Casting parent class to a child class

I have a static method which returns a class called parent. Now I want to cast it it's child class. There are no compilation errors, but at runtime it's throwing me ClassCastException. This is what I'm doing.
public Parent getObject() {
Parent p = new Parent();
return p;
Child c = (Child) getObject();What is wrong with this code? I couldn't figure it out.
Any help will be appreciated.

Parent p1 = new Parent(); // 1
Parent p2 = new Child(); // 2
Child c1 = new Parent(); // 3
Child c2 = new Child(); // 4
Parent p1 = (Parent)c1; // 5
Parnet p2 = (Parent)c2; // 6
Child c3 = (Child)p1; // 7
Child c4 = (Child)p2; // 81: Ok.
2: Ok. Every Child IS-A parent.
3: Compile time error. A Parent object is not a Child.
4: Ok.
5: Ok, because every Child IS-A parent, and the cast is unnecessary. (Though since 3 is illegal a compile time we wouldn't actually have this situation.)
6: Ok, and the cast is unnecessary, because every Child IS-A Parent.
7: ClassCastException at runtime. The object is not a Child.
8: Ok.

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    The actual data type of the wire is irrelevant in deciding which VI to run. The only thing that is relevant is the class of the object which is actually on the wire, so casting to the parent should not be relevant. *IF* the object really is a child, then LV should always call the child's VI, just like you say it works in 2011.
    I suspect that what's happening in your case is that somewhere you're generating a parent and that's what's actually on the wire (e.g. maybe you have an error somewhere and a function outputs the default value, which is a parent). The fact that it didn't happen in 2011 doesn't mean it's a bug in 2013. It could be that something else has changed.
    In any case, it's impossible to tell whether this is a misunderstanding, a bug in your code or a bug in LV without actual code. If you can post actual code which shows this, people can help. Otherwise (if it only happens in code you don't want to publish), you should try contacting NI directly so that you can at least show them the code.
    Try to take over the world!

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    Thanks for the quick response Ben!
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    Thanks again!
    p.s. I'm tempted to steal your cell phone sig, hope you dont mind haha good stuff!

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         public int x;
         A(int i){
              System.out.println("A is initialised");
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         private int y;
       // Why do I need this constructor to call parents constructor?
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         B(int i) {                     
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    You don't override constructors. However, every class, in it's constructor, must call some constructor from the class it's extending. In most cases this is simply super(). However, if your class does not have a default constructor (i.e. you've declared any other constructor, or the sub class does not have access to it, I.E. you've declared it private) then you must include a call to some other constructor in the super class. The constructor in the subclass does not have to be the same as the super class one, but you do have to invoke a constructor from the super class. I.E.
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         public void createLocation() {
              try {
              classCoord coordSet = appinterface.decodeFile();
              int areaNum = coordSet.areaNum, cellNum = coordSet.cellNum, signalStrength = coordSet.signalStrength, receiverId = coordSet.receiverId;
              String dateTime = coordSet.dateTime, userName = coordSet.userName, location = calLocation(areaNum, cellNum);
              boolean validity=calValidity(signalStrength);
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              catch (ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException) {
                   appinterface.displayMessage("Logic Error: " + classNotFoundException);
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    this textbox:
    textField.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter()
                public void keyPressed( final KeyEvent e )
                    //user typed something
                    userTyped = true;
             });Now I have another parent class that uses ChildCustomForm, and parent class has to know once user types, then set
    its own userTyped flag.
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    I am wondering if there is a way to do this?

    jack_wns wrote:
    I have a basic custom class ChildCustomForm that include a JTextField. In order to know what user types, I add a listener to
    this textbox:You want to listen for input into the textbox, correct? This may take the form of keyboard input, or could be a paste-text event in which case your keylistener will miss it. I recommend that you look into a DocumentListener here so you will catch any changes, be they keyboard or cut or paste.
    My problem is: since I added listener in child class, I cannot get textfield and add listener again in parent class, so parent class will not be able to know as soon as user types (polling is not a good solution here).The observer pattern may work here.

  • Parent class not waiting for child class to finish

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    please help.

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    pnlProductsImport _pnlProductsImport=new  pnlProductsImport(dataSource,config,parent,importFile);
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    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

    for(imstuck) wrote:
    Is the best way to handle this to have be dynamic dispatch...?
    Yes. That's the whole point of DD.
    Note that for cleaning up resources, the order of the cleanup might be important, so either write in such a way that it doesn't matter or document it so that the developer of the child class knows exactly when the parent destroy should be called.
    Try to take over the world!

  • JMS: how to make child class loader (classes) available to parent loader

    Environment: oc4j on SunOS 5.10
    Our application (set up in an instance other than "home") sets up a JMS receiver, everything works fine to the point where the receiver receives the message but the message deserialization fails with the below error. Looks like the deserializer (loaded by the parent classloader sytem.root) is not able to load the class from its child code-source (one of my application libraries in WEB-INF/lib) I have seen a lot of documentation on how libraries can be shared between applications, but I haven't come across any that is related to my problem here. I have even tried adding the library in question to bootclasspath that did not help either.
    How to get around this problem.
    Thanks in advance.
    Caused by: toSerializable
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toSerializable(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toSerializable(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindObjectMessage.getObject(
    ... 4 more
    Caused by: oracle.classloader.util.AnnotatedClassNotFoundException:
    Missing class: com.deploy.atao.message.client.Message
    Dependent class:
    Loader: oc4j:10.1.3
    Code-Source: /export/home/oracle10as/product/
    Configuration: <code-source> in META-INF/boot.xml in /export/home/oracle10as/product/
    This load was initiated at system.root:0.0.0 using the Class.forName() method.
    The missing class is available from the following locations:
    ......( WEB-INF/lib/ directory in /export/home/oracle10as/product/
    This code-source is available in loader This is a child of the dependent loader system.root:0.0.0.
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.handleClassNotFound(
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.internalLoadClass(
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.loadClass(
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationContextClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toSerializable(
    ... 6 more

    Resolved by adding the application library in question to config/application.xml as <library path="<relative path to the library>"/> so the library has instance scope is accessible by the sytem.root loader.

  • Parent Child classes

    Hi All,
    I have a really general question that I have not been able to solve.
    Here is my sample code:
    class parent {
    public List mylist
    public parent(){
    child c = new child(this, mylist);
    class child
    private parent p;
    private List mylist;
    private String currentLine ="";
    public child(parent p, List mylist){
    this.mylist = mylist;
    BufferedReader in new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt"));
    while ((currentLine = in.readLine()) != null){
    How do I return mylist in the child class back to the parent class? Or secondly, can I declare a List in the child class and have some way of passing it back to the parent class? I am not very familiar with the parent/child classes. If you can assist, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

    Actually....the main problem that I have is that I am using multi threading. Right now the problem that I have is that I can't write to the same output file with multiple children threads...not sure why.
    class parent {
    PrintWriter out;
    public parent () {
    out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("output.txt")));
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
    childthread ct = new childthread(this);
    public synchronized void Output (String output){
    }//end class parent
    class child extends Thread{
    parent p;
    public child (parent p) {
    this.p = p;
    public void run(){
    String thisLine = "test";
    }//end class child
    How can I get all of my 10 threads to write to the same file. Since my parent thread is the one with the output file, each time the child thread calls the p.Output and passes the should printout test in my output file...but it does not. Is there any reason why?
    My output file should display "test" ten times. Please let me know what I am doing wrong...or how I can go about writing multiple threads to the same output file. Thank you.

  • Can I make methods which are public in a parent class into private in a child class ?

    I suspect the answer to my question is probably no, but...
    I have a parent class that provides several general purpose methods, I also have a child class which is intended to provide a more specific set of methods for manipulating the data in the class. As a result, calling some of the parent's methods on the child class can provide results that I'd rather not let the users of the child class have to worry about. It seemed (from my rather naive OOP experience) that the nicest way to do this would be to make access to some of the parent's public methods be private in the child class. This doesn't seem to be trivially possible.... ?
    Gavin Burnell
    Condensed Matter Physics Group, University of Leeds, UK

    Hi Gavin,
    Unfortuneately I don't think this can be done. You can use an overide VI to change the functionality of a method in a child class but it has to have the same scope and the method it overides.
    Jon B
    Applications Engineer
    NI UK & Ireland

  • Parent class private data accessable in Child class?

    I thought that this would be obvious, but my search foo fails me.  Hopefully someone would be kind enough to answer my newbie LVOOP question.
    I have a a parrent class.  This parrent class contains a cluster of class private data.  I setup all the accessor methods to this data.  I create a child class that has functions that need to access data stored in its parrent class.  Its inheritence is set, but when I try to unbundle the class data all I can seem to get to is what is setup in the child class' data cluster.
    I've watched a video and it looked like the data cluster magically appeared and was accessable through the children methods.  What am I missing?
    Thanks for input!
    Go to Solution.

    Nickerbocker wrote:
    Well, that makes sense.
    One other quick question.  Is the procedure, New->"VI for Override..." from the context menu of my child class the only way to create a method that overrides the parents method?  Where is the property that defines this newly created VI as overriding my parent's VI?  Can I simply create a VI that is named the same and it have the same effect?
    That is the only method I use but I believe if you get all of your icon patterns and terminal marking as dynamic and all of the other rules, you should be able to do the same thing by hand (I base this guess on the fact I messed with those things and broke my ever-rides).
    The only thing I think has to be done from the project (scripting aside) is to set-up the inheritance.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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