CASE in SELECT statement

in Oracle8 I've the following problem:
The statement
SELECT ''' | ''||' || 'rpad'
|| '(''' || column_name
|| ''',' ||
(CASE WHEN (data_type = 'VARCHAR2' AND
data_length > 50) THEN
WHEN (data_type = 'CHAR' AND
data_length > 50) THEN
WHEN (data_type = 'CLOB' AND
data_length > 50) THEN
WHEN (data_type = 'DATE' AND
data_length != 19) THEN
|| ', '' '')||' AS column_name
FROM dba_tab_columns
table_name = upper('DBA_TABLES') AND
owner = upper('SYS')
ORDER BY column_id;
works fine but defining the same statement as a cursor in a PL/SQL Procedure, I got a
Error: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CASE" when expecting one of the following:
( - + mod not null others <an identifier>
<a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
execute forall time timestamp interval date
<a string literal with character set specification>
<a number> <a single-quoted SQL string>
The same procedure can be compiled in Oracle9i without errors.
Does anybody know if there are any restrictions using CASE statements in a PL/SQL CURSOR in Oracle8?

I am encountering the same problem.
Can u suggest the decode statement used instead of case
for this select clause which uses the CASE statement ?
                       WHEN S.cmpy_num = S.cpty_borg_num THEN
                       END AS SDIOwner,

Similar Messages

  • Case in Select Statement - Ramya

    Hi All,
    Could any body help me out ,how to use the CASE in select Statement
    Thanks in Advance

    here is an example:
    SQL> select * from emp;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975       1000         20
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 12-JAN-83       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select empno,
      2         ename,
      3         job,
      4         case when job = 'PRESIDENT' then 1
      5              when job = 'MANAGER' then 2
      6              when job = 'SUPERVISOR' then 3
      7              else 4
      8         end rank
      9    from emp;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB             RANK
          7566 JONES      MANAGER            2
          7902 FORD       ANALYST            4
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT          1
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER            2
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER            2
          7369 SMITH      CLERK              4
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN           4
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN           4
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN           4
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST            4
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN           4
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK              4
          7900 JAMES      CLERK              4
          7934 MILLER     CLERK              4
    14 rows selected.

  • Use of Case in Select statement

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell me whats wrong im doing in the following select statement. I am selecting most this fields from Global Temperory Table and few from normal DB tables.
    select h.Taskid,h.Flowid,fd.DESCRIPTION Flowname,h.Stepid, sd.DESCRIPTION Stepname,h.Lockby,ud.USERNAME,h.Status,case Date_initiated when (Currval.Testid = Nextval.Testid) Then Date_initiated := NULL Else Date_initiated := Date_initiated End case,case UserTime When ((Currval-1).Testid IS NULL or Currval.Testid <> (Currval-1).Testid) Then UserTime := StartTime When (Currval.Testid = (Currval-1).Testid or Currval.Testid <> Nextval.Testid or Nextval.Testid IS NULL) Then UserTime = (Currval-1).Endtime End case,case StartTime When(Currval.Stepid = Nextval.Stepid or Currval.Stepid=9999) Then StartTime := NULL Else StartTime := StartTime End case,h.EndTime,h.LockTime,h.Drawer,h.FileNo,h.DocType from GlobalTempTest h inner join USERDEFINITION ud on h.Lockby=ud.USERID inner join FLOWDEFINITION fd on h.Flowid=fd.FLOWID inner join STEPDEFINITION sd on (h.Stepid=sd.STEPID and h.Flowid=sd.FLOWID)
    Hope so get some response soon.
    Thanks in Advance

    You have to rewrite your code like this:
    CASE WHEN (Currval.Testid = Nextval.Testid) THEN NULL
                                                ELSE Date_initiated
                                                END New_Date_initiatedCurrval/Nextval as shown in your example will not work. Please explain what you mean by previous value comparison.

  • Switch case in select statement

    I have got the following message, while executing the SQL Query.  Appreciate any help pointing what is wrong...
    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'.
    SELECT TOP 1 UP.DATAID, UP.START_TIME, datediff(day, UP.START_TIME, getutcdate()) as DayGap
    CASE DayGap
        WHEN 0
            THEN 'SAME DAY'
        WHEN > 0
            THEN 'new record'
        ELSE 'other'
    END as FinalRe
    where UP.MDATAID = 575 AND UP.LSTATUS = 2
    tried the following also, but no luck
    SELECT TOP 1 DATAID, START_TIME,  datediff(day, START_TIME, getutcdate() as DayGap
    SWITCH((datediff(day, START_TIME, getutcdate()) = 0)'ITSZERO', (datediff(day, START_TIME, getutcdate()) > 0)'GT1', TRUE, 'n')
    where MDATAID = 575 AND LSTATUS = 2

    SELECT TOP 1 UP.DATAID, UP.START_TIME, datediff(day, UP.START_TIME, getutcdate()) as DayGap,
    CASE when DayGap =0
                THEN 'SAME DAY'
        WHEN DayGap > 0
            THEN 'new record'
        ELSE 'other'
    END as FinalRe 
    where UP.MDATAID = 575 AND UP.LSTATUS = 2

  • Case sensitivity select statement without using native sql

    please help me ,
    i have a selection screen as select-options : s_vbeln, s_kunnr(mandt),s_matnr and
    p_name as a parameter (type name1) which is case sensitive in sap abap database and i want to get
    output  from these fields in an alv.[vbeln,kunnr,name1,audat,auart,matnr,kwmeng,netwr]
    How to do it? Can any one give me solution please.[i have to handle case sensitivity plz give me solution]

    this is my code : but its not working as i expected plz tell me where did i went wrong...
    type-pools slis.
    tables : vbak , vbap.
    select-options : s_vbeln for vbak-vbeln,
                     s_kunnr for vbak-kunnr,
                     s_matnr for vbap-matnr.
    parameters p_name1 type NAME1_GP.
    ranges r_name for kna1-name1.
    types : begin of ty_vbak,
            vbeln type vbeln_va,
            audat type audat,
            auart type auart,
            kunnr type kunnr,
            end of ty_vbak,
            begin of ty_vbap,
            vbeln type vbeln_va,
            matnr type matnr,
            netwr type netwr_ap,
           kwmeng type kwmeng,
            end of ty_vbap,
            begin of ty_kna1,
            kunnr type kunnr,
            name1 type name1,
            end of ty_kna1,
            begin of ty_final,
            vbeln type vbeln_va,
            audat type audat,
            auart type auart,
            matnr type matnr,
            netwr type netwr_ap,
           kwmeng type kwmeng,
            kunnr type kunnr,
            name1 type name1,
            end of ty_final.
    data : t_vbak type standard table of ty_vbak initial size 1,
           t_vbap type standard table of ty_vbap initial size 1,
           t_kna1 type standard table of ty_kna1 initial size 1.
    data : t_final type standard table of ty_final initial size 1,
           w_final type ty_final,
           w_vbap  type ty_vbap,
           w_kna1  type ty_kna1,
           w_vbak  type ty_vbak.
    data : t_fcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           w_fcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.
    data v_name1 type name1.
    if p_name1 is not initial.
    r_name-sign = 'I'.
    r_name-option = 'EQ'.
    if p_name1 ca '*'.
    r_name-option = 'CP'.
    r_name-low = p_name1.
    append r_name.
    select vbeln audat auart kunnr from vbak
    into table t_vbak
    where vbeln in s_vbeln and
          kunnr in s_kunnr.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message 'plz enter a valid entry' type 'I'.
    leave list-processing.
    if t_vbak[] is not initial.
    select vbeln matnr netwr kwmeng from vbap
    into table t_vbap
    for all entries in t_vbak
    where vbeln = t_vbak-vbeln and
    matnr in s_matnr.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message 'no rec found' type 'I'.
    leave list-processing.
    select kunnr name1 from kna1
    into table t_kna1
    for all entries in t_vbak
    where kunnr = t_vbak-kunnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort t_kna1 by kunnr.
    loop at t_vbap into w_vbap.
    read table t_vbak into w_vbak with key vbeln = w_vbap-vbeln binary search.
    read table t_kna1 into w_kna1 with key kunnr = w_vbak-kunnr binary search.
    w_final-vbeln = w_vbak-vbeln.
    w_final-audat = w_vbak-audat.
    w_final-auart = w_vbak-auart.
    w_final-matnr = w_vbap-matnr.
    w_final-netwr = w_vbap-netwr.
    w_final-kwmeng = w_vbap-kwmeng.
    w_final-kunnr  = w_kna1-kunnr.
    w_final-name1  = w_kna1-name1.
    append w_final to t_final.
    delete t_final where name1 not in r_name.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'VBELN' 'SALE ORDER NUM'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'KUNNR' 'CUSTOMER NUMBER'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'NAME1' 'NAME OF A CUST'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'AUDAT' 'SALE ORDER DATE'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'AUART' 'SALE DOC TYPE'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'MATNR' 'MATERIAL NUM'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'KWMENG' 'QUANTITY'.
    perform sub_fill_fcat using 'NETWR' 'PRICE'.
        IT_FIELDCAT                       = T_FCAT
        T_OUTTAB                          = T_FINAL
       PROGRAM_ERROR                     = 1
       OTHERS                            = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
    *&      Form  SUB_FILL_FCAT
    *       text
    *      -->P_0389   text
    *      -->P_0390   text
    clear w_fcat.
    w_fcat-fieldname = p_fnam.
    w_fcat-seltext_m = p_text.
    append w_fcat to t_fcat.

  • Select statement details

    Hi friends, can any one give me the possible select statement which are used in Report query with some code examples

    SELECT result
           FROM source
           INTO|APPENDING target
           [[FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab] WHERE sql_cond]
    SELECT is an Open-SQL-statement for reading data from one or several database tables into data objects.
    The select statement reads a result set (whose structure is determined in result ) from the database tables specified in source, and assigns the data from the result set to the data objects specified in target. You can restrict the result set using the WHERE addition. The addition GROUP BY compresses several database rows into a single row of the result set. The addition HAVING restricts the compressed rows. The addition ORDER BY sorts the result set.
    The data objects specified in target must match the result set result. This means that the result set is either assigned to the data objects in one step, or by row, or by packets of rows. In the second and third case, the SELECT statement opens a loop, which which must be closed using ENDSELECT. For every loop pass, the SELECT-statement assigns a row or a packet of rows to the data objects specified in target. If the last row was assigned or if the result set is empty, then SELECT branches to ENDSELECT . A database cursor is opened implicitly to process a SELECT-loop, and is closed again when the loop is ended. You can end the loop using the statements from section leave loops.
    Up to the INTO resp. APPENDING addition, the entries in the SELECTstatement define which data should be read by the database in which form. This requirement is translated in the database interface for the database system´s programming interface and is then passed to the database system. The data are read in packets by the database and are transported to the application server by the database server. On the application server, the data are transferred to the ABAP program´s data objects in accordance with the data specified in the INTO and APPENDING additions.
    PARAMETERS: p_cityfr TYPE spfli-cityfrom,
                p_cityto TYPE spfli-cityto.
    DATA: BEGIN OF wa,
             fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,
             carrname TYPE scarr-carrname,
             connid   TYPE spfli-connid,
           END OF wa.
                   WITH UNIQUE KEY fldate carrname connid.
    SELECT c~carrname p~connid f~fldate
           FROM ( ( scarr AS c
             INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON p~carrid   = c~carrid
                                  AND p~cityfrom = p_cityfr
                                  AND p~cityto   = p_cityto )
             INNER JOIN sflight AS f ON f~carrid = p~carrid
                                    AND f~connid = p~connid ).
    LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
      WRITE: / wa-fldate, wa-carrname, wa-connid.
    Jogdand M B

  • Case or decode in select statement for comparison

    How can I do a comparison
    if sal < 50, output 1.1 * comm
    if sal > 50 and < = 100 output 1.2 * comm
    else output comm
    in a single select statement.
    I tried using case and decode but I am not sure how to use it in comparison operations.
    Please help

    use the 'case' construct:
    , (CASE
    WHEN (SAL < 50) THEN 1.1 * COMM          
    WHEN (SAL > 50) AND (SAL <= 100) THEN 1.2 * COMM
    ELSE COMM                    
    WHERE xxxx
    hope this helps

  • Case sensitive statement in the select-statement

    Hi All,
    i have a table in the abap-dictionary filled with names...when i try to select them with the select-statement with condition:
    table-name_column like 'some_name'
    I have encountered some problems...the inquiry is case-sensitive. What i want to do is to read the value from the abap-dictionary table uppercase or lowercase and compare it with the needed value also translated in uppercase or lowercase.
    The only idea i have is to select all values of the dictionary table into an internal table and to translate the values there in uppercase or lowercase and then to loop trough it. But this approach would cost a lot of performance.
    Do someone has an other proposal?

    Select statement
    It would be difficult , because it is based on how data is stored in the data base , now consider the scenario of the system i am using , we can material description as 'test' or 'TEST' , 'Test' .
    If in your system there are only stored in either caps or small the you can perform the select twice .
    But i myself dont find it to be such a good solution , but you can give it a try
    There is one more solution specific to material description ,and that is in the table MAKT there is a field MAKTG , which stored the description in uppercase , so for this you can first convert the description to uppercase and then perform select on this field

  • Case sensitve in selection statement

    Hi All
    I like to write a select statement which is able to get the values irrespective of case sesitive
    select * from table_name where column_name like('%sun%')
    selection of columns should happen even the column name is '%SUN%' or '%Sun%' ie '%sun%' should not be case sensitive....Can anyone suggest me query for this
    Note: the query needs to work in oracel server. Also changing the session ie alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI ;
    alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC; cannot be done.
    So please help me to get the selection purely through query
    With thanks and regards

    Use LOWER or UPPER,
    so, for example:
    lower(column_name) like '%sun%'
    -- OR
    upper(column_name) like '%SUN%'

  • If statement in select statement alias

    I have the following select statement. It has the alias Survivors, Deaths and "All Cases". Is it posible to use :P_LANGUAGE variable to say that -- IF :P_LANGUAGE = FRENCH THEN alias are Survivants for survivors, Décès for Deaths, Tous_les_cas for All Cases. Please advise
    order by ORDERS

    You may not be able to add this condition inside the SQL Statement. But you can add this condition outside the statement, if you're using PL/SQL...
    IF :p_language = french THEN
      t_ntr_multibar.num_cases_leftbar AS survivors,
      t_ntr_multibar.num_cases_middlebar AS deaths,
      t_ntr_multibar.num_cases_rightbar AS "All Cases"
    END IF;

  • How to get all values from an interval using select statement

    Is it possible to write a select statement that returns all values from an interval? Interval boundaries are variable.
    something like this:
    select (for x in 1,1024 loop x end loop) from dual
    (this, of course, doesn't work)
    The result in this example should be 1024 rows of numbers from 1 to 1024. These numbers are parameters, so it is not possible to create a table with predefined values.
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    For your simple case, with a lower boundary of 1, you can use:
    SELECT rownum
    FROM all_objects
    WHERE rownum <= 1024For a set of number between say 50 - 100, you can use something like:
    SELECT rownum + (50 - 1)
    FROM all_objects
    WHERE rownum <= (100 - 50 + 1)Note, that all_objects was used only because it generally has a lot of rows. Any table with at least the number of rows in your range will work.

  • Left joins : Case or if statement

    I want to know if one can build in a case or if statement into a left join. I want to multiply a value with -1 if the condition is met.

    I think it is not possible in SELECT statement...but you can do the below to resolve it.
    add a field for FKART in your internal table.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF tab ,
           kunag LIKE vbrk-kunag,
           fkdat like vbrk-fkdat,
           matnr LIKE vbrp-matnr,
           werks LIKE vbrp-werks,
           fkart like vbrk-fkart,
           volum LIKE vbrp-volum,
           END OF tab.
    DATA: wa_outtab TYPE table of tab WITH HEADER LINE.
    SELECT akunag  afkdat
           bmatnr bwerks a~fkart
           SUM( b~volum )
       INTO  table wa_outtab
    FROM vbrk AS a
    INNER JOIN vbrp AS b
          ON  avbeln  = bvbeln
    avbeln = bvbeln                                                                               
    AND ( afkart LIKE 'F2' OR afkart LIKE 'RE' )
    GROUP BY  akunag afkdat bmatnr bwerks a~fkart.
    sort wa_outtab.
    Loop at wa_outtab.
      if wa_outtab-fkart = 'RE'.
        lpos = lpos +  wa_outtab-volum.
        lneg = lneg +  wa_outtab-volum.
      at end of werks.
         lvaule = lpos - lneg.
        lpos = lneg = 0.

  • Using if logic in the where clause of a select statement

    I have a select clause. And in the select clause there is a variable all_off_trt that can be 'Y' or 'N'.
    In the where clause I want to make it so that if a form variable is checked and all_off_trt is 'Y' then
    exclude it else if the form variable isn't checked then select it no matter what all_off_trt is.
    Is there any way to include either and if statement or a case statement within the where clause to acheive this? If not is there another way of doing it?
    Basically I am looking for a case statement like this
    when all_off_trt = 'Y' and mail_para.code = 'Y' then false
    else true
    Message was edited by:

    Ok, so that really doesn't solve my problem. I have 3 different fields that I need to do that with. Each combining in a select statement to print an email list, as well as other thing limiting the where clause.
    This is currently what I have, tested and working 100%.
    cursor email_cur is
         select unique,s.all_off_trt,s.all_deceased,s.no_enroll
    from participant p, trialcom t, ethics s
    where p.status='A'
    and p.surname=t.surname
    and p.initials=t.initials
    and s.trial_cd = t.tricom
    and s.centre = t.centre
    and is not null
    and (t.centre in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='CENTRE')
    or 'XX' in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='CENTRE'))
    and (t.tricom in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='TRIAL')
    or 'XX' in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='TRIAL'))
    and (t.role in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='ROLE')
    or 'XX' in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='ROLE'))
    and ( in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='COUNTRY')
    or 'XX' in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='COUNTRY'))
    and (t.represent in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='REPRESENT')
    or 'XX' in (select code from mail_parameters where user_name=user and mail_para='REPRESENT'));
    This is in a program unit that runs when a button is clicked. At the end of that I need to add on the 3 case statements that help further narrow down the selection of emails to be printed. Then it prints the emails selected from this statement into a file. So it has to be done right in the select statement. The three table variables are the all_off_trt, all_deceased, and no_enroll. The form has 3 checkboxes. One for each, that when checked (giving the variable associated with the checkboxes a value of 'Y') excludes all emails that have a 'Y' in the coresponding table variable.

  • Select statement in a function does Full Table Scan

    I have been coding a stored procedure that writes 38K rows in less than a minute. If I add another column which requires call to a package and 4 functions within that package, it runs for about 4 hours. I have confirmed that due to problems in one of the functions, the code does full table scans. The package and all of its functions were written by other contractors who have been long gone.
    Please note that case_number_in (VARCHAR2) and effective_date_in (DATE) are parameters sent to the problem function and I have verified through TOAD’s debugger that their values are correct.
    Table named ps2_benefit_register has over 40 million rows but case_number is an index for that table.
    Table named ps1_case_fs has more than 20 million rows but also uses case_number as an index.
    Select #1 – causes full table scan runs and writes 38K rows in a couple of hours.
    SELECT max(a2.application_date)
    INTO l_app_date
    FROM dwfssd.ps2_benefit_register a1, dwfssd.ps2_case_fs a2
    WHERE a2.case_number = case_number_in and
    a1.case_number = a2.case_number and
    a2.application_date <= effective_date_in and
    a1.DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'F';
    Select #2 – runs – hard coding values makes the code to write the same 38K rows in a few minutes.
    SELECT max(a2.application_date)
    INTO l_app_date
    FROM dwfssd.ps2_benefit_register a1, dwfssd.ps2_case_fs a2
    WHERE a2.case_number = 'A006438' and
    a1.case_number = a2.case_number and
    a2.application_date <= '01-Apr-2009' and
    a1.DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'F';
    Why using the values in the passed parameter in the first select statement causes full table scan?
    Thank you for your help,
    Edited by: user11117178 on Jul 30, 2009 6:22 AM
    Edited by: user11117178 on Jul 30, 2009 6:23 AM
    Edited by: user11117178 on Jul 30, 2009 6:24 AM

    Hello Dan,
    Thank you for your input. The function is not determinsitic, therefore, I am providing you with the explain plan. By version number, if you are refering to the Database version, we are running 10g.
    Plan hash value: 2132048964
    | Id  | Operation                     | Name                    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT              |                         |   324K|    33M|  3138   (5)| 00:00:38 |       |       |
    |*  1 |  HASH JOIN                    |                         |   324K|    33M|  3138   (5)| 00:00:38 |       |       |
    |   2 |   BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS |                         |     3 |     9 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
    |*  3 |    BITMAP INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IDX_PS2_ACTION_TYPES    |       |       |            |          |       |       |
    |   4 |   PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR    |                         |   866K|    87M|  3121   (4)| 00:00:38 |   154 |   158 |
    |   5 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL          | PS2_FS_TRANSACTION_FACT |   866K|    87M|  3121   (4)| 00:00:38 |   154 |   158 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - access("AL1"."ACTION_TYPE_ID"="AL2"."ACTION_TYPE_ID")
       3 - filter("AL2"."ACTION_TYPE"='1' OR "AL2"."ACTION_TYPE"='2' OR "AL2"."ACTION_TYPE"='S')
    Thank you very much,

  • Using Select statement in IF condition?

    hi all,
    Can i use select statement in IF COndition in pl sql ?
    eg like- if( select 1 from ASD) then
    end if;

    There is no way to do any kind of select statement inside if conditions.
    Why don't test simple cases like this first?
    An example to show it.
    SQL> begin
      2   if exists (select 1 from dual) then
      3    dbms_output.put_line('ok');
      4   end if;
      5  end;
      6  /
    if exists (select 1 from dual) then
    ERRORE alla riga 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 5:
    PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'EXISTS' may be used inside a SQL
    statement only
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    SQL> begin
      2   if ( (select count(*) from dual) > 0 ) then
      3    dbms_output.put_line('ok');
      4   end if;
      5  end;
      6  /
    if ( (select count(*) from dual) > 0 ) then
    ERRORE alla riga 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 8:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null others <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    <a string literal with character set specification>
    <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe
    <an alternatively-quoted string literal with character set specification>
    <an alternativ
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 33:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:
    . , @ ; for <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> group having intersect
    minus order partition start subpartition union where connect
    SQL> begin
      2   if ( 0 in (select count(*) from dual) ) then
      3    dbms_output.put_line('ok');
      4   end if;
      5  end;
      6  /
    if ( 0 in (select count(*) from dual) ) then
    ERRORE alla riga 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 12:
    PLS-00405: subquery not allowed in this context
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignoredBye Alessandro

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