Card messages won't do symbol fonts?

I'm trying to print a birthday card from iPhoto but the message area on the inside of the card doesn't seem to like symbol fonts like Monotype Sorts or Zapf Dingbats. It doesn't seem to accept oriental fonts either. (accented chars ar OK)
Any ideas how to get around this or why on earth they would restrict printing is this way?

iChat (the forerunner that Messages in built on) has a whole bunch of Sound with the app.
There were 17 different Actions you could set the sounds for.  (some like an Audio Invitation was the same as the Video invitation sound so there were not 17 different sounds.
Up until Messages 7.0.1 in Mountain Lion you could set these sounds to be Off, On or list another sound (any of the iChat sounds, System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects alert sounds (System Alerts) or any you had in ~/Library/Sounds (your User Account's Sounds)
Since Mavericks/Messages 8 the Alerts Pane in the Messages Preferences has disappeared.
You can only change one sound and that is the one fro Message Received in the General Section of the Preferences.
All other sounds play when the function they were originally designed for happens.
As a consequence you now have  Buddy List open and you will here the Login sound each time it logs in.
I have just disabled all my Accounts in Messages that have Buddy List (all the non iMessages ones).
Originally it kept my pic on show  until I iMessages my iPhone.
At this point it hung, then Crashed.
On restart it was using my Contacts App > My Card pic.
Turning on account in Messages to Enabled again does not automatically change the Pic back.
It looks like we need to bring this to their attention again.
This page was never very good at keeping up to date with iChat and currently does not list anything past iChat 5 so type your specs into the Free text area.
10:19 pm      Monday; November 18, 2013
  iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    I don't think you will get much help for DRM removal on the Digital Edition forum.
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    You may want to rerun in FEX > Tools > Clean System Font Folder… on the chance that your evil computer put it back.
    Que the Indd Secret Site:
    Apple says:
    Anything other than:
    and a working copy of Helvetica (any brand will do and only then assuming you need Photoshop), will get you where you need in terms of fonts. Every other font in your system is wholly optionally and I personally let FEX manage anything that isn't the above five fonts, think anyone who doesn't is making a mistake.
    Short version. Delete every copy of Symbol and run every command under the Tools menu of FEX, throw two reboots in the machine and hope for the best.

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    Message was edited by: gssimpso

    Copying my PPT slides into a new file and importing the new file into Captivate worked! Thank you SO much!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 10:20 AM
    Subject: [Import/Export] Captivate 5 Won't Import My Font From PPT
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    Perhaps you could also take a screenshot of the font issue and show us what it looks like and what it should look like?

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    William M. wrote:
    As a mathematician, I use the Symbol font on my Mac frequently, but when I open those files in Windows, different characters have been substituted for the characters I typed. 
    You may be using the legacy symbol character encoding, which is not a good idea any more, as most apps have moved to Unicode.  Instead of using the Symbol font, make your characters by going to the Character Viewer (Edit > Special Characters), view = Roman, Tab = By Category, Category = Math, Digits, Greek
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    ''duplicate of''
    This site shows Greek letters and Greek words by calling for the Windows Symbol font. The page(s) involved display correctly in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox 3.6.1 or 8.1. In Firefox, the Greek letter does not appear, it is just replaced with the English letter for the equivalent keystroke. Here is a html line that ought to cause Symbol's Greek letter lowercase alpha to be displayed, but all you get is an "a" :
    (td width="60")(p align="center")(big)(strong)(font face="Symbol")(span style="font-family: , Symbol")a(/span)(/font)(/strong)(/big)(/td)
    **I have had to replace the left and right carets with left and right parentheses. Otherwise, the line actually executes, disappears, and just leaves a bolded "a" on the next line.***

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    What did work was that I followed the solution offered on:
    "How to reenable symbol font in Firefox 3 on Windows"
    Download the file:
    Go to Control Panel/Fonts/Install New Font
    Install the font that was downloaded.
    <b>************Problem Solved*********</b>
    I think Firefox wants you to use _its_ font faces, not the standard Windows fonts. They do not have a Symbol font to replace the Windows TTF, I guess.

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    The problem is the spring tension used to hold the cover open is stronger than the poorly designed weak hinges.
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    Happy Printing

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    Best regards,
    Amaury Vaernewyck

    Hi MajorChipHazard,
    Did my solution work for you ?
    Best regards,
    Amaury Vaernewyck

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    Many Thanks, Kurt.
    I knew I'd seen the solution you've provided somewhere - either in MacWorld or MacFormat - but couldn't remember the Gatekeeper bit!
    I shall save it somewhere VERY safe now in case this happens again …
    You have made an old man very happy and saved me from worrying that senile decay had suddenly set in. (I was 70 last week so you might understand the situation from that.)
    Best wishes

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    My SD card reader won't import images from the SD card. I purchased this product 10 months ago and have had no problem with it up to now. How do I remedy this problem. Using the product allows me to travel without a laptop ...Please help!

    Have you tried to give your device a reset? Sometimes that helps with glitches. Hold down the sleep and home keys, past when you see the red power down slider and until you see the silver apple. Let it reboot and try again.
    ALso, the card reader will only see files that are formatted correctly. If you just took the images from your computer and put them onto the card, then it won't work. They have to follow a strict naming convention. There has to be a folder named DCIM on the card and then all those images have to have a file name of exactly 8 characters, DSC_3857 for example. Your camera makes this naming structure but if you manually put the photos on that card you may not have replicated it.
    Is this a card you've used before? If it's a new card and is empty then the iPad won't read it. Also if it's SDXC it won't read those either (XC cards use a file structure that the iPad can't decipher)

Maybe you are looking for