Capturing stdout from JVM process

Using JNI native methods I call functions in a shared C library from my Java program. I do not have access to the shared library source code. The shared library writes informational messages to stdout. I want to be able to capture these messages and display them in my Java GUI as they occur. I need a cross-platform solution because the Java program needs to run on both Windows and Linux.
I have googled and searched the JavaSoft forums but I cannot find an answer to what I am trying to do. I have seen answers on how to do it if you are using Runtime.exec methods, but I am not doing that. Also, redirection on the command line will not work since I want to show these messages as they occur in my GUI.
I have thought of redirecting stdout to a pipe in the JNI code and using select to read the bytes off the pipe. Then sending the bytes up to a Java object. All this would run in a separate thread. But this seems overly complicated.
Any suggestions?

I developed a solution to this problem using named pipes. It works well on Linux (2.6 kernel) and it may work on Windows but I don't know. Example code follows. I would be most interested in any feedback on this solution or on the code itself.
There are 2 files, and StdoutRedirect.c.
1) Compile the java file and run javah on it to get StdoutRedirect.h.
2) Compile the C file into a shared library, here's a makefile:
StdoutRedirect: StdoutRedirect.o
gcc -shared -o StdoutRedirect.o
3) Run the java class file.
**** ****
* This class, along with its JNI library, demonstrates a method of redirecting stdout of the JVM process to a Java
* Reader thread. Using this method the stdout bytes can be sent anywhere in the Java program; e.g., displayed in a GUI.
* This has only been tested on a Linux 2.6 kernel.
public class StdoutRedirect {
    static {
    final static public String NAMED_PIPE = "/tmp/stdoutRedirect";
    native private void setupNamedPipe();
    native private void redirectStdout();
    native public void someRoutine();
    // Flag to indicate to Reader thread when to terminate
    protected boolean keepReading = true;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        StdoutRedirect redir = new StdoutRedirect();
        // The first reader or writer to connect to the named pipe will block. So, the reader
        // must be opened first and must be in a new thread. We want it to be in a separate
        // thread anyways so we can receive data asynchronously.
        // At this point, the reader thread is blocked on creating the FileInputStream
        // because it is the first thing to connect to the named pipe. We grab the lock
        // here and redirect stdout to the named pipe. This opens a writer on the named
        // pipe and the reader thread will unblock. We want to wait for the reader thread
        // to unblock and be ready to receive data before continuing.
        synchronized (redir) {
            try {
                // wait for the reader thread to be ready to receive data
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // write some data to stdout in our C routine
        // All done now, so indicate this with our flag
        redir.keepReading = false;
        // The reader thread may be blocked waiting for something to read and not see
        // the flag. So, wake it up.
        System.out.println("Shut down");
        // Make sure everything is out of stdout and then close it.
        // stdout is closed. This will not be visible.
        System.out.println("Won't see this.");
     * Starts the reader thread which listens to the named pipe and spits the data
     * it receives out to stderr.
    private void openReader() {
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    int BUFF_SIZE = 256;
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[BUFF_SIZE];
                    int numRead = 0;
                    // At this point there is no writer connected to the named pipe so this statement
                    // will block until there is.
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(NAMED_PIPE);
                    // The reader thread is ready to accept data. Notify the main thread.
                    synchronized (StdoutRedirect.this) {
                    // Keep reading data until EOF or we're told to quit and there is no more data to read
                    while (numRead != -1 && (StdoutRedirect.this.keepReading || fis.available() != 0)) {
                        numRead =, 0, BUFF_SIZE);
                        System.err.print("Received - " + new String(bytes, 0, numRead));
                    if (fis != null) {
                    System.err.println("Receiver shut down");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
} // class StdoutRedirect**** StdoutRedirect.c ****
#include "StdoutRedirect.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
// The filesystem location for the named pipe
const char *namedPipe = "/tmp/stdoutRedirect";
* Create the named pipe we're going to redirect stdout through. After this
* method completes, the pipe will exist but nothing will be connected to it.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_StdoutRedirect_setupNamedPipe(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
  // make sure there is no pre-existing file in our way
  // create the named pipe for reading and writing
  mkfifo(namedPipe, S_IRWXU);
* Redirect stdout to our named pipe. After this method completes, stdout
* and the named pipe will be identical.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_StdoutRedirect_redirectStdout(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
  // Open the write end of the named pipe
  int  namedPipeFD = open(namedPipe, O_WRONLY);
  printf("Before redirection...\n");
  // make sure there is nothing left in stdout
  // duplicate stdout onto our named pipe
  if ( dup2(namedPipeFD, fileno(stdout)) == -1 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "errno %s.\n", strerror(errno));
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't dup stdout\n");
  printf("After redirection.\n");
  // flushing is necessary, otherwise output does not stay in sync with Java layer
* Do some random writing to stdout.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_StdoutRedirect_someRoutine(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
  int i;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
    printf("Message %d\n", i);
  printf("End of messages\n");
  // flushing is necessary, otherwise output does not stay in sync with Java layer

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    1) See When Runtime.exec() won't:
    I recommed the entire read. Listing 4.7 contains the final version for the StreamGobbler (it will do the job as is but you may want to fiddle with some details). You can instantiate one for each (out and err) and redirect them to the same OutputStream (with the second ctor).
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                   System.out.println("executing process");
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    What's wrong with just using one or more of the following System Properties?
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.version=1.4.2_04 mode HotSpot(TM) Client VM Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.version=1.4.2_04-b05If you insist on using an external process, this article may help.

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    First your USB Cam needs to be DirectShow Compliant.
    Then you will need NI-IMAQdx from the Vision Acquisition Software 2009 (supports LV 8.2 and higher) or higher to acquire images from USB cameras. The NI IMAQ driver is to capture images from framegrabbers, and the NI SmartCamera, not for USB. There is also a own IMAQ USB Library for the Vision Acquisition 8.6 but since you need to buy the Acquisition Software I would recommend to use 2009 or higher where we added the DirectShow Support to IMAQdx.
    The Vision Acquisition Software is just for image acquisition and processing. If you want to do image processing you will need the Vision Development Module.
    And when doing a search at you should find some articles, examples and tutorials too.
    I can't estimate how much time you will need get that running, but you could just try to run one of the examples for IMAQdx in LabVIEW and then see how it works.

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    You can make of the session variables to access the values. Every field in the form has a corresponding session variable with the name "A_<VARIABLE_NAME>". For example for deptno the session variable will be "A_DEPTNO"
    Here is a sample.
    flightno number;
    ticketno varchar2(30);
    tdate date;
    persons number;
    blk varchar2(10) := 'DEFAULT';
    flightno := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_FLIGHT_NO');
    ticketno := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TICKET_NO');
    tdate := p_session.get_value_as_date(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TRAVEL_DATE');
    persons := p_session.get_value_as_number(
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_NOF_PERSONS');
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_FLIGHTNO',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TICKETNO',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    p_block_name => blk,
    p_attribute_name => 'A_TRAVEL_DATE',
    p_value => to_char(NULL)
    In the above example the values of the variables are got into temporary variables and session variabels are set to null.

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    Its time to think ahead for all of us to be in line with SAP Business Suite 7.0
    SAP Business Suite 7:
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  • How to increase JVM Process size for WebLogic running SOA Applications.

    I believe 32 Bit OS can address up to 4GB memory so theoretically 32 Bit JVM can use 4GB but practical convention is 2GB as other 2GB is used by OS itself and also this default JVM Process size is set somewhere and I also believe that if JVM is 32 bit on 64Bit OS even though JVM will run on 32Bit Virtual Machine so JVM does not know that it is 64Bit OS in that case again it can use max Process default size up to 2GB.
    And for 64Bit JVM, I can allocate more than 4GB depend on my available RAM size to Xmx, MaxPermSize parameters in java.exe file and after that I can set the same value in “setSOADomainEnv.cmd” or to “setDomainEnv.cmd” file.
    But I am 99% sure by just assigning more memory value to Xmx, MaxPermSize in “setSOADomainEnv.cmd” file only won’t work (not setting Xmx in java.exe), if it would have worked then in my case when I was assigning 1536 to Xmx in “setSOADomainEnv.cmd” file then why it was showing out of memory error. I think that is because it was only taking default 2GB for my 32 Bit JVM not considering 3GB or 4GB. So i think i have to change default memory size what JVM can use (<> but i am using windows 8 so for that I don’t know the option to change this default Process Size)
    I also believe that first JVM start and before start it check how much memory it can use from it’s own –Xmx parameter in some ware configuration or java.exe file and after that it allocate that much size of JVM Process Memory in RAM then after it loads Weblogic or Java Applications in its (Heap + Non-heap + Native Area) which are parts of JVM Process memory
    I read post on :< > and < >
    All used  : 
    java -Xmx64m -classpath ".:${THE_CLASSPATH}" ${PROGRAM_NAME}
    java –Xmx6g     //command which will call java/JVM interpreter which will hold –Xmx parameter to set Heap size for JVM
                                    before JVM comes in memory (JVM process memory)
    now my question is can I manually open any configuration file or java.exe same like “setSOADomainEnv.cmd” or “setDomainEnv.cmd” (I know since java.exe is exe I can’t open simply but I want similar work around)
    so that I don’t need to type java –Xmx6g every time when I run weblogic (and then later I can change weblogic “setDomainEnv.cmd” Xmx and PermSize to more than default size 4GB to 5GB or 6GB in the case of 64Bit OS)
    Please correct me if I am wrong in my understanding.

    These days the VM will detect a "server" machine and set up the memory appropriate for that.
    You can create a simple java console application and have it print the memory settings (find the appropriate java class fort that.)
    There is of course the possibility that your application is running out of memory because it is doing something wrong and not because the VM doesn't have enough memory.  You can force that in a test setup by LOWERING the maximum amount of memory and thus making it more likely that an out of memory exception will occur.

  • Problem with capture image from wc

    hi all, i want to capture image from my webcam and play it, but it's not work
    please help me, here's code
    public class Demo extends JFrame {
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              Demo demo = new Demo();
         public Demo() {
              int a=30;
              final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              DataSource dataSource = null;
              PushBufferStream pbs;
              Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new VideoFormat(null));
              CaptureDeviceInfo deviceInfo=null;boolean VideoFormatMatch=false;
              for(int i=0;i<deviceList.size();i++) {
              // search for video device
              deviceInfo = (CaptureDeviceInfo)deviceList.elementAt(i);
              VideoFormat videoFormat=new VideoFormat("YUV");
              System.out.println("Format: "+ videoFormat.toString());
              Dimension size= videoFormat.getSize();
              MediaLocator loc = deviceInfo.getLocator();
              try {
                   dataSource = (DataSource) Manager.createDataSource(loc);
                   // dataSource=Manager.createCloneableDataSource(dataSource);
                   } catch(Exception e){}
                   try {
                        pbs=(PushBufferStream) dataSource.getStreams()[0];
                        } catch(Exception e){}
                        try{dataSource.start();}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception dataSource.start() "+e);}
                        try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(Exception e){} // to let camera settle ahead of processing

    iTool wrote:
    hi all, i want to capture image from my webcam and play it, but it's not workThat's a very descriptive error message, "it's not work". Everyone on the board will certainly be able to help you out with that.
    The first error I see is that you're using the CaptureDeviceManager in an applet. If T.B.M pops in here, he can tell you why that's going to be a CF 99% of the time.
    The other error I see is that your code looks absolutely nothing like any working JMF webcam capture code I've personally ever seen.
    Lastly, the big one, even if you were somehow capturing video magically, you're not even trying to display I'm not entirely sure why you expect to see anything with the code you just posted.
    Your best bet would be starting over and using the example code from the page linked above.

  • How to capture image from USB camera in Labview 2010

    Hey all,
    I am very new to Labview but am working on a project that requires me to use a sensor to send a signal to Labview to capture an image from a USB camera and save.  Then apply some image processing to do some geometric calculations.  The calculation will be based on pixels so I guess the image needs to be in bitmap form.  Right now I am just trying to start with the image acquisition part and was wondering if this can be done in Labview 2010.  I have the vision toolbox and NXT Robotics.  Are there any examples on this website that will help and do I have te proper tools to do this?  Once I get the image capture/grab to work using labview, then I could work getting a sensor signal to trigger that capture and finally the processing side. 
    Like I said, I am very new to this so I am not sure if I need to download any particular drivers or vi's that I am missing or what those might be.  Can someone provide some insight, links, or any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

    Hi wklove,
    In order to do vision with LabVIEW you need to to have the Vision development module and have NI Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) installed. It sounds like you are missing VAS you can download it here. Once you have this installed you should be able to see your camera in Measurement and Automation (MAX). After you are able to see the camera, take a look at the NI Example Finder by going to Help » Find Examples
    Joe Daily
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    may the G be with you ....

  • Using Labviews 6i Limited Vision capability to capture frames from DT3132 Board.

    I'm wondering if anyone has used Labview 6i Limited IMAQ VI's to
    capture images from a Data Translations DT3132 Board? Is it possible
    to quickly create an Application without purchasing IMAQ Vision ADD-IN
    Module for Labview?

    You have confused capturing and processing images.
    The IMAQ drivers are used for capturing images using NI boards. If you are going to capture images using a different manufacturer's board, you need to find out if they have drivers for LabVIEW.
    The IMAQ add-on toolkit is for processing images. With the built in tools, you can't really do any useful image processing.
    Bruce Ammons
    Ammons Engineering

  • Capture design from an ERWin diagram using DDL

    I am trying to follow the advise given by Antony Hall in this forum (posted June 16/2004) to capture an ERWin ERD into Designer. Antony recommends to generate the DDL in ERWin (which I did) then open Designer Editor in Designer, go to Generate --> Capture Design and choose 'Server Model' from the list.
    Then as the Source of Design Capture choose 'DDL files' and browse for the file. Before this I also created the Application System to hold the Server Model that I am going to create.
    All goes fine except that the 'start' button to begin the process in the 'Capture Server Model from Database' window is grayed out, so I'm stuck.
    Any help to solve this problem will be much appreciated.
    Toronto, Canada

    1. the Target Container has to have your application in it.
    2. Capture Implimentations into - needs to have the Database from the designer selected into it.
    3. Datbase user - needs to have a database user in it.
    Refer to Note 260617.1
    How to Capture Design from Designer
    If you need more assistance log a tar and I will help you.

  • Debugger disconnected from local process.

    When I debug my source code I set a breakpoint and from there use step into or step over two to three times and then debugging stops with the message "Debugger disconnected from local process." I set the breakpoint at different positions and always had the same effect. When I run the code that part I try to debug does work.
    What can I do to debug that part (want to watch certain variables in that part)? I already tried to set more breakpoints and used resume to step to the next breakpoint, but again debugging stops.
    Thank you very much for your help,

    Hi Carola,
    The message "Debugger disconnected from local process." is written to the log window when the debuggee process terminates.
    In your case, it sounds like the debuggee process is terminating unexpectedly early (perhaps because the JVM died). To figure out why that is happening, I'll need to know some more information:
    What kind of program are you debugging? Is it a Java Application with a main method? Or, is it a Servlet or JSP? Or, is it an EJB? Or, an Applet?
    If your program is small, would it be possible for you to send it to me so that I can reproduce the problem myself?
    What J2SE version and what JVM are you using? The J2SE is specified in the Project Settings dialog on the Libraries panel. The JVM is specified in the Project Settings dialog on the Runner panel.
    If the problem you are seeing turns out to be a bug in the JVM, you can probably work around it by switching to a different JVM. Again, this is specified in Project Settings dialog, on the Runner panel. If you are currently using OJVM, you could try switching to HotSpot (also called Client). However, you will notice that debugging is much faster with OJVM than with other JVMs.
    Also, what platform are you running on? Windows NT? Windows 2000? Windows XP? Linux (what kind of Linux and what version)? Solaris (what version)?

  • Elements doesnt recognise my panasonic vdr -d250 camcorder. Does elements capture video from camcorders by usb. Camcorder has no firewire.

    does premiere elements capture video from camcorders using usb. my camera does not have firewire

    Major backup time regarding your "capture", "USB connection", "no firewire for camcorder".......
    Let us start again. Your question was interpreted as one concerning DV data capture into Premiere Elements capture window (requires a firewire connection).
    I just dug into the user guide for your camera...instead of a miniDV camcorder, I find a camera that records DVD-VIDEO to a DVD disc. Is that your camera's description? That puts a different complexion to the matter. Please confirm that you are recording to a DVD-VIDEO standard to widescreen on a DVD disc. If not that, then please explain with more details.
    If you camera is recording as I now believe, you do not need a firewire or USB connection.
    1. Place the finalized DVD disc in the DVD burner tray of your computer.
    2. If you are working with Premiere Elements 12 Windows, then set the project preset for NTSC DV Standard or Widescreen (or the PAL counterpart, depending on your computer setup), and then, in the Expert workspace of Premiere Elements 12, Add Media/"DVD camera or computer drive", Video Importer.
    This process copies (rips) video files (VOBs) of the DVD-VIDEO and allows you to put these video files on the program's Timeline for edits and export.
    Please let us know if we are now in sync on what you are seeking.

  • Capturing footage from Camera using USB port

    Quick question, that I need help with. I have final cut pro and I am trying to capture footage from a Sony Handy Cam. It only has the option to use a use connection to my mac.
    In Final Cut pro, I can't figure out how to set it up to capture from the camera. If anyone can help and/or walk me through the process, that would be a great help.

    What kind of camere is it: DVD or hard drive?
    If it's a DVD one you can use MPEG Streamclip to convert the MPEG2 files to an editable format like DV.

  • Capture image from isight

    What is the best way to capture images from iSight using Applescript ?

    erritikamathur wrote:
    What is the best way to capture images from iSight using Applescript
    (1) Depending on what you want to do, you may be able to use your "Automator" application to make your scripts instead (Automator calls them "workflows".)
    When you launch Automator, you can immediately select the "Photos & Images" as a starting point to see if it will meet your needs by selecting "my Computer's Camera" in the "Get content from:" choices bar there.
    For more info on Automator, start with Mac 101: Automator and then launch Automator on your Mac and use its Automator > Help as needed.
    (2) If you really need to use AppleScript, you need to understand that you script applications (such as iChat), not devices (like iSight.) Therefore, first decide what you want to do with your iSight. Click -> here to see a list of some applications that can operate your iSight.
    Once you have decided what you want to do, launch your Mac's AppleScript Script Editor.
    Next, open Script Editor's Library window to see a list of Apple apps that are scriptable. Those that can control iSight include iChat, iMovie, and iPhoto. Double-click on one of the apps of interest to see the dictionary of functions that can be scripted in that application. Reviewing the library for any app will help you determine whether the functions you want to control can be scripted in that app. If not, you need to find another app that can control that function, develop an alternate process flow that can be scripted, or look for a way to accomplish your task other than with AppleScript.
    Some third party apps may also be scriptable. See the documentation or support info for particulars directly from the developers of those apps.
    More help is available from a variety of sources. For instance, you can check your Mac's Help on specific applications to see if they contain info on automating them. One specific example is iChat > Help, which gives a good start on your iChat study.
    Unless you already know how to use AppleScript, you may also need to do some more general study or perhaps take advantage of the Apple training series book available from the Apple Store.
    EZ Jim
    G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.7) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)   iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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