Cascade lov in a "form with a report"

I am fairly new to HTMLDB and struggling with this one. Can anyone help?
I have built a test application that uses a form with report, created using the wizard.On the form I have cascaded LOVs( SITEOWNER and SITE) . The second LOV should depend on the first in that only the sites belonging to the siteowner in the first LOV should be available for selection. I cannot get this to work. I have tried to use "select list" on bothe LOVs but in this case the second LOV is blank. I have also tried "select list with submit" and trap the submit with REQUEST != expression1 as described in some of the posts in this forum, but cannot stop the form from branching.
Any help will be welcome !. My test application is at the Oracle HTMLDB site.
MISTST1/[email protected]/bitotu

If you edit your report region there in the report attributes you will be finding the "Link Column" Section.
Under the link column section you will be referring the pencil icon image and target page number in the application.
Mark Answers Promptly

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    Portal Version:
    Database Version:
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    and C.SYSTEM_ID = :Company
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    Hi Uwe
    Reports does not currently have the capability to create PDF files with form fields.
    The Oracle Reports Team

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    This could be for a number of reasons that would be hard to identify without a simple example replicated on
    Run the create page wizard through Form, Form on Table with Report - and you should receive two pages doing just this. Also compare to Sample application.

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    As Anton said, the best thing is to store your custom headings in a table so that you can use the table for your LOV as well as for your report headings.
    To use dynamic report headings, you can use the 'PL/SQL function body returning colon-delimited headings' feature on the Report Attributes page.
    So, if your report headings are stored in table t that function body can be
    l_headings varchar2(4000)
    for rec in (select heading from t) loop
       l_headings := l_headings||':'||rec.heading;
    end loop;
    return ltrim(l_heading,':');
    end;Hope this helps.

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    here is his helpful code:

    sorry. my query is now:
    apex_item.hidden(11,seq_id) seq,
    apex_item.hidden (12,seq_id)||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query_XL(13,c013,'select distinct s.common_name d, s.species_itis r
    from species s, species_qc c
    where partner_id = '||:f200_issuing_agency||' and
    c.species_itis = s.species_itis order by s.common_name',
    'style="width:220px" '
    || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
    || 'f16_'
    || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0')
    || ')"',
    '- Select Species -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id,4, '0'),
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(14,c014,'select disposition_desc d, disposition_code r
    from dispositions
    where displayed = 1 order by disposition_desc') DISPOSITION_CODE,
    apex_item.text(15,c015) reported_quantity,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(16,c016,'SELECT DISTINCT unit_desc ,unit_of_measure
    FROM species_Qc s, units_of_measure u
    WHERE s.unit_of_measure = u.unit_measure
    AND species_itis = '||c013||'AND partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY,
    '- Select Unit -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(18,c018) PRICE,
    apex_item.text(19,c019) PERMIT_ID,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(20,c020,'select market_desc d, market_code r
    FROM market_categories
    where market_code in (select distinct market_code
    from species_qc
    where species_itis = '||c013||'
    and partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY||')',
    '- Select Market -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(21,c021) GRADE_CODE,
    apex_item.text(22,c022) trip_id
    from apex_collections c
    where collection_name = 'CATCH_C' and
    c.c022 = :F200_CURRENT_TRIP_ID
    apex_item.hidden(11,null) seq,
    apex_item.hidden (12,null)||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query_XL(13,0,'select distinct s.common_name d, s.species_itis r
    from species s, species_qc c
    where partner_id = '||:f200_issuing_agency||' and
    c.species_itis = s.species_itis order by s.common_name',
    'style="width:220px" '
    || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
    || 'f16_'
    || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0')
    || ')"',
    '- Select Species -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL,4, '0'),
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(14,null,'select disposition_desc d, disposition_code r
    from dispositions
    where displayed = 1 order by disposition_desc') DISPOSITION_CODE,
    apex_item.text(15,null) reported_quantity,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(16,null,'SELECT DISTINCT unit_desc ,unit_of_measure
    FROM species_Qc s, units_of_measure u
    WHERE s.unit_of_measure = u.unit_measure
    AND species_itis = '||0||'AND partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY,
    '- Select Unit -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(18,null) PRICE,
    apex_item.text(19,null) PERMIT_ID,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(20,null,'select market_desc d, market_code r
    FROM market_categories
    where market_code in (select distinct market_code
    from species_qc
    where species_itis = '||0||'
    and partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY||')',
    '- Select Market -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(21,null) GRADE_CODE,
    apex_item.text(22,null) trip_id
    WHERE :request = 'ADD'
    I have two issues:
    1. the item tab_cascading_item is not populated when the value of c013 (species) is changed.
    2. I receive an error when trying to add a row to the collection. My code for doing so is:
    for i in 1..1 LOOP
    apex_collection.add_member (p_collection_name => 'CATCH_C',
    p_c013 => null,
    p_c014 => null,
    p_c015 => null,
    p_c016 => null,
    p_c017 => null,
    p_c018 => null,
    p_c019 => null,
    p_c020 => null,
    p_c021 => null,
    p_c022 => :F200_CURRENT_TRIP_ID );
    end loop;
    I am so close on getting this....any help would be appreciated.

  • Connecting a form with a report

    I have created a report page with two tables 'A' and 'B' , with ID as primary key for A and ID is foreign key for B . There is an edit link in each row of the report. When we click on that edit link it will be redirected to a form page which is based on only one of those table(as i cannot select both table) , ie B .
    Problem is that the form is not auto populated with the value of the row in which i clicked the edit button.
    Please give some Idea.

    This could be for a number of reasons that would be hard to identify without a simple example replicated on
    Run the create page wizard through Form, Form on Table with Report - and you should receive two pages doing just this. Also compare to Sample application.

  • Cascading LOV's in a multi row report

    Some while ago there was a great post about dependant LOV's, for ref. its this one:
    I've been trying to do something very similar, but i'd like the code to work with display and return values, where the return val. is an ID, rather than in the old example it being the same as the displayed value, so looking at the original example, instead of:
    select val d, val r from manufacturer order by 1
    If we modified the table definition to this:
    we would have something like
    select val, id from manufacturer order by 1
    Not being a javascript guru, can anyone advise if the code can be modified to cater for this? I have had partial success in that the second LOV updates based upon the value in the first LOV, but when changes are saved, it still stores the displayed value rather than the return ID.
    For reference, i've modified the on demand process to this:
    begin owa_util.mime_header('text/xml', FALSE );
    htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
    for rec in (select cpc_name, cpc_id from ct_product_categories cpp, ct_page cp
    where cpp.cc_id = cp.cp_id
    and cp.cp_id = :TEMPORARY_ITEM) loop
    htp.prn('<option value="' || rec.cpc_name|| '">' || rec.cpc_name|| '</option>');
    end loop;
    I have 2 LOV's rather than the original examples 3, the first of which is defined as a simple query thus:
    select cp_name nm, cp_id id from CT_page order by 1
    This first query triggers the ondemand process defined above. The second query is simply:
    select cpc_name nm2, cpc_id id2 from ct_product_categories
    The javascript used in the region header is:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent) {
         var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
         l_Opt.value = pValue;
         if(document.all){/* why is ie different ask bill */
              l_Opt.innerText = pContent;
    var g_subj_area=new Object;
    //var g_sales_reps=new Object;
    function replace_select_list(pSelect,pXML){
         var l_Count = pXML.getElementsByTagName("option").length;
         pSelect.length = 0;
         for(var j=0;j<l_Count;j++){
              var l_Opt_Xml = pXML.getElementsByTagName("option")[j];
              appendToSelect(pSelect, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
    function get_ajax_select_xml(pThis)
    var l_Return = null;
    var l_td=$x_UpTill(pThis,'TD');
    var l_subj_area_2=l_td.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
    var old_subj_area_2;
    if (l_subj_area_2.options.length>0) old_subj_area_2=html_SelectValue(l_subj_area_2);
    if (g_subj_area[pThis.value] && l_subj_area_2) {
    if (old_subj_area_2) html_SetSelectValue(l_subj_area_2,old_subj_area_2);
    else {
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_SUBJ_AREA',html_GetElement('pFlowStepId').value);
    gReturn = get.get('XML');
    if(gReturn && l_subj_area_2) { replace_select_list(l_subj_area_2,gReturn); if (old_subj_area_2) html_SetSelectValue(l_subj_area_2,old_subj_area_2);}
    And the javascript used in the region footer is:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function getCellIndex(pRow,pCell){
         if (document.all){
              for(var i=0;i<pRow.cells.length;i++){
                   if(pRow.cells[i] == pCell){l_Count = i}
              l_Count = pCell.cellIndex;
    return l_Count;
    function fire_onchange(){
         var td_subj_area_1=$x('SUBJECT_AREA_1');
         var l_cellindex=getCellIndex(td_subj_area_1.parentNode,td_subj_area_1);
         var l_table=$x_UpTill(td_subj_area_1,'TABLE');
         for (var j=1;j<l_table.rows.length-2;j++) {   
              var l_cell=l_table.rows[j].cells[l_cellindex];
              var l_select=l_cell.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
              if (l_select && l_select.onchange) l_select.onchange();

    I didn't look thru all the code but I have a feeling your problem is the 9th line in the On Demand process. (the 9th line in this post anyway)...
    htp.prn('<option value="' || rec.cpc_name|| '">' || rec.cpc_name|| '</option>');
    You modified your query to get a different column but your returning the same column later: rec.cpc_name x2
    I assume you want to display NAME and return ID so change it like this...
    htp.prn('<option value="' || rec.cpc_id || '">' || rec.cpc_name|| '</option>');
    Let me know if that helps...

  • How to run multiple reports From One Form with 1 report object?

    Hi ALL!
    i want to run multiple reports (in 10g technology) from 1 Form having only 1 report object.
    IF parameter=yes THEN
    Rpt_new should run
    Rpt_old should run
    END IF;
    How can i do this?

    I found this in the Forms online Help. You could easily found it yourself. Don't be afraid of pressing CTRL-H:
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_FILENAME, 'yourreportsfilename.rdf')Regards,
    Martin Malmstrom

  • How can i populate pdf form with access report data

    i am trying to make a report electronicly signable. my report is compiled weekly from an access database and i need a way to make it signable. if i can export records from access to an existing pdf would be great. or maybe there is a way to get a signature block put in on the fly? got any ideas?

    i am trying to make a report electronicly signable. my report is compiled weekly from an access database and i need a way to make it signable. if i can export records from access to an existing pdf would be great. or maybe there is a way to get a signature block put in on the fly? got any ideas?

  • Master Detail Form with Report - Referring a column in another table

    I have master detail form with a report option. The master table has a column that also references a look up table.
    When the report is displayed the lookup column id is displayed. Rather I want to get the look-up value from a lookup table
    and display in the report.
    When I see the report region Query definition , it just has the columns to add/remove only from the master table.
    Could you pls help me with this regard.
    Eg :
    Dept Table
    Employee Table
    Master is Dept, Detail is dept and lookup table is location.

    Simply add the lookup table to the FROM clause and join its PK with the FK in the master table in your query. That's basic SQL, and you definitely must get a good grasp of SQL to do more than very basic work in APEX.
    For a good example, please see
    While you're at it, read and implement the tasks outlined in the 2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide - After that, read the "Oracle Application Express 3.0-- Building a Functional Application" OBE in - great stuff.

  • Reporting cell comments with Financial Reporting

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    Is there anyway to report comments attached to cells in "Planning data forms" with Financial reporting? Which function should I be using to do that?
    I am using the version.

    I believe the functionality is <<CellText("GridName", Row, Column, Page)>> whcih retrieves planning cell comments.
    The full FR studio guide is here: search for celltext and it will give you more detail.
    Edited by: Agnete on Aug 28, 2012 9:44 AM

  • Resetting a Form with Cascading LOVs (Apex 4)

    A standard reset button cannot reset cascading LOVs properly. Let's assume we have a parent LOV and a child LOV. When one changes the selection in the child LOV, reset can undo this. But when he changes the selection in the parent LOV, reset will undo only the parent LOV but not the child LOV. The child LOV remains unchanged (however the selection is lost) and therefore shows a list that does not correspond to the entry now shown in the parent LOV.
    Has anybody found a solution for this, a reset action that can reset cascading LOVs completely and properly?

    i didn't try this myself but maybe you succeed with triggering the onchange-event of your parent-select-list (this should cause the child select-list to be refreshed).
    Or you could try if a form region has a apex "refresh" event (i know that refresh works on reports).

  • Creating a Cascading LOV in an Interactive Report

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    I'm not finding much help searching Google or the forum.

    I used this example but I cant show picture in my region using this procedure. It displays simbol for broken image. Any help. I even added grants for procedure, but it just does't work. This is how I call procedure in html region:<img src="#OWNER#.display_thumb?p_photo_id=3084374128401555434" />

  • Cascading LOV in a Tab Form Help

    I've aquired an application that was written by someone else. I have a Tab Form that needs a Cascading LOV. There is code already in place, but I have questions about it that I'm hoping someone can help.
    There's a LOV called Product Group that has an onChange in the Element Attributes:
    onchange="f_load_platform(this.value,#ROWNUM#);"In the HTML Header is a javascript function:
    function f_load_platform(p_pg_id, p_rownum){
       if (p_pg_id) {
          v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_'+ f_zero_pad(p_rownum,4));
          v_curr_value = v_new_list.value;
          var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=Get_Platform_From_Product_Group',0);
          gReturn = get.get();
          if (gReturn) {
             // Separate each combination set of values
             var NameArray = gReturn.split(",");
             // Reset dropdown list by making its length to a needed value
             v_new_list.length = NameArray.length-1;
             for(i=0; i < NameArray.length; i++){
               NameArrayList = NameArray.split("~");
    if(NameArrayList[0] != "") {
    v_new_list[i].value = NameArrayList[0];
    v_new_list[i].text = NameArrayList[1];
    if(NameArrayList[0] == v_curr_value) {
    v_new_list.selectedIndex = i;
    else {
    v_new_list.length = 0;
    function f_zero_pad(num,count)
    var numZeropad = num + '';
    while(numZeropad.length < count) {
    numZeropad = "0" + numZeropad;
    return numZeropad;
    The Add Row button is set to:
    Action: Redirect to URL
    Execute Validations: Yes
    URL Target: javascript:addRow();
    When I debug the javascript the variable v_new_list shows as false. I can also see that p_rownum variable in the javascript function contains 0.  I don't know if that's correct.
    Can someone help me with why this function does not return the values into the select list for the f04 item?
    What other information can I provide?

    Thank you for replying.
    While debugging the javascript, I can see that gReturn does contain a string of the Platforms for that Product Group ID.
    What I don't know if it's correct is the call to: v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_'+ f_zero_pad(p_rownum,4));
    When I view source I see that f04_0000 is the Platform select list item.
    <td headers="PLATFORM_ID" class="t13data"><label for="f04_0000" class="hideMe508">PLATFORM_ID</label><select name="f04"  id="f04_0000">...I don't know why the previous developer wrote a function to append the four zero's to the item, but I get the same result when I take out the padding call and replace it with the four zero's so the statement looks like this: v_new_list = html_GetElement('f04_0000');
    I still can see that v_new_list is undefined in the debugger. Any other ideas?

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