CCD camera for Mac

Can anyone recommend a CCD camera for outdoor use that transmits a picture wireless to a software for Mac?

RoyalOak wrote:
Thanks ,
You're most welcome.
... but I would prefer a recommendation for an actual model that is proven to work fine in Mac-environment with a reliable software to go with it or be compatible with a "default" OS X software.
Then that is what you should ask the retailer for while you are shopping.
If you do not get the recommendation you seek here, a local security consultant may be able to sell you the hardware you seek or at least suggest some sources you could consider.
Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.3)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.3)
LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook  1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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    Hi Connor --
    Is this what you had in mind: 2
    If you do decide to get it, or any other USB webcam, then don't forget to also get Ecamm's iChatUSBcam software.
    FWIW, I love the iSight -- I realize it's expensive, but if you use it a lot you learn very quickly to appreciate the superior picture, sound and style.
    Either way, enjoy your cam...
    -- JDee

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    Hello, you'll need a Mic also, so I suggest these...

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    Sent from my Palm Pixi on the Now Network from Sprint
    On Aug 26, 2012 8:59 AM, 1962alray <[email protected]> wrote:
        Re: Flash player not working in safari for Mac os x 10.8
        created by 1962alray in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion
    why not mac 10.8 mountain loin for flash player to work together?
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    Hello Zack.
    The Apple Store sells Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro, so it would surely work with your mini.
    I could not find this particular Logitech in the BestBuy website. However, any UVC webcam (USB Video Class) should work for you.
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    EZ Jim
    G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.6) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)   iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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    I asked because we do not want to recommend any cams that may confuse you even more.  The more details we have on why you are confused the better.
    Check out this website which may offer some suggestions:  EZJim's site mostly deals w/iSight and various other video methods.  He actually hangs out in the iSight forums which is where you can possibly post to him.  He's there quite regularly.  He's the most likely person here who can perhaps offer you many suggestions.
    Over in the QuickTime forums there is QuickTimeKirk, another video expert.
    Good luck!

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    Oh, whether you should get one with a hard drive is a matter of opinion. I've heard pros and cons about hard drive versus tape. Some people say that if you're recording a long, action packed event like a sports event, a hard drive would be better because you don't have to worry about switching out tapes. On the other hand, if you're on a trip, the hard drive can fill and you have no way to download it, unless you have your computer with you. You also take a chance of the hard drive failing before you can get your footage off of it. But one of the technicians at the Sony service center near where I live, said that this isn't an issue for him because he downloads her footage within a day or two.

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    Hi there,
    Pretty much all DV, HDV, and AVCHD camcorders are compatible with the basic iMovie and the more advanced Final Cut. If you intend to start with basic editing software and perhaps upgrade in the future I'd recommend getting one that records in one of these formats.

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    I just received delivery of a Unibrain "Fire-i" Firewire Digital Camera from L.A. Computer Company ( sku&sku=25036). US$99 + US$8.70 S&H. (OOPS! One more thing: the regular price is USD$119. I forgot that I got a $20 discount through the DealMac website which I visit almost daily -- the DealMac site gives the discount code "firedc" that might still work).
    It was a snap to install (literally: just snap in the included FW cable to the camera and to a handy FW receptacle, in my case, an open one on an external drive enclosure). That's all! It was instantly recognized (and iChat was automatically opened) by both iChat and Skype. The lens ring has a focusing capability that is not mentioned in the packaging, and the image was initially fuzzy and out of focus, but a little "nudging" counterclockwise on the ring immediately cured that. The video, at least what one sees on Skype and iChat, is just about as good as iSight, except that, unlike iSight, there is no microphone, so you need to add your own (my wife uses a USB headset with earphones and microphone, anyway).
    These sites do not support images, but if you look at the above web site, you can visualize that if you collapse the legs of the included miniature tripod so that they all lie in a plane, and adjust the camera's position, you can stick it on the top of the monitor with Velcro fastener tape, adhering to the black support on the tripod and to the top of the monitor. Then, there is a little lever that allows you to unlock the mount in order to tweak the aiming of the camera and then re-lock it. All-in-all, this took about five minutes.
    Highly recommended.

    Hi, Rod. No, I did not notice any effect on other FW externals. But, I had it pluffed into an external HD that was powered by an external power brick, so, presumably, it was adding its own juice to the FW connection, including the camera. But, the iSight external was also a FW plug-in, so I don't think that this would be any worse. The camera is featherweight, so I cannot imagine any heavy current draw.

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    Hello JG,
    You can go either tape or non-tape based cameras.
    Sounds like you are leaning towards a non-tape cam?
    I use a n SD card in my Panasonic SDT-750 and it works fine. Has external mic input, headphone socket and a raft of manual overides with 3 CMOS sensors.
    This camera is a joy to use when you understand all the features.
    A 32 gig card gives around 4 hours of HD highest quality interlaced footage, much more if you lower  the data rate (I wouldn't).
    Buying several cards is very affordable and you have srpead the footage over a few cards rather than one large hard drive (they can fail).
    Any standard AVCHD camera, such as mine, wil work OK with FCE.

  • Trigger CCD camera at certain frequency

    We are trying to trigger a CCD camera for capturing image at certain frequency. Our hardware setting is as follow: we have NI PCI-6281 DAQ card installed on the computer. It connects to BNC-2110 box. The trigger output PFI 12/P2.4 on BNC-2110 was connected to a CCD camera through a 12-Pin Hirose female to BNC cable.
    To test whether the triggered image capture works properly. We used Gen Dig and Triggered The triggered image capture did work, but it does not work at the desired frequency set by us. I assume the frequency is (1/(high time + low time)). Any suggestion?
    Triggerd Grab Test 2-1.png ‏240 KB

    This answer doesn't make sense. If what you say is true, the camera isn't really synchronized with the clock.
    What happens if you set the off time to a very long time like 20.2 seconds. Do you see a new image every 20.7 seconds, do you see two images captured close together then a long gap before the next 2?
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Camera Raw 6.7 Update for Mac OS 10.10:  Installation Failed error message.

    Camera Raw 6.7 Update for Mac:  Installation Failed error message.  Update downloaded directly from Adobe website.  Newly purchased Mac Workbook Pro, OS 10.10, using Photoshop CS5. Other updates successfully accomplished.  Camera Raw 6.7 Update was downloaded multiple times with multiple installation attempts. Any recommendations?

    thanks for the prompt response...i appreciate it.  according to the link you listed, that's correct.  the strange thing is that prior to the upgrad to mac os 10.8.4, photoshop CS5 was working just fine and i was able to open my canon raw files with my current camera raw plug-in version 6.7 which adobe has indicated is the last camera raw update they'll be offering for cs 5
    so it's clearly an issue related to the "upgrade" of the os.  seems like every solution creates 6 new problems...further evidence for the notion that if it ain't broke don't fix it!  thanks again.

  • Can I use an IP camera for FaceTime on my Mac mini?

    I have a Mac mini running Mountain Lion and I would like to know if it is possible to use the streaming video from a wireless IP camera as the video source for FaceTime (and other video apps). If so, how?

    My mistake.  I saw the Mac Mini spec and presumed you were looking for any camera and had come across Wireless IP ones.
    I know of one BlueTooth one (just to keep a spin on it ).
    I have heard good things about this one - but mainly from 2 years or so ago when it was new.
    Actually Wireless IP ones I know next to nothing about.
    One of the main issues with iChat 2 through 4 is that the Video that iChat accepts is limited to DV from the External Firewire cameras that were about  or certain USB Cameras that produce output that works with the Utility from Ecamm or the Apple Framework item that was introduced later in OS X 10.4 for the USB 2.0/UVC compliant cameras.
    By Snow Leopard and iChat 5 most computers do have USB 2.0 ports and all but two of the Mac range have Internal Cameras that are in fact USB 2.0.UVC Compliant.
    On the other side as it were, are Camcorders also move to USB 2.0 over Firewire.
    However in many cases the output is not DV and none are UVC compliant.
    The video signals from these cannot be "translated by either the iUSBCam Ecamm utility or the internal Driver from Apple.
    So the main issue will be the format of the Video output from the camera for iChat or Messages.
    Other apps, particularly Quicktime, are going to have less of a problem as Quicktime can handle many more formats.
    7:54 PM      Saturday; November 24, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Which cable do I need to connect my Mac Book Pro to my Panasonic PV-GS150 video camera for transferring video to iMovie?

    which cable do I need to connect my Mac Book Pro to my Panasonic PV-GS150 video camera for transferring video to iMovie?

    I totally understand.
    Check some things from here, I have 2 and they have been great so far.
    Check here, lots of storage and reasonable prices. Also great support, you get to speak to a person
    Clean off your on the G5 drive and off you go.
    I suggest buying a second drive and setting it up for a back up, Time Machine or Carbon Copy Cloner, or SuperDuper (both "bootable" back up) All searchable on the web.
    You can talk to a person for REAL advice, Phone: 800.275.4576  Ask about exporting to your G5 and and exporting to your existing OSX, you may only need a small inexpensive drive for this.
    Quick delivery and willing to help.
    Hope this makes you back up and running :-)
    Do get a back up drive, as it is not ""whether my drive will fail, as much as "when my drive fails"
    All the best

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