Carte usb 6008 non détectée

après avoir installé le pilote Nidaq 6.8.1 sous XP Pro SP3, j'ai essayé de connecter ma carte USB 6008 sans succès. Celle-ci n'est pas détectée, le voyant de la carte reste éteint. D'autre part sous le logiciel NI "MAX", aucun "Périphériques et interfaces" n'apparait.....Pourtant le port USB fonctionne a priori correctement avec une clé USB quelconque.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider dans mes recherches ?
Par avance, merci.

La version du driver utilise est trop vieille. Le support pour l'USB 6008 n'est disponible que dans une version plus recente des drivers en DAQmx si je ne dis pas de betise et pas DAQ Traditionnel.
De plus la version que vous essayez d'installer n'est pas officiellement compatible avec Windows XP :
Vous compter programmer / commander votre materiel avec quel logiciel ? LabVIEW ? LabWindows/CVI ? Ou par un autre logiciel de developpement C, etc ?
Pourquoi utiliser cette version des drivers ?
Da Helmut

Similar Messages

  • Configuration carte usb 6008

    Bonjour, Je cherche à relier un banc d'essai muni d'une carte usb 2008 sur un PC. Même avec l'installation de DAQ-mx, la carte n'est pas reconnue par mon PC. Dans MAX, je ne peux accéder au propriétés de la carte.
    Compte tenu de mon niveau "informatique", j'ai épuisé toutes mes ressources !
    Sur un autre PC, j'ai une installation similaire où avec les mêmes éléments installés, une autre carte 6008 est reconnue. Par contre, quand je cherche à connecter la carte qui me pose souci, elle n'est pas non plus reconnue sur ce second PC.
    J'ai tenté dans MAX de modifier le n° du device mais rien n'y fait.
    Merci pour votre aide !
    Message Edité par SylvainTriquigneaux le 01-18-2008 04:51 AM

    Merci pour votre aide.
    Lorsque je branche la carte sur mon PC, un nouveau matériel est détecté. On me demande alors de sélectionner le pilote de ce matériel. En choisissant la recherche automatique du pilote, l'installation échoue sur un USB-6xxx Firmware Loader qui n'est pas trouvé.
    Je dispose sur ce PC de la version 8.3 de DAQ-mx.
    En refaisant les mêmes manipulations sur un autre PC, l'installation se déroule convenablement toujours avec la même version de DAQ-mx.
    Je ne suis donc a priori pas concerné par le problème avec DAQ-mx d'autant plus que l'installation se déroule convenablement sur un autre PC...
    Merci pour votre aide
    Message Edité par SylvainTriquigneaux le 01-21-2008 05:02 AM

  • Generer des impulsions avec la sortie numerique NI USB-6008

    je suis un nouveau utilisateur de labview , j ai un probléme dont j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez
    j ai une carte NI USB-6008 et je veux
    réaliser des impulsions dont je pourais régler le rapport cyclique , la fréquence et le nombre d'échantillon sur une des sorties numériques sans utiliser la sortie counter ou analogique.

    Bonjour Midas,
    Pour réaliser cette fonction vous avez en effet besoin d'utiliser une boucle while ou for avec un control logiciel, comme indiqué par Helmut O'Brian.
    Pour ce qui est de la création de votre pattern numérique, il vous faut concevoir un algorithme respectant votre CDC.
    Vous pouvez vous inspirer de l'exemple ci-dessous disponible depuis la recherche d'exemple LabVIEW, qui permet d'écrire des données numérique sur un port de façon continue:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\examples\DAQmx\Digital\Generate Values.llb\Write Dig
    Pour obtenir plus d'information sur l'utilisation du driver NI-DAQmx et de l'API DAQmx, je vous invite à prendre connaissance des éléments présents depuis les liens suivants:
    Getting Started with NI-DAQmx: Main Page
    Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Applications
    Rémi D.
    National Instruments France
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    >> Les rencontres techniques de NI - Mesures et acquisition de données : de la théorie à la mise en ...

  • Will USB-6008 DAQ be able to power and record voltage for UMS T5 tensiometer at the same time?

    I would like to use my NI USB-6008 to provide power to my UMS T5 tensiometer  ( as well as take readings from it, but I don't know if this is possible to do properly. The supply voltage for the instrument can be as low as 5V, which I can easily get from the dedicated +5V channel. I am able to power the instrument and connect it to an analog input on the 6008 and measure a voltage in differential mode. However, while reading the support literature for the instrument, I find the following:
    "Potential data acquisition pitfalls: Because the pressure transducer is configured in a Wheatstone full bridge, the input voltage and signal mV output cannot be connected to the same reference (ground). Hence, the signal mV output can only be measured using a differential voltage measurement. Therefore, do not attempt to make a single-ended measurement of the pressure transducer mV output."  (
    My understanding is that the 6008 can take a differential measurement if I attach the signal "+" and signal "-" to the positive and negative analog input terminals. However, it seems that all of the Ground ports on the 6008 are grounded to the same reference, which would make my voltage measurement invalid according to the paragraph above. So my real questions is: if I attempt to record the voltage using one of the analog inputs on the 6008 in this way, is the measurement valid? Or do I need to find a separate power supply with a different reference ground to ensure that the measurement is accurate?

    The specification sheet for that device is very poor. The manual is not much better. Companies which want to sell scientific equipment should publish decent data sheets or get out of business.
    In section 3.4.3 General requirements the device is described as a "non-amplified bridge circuit."  This information along with the bridge impedance should be in the specifications because it is essential to applying the device under any circumstances other than the nominal behavior at 10.6 V.
    The answer to your question is this:
    You can use it with the USB-6008.  The 5 V power supply will result in output voltages slightly less than half (5/10.6) the voltages specified under nominal conditions. You can use the differential input mode on the USB-6008.  The absolute input voltages will be about 2.5 V with the 5 V supply. That voltage is within the working range of the device. The differences will probably be less than 100 mV. The resolution of the USB-6008 on the +/-1 V range is about 0.5 mV so your pressure resolution will be around 1 % of full scale. The input impedance and termination voltage of the USB-6008 will introduce some errors.  These may be on the order of 5-10%. I cannot predict much better without the missing bridge impedance specification.  Those errors should be systematic and relatively constant. A calibration of the whole system - sensor and DAQ device together should allow you to compensate for much of that error.

  • NI USB 6008: expected constant expression

    I am using NI USB 6008 device. Looking at NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog In\Measure Voltage\Acq-Int Clk\
    So I want to modify the line that has
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,1000,10.0,DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,data,1000,&read,NULL));
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,numsamps,TimeouT,DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,data,numsamps,&read,NULL));
    where the corresponding variables have been defined before like:
      Int_t xx=2;
      const Int_t numsamps = const_cast<Int_t&>(xx);
        int32       error=0;
        TaskHandle  taskHandle=0;
        int32       read;
        float64     data[numsamps];
        float64 RatE = float64(raTE);
        float64 TimeouT = float64(numsamps)/RatE;
    But when I try to compile I get this error message:
    $ nmake -f makefile.mak
    Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
            cl  -D_MT -D_DLL -MDd -EHsc  -nologo -G5 -GR -MD -DWIN32  -DVISUAL_CPLUS
    PLUS -D_WINDOWS -IC:\ROOT/include -O2 -c SNatInDAQ.cpp
    cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/MDd' with '/MD'
    cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
    SNatInDAQ.cpp(261) : error C2057: expected constant expression
    SNatInDAQ.cpp(261) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
    SNatInDAQ.cpp(261) : error C2133: 'data' : unknown size
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\c
    l.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
    What does it mean 'expected constant expression'? How can I get around this?
    What I want to do is pass the size of that data array from another function.

    Hi novaiscool,
    I think the issue is that you are declaring numsamps as a constant and the DAQmxReadAnalogF64 function wnats a non constant parameter.  Have you tried calling the function with a regular int or a value?  Give that a try and see if you get the same error. 
    You will also need to initialize numsamps to something since you are allocating an array using that variable. 
    Give those things a try and let me know how it works.
    Thank You,
    Nick F.
    Applications Engineer

  • Communication réseau WIFI NI USB 6008 avec Netbook

    Je souhaiterais faire de l'acquisition de donnée embarqué sur un karting ; je posséde une NI USB 6008, un netbook avec windows seven starter avec le driver 9.5.5 Daqmx et un PC portable sous vista avec labview 2010.
    Dans cet configuration je souhaiterai visualiser des températures,pressions... en temps réel si possible ou avec une latence X en bord de piste avec mon PC portable.
    Mon soucis est le suivant:
    Comment communiquer en réseau wifi avec les deux PC?Suis-je obliger de créer un réseau ad'hoc entre les deux PC?Quel est la différence entre périphérique déporté et périphérique réseau?
    Merci d'avance pour votre aide
    Romain Cleyet-Merle

    Bonjour Romain CM,
    RomainCM a écrit :
    Mon soucis actuel est de pouvoir créer l'exe mais un VI express récalcitrant m'empéche d'avancer dans mon projet.
    Ce Vi est "écrire dans un fichier de mesure".Lors de la construction de l'exe une erreur 1502 intervient et m'empeche de crer l'exe. (Post sur le forum mais pas de réponse d'ingé NI pour le moment)
    Ayant des bases trés légere en programmation, je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le net un VI capable d'avoir la meme  flexibilité de paramétrage que posséde ce VI express.
    Avez-vous essayé d'utiliser la palette de VIs TDMS ? ce format est utilisable de manière simple et performante, de plus vous pouvez lire le fichier sous un tableaur de type Microsoft Excel ou LibreOffice Calc.
    Sans utiliser le VI Express, vous pouvez également écrire dans un fichier binaire, tableur ou texte.
    De quelle nature sont les données que vous souhaitez enregistrer ? (des waveforms, nombres flottants, tableaux...).
    Des problêmes similaires ont déjà été rencontrés, et corrigés par l'abandon du VI express au profit d'un jeu de VI plus adaptés.
    National Instruments France
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    Été de LabVIEW 2014
    12 présentations en ligne, du 30 juin au 18 juillet

  • Communication card usb 6008

    I'm currently facing some troubles that might come from a usb card 6008. A testing machine monitored with this card and a sofware developped in LabVIEW do not wotk anymore.
    However, on another testing machine, no problem with the same configuration, usb card 6008 and a sofware developped in LabVIEW.
    I searched some differences between both configurations and found this one : in MAX, on the testing machine that do not work anymore, the usb card is not "identified" in the same way, the name of the card can not be seen (see photo).
    whereas on the testing machine where everything is fine, it is (see photo)
    As you can see, the screens are not similar and I can't modify anything on the card of the 1st screen. As the name of the card is setted up in my LabVIEW software and as the card doesn't seem to have a name, can it be the reason of my trouble?
    If yes, do you know how to handle it?
    Thanks for your help and best regards,

    Hello Sylvain,
    I think that you have connected your device to the computer before having installed DAQmx the first time. Since, it uses the bad driver. I suggest you to open the Device Manager and update the 6008's driver software. Choose to search for a driver on your computer among the two options and then choose the "Let me pick among a list of device drivers on my computer" option. Do you see something like "NI USB-6008" in the list?
    Don't hesitate to post screenshots of the information contained in your Device Manager like this view (but for your USB-6008) :
    (Sorry, my computer is in French )
    Another solution should be to follow those steps in this specific order :
    1) Disconnect your 6008 device
    2) Reset MAX Database
    3) Uninstall DAQmx driver
    4) Reboot your computer
    5) Reinstall DAQmx (still with the device disconnected)
    6) Plug your device and check if it appears correctly in MAX
    Jérémy C.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • PID - USB 6008

    Hi, everyone!
    I'm Student. I found some example about PID. Reset Counter and make a PWM on Internet, I don't remember those Links. Now I Use them to control motion of DC motor. I use USB - 6008 of my teacher (I borrowed). When I select time to reset counter 20ms but elapse higher 20ms. The purpose of my project only to study, sorry when I changed those Program. Would you please explain for me and help me solve this project . Thank you.
    This my VI and Picture my test.
    Test ‏71 KB

    I'm sorry that I need to disappoint you, but your approach doesn't sound very promising. Low cost USB DAQ devices are the worst choice for closed loop control systems due to the lack of hardware timing for the digital outputs or a counter output. With this approach you will run into multiple problems:
    Lack of hardware timed output results in a PWM signal with a high amount of jitter.
    Compared to other bus technologies like PCI or PXI, USB adds even more jitter in single point output mode.
    Running your control loop under Windows (non-deterministic operating system) adds even more jitter and makes tuning very hard.
    This is really a worst case scenario for a control system and you will probably end up with a poor solution. Here and here are some other threads about the same topic.
    Kind regards,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments

  • Error -10401 occurred at AI Group Config - in relation to USB-6008

    I'm attempting to run a simple vi that uses AI Aquire to input voltage data that I have coming in from the USB-6008 DAQ.  However, when I try running the program, I receive the error:
    Error -10401 occurred at AI Group Config
    Possible reason(s):
    NI-DAQ LV:  The specified device is not a National Instruments product, the driver does not support the device (for example, the driver was released before the device was supported), or the device has not been configured using the Measurement & Automation Explorer.
    And I'm not sure how to fix it.  In MAX, the device seems to be working properly and everyhting seems to work fine in the test panel, so I'm slightly at a loss.  I'm running Labview 7.1, and installed NI-DAQmx 7.5 which came with the USB-6008.

    Never mind.  I'm new to Labview, and didn't realize that I could not use the traditonal Data Aquisition components with the USB-5008 (I didn't even realize that NI-Daqmx was different).

  • Can I use more than one USB 6008 in the same program?

    I am working on a project that may require up to six USB-6008 modules.  Before I purchase more I need to know if I can use all six at a time in the same Lab View program.  Can anyone help?
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Nick,
    LabVIEW is able to handel that number of DAQ tasks quite easily, however you must remember that USB has a maximum bandwidth. Therefore you would have to ensure that you have enough USB hubs on your PC. Typically there are between two to four USB slots per hub and each of these will have a maximum throughput rate which will divided between all devices attached to that hub. Therefore although you may have four USB DAQ devices attached to four USB ports if they are on the same hub you may notice greatly reduced rates of data transfer. What I would suggest rather than purchasing six or more USB 6008, why not purchase one PCI card which is able to handel many more inputs with a larger bandwidth.
    Andrew George @ NI UK

  • How can i connect 24VDC to digital input (usb 6008)

    how can i connect 24VDC to digital input (usb 6008), is it possible with some optocoupler?

    The 6008 is a static DIO, so speed shouldn't be an issue.  Therefore an optocoupler should work.  Just make sure you get one the meets your specs.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • NI-DAQmx 8.3.0f0 installed but Found New Hardware Wizard shows up when plugging in a USB-6008

    I have NI-DAQmx Device Driver 8.3.0f0 installed with LabVIEW 8.2 but when I plug in a NI USB-6008 I see the "Found New Hardware Wizard" in Windows XP.  Since the DAQmx driver is installed shouldn't Windows recognize the device immediately?
    I cancel the driver and I get the taskbar message "A problem occurred during hardware installation.  Your device may not work properly."
    The USB-6008 does not appear under Devices and Interfaces in MAX. 
    Help would be appreciated.

    Ahh, I thought Windows performed an automatic search after cancel is clicked. 
    I clicked next and allowed Windows to search and it says:
    "Cannot Start this Hardware"
    There was a problem installing this hardware: USB-6008
    The device cannot start.  (Code 10)
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the device but the results were the same.
    Any ideas?

  • Como controlar velocidad con un PID con USB 6008 ?????

    Buenas tardes.
    Acabo de adquirir mi placa USB 6008 y estoy comenzando a trabajar para poder controlar la velocidad de un motor trifásico asincrónico estandar.
    Para esto contruí con un microcontrolador y una etapa de potencia la parte del variador. Y logré con esto que mi variador reciba una entrada de 0 a 5 Vcc y con ello varía la Frecuenci-Tensión de salida. Es decir solo necesito entregarle 0 a 5 V para que este actúe sobre todo el rango de frecuencias de salida.
    También contruí una placa de aislación galvánica que separa absolutamente la salida analógica de mi USB 6008 con la placa del variador que construí, como para separar las masas y la señal y evitar inconvenientes en mi Notebook y placa de adquisición.
    El feedback de velociodad lo hago con un sensor óptico y un disco dentado acoplado al eje del motor que me puede dar según mi necesidad 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 ó 10  pulsos por vuelta de acuedo a como lo ubique ó a mi necesidad.
    Entiendo que la placa USB 6008 no es la mejor alternativa para trabajar a tiempo real, y mi sistema operativo ( windows vista x64) tampoco. Pero mi sistema es bastante inercial desde el punto de vista mecánico, y también lo es por la placa del variador que no tiene una respuesta instantanea por cuestiones de constantes de tiempo que le di al firmware del micro. Es decir que no necesito velocidad en el sistema ni en el VI que necesito desarrollar.
    Resumiendo, necesito entrar a mi placa USB 6008 con pulsos ( los que se necesiten por cada vuelta del motor) y luego salir por una salida analógica ( de 0 a 5 V) con la información de velocidad que va al variador.
    Tengo a mi disposición Labview 8.5 con el Control design & simulation que tiene incluidos subVI con PID's listos para usar.
    En medio de este sitema, necesito generar un VI con el que pueda dar una referencia de velocidad desde un potenciómetro virtual en mi panel frontal, y que el PID en el programa de Labview corrija errores de velocidad por alguna pequeña variación de la carga, etc.
    La verdad que estuve probando hacer un VI con un PID bastante simple, pero a la hora de simularlo, fuí modificando los parámetros del PID y no vi que se haga "mas inercial"cuando aumento el tiempo integral. Tambien probé salir de mi placa con una tensión analógica, y dar una referencia con un potenciómetro como para probar si el PID se hace mas "rápido ó lento" al modificar las variables Integrales ó derivativas y no vi variaciones en la respuesta.
    Por eso es que pido ayuda en este foro, ya que probablemente alguien ya hizo alguna prueba, o me puede indicar como arrancar con este tema.
    Este proyecto es solo con fines académicos, para mi tesis de Ing. Electrónica. Por ello el motor no tiene carga, solo el disco dentado y el sensor óptico, solo lo puedo frenar un poco para ver la corrección.
    He comprobado que saliendo de mi placa 6008 con una señal analógica, pasandola por una placa que simula un retardo en el tiempo de esta señal, y reingresandola a una entrada de mi placa 6008 para luego con un VI generar el PID y tratar de que esta señal de entrada a la placa 6008 sea igual a la de setpoint, solo logro oscilaciones con una media que está lejos del valor del setpoint.
    Espero que alguien me pueda indicar como empezar, ó darme algún ejemplo que me pueda ayudar, ya que no soy experto el Labview, solo acabo de empezar a usarlo.
    Reitero que no necesito velocidad ya que mi sistema es lento, y solo debo variar mi salida analógica con velocidades muy bajas. Es decir no necesito respuesta inmediata.
    La idea es hacer una demostración del uso de un PID en un sistema real con Labview.

          Sigue unos links para su consulta.​&
    Diogo Aparecido
    Engenheiro de Aplicação
    National Instruments Brasil

  • Using USB-6008 on LIS331 Accelerome​ter

    Hi, I am looking to monitor my project with a LIS331 using the USB-6008 dac. Would this dac unit be acceptable with this accelerometer? 

    I would recommend using a USB 63xx series DAQ device. You might also be interested in the USB 8452, which is a dedicated I2C and SPI device. 
    I can also put you in touch with some of our sales engineers, who would be the most knowledable about your options. Shoot me a PM if you're interested, and I can give you a number to call.
    Kyle T.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Using USB-6008 software timimg Generate waveform

    I am using USB-6008 device. Base on it's User Guide, this device on support software-timed and maximum update rate is 150 Hz.
    By place a time delay VI for 1ms, I have a 1.660Hz sine signal. Is this wrong for place a time delay VI for software timing?
    I would like to generate a 60 Hz signal by using software-timed VI on USB-6008 device. How should I do?
    Thanks a lot.

    The update speed of the USB-6008 is largely dependent on the speed of
    you computer as well as anything else on your USB bus. If you are using
    an older computer or have other USB devices on the bus, you may not
    achieve this rate. In order to output a 60Hz signal, the minimum output
    sampling rate is 120Hz. This corresponds to an 8.3 msec. delay between
    samples. Instead of using the "Wait" VI, you should try using the "Wait
    Until Next ms Multiple" VI. Place this in parallel with your
    generation. This will synchronize the output with multiples of the PC
    clock, rather than waiting for a fixed amount of time, irrespective of
    code and USB overhead.
    Hope this helps,
    Ryan V.
    National Instruments
    Ryan Verret
    Product Marketing Engineer
    Signal Generators
    National Instruments

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