Capturing low res HD 1080i

Hey all,
I am trying to capture HD footaged at low res photo jpg. I am going through a black magic decklink.... I was hoping someone could help me with the exact settings I would need to make this work... I have deck control but am not pulling in any video thanks!

Not sure how the blackmagic will deal with downconverting 1080i to offline RT on the fly. The hardware (blackmagic) and video device (camera/deck) need to be set to the same video format for the incoming signal to be recognized. You can probably manually configure a capture setting to get the blackmagic to see incoming 1080i, and downconvert to offline RT, but an easier way might be to turn on the DV downconvert on your video device, and use a direct firewire connection to capture DV as offline RT, bypassing the blackmagic for now. Later, when you want to remove the unused media nd recapture, you can media manage your sequence all the way up to 1080i and use the blackmagic to recapture at that point.
Make sure your timecode/framerate/TCformat are all correct at each step of the process.
Hope this helps-
Max Average

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    You didn't say what you were shooting, but my 1TB firewire drive will hold about 70 HOURS of DV footage at full resolution.
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    If your original files are 854x480 (and the source could easily be 720x480 anamorphic) I would advise working with a timeline that is at the source resolution and frame rate. EVERY conversion you make will degrade your image quality. This includes the frame rate change you have going on in Compressor.
    Work in Final Cut with the same sequence settings as your source, then send it to Compressor at the end and make only one change. This is the big point. Your 720p60 is upconverting your resolution and change your frame rate to 60 progressive. From there you're dropping down to 29.97. That's two converts when you could probably be getting away with one. Also the HD720p60 is anamorphic if I remember right, so unless you're feeding it anamorphic clips you'll be cutting your horizontal resolution down.
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    I'm sorry to hear about this problem. I can imagine it's very upsetting.
    You can certainly do what you want, but you'd need some photo editing software to get it done. Photoshop Elements would be a good choice, but there are lots around - probably even free ones.
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    Couple thoughts:
    Use AME to transcode your original M2T clips to more highly-compressed M2T clips. Drop the originals into the AME Queue, and change the Format to MPEG2 (not MPEG2-DVD). Start with the "1440 x 1080i 29.97 High Quality" preset (this may actually be automatically selected), and then go to the Multiplexer tab and change the Multiplexing option to "TS." Tweak the video encoding parameters (primarily bit rate) as necessary, and save the new versions out somewhere. This seemed to work in my single clip test, though the more highly-compressed file settings may need some experimentation to get smooth playback.
    If you already have MP4s, try changing the extension to M2T. Yeah, it might actually work. You can do this really quickly on the Windows command line (don't know how on Mac) by running a simple command:ren *.mp4 *.m2t
    In both cases, since the extension is the same, relinking should be fairly automatic.
    Report how it goes!

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    It may be the PNG with transparency. This is a classic problem with AA, though I thought it had been fixed. Older versions could not handle transparency. With PPT, PDF Maker changes the borders I think. That improves the PDF result without having to change some of teh options in the printer yourself. The resolution looks good, unless your problem is that of some colors and lines being impossible to see because of the 1200 dpi. I use the default resolution of 300 dpi (the default is 1200). I had problems with 1 pixel vector graphics that would be washed out when done with the 1200 dpi.
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    Thanks in advance

    Automation requires creating your own IDML script for output. Scroll down on this page to the section on Scripting resources. The text is a bit confusing. It says InDesign CS5 Scripting resources, but then the paragraph for that section says the PDF files are for CS6. I haven't read through these, I just found them by searching for "indesign automation". It does say in part that is can be used for preparing files for printing, so once you figure it out, it should be a single click option to do all three steps.
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    Just started using Adobe Premiere Elements 9, editing together a 3 minute music video (so not an epic!). Half way throughand having all sorts of problems as the footage is running slowly or not running at all.
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    How can I edit in a low res version and then render in HD (is this called editing by proxy?)? A friend with Premiere Pro said there should be a very simple button that does this. It would seem a basic requirement of any video-editing software. But I can't find how to do it and the only internet search have brought up very confusing and long-winded processes.
    Question 2.
    Having trouble rendering. I tried rendering as a WMV and the image was very pixilated even though it looks fine on the editing screen. File size was also huge and computer struggled to render it. Also tried FLV, which didn't work at all.
    Would appreciate help as I've put hours into the editing process already.
    Many thanks,

    >don't think hardware is the problem.
    If you want to open and edit a single photoshop picture file... you are fine
    For video (which is, in effect, 30 picture files per second, plus sound) you are not fine at all
    Trying to use only ONE Hard Drive for Video Editing
    You are a music conductor, with a baton that you use to point to various parts of the orchestra... this is like Windows pointing to various parts of the hard drive to do Windows housekeeping or to load program segments for various functions
    Now, at the same time and with the same hand... while still using the baton to conduct the orchestra... pick up a bow and play a fiddle... this would be doing something with your video file at the same time as all the other work
    You as a person cannot do both at the same time with the same hand
    A computer is a LITTLE better, in that it can switch from one kind of task to another very quickly... but not quickly enough for EASY video editing
    You need AT LEAST two hard drives (separate drives, never a partition for more) with Windows (or Mac OS) and software on your boot drive, and video files on a 2nd drive so the boot drive is not slowed down by trying to do everything
    I find that the three drives I use work very well for me, for editing AVCHD video... some people use a 4th drive, so video INPUT files are on drive three and all OUTPUT files are on drive four... I only bought a mid-tower case instead of a full tower case (my bad... but had to fit in the space available on my office desk!) so I use the three drives that will fit
    Depending on your exact hardware (motherboard brand & model AND USB2 enclosure brand & model AND external hard drive brand & model) AND the type of video file, you may... or may NOT... be able to use an external USB2 hard drive for video editing
    Steve Grisetti in the Premiere Elements forum and Jim Simon in the Premiere Pro forum use USB externals for editing
    A USB3 hard drive connected to a motherboard with USB3 is supposed to be fast enough for video editing (I don't have such, so don't know) but eSata DOES have a fast enough data transfer for video editing... I have not used this eSata Dock... for reference only, YMMV and all the usual disclaimers t

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    Sounds like your hubby was a "very good" boy. Gave you a honeymoon and then a child. This is our only job!
    But he didn't read the manual (we don't ask for directions when we're lost, too) and recorded "digital" images that are too small to print.
    The "software" to fix them costs more money than your new babies wardrobe and they take a level of skill to use. But it can be done. Ask NASA and the first Hubble images.
    Copy and burn your low resolution images to CD. Call around (or online) to find a service that can help.
    Obviously any "new" data added to the images will just be "guesses" by the software but many tools do exist to help improve them.

  • Bug in photo library : all in low res (res of the viewer)

    I have a strange bug, after having installed an app (Iris photo suite).
    All my pics are now viewed in low res in the iphone (the res of the thumbnail !!). and impossible to delete the pics of the photo library.
    I tried to shut of and restart the iphone, delete photos from the photo roll, sync, etc... nothing. I still have this thumbnail with low res. How to get rid of it ??

    yes, deleted, and support contacted too.
    By the way, the developper was very clever. It's the 1st time he's ever heard of a bug like that, and Iris doesn't touch to datas like Apple's thumbnails.
    It might come from a use this very low batterie.
    But after deleting, resetting, re-sync, etc... Nothing changed. Excepted that I have recovered my original images by using CopyTrans. The originals were present. (cool!).
    So i copied the originals on the PC, deleted with CopyTrans from the iPhone, restarted, etc... and the low res thumbnails is still there !!!!
    I think I like go to an Apple Store. no way out of that...

  • Why does "Print Booklet" from Indesign CS5.5 only create low res pdf? How do I get High Res for Offs

    Long time ID user in Agency. Created a simple 4 page brochure in CS5.5 ID. Facing pages for cust size 11x17 half fold document.
    Generating the pdf for Press and HQ Print renders a nice high res document, but the print booklet feature only produces a skinny low res version. Tried to mess with the printer settings, but the result is the same with a skinny low res document.
    I didn't want to recreate the brochure as a two page manually imposed as I like the option of being able to add more pages in increments of four of course. Plus it's just silly to do that when ID is supposed to handle it for me.
    I worked around it this time by printing to .ps output then distilling, and then splitting the document so printer could have a "front" and "back" 11x17. But this seems kludged big time. This has to be a bug unless I am missing something.

    You probably never changed the default settings in the PDF printer properties. In the print booklet dialog, click the Print Settings button, then the Setup button at the bottom of the Print Dialog that pops up, choose the PDF printer and click on Preferences. Reset the default reset the default settings to the ones you really want to use, or reset them in Windows... Control Panel > Devices and Printers... Double-click the PDF printer, then from the print queue dialog, Printer > Properties... General tab and clcik the Preferences button.

  • Low res pictures on iphoto

    i have been trying to develop digital pictures from my iphoto library and when i develop them with snapfish or walgreens they are blurry (i.e. low res/low pixels). it's not the camera b/c i developed the same pics months ago and they were fine.
    is there a way to change the resolution of the photos in my iphoto library? also, does it matter how many pics i have stored?

    Just to be sure, check iPhoto's Preferences > Advanced and look where it says "Importing: copy files to iPhoto Library folder when adding to library." As long as there IS a checkmark in that box, you are running iPhoto in its default mode and all should be well. If that box has been UNchecked, please reply (and disregard the following), as there are some very big differences with the library in that case.
    Once you have imported the photos into iPhoto it is safe to delete them from the camera. As long as you haven't deleted them in iPhoto or trashed the files in iPhoto Library/ Originals they are still there. You can check the size of the photos that are in your library. Click the little i near the lower left corner of the iPhoto window to open the info pane. Select a thumbnail from your library, and you'll see its info, including pixel dimensions, in the info pane. To double-check, select a thumbnail and right-click (Control-click). Then choose "Show File" or "Show Original File" (for edited photos). A Finder window should open with the file already selected. You can use that window to trace the path of the file. If this doesn't work for you, please post back with your results.
    Be careful that you don't make any changes to the files and folders inside the iPhoto Library folder from the Finder (or any other application). iPhoto is a database application and has its own filing system, which must be left alone. Always manipulate your photos using iPhoto, or export copies from the library for use outside of iPhoto. If you think you may have damaged your library, you can spot check your photos. See if they display with the size slider all the way to the right (largest size). Double-click to see if they open in Edit mode. Right-click and choose "Show File" to see if iPhoto knows where they are. If these things function, then your library is in good shape. If not, post back for the steps to repair it (or start fresh).
    what you said about the data folder is exactly what i did. can you explain again what the best thing for me to do is.
    Step by step:
    Use iPhoto to select the photos you want to upload for printing.
    Tip: Shift-click the first and last photo to select a contiguous range;
    Command-click to select or deselect discontiguous photos.
    Tip: It can be convenient to create an album to gather your photos, then Select All photos in the album.
    From the iPhoto File menu choose Export, then be sure the "File Export" tab is selected. Set the Format, Size, and Name options. You'll want the full-size images for best printing. Click the Export button.
    A new dialog box will open so that you can choose the location for the exported copies. The easiest, most convenient place is the Desktop. Click the Desktop icon, then click the "New Folder" button. (Too many loose files on the Desktop can crash the Finder.) Name the folder, click Create, then click OK to export the photos to that folder.
    When you are logged onto your Snapfish or Walgreens account, select the Desktop folder as your source when uploading the photos for printing.
    When the upload is complete, you can drag that Desktop folder into the Finder Trash and delete it. Exports are copies - iPhoto retains your files.
    If you wanted to burn a CD to take to a developer, the process is very similar. You would export to a Desktop folder, then burn that folder to the CD. You can use this method to back up your photos to disc. A disc made this way will only contain the photos, with no keywords, album info, or other iPhoto Library structures. It can be used with a computer that does not run iPhoto.
    If you want to create a backup disc that does retain the iPhoto albums, keywords, and other metadata, you burn it using the iPhoto Share > Burn command. A better backup method is to save the entire iPhoto Library folder to an external hard drive.

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