CS5+
    catch (e) {}
//Type preference panel
with (app.textEditingPreferences){
    tripleClickSelectsLine = true;    // Triple Click to Select a Line
    smartCutAndPaste = true;        // Adjust Spacing Automatically when Cutting and Pasting Words
    dragAndDropTextInLayout = false;    // Enable in Layout View
    allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;    // Enable in Story Editor
    typographersQuotes = true;            // Use Typographer's Quotes
    useOpticalSize = true;                // Automatically Use Correct Optical Size
    scalingAdjustsText = true;            // Adjust Text Attributes when Scaling
    useParagraphLeading = false;    // Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs
    linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;    // Create Links when Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files
// Missing following (Font Preview Size, Past All Information/Text Only)
//Advanced Type preference panel
    superscriptSize = 58.3;                // Superscript, size
    superscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Superscript, position
    subscriptSize = 58.3;                // Subscript, size
    subscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Subscript, position
    smallCap = 70;                        // Smallcap
    inlineInput = false;                // Use Inline Input for Non-Latin Text
//Composition preference panel
    highlightKeeps = false;                    // Keep Violations
    highlightHjViolations = false;            // H&J Violations
    highlightCustomSpacing = false;            // Custom Tracking/Kerning
    highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;    // Substituted Fonts
    highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;    // Substituted Glyphs
    justifyTextWraps = false;                // Justify Text Next to an Object
    abutTextToTextWrap = true;                // Skip by Leading
    zOrderTextWrap = false;                    // Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath
//Units & Increments preference panel
    rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;                    // Ruler Units, origin
//    These are set at the end of the script after all the changes have been made
//    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
//    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;        // Ruler Units, vertical
    pointsPerInch = 72;                    // Point/Pica Size, Points/Inch
    cursorKeyIncrement = 1;                // Keyboard Increment, Cursor Key
    baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 2;    // Keyboard Increment, Baseline Shift
    leadingKeyIncrement = 2;        // Keyboard Increment, Size/Leading
    kerningKeyIncrement = 20;            // Keyboard Increment, Kerning
//Grids preference panel
    baselineColor = UIColors.lightBlue;    // Baseline Grid, Color
    baselineStart = 48;                        // Baseline Grid, Start
    baselineDivision = 6;                    // Baseline Grid, Increment Every
    baselineViewThreshold = 50;                // Baseline Grid, View Threshold
    baselineGridRelativeOption = BaselineGridRelativeOption.topOfPageOfBaselineGridRelativeOption;    // Baseline Grid, Relative To
    gridColor = UIColors.lightGray;            // Document Grid, Color
    horizontalGridlineDivision = 12;    // Document Grid, Horizontal, Gridline Every
    horizontalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Horizontal, Subdivisions
    verticalGridlineDivision = 12;            // Document Gird, Vertical, Gridline Every
    verticalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Vertical, Subdivisions
    gridsInBack = true;                        // Grids in Back
    documentGridSnapto = false;                // snap to grid or not
    documentGridShown = false;                // show document grid
//Guides & Pasteboard preference panel
    marginGuideColor = UIColors.violet;                // Color, Margins
    columnGuideColor = UIColors.magenta;            // Color, Columns
    bleedGuideColor = UIColors.fiesta;                // Color, Bleed
    slugGuideColor = UIColors.gridBlue;                // Color, Slug
    previewBackgroundColor = UIColors.lightGray;    // Color, Preview Background
    minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 72;                    // Minimum Vertical Offset
    guideSnaptoZone = 4;                            // Snap to Zone
    guidesInBack = false;                            // Guides in Back
//Dictionary preference panel
    composition = ComposeUsing.both;    // Hyphenatin Exceptions, Compose Using
    mergeUserDictionary = false;    // Merge User Dictionary into Document
    recomposeWhenChanged = true;    // Recompose All Stories When Modified
// Missing (Lang, Hyph, Spelling, Double Quotes, Single Quotes)
//Spelling preference panel
    checkMisspelledWords = true;                    // Find, Misspelled Words
    checkRepeatedWords = true;                        // Find, Repeated Words
    checkCapitalizedWords = true;                    // Find, Uncapitalized Words
    checkCapitalizedSentences = true;                // Find, Uncapitalized Sentences
    dynamicSpellCheck = true;                        // Enable Dynamic Spelling
    misspelledWordColor =;                // Color, Misspelled Words
    repeatedWordColor =;                // Color, Repeated Words
    uncapitalizedWordColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Words
    uncapitalizedSentenceColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Sentences
//Autocorrect preference panel
    autoCorrect = true;                            // Enable Autocorrect
    autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;    // Autocorrect Capitalization
// Missing (Language, Misspelled word pairs)
//Display Performance preference panel
    defaultDisplaySettings = ViewDisplaySettings.typical;    // Preserve Object-Level
    persistLocalSettings = false;
// Missing (antialiasiing, greek below
//Story Editor Display preference panel
    textColor =;                // Text Color
    backgroundColor = InCopyUIColors.white;            // Background
    smoothText = true;                                // Enable Anti-Aliasing
    antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.grayAntialiasing;    // Type
    cursorType = CursorTypes.standardCursor;    // Cursor Type
    blinkCursor = true;                                // Blink
// Missing (Font, Size, Line Spacing & Theme)
//File Handling preference panel
    includePreview = true;                        // Always Save Preview Images with Doc
    previewSize = PreviewSizeOptions.medium;    // Preview Size
    preferPDFWhenPasting = false;                // Prefer PDF When Pasting
    copyPDFToClipboard = true;                    // Copy PDF to Clipboard
    preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;            // Preserve PDF Data at Quit
// Missing (Enable Version Cue)
//    Optical margin (hanging punctuation, outside margins)
    opticalMarginAlignment = false;
    opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
//Wrap Up (do at end of script)
//Units & Increments preference panel
//Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
//units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
//so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;    // Ruler Units, vertical
//    These two flags are turned off to avoid the error message about
//    missing image links when InDesign opens an ad. This can especially
//    be a problem when doing batch processes.
    checkLinksAtOpen = false;            // checkbox: true/false
    findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;        // checkbox: true/false

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    On page 49 in the English Guide version it tells you about Lay-out margins. This is the text
    *Defining Layout Margins*
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    'File' > 'Page Setup' is used to alter the page margins when you need to print the email. It is not used to create a Template email nor to change the overall theme used in the Thunderbird user interface.
    To add a theme to the overall Thunderbird window, you can choose
    * either a Windows theme via Control Panel > Personalization >Theme
    * or download a theme Add-on, there is a huge range here:
    such as :
    If you are looking to create a Template email, then you open a new Write message, design the email, enter a Subject so that you can easily locate the email and click on 'File > Save as > Template or click on Save button and choose 'Template' from the options. then the email is saved in the Templates folder. To use, you click on Templates folder and double click on the email to open in a new Write message. then compose and send as normal. The original email will be saved in Templates folder for reuse.

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    The Canopus shouldn't be converting to letterbox 4:3 on it's own. If the video was 16:9 going in, why wouldn't it be 16:9 going out? A 4:3 aspect program will naturally have a pillarbox on a 16:9 monitor. Even if it has letterbox bars to begin with.
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    Are you saying that once the document is printed ou get the space? If you run to PDF and view it with Reader then the paper size is correct?
    If so then you need to set up a prt file to specify the custom paper size. I suspect you are pushing it thru a regular A4 driver and its being resized for the paper.
    Writing print files is a little bit of an art form but check out the 'SysAdmin guide and the pasta guide for some further help.

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    Hi There
    In Reporting Services (SSRS 2008), there are white spaces preserved in the report body by default. When the white space extends the body size beyond the width of the report, blank pages will be generated. To avoid the issue, you can set the “ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace”
    property of the report to “True”.
    Please try to adjust your margins (top + side) and hopefully this problem will get resolved
    Body Width <= Page Width - (Left Margin + Right Margin)
    Horizontal usable area:
    X = Page.Width - (Left Margin + Right Margin + Column Spacing)
    Vertical usable area:
    Y = Page.Height - (Top Margin + Bottom Margin + Header Height + Footer Height)
    Body Width <= Page Width - (Left Margin + Right Margin)
    Horizontal usable area:
    X = Page.Width - (Left Margin + Right Margin + Column Spacing)
    Vertical usable area:
    Y = Page.Height - (Top Margin + Bottom Margin + Header Height + Footer Height)
    If you have any questions please ask.
    Many Thanks
    Syed Qazafi Anjum
    Please click "Mark as Answer" if this resolves your problem or "Vote as Helpful" if you find it helpful.

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    Hi aefulcher,
    It sounds like you had the external display set to mirror the internal display so the resolution(s) were changed to match each other.
    OS X: How to use multiple displays with your Mac in Mountain Lion and earlier
    Check if the current resolution matches your screen's natiive resolution.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.

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    Thanks for the advice. Here's the latest with my 'black borders top and bottom in iMovies' problem:
    I found out that if I converted the .VOB files into .DV files (using MPEG Streamclip) instead of converting them to Quicktime files, then when I import these .DV files into iMovies the black borders are no longer there. So it seems like the problem was something to do with Quicktime files in iMovies.
    But then there was another problem:
    After waiting quite a while for MPEG Streamclip to finish it's work of converting the .VOB files into .DV files, and then waiting a bit longer to import the .DV files into iMovies, I was ready to work on editing the clips. But whenever I added either a fade in or fade out to a clip, I saw that during the time of the fade in or out, the picture was all distorted with thin vertical lines running through the entire picture.
    So I had to do more trouble shooting:
    I went back to MPEG Streamclip to have a little play around in there. When I made the .DV files before I used the compressor setting DVC Pro 50, so I changed this to the DVC Pro 25. I made a short .DV clip using this compressor and tried it out in iMovies and there was no problem with the vertical line distortion. Just to make sure I made another small .DV clip using DVC Pro 50 as before, imported that into iMovies and again, during the fade in/out effects this distortion came back again. So it seems like I sorted that problem out too.

  • FCP/Compressor keep exporting horizontal green lines near the top and bottom mattes. What do I do?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to export a:
    ProRes 422 HQ
    DVD Best Quality (90 minutes) in Compressor
    Quality all the way high
    in Final Cut Pro and/or Compressor (both so far export with the green lines) and so far it has been to no avail. They show up right on the edge near the mattes. Most forums talk about a vertical green line but I am having problems with horizontal lines near the top and bottom.
    Any ideas? Thanks.

    If you are sending your file via share to Compressor I would try this instead:
    Export a QT reference(not self-contained or using QT conversion) file of your sequence to your desktop.
    Turn on frame controls in the MPG-2 setting and set all to best. Changing all settings to best will increase your render time greatly. You may want to do a :30 or 1min test.
    In my experience Compressor can be inconsistent with HD to SD DVD MPG-2 conversion. Sometimes it works wonderfully and others times it does not.
    I have had success with having FC do the SD conversion first.
    Create a new 16x9 SD sequence
    Add HD seq to SD and render
    Export SD and then compress for DVD.

  • 1280x720 video on screen getting squished on top and bottom

    Premiere CS4.  I exported a 1280x720 video to play on a LCD TV with the following settings
    in the attached.  The TV is set to play 16:9.  I have it set to square pixels since the zip file with the video is playing the video file, not a dvd player.
    But...there is black on the top and bottom of the video.  What could be causing this?  Is it my export settings?  Maybe it can't be a wmv?? I'm confused?

    No answer here; just curiosity.
    The "zip file" you describe: How are you getting the video to the TV?
    Our one and only "HD" TV so far is a relatively small, cheap one.  It has lots of settings for how to deal with various formats, and sometimes (TV signals or commercial DVDs) I cannot find a completely correct option.  I suspect that its native display resolution is odd.  Harm, is it possible that native resolution of a display can be an issue?
    So I'd test your output on a "better" TV.

  • Using PNG format with max width without clipping top and bottom of image?

    I am using PNG format to preserve the transparency and drop shadow I am trying to incorporate to give the illusion that this slab object is floating above the other layers.  I first tried file>place to position the menu object on edge of header/beginning of content.  Doing that leaves no options to force the image to span the width of whatever screen.  I need that so I've tried using object>fill> and then clicking the max width of the rectangle (which does solve the max width problem), but I am now dealing with a clipping problem of the top and bottom of the image.  The next thing I can think of is to go back to Photoshop and distort the image so it isn't as tall.  I feel there has to be a simpler way to accomplish this that won't also give my image a unnatural look.  Thoughts?  Thanks in advance.

    Thanks, that helps.  I also found that I cropped to much of the canvas.  After increasing the canvas area AND setting to fill all is well now.  I think your suggestion may help with the scrolling affect problem I'm having when using different resolutions. I am going to try to set the size in one dimension (height) so that different resolution screens see the same scroll actions.  Thanks Mylenium!

  • Black Borders Top and Bottom in iMovies

    I'm editing Quicktime files in iMovies 5.0.2. with a view to putting them on line as streaming film clips. Before I imported these files into iMovies, there were no black borders around the films, non at either the sides of the screen and non at the top or bottom (I cropped them off in MPEG streamclip when I was convering the files from .VOB files to Quicktime files).
    After editing these Quicktime files I am compressing them via the 'File -share' function in iMovies. I am compressing them as Quicktime files using the 'Expert settings.' (I'll spare you all the details of exactly what setting I'm using)
    My problem is, that although there are no black borders when I import these files into iMovies, as soon as they appear in iMovies there are black borders on the clips, both at the top and the bottom (though not at the sides).
    I have tried different things during compression (such as checking and unchecking various boxes in 'expert settings - sizing options') but I still I cannot make a film that doesn't have these black borders both at the top and the bottom of the film (like what's called 'cine screen' I think)
    I want to get rid of these black borders. Does anyone know how I can do this in iMovies?
    iBookG4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    iBookG4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Thanks for the advice. Here's the latest with my 'black borders top and bottom in iMovies' problem:
    I found out that if I converted the .VOB files into .DV files (using MPEG Streamclip) instead of converting them to Quicktime files, then when I import these .DV files into iMovies the black borders are no longer there. So it seems like the problem was something to do with Quicktime files in iMovies.
    But then there was another problem:
    After waiting quite a while for MPEG Streamclip to finish it's work of converting the .VOB files into .DV files, and then waiting a bit longer to import the .DV files into iMovies, I was ready to work on editing the clips. But whenever I added either a fade in or fade out to a clip, I saw that during the time of the fade in or out, the picture was all distorted with thin vertical lines running through the entire picture.
    So I had to do more trouble shooting:
    I went back to MPEG Streamclip to have a little play around in there. When I made the .DV files before I used the compressor setting DVC Pro 50, so I changed this to the DVC Pro 25. I made a short .DV clip using this compressor and tried it out in iMovies and there was no problem with the vertical line distortion. Just to make sure I made another small .DV clip using DVC Pro 50 as before, imported that into iMovies and again, during the fade in/out effects this distortion came back again. So it seems like I sorted that problem out too.

  • Need to get rid of lines top and bottom

    The video material I'm cutting has a very annoying, eye-catching top and bottom edge. The topmost and lowest lines kind of wobble or jitter. I need to get rid of this.
    Do I 'zoom in' / expand the picture, or is there a crop tool I haven't come across?
    Any help much appreciated.

    Right-click(Control+click) the clip with the settings and chose copy.
    Select all of your clips that you want to apply the same settings to and right- click and chose paste attributes. A window will open and check the motion box and then click apply(Ok?)
    Now all of the selected clips will have the motion setting that you copied. This is also a good way for copying video and audio filters and any other settings in the motion tab.

  • In screenshare the top and bottom of my screen is cutoff.

    Hello, I am trying to connect my Macbook Pro to my TV with an HDMI cord. It seems to work fine, except that the top and bottom of my screen is being cutoff on the tv. I cannot see the bottom half of my dock, and I cannot see the top menu bar with the apple at all. I have tried all of the different resolutions for the display, and on every one of them I have this problem. How can I fix this? I have also noticed that it does this with some other displays, not just this one. It works on about 50% of the different screens I try, and the other half does this. Here is a picture of the problem:

    Thanks a lot. That was much simpler than I thought it should be. One interesting thing though, is that you cannot do this when it is set to mirror your screen. Any idea for how?

  • My task bar top and bottom aren't showing?

    I was watching movies through my itunes last night and now my screen saver and the bar on top and bottom of my screen saver page aren't showing, just a black screen. And, also when I try to reply to an email in my Mail, the response shows up behind my mail page, so I don't actually know it has responded until I clear my Mail screen away. Usually, when I do an email response it shows up on the original email?

    Hello, TallSknyWhtGuy. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    If your are unable to view any of your past purchases after setting your device up as new, I would recommend checking to see if you purchased these items with a secondary Apple ID.  Below, here is an article that will walk you through how to check which Apple ID was used to purchase this content.
    The items you are trying to play might have been purchased using a different iTunes Store account. To determine which account was used to purchase an item, follow these steps:
    Select a purchased song in your library and choose File > Get Info.
    Click the Summary tab. Note the Account Name that appears in the list. This is the account name (Apple ID) you will need to use when authorizing your computer to play this purchase.
    Note: The account name that appears is the one you used when purchasing the item and does not change if the account name (Apple ID) changes.
    If you've authorized the Apple ID that is shown in the Summary tab, you can check the purchase history for that Apple ID from Store > View My Account. If your purchase history does not reflect the purchase of the items in your iTunes library, consider any other Apple ID you may have created, and authorize the computer for your additional Apple ID.
    If you forgot the password to one of your accounts, you can recover it using Apple's password-recovery website.
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    Jason H. 

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