Cascade Select list with Tabular Form

I am trying to implement Cascade Select List functionality on a tabular form where users should be able to add multiple rows. The data should be saved to a temporary stage area, where users can review the data prior to saving to the table. Very similar to the shopping cart where one can Delete/Update rows by record. I believe there is a way to do it via APEX Collections. If anyone has an example it would definitely help. FYI, Running on APEX 3.2, so no built in cascade functionality.
Thank you,

If you received a reply or figured out how to do this, can post? I need to implement exact same functionality and have not figured out how to do so. Have pinged Denes K. for source code on his demo app but not yet received response. Can this be done using wizard tab form or does it have to be a manually tab form?

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    Hello Friends,
    I am trying to implement Denes Kubicek's sample for Cascading Select list and ran into this error:
    Please help me identify what I might have missed ???
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. Error processing resource '
    <select><option value="0">- Select Employee (0) -</option></select><html lang="en-us" xmlns:htmld...
    Please find below the list of activities I performed:
    1.Created the region source
    2.Created the hidden items
    3.Created the buttons and items
    4.Created the application process for MRU and Delete
    5.Created the Application item [ TAB_CASCADING_ITEM]
    6.Created the Application Process[tab_casc_sel_list]
    Any clue/pointers to debug this are welcome.
    I tried the above on; WS: CHAITANYAPATCHIPULUSU; USERNAME :[email protected]
    PWD:Satya123 in APPLICATION : 12855 and Page :35

    OK, you didn't have the background process as an on demand process.
    In the MRU and MRD process, you were referencing the wrong variables for the count. (as in deb's case, it's p176, but in your case its p35).
    In the javascript function, the call that is supposed to assign : TAB_CASCADING_ITEM a value, isn't working (I believe).

  • Multiple select lists in tabular form

    I created a tabular form with two select lists (Queries are same for both the select list and results around 300 records in the SQL).
    I am getting the following error:
    report error:
    ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    If I changed Select list to POP list, I am not getting error.
    Please suggest how to user select list in this case.

    LnTInfotech wrote:
    I created a tabular form with two select lists (Queries are same for both the select list and results around 300 records in the SQL).
    I am getting the following error:
    report error:
    ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    If I changed Select list to POP list, I am not getting error.
    Please suggest how to user select list in this case.It is not possible. There is a 32K limit on the HTML generated for select list items. (As a type of report, tabular forms are also subject to the 32K limit on the size of a report row.)
    In terms of usability 200 options is about the maximum size I would consider sensible for a select list ( and for select lists in tabular forms, much, much fewer!)
    Use Popup Key LOVs.

  • Cascading Select list in tabular from

    Looked at Denes example on Cascading Select Lists -
    Want to have the primary select list as an item in a region, then the secondary select list as
    a column in a tabular form in the same region. Is this possible?
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    Can the Element Attributes or Element Option Attributes be used to hold the OnChange event code?

    On trial basis, i tried to implement code provided on [|]
    I have same table DEPT & EMP HAVING same data. i created application items & processes. But My tabular form display column headings & null in each column.

  • Dynamic Actions in Select List of Tabular Form

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    I tried it through Dynamic Actions ->DOM Objects, but I am not sure what is the name of the Select List column value that needs to be specified, it is jst f06 or f06_???. Can someone tell me the exact steps that needs to be followed.

    My mistake, Javascript (and DOM attributes/methods) are case-sensitive. The attribute in question is readOnly, not readonly
    I fixed it on my example page at
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function ro_Item(nd,a){
        var lEl = html_GetElement(nd);
        if (lEl && lEl != false){
          lEl.readOnly = true;
 = '#cccccc';
          lEl.readOnly = false;
 = '#ffffff';
         return true;
    function foo(pThis)
    var lTD=pThis.parentNode;
    var nextinput=lTD.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
    var nextnextinput=lTD.nextSibling.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
    if (pThis.value=="CLERK") {
    else {

  • Two select lists in tabular form

    I have two Select Lists which one of them depends on the another -the second one's query depends on the first one's - .....
    This operation can be done in a form or a page, but how it could be done in a tabular form???

    The simple answer is that to the best of my knowledge, it cannot be done because of how the tabular form works. If I understand it correctly, Tabular forms are populated completely at page load and cannot post back from items inside the form in order to refresh a list of values on the second select list. If you want to do this, you will need to build the form as a "Form and Report" page type where you have links in your report that populate a regular page form. Just tell it to put the form and the report on the same page them add a hidden page item that you set to 1 or 0 to display the form and setup the form processing so it is button tied instead of unconditional (You may have to duplicate auto processing processes).
    The complex answer....there probably is a way to do this using AJAX as AJAX is good at this kind of stuff and every field in the tabular form has an HTML id of some kind....but I am not well versed enough in AJAX to give you a straight answer as to how to accomplish it. I used AJAX to do something similar to what your talking about but it was with regular page items (using a select list to populate a shuttle without a post back) and not items in a tabular form.

  • Can you order by label of select list in tabular form?

    Imagine this scenario, you have an updateable tabular report based on a query like the following:
    select emp_id
    from employeesAnd you define the dept_id column as a query based lov, so you see a select list for departments.
    select dept_name d
          ,dept_id   r
    from departments
    order by 1However if the user chooses to order by the department column by clicking on the heading to sort, they see the following order (note the H between A & B):
    Human Resources
    BiodiversityWhich is because of the ID not being in the same order as the label
    1 - Accounting
    3 - Biodiversity
    2 - Human ResourcesHow can I allow the user to order by the lov based column, but have it order by the label and not the reference id?
    A colleague reckons she fought and lost this battle. Surely this must be a common issue? I can't seem to find any related questions.

    Option B: Convert to manual tabular form. Here is a sample of the report query (leave column display as at "standard report column").
    select e. emp_id
          ,'&lt;input type="hidden" value="'||d.dept_name||'" /&gt;'||APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY(3,e.dept_id,'select dept_name ,dept_id  from departments order by 1') dept
    from employees e, departments d
    where e.dept_id = d.dept_idI recently had problems when I had to apply a script to a page that used this technique: basically too many <tt>input</tt>s. Never understood why this element is used&mdash;guess it's the fact that it's "hidden". Anyway, an HTML comment works as well and is more out of the way:
    select e.empno
          ,'<!-- '||d.dname||' -->'||APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY(3,e.deptno,'select dept_name ,dept_id  from departments order by 1') dept
    from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno

  • Issue with my Tabular form Cascading Select List

    Hello Friends,
    I have implemented a Cascading select list in a tabular form with the below SQL ...
    SELECT apex_item.hidden(31,line_no)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(32, POLE_CODE_ID, 'select POLE,POLE_ID from CAP_PLAN_POLE_DETAILS', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
      || 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Pole -', 'f32_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) POLE_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.select_list_from_query(33, COUNTRY_CODE_ID, 'SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS', 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '- Select Country -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.text(34,LEGAL_ENTITY) LEGAL_ENTITY,
      apex_item.text(35,BUSINESS) BUSINESS,
      apex_item.text(36,COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,
      apex_item.text(37,COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,
      apex_item.text(38,INVENTORY_ORG) INVENTORY_ORG
    FROM cp_sites_details
    WHERE cap_plan_id = nv('P94_CP_ID')
    SELECT apex_item.hidden(31,NULL)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(32, 0, 'select POLE,POLE_ID from CAP_PLAN_POLE_DETAILS', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
      || 'f33_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Pole -', 'f32_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) POLE_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.select_list_from_query(33, NULL, 'SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS WHERE POLE_ID=0', 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '-
    SELECT Country                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.text(34,NULL) LEGAL_ENTITY,
      apex_item.text(35,NULL) BUSINESS,
      apex_item.text(36,NULL,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,
      apex_item.text(37,NULL,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,
      apex_item.text(38,NULL) INVENTORY_ORG
    FROM dual
      CONNECT BY LEVEL = 2The filters to list the countries[2nd col of SQL, field : f33] will work on Change of Pole after a selection is made..the whole list of countries will appear with out the Pole being considered. I understand that is the case because, I have not used PoleID in the query for f33
    SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS'Now, how can I fix this to use the Pole Id every time the country Select List is touched..Can I just modify the query or should I add a Java Script OnChange function to handle this...
    Please please help..
    Thanks for reading the question...

    Isn't this given in my example:
    The second list is extended by adding:
    || 'WHERE deptno = '
    || c001to make sure it renders correctly once you call your report. In your case the second list would be extended by adding the following
    , 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '- Select Country -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,and that should work.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Cascading select list issue in a tabular form

    how can i implement cascading select list for filtering my tabular form report results.
    Like i want to have the cascading select list above the tabualr form report such that when i select the value and try to click a button, my tabular form report should filter the report based on the select list value.
    i want to have three select list items above my report - and these select list are dependent on one other - tats why i want to make them cascading select list.
    can anyone help me out with cascading select list.

    Thank you so much for the quick response saved my life!.
    For future reference let examples of the use of APEX_UTIL.SAVEKEY_VC2 and APEX_UTIL.KEYVAL_VC2
    This is the query of the Tabular Form
    SELECT   den.cod_encuesta,
             APEX_UTIL.SAVEKEY_VC2(den.cod_pregunta) codpreg
      FROM   enc_det_encuesta den, enc_pregunta pre
    WHERE   den.cod_pregunta = pre.cod_pregunta  
       AND   den.cod_encuesta = :P6_COD_ENCUESTAThis is the query "Select list"
    SELECT   nombre_respuesta, cod_respuesta
      FROM   enc_respuesta
    WHERE   cod_pregunta =  APEX_UTIL.KEYVAL_VC2regards

  • Cascading select list in a tabular form -plz help me out

    how can i implement cascading select list for filtering my tabular form report results.
    Like i want to have the cascading select list's above the tabualr form report such that when i select the value in one select list, this should populate the values in other select list box(like one select list is dependent on other select list) and try to click a button say refresh, my tabular form report should be refreshed and should filter the report based on the select list value.
    i want to have three select list items above my report - and these select list are dependent on one other - tats why i want to make them cascading select list.
    can anyone provide me with an example of the cascading select list.
    can anyone help me out with cascading select list.

    Aplication item is always hidden - Shared Components > Application Items. You can create only one item and that would also be enough. For transparency purposes I said to create two. However, one will do the job.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Can we have the 'select list with submit' type within a tabular form?

    An item can be the "Select list with submit' type so a form has no problem with it. However, when I built a tabular form manually, I couldn't find this type. There are only three types avaiable: "named", "static", and "dynamic".
    Is it possible to have the "submit" type so columns of the tabular form can be dynamically rendered based on the user inputs?
    Another question I have is how to dynamically build the tabular form with decode func. For example, if the value of col_1 is 'val_1', then build a select list in col_2; otherwise null in col_2.
    I tried to use
    select col1,
    decode (col1, 'val_1', select htmldb_item.select_list_from_lov(2, first, 'lov1') from dual, null)
    But it didn't work.
    I'd like to know whether it's feasible to have something like that.
    Message was edited by:

    You could use a region of type PL/SQL function
    returning SQL query to dynamically build this kind of
    tabular form. However if you want to use the built-in
    multi-row insert, update and delete processes, all
    items in a column must have the same display type. Marc, thanks for the quick reply. I appreciate it.
    I got your idea. However, I need to have the javascript 'ToggleAll' as the heading so the form works as same as the built-in one. If I put the query definition into a pl/sql procedure, where I can put this html tab attribute? It can not be inside the checkbox function, otherwise the checkbox of any row would act as same as the header.
    I hope I've made this clear.
    To Vikas: It's our clients who want this, not us. :(

  • APEX Ajax Cascading Select List Tabular

    Hi everyone,
    We’re developping in APEX 4.X.
    I went to your blog « Denes Kubicek - ApEx Solutions », it’s very interesting
    I tried to create something as Mr Kubicek did to get an Ajax Cascading Select List Tabular.
    In step 5, he says the rest of the code if you apply for an account". Do we need to add a lot of code to get success ?
    Is there someone who tries to do like Mr Kubicek did ?
    Thanks in advance. Bye.

    Hi everyone,
    I looked at Mr Kubicek solutions about tabular form and I asked him to get access to his workspace. But I’m not sure to get all I need.
    I have a two select list named Activities and Entity. I want that Entity depends on Activities. Those list values come from respectively table h4_activities and h4_activity_entity.
    But, when I show the tabular form, I want to see records which is in table h4_activity_day. I don’t want to see only my two select lists.
    I think tabular form should be interesting.I want your advice.
    But, I need something like a select list with a LOV and SOURCE.
    Thanks in advance.
    Have a great day. Bye

  • Select List with Submit - Branch Error - form data does not save

    I am a new APEX user so please excuse my ignorance. I have created a simple application in which a primary data entry form branches either to a detail form (one to many on the parent ID) or a master tabular report used for navigation. These branches work fine. Then I tried to get a little fancy with a conditionally displayed element based on the value the user selects in a select list on the main form(P9_REPORT_TYPE). I converted the select list to a select list with submit and created a new branch (on submit - after processing) to the current page (Page 9) to avoid the "no branch found" error. To avoid the branch being unconditional, I tried to use the 'Request = Expression1' condition with the Expression 1 field set to P9_REPORT_TYPE. The behavior I get is that the page seems to submit but the data on the form is not saved -- even the new value selected in P9_REPORT_TYPE reverts to the old value. I simply need the page data to submit so that the conditionally displayed element will take effect (which it does if you use one of the other button-based branches and then return to the form). Do I have the syntax wrong? It seems like this should be straightforward but I've tried a number of options including using a PL/SQL condition V('REQUEST')='P9_REPORT_TYPE' with no success. I'm guessing that the value of Request is getting cleared before it has a chance to trigger the branch? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Exactly so! Thanks Scott for setting me straight. For the benefit of other readers, the value in the Source Used column had been set to "Always, replacing any existing value in session state" and should have been set to "Only when current value in session state is null".

  • Apex 4.0 Cascading Select List: ajax problem with german umlaute

    Hi everybody,
    Apex 4.0
    Dad PlsqlNLSLanguage: GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8MSWIN1252
    I have problems with german umlaute and ajax cascading select lists (Cascading LOV Parent Item).
    The data is populated without a page refresh in the select list when the parent select list changes but special signs like german umlaute are shown as weird characters.
    Seems like there is some charset problem with ajax.
    This is the only part of the application where special signs like umlaute are messed up. Everything else is fine.
    I allready tried to figure out if I can escape the umlaute in the javascript (file apex_widget_4_0.js) but no success here.
    Can anybody help me with this issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Markus,
    your specified character set in your DAD is wrong. As mentioned in the installation instructions at , Oracle APEX always requires AL32UTF8.
    3. Locate the line containing PlsqlNLSLanguage.
    The PlsqlNLSLanguage setting determines the language setting of the DAD. The character set portion of the PlsqlNLSLanguage value must be set to AL32UTF8,
    regardless of whether or not the database character set is AL32UTF8. For example:Regards
    My Blog:
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins:

  • Problem with cascading select lists

    Hi All,
    I have two select lists on a form, category and sub category. When I select the category the sub-category list gets populated and a report is displayed. When I select the sub-category the report listing re-displays limited by sub-category. Works fine.
    However, when I go back and select another category, the report returns no data on the first attempt. In debug mode I note that although visually the sub-category has been reset, the session value has not, and so the report is selecting on an invalid combination of category and sub-category.
    How do I get the sub-category to reset when the category changes?
    I have tried an onChange javascript entry on the form attribute but it does not work since APEX inserts its own onChange before my one.
    Suggestions please...thanks in advance.

    can you setup an example on which fails so that we can have a look.
    Or you can use Firebug for Firefox and have a look what is sent to the server and what the response it. Check the "Console" tab. I suspect you will see an error when you trigger the refresh.
    My Blog:
    APEX Plug-Ins:

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