CDC and deferred updates

I am using CDC to generate events based on the entries in the CDC tables. I need to distingush between insert, update and delete events but when SQL chooses to do a deferred update, it changes an update into a delete and insert - is there a way I can affect
this behaviour so that any update command results in an update record in the cdc tables?
I am aware of the DBCC TRACEON (8207,-1) but this seems to only apply to update commands affecting 1 record and which don't affect fields used by unique constraints - my update commands will affect multiple records and fields with unique constraints applied
to them.

This problem is caused by a bug in the fn_cdc_get_net_changes_<capture_instance> functions. The bug works in 2 ways, the first is indentified in this thread: an additional row is exported with __$operation = 1. A 2nd problem, resulting from the same
bug, is that some rows with __$operation = 1 are incorrectly suppressed. These missing rows are however less easily spotted and thus this incarnation of the problem is nowhere reported.
The bug is reported on Connect as
ID 690476 back in 2011 already. Below is a copy of the corrected cdc.fn_get_net_changes_dbo_NETTEST function in my test database. The fix can easily be extracted from this sample code. I would suggest you do not adapt the functions yourself in a production
environment. Instead we should put all our combined powers in to get Microsoft to fix this issue. Please Vote and if possible have the case reopened as soon as possible. 
create function [cdc].[fn_cdc_get_net_changes_dbo_NETTEST]
( @from_lsn binary(10),
@to_lsn binary(10),
@row_filter_option nvarchar(30)
returns table
select NULL as __$start_lsn,
NULL as __$operation,
NULL as __$update_mask, NULL as [ID], NULL as [A]
where ( [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( N'dbo_NETTEST', @from_lsn, @to_lsn, lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))), 1) = 0)
union all
select __$start_lsn,
case __$count_23BAE034
when 1 then __$operation
case __$min_op_23BAE034
when 2 then 2
when 4 then
case __$operation
when 1 then 1
else 4
case __$operation
when 2 then 4
when 4 then 4
else 1
end as __$operation,
null as __$update_mask , [ID], [A]
select t.__$start_lsn as __$start_lsn, __$operation,
case __$count_23BAE034
when 1 then __$operation
( select top 1 c.__$operation
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
and ((c.__$operation = 2) or (c.__$operation = 4) or (c.__$operation = 1))
and (c.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (c.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
order by c.__$seqval) end __$min_op_23BAE034, __$count_23BAE034, t.[ID], t.[A]
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] t with (nolock) inner join
( select r.[ID], max(r.__$seqval) as __$max_seqval_23BAE034,
count(*) as __$count_23BAE034
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] r with (nolock)
where (r.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (r.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
group by r.[ID]) m
on t.__$seqval = m.__$max_seqval_23BAE034 and
( (t.[ID] = m.[ID]) )
where lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))) = N'all'
and ( [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( N'dbo_NETTEST', @from_lsn, @to_lsn, lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))), 1) = 1)
and (t.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (t.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
and ((t.__$operation = 2) or (t.__$operation = 4) or
((t.__$operation = 1) and not exists (
select top(1) *
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
and c.__$operation = 2
and c.__$start_lsn = t.__$start_lsn
and c.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
--(2 not in
-- ( select top 1 c.__$operation
-- from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
-- where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
-- and ((c.__$operation = 2) or (c.__$operation = 4) or (c.__$operation = 1))
-- and (c.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
-- and (c.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
-- order by c.__$operation desc
and t.__$operation = (
[cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] as mo with (nolock)
mo.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
( (t.[ID] = mo.[ID]) )
group by
) Q
union all
select __$start_lsn,
case __$count_23BAE034
when 1 then __$operation
case __$min_op_23BAE034
when 2 then 2
when 4 then
case __$operation
when 1 then 1
else 4
case __$operation
when 2 then 4
when 4 then 4
else 1
end as __$operation,
case __$count_23BAE034
when 1 then
case __$operation
when 4 then __$update_mask
else null
case __$min_op_23BAE034
when 2 then null
case __$operation
when 1 then null
else __$update_mask
end as __$update_mask , [ID], [A]
select t.__$start_lsn as __$start_lsn, __$operation,
case __$count_23BAE034
when 1 then __$operation
( select top 1 c.__$operation
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
and ((c.__$operation = 2) or (c.__$operation = 4) or (c.__$operation = 1))
and (c.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (c.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
order by c.__$seqval) end __$min_op_23BAE034, __$count_23BAE034,
m.__$update_mask , t.[ID], t.[A]
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] t with (nolock) inner join
( select r.[ID], max(r.__$seqval) as __$max_seqval_23BAE034,
count(*) as __$count_23BAE034,
[sys].[ORMask](r.__$update_mask) as __$update_mask
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] r with (nolock)
where (r.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (r.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
group by r.[ID]) m
on t.__$seqval = m.__$max_seqval_23BAE034 and
( (t.[ID] = m.[ID]) )
where lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))) = N'all with mask'
and ( [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( N'dbo_NETTEST', @from_lsn, @to_lsn, lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))), 1) = 1)
and (t.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (t.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
and ((t.__$operation = 2) or (t.__$operation = 4) or
((t.__$operation = 1) and not exists (
select top(1) *
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
and c.__$operation = 2
and c.__$start_lsn = t.__$start_lsn
and c.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
--(2 not in
-- ( select top 1 c.__$operation
-- from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
-- where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
-- and ((c.__$operation = 2) or (c.__$operation = 4) or (c.__$operation = 1))
-- and (c.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
-- and (c.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
-- order by c.__$operation desc
and t.__$operation = (
[cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] as mo with (nolock)
mo.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
( (t.[ID] = mo.[ID]) )
group by
) Q
union all
select t.__$start_lsn as __$start_lsn,
case t.__$operation
when 1 then 1
else 5
end as __$operation,
null as __$update_mask , t.[ID], t.[A]
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] t with (nolock) inner join
( select r.[ID], max(r.__$seqval) as __$max_seqval_23BAE034
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] r with (nolock)
where (r.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (r.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
group by r.[ID]) m
on t.__$seqval = m.__$max_seqval_23BAE034 and
( (t.[ID] = m.[ID]) )
where lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))) = N'all with merge'
and ( [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( N'dbo_NETTEST', @from_lsn, @to_lsn, lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))), 1) = 1)
and (t.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
and (t.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
and ((t.__$operation = 2) or (t.__$operation = 4) or
((t.__$operation = 1) and not exists (
select top(1) *
from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
and c.__$operation = 2
and c.__$start_lsn = t.__$start_lsn
and c.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
--(2 not in
-- ( select top 1 c.__$operation
-- from [cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] c with (nolock)
-- where ( (c.[ID] = t.[ID]) )
-- and ((c.__$operation = 2) or (c.__$operation = 4) or (c.__$operation = 1))
-- and (c.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn)
-- and (c.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn)
-- order by c.__$operation desc
and t.__$operation = (
[cdc].[dbo_NETTEST_CT] as mo with (nolock)
mo.__$seqval = t.__$seqval
( (t.[ID] = mo.[ID]) )
group by
SQL expert for JF Hillebrand IT BV - The Netherlands.

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    Does anyone know why the following update to #test and #test1 is deferred, but the same update to the permanent table inputtable is direct?
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    @@version is Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7.0/EBF 22305 SMP SP61 /P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.10/ase157sp6x/3341/64-bit/FBO/Fri Feb 21 11:55:38 2014
    create proc proctest
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    set showplan on
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           |ROOT:EMIT Operator (VA = 2)
           |   |UPDATE Operator (VA = 1)
           |   |  The update mode is deferred.
           |   |
           |   |   |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)
           |   |   |  FROM TABLE
           |   |   |  #test
           |   |   |  Table Scan.
           |   |   |  Forward Scan.
           |   |   |  Positioning at start of table.
           |   |   |  Using I/O Size 16 Kbytes for data pages.
           |   |   |  With LRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.
           |   |
           |   |  TO TABLE
           |   |  #test
           |   |  Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.
           |ROOT:EMIT Operator (VA = 2)
           |   |UPDATE Operator (VA = 1)
           |   |  The update mode is deferred.
           |   |
           |   |   |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)
           |   |   |  FROM TABLE
           |   |   |  #test1
           |   |   |  Table Scan.
           |   |   |  Forward Scan.
           |   |   |  Positioning at start of table.
           |   |   |  Using I/O Size 16 Kbytes for data pages.
           |   |   |  With LRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.
           |   |
           |   |  TO TABLE
           |   |  #test1
           |   |  Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.
           |ROOT:EMIT Operator (VA = 2)
           |   |UPDATE Operator (VA = 1)
           |   |  The update mode is direct.
           |   |
           |   |   |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)
           |   |   |  FROM TABLE
           |   |   |  inputtable
           |   |   |  Table Scan.
           |   |   |  Forward Scan.
           |   |   |  Positioning at start of table.
           |   |   |  Using I/O Size 16 Kbytes for data pages.
           |   |   |  With LRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.
           |   |
           |   |  TO TABLE
           |   |  inputtable
           |   |  Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.

    I don't have a documentation reference but the optimizer appears to default to deferred mode when the #table and follow-on DML operation are in the same batch (ie, optimizer makes a 'safe' guess during optimization based on limited details of #table schema).
    You can get the queries to operate in direct mode by forcing the optimizer to (re)compile the UPDATEs after the #tables have been created, eg:
    - create #table outside of proc; during proc creation/execution the #tables already exist so optimizer can choose direct mode
    - perform UPDATEs within exec() construct; exec() calls are processed within a separate/subordinate context, ie, #table is know at time exec() call is compiled so direct mode can be chosen; obvious downside is the overhead for the exec() call and associated compilation phase ... which may be an improvement over a) executing UPDATE in deferred mode and/or b) recompiling the proc (see next bullet), ymmv
    - induce a schema change to the #table so proc is recompiled (with #table details known during the recompile) thus allowing use of direct mode; while adding/dropping indexes/constraints/columns will suffice these also add extra processing overhead; I'd suggest a fairly benign schema change that also has little/no effect on table (eg, alter table #test replace fiId default null); obvious downside to this approach is the forced recompilation of the stored proc, which could add considerably to proc run times depending on volume/complexity of queries in the rest of the proc

  • How do I hide or delete a deferred update?

    I acidentally deferred an update that I meant to hide. I cannot figure out how to hide or delete it from the deferred list in System Update (latest version). This is on a T500 2081 running Vista 64.
    Message Edited by kalnoc on 02-13-2009 10:21 AM

    sorry, somehow I missed this thread
    Anyway, as first it's needed to define, what exactly you mean with "hide defered updates"?
    Here is the situation, that is happeneing when using TVSU:
    - once you start TVSU and defer, or update your system using some updates, then these updates are stored and downloaded to following direction:
    %programfiles%\Lenovo\System Update\session
    There you surelly see multiple folders, that are the same, as the name of the update package.
    Ok, now you downoad an update with the defered option. So what happens is that this file is downloaded into this location. Now if you forget to install this deffered update and in meantime a new version of this particular update will be released, then you can start TVSU and again deffer this same update (but with newer version). In this situation, the old version will be no longer seen and you will have only the latest version visible, BUT the older version will not be deleted. It will still reside in the above mentioned location.
    Please specify, what exactly you want to achieve.

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    Any dw people wants to share some experiences here?
    Thank you all.
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by:
    Alvaro Silva

    Thanks Cezar :)
    Well Updates work if I unckeck 262!!! :) But deletes are not setting the CURR to zero!!!
    PS: um abraço para ti também .... o mundo é pequeno! :) será que podes adicionar-me no messenger para alguma troca de experiências? [email protected]
    Message was edited by:

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    2. Log_reuse_wait will show replication status both for CDC and replication.
    4. Yes as you are using transaction replication, Log Reader Agent is created for the database and the capture job won’t exist.
    When the Log Reader Agent is used for both change data capture and transactional replication, replicated changes are first written to the distribution database.
    Then, captured changes are written to the change tables. Both operations are committed together. If there is any latency in writing to the distribution database, there will be a corresponding latency before changes appear in the change tables.
    As you said CDC updates are in cdc table I don’t see any issue.
    You could run DBCC OPENTRAN to see the old active transaction? It will give you more info.

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    And this is where the problems started.
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    It finishes booting, but seems to go into Sleep.
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    And at boot or when waking the MB, the front LED flashes 5 times. There are no error beeps.
    I've tried changing RAM, but problems remain.
    So what's all this? Any ideas?
    The display doesn't seem dead, as it works to boot and wake. The MB works fine with external monitor.
    It's weird, but I can't think of anything apart from the Firmware update. The problems started right after installing it.
    Unfortunately, this model of Macbook doesn't have a Firmware Restoration image to download and burn to CD. It is the ONLY Mac at this point that doesn't have this!
    I called Apple support and even bought the 49 Euro Pay Per Incident service, which proved to be the same as throwing 49 Euro out the window. The only "technical" support they provided was to Reset the SMC, which you can find out about FOR FREE at the Apple website. And which I'd done anyway. I'd also reinstalled the MacOS. Don't want to beef too much, but sheesh, you've already got a Macbook that might need costly repairs, and they make you pay 49 Euro BEFORE they even ask you about the problem and what you've done to try to solve it. I'm tempted to say "ripoff". I mean, if all they can offer you is the advice to reset the SMC - which Apple offers for free at their website - then that's pretty poor service for 49 Euro, to say the least.
    Apart from the wasted 49 Euro, I'm pretty peeved about the Firmware update (or so it seems) wrecking a perfectly working 2008 Macbook. I don't know how to convince Apple of this, but I'm certainly going to try.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
    I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
    Which capacitor?
    No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
    1) it came thru Software Update
    2) there was no warning
    3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
    I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
    Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.

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    jpg does not support Layers.
    Just to make sure, what exactly do you mean by "stacking photos" and what do you want to achieve thereby?

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  • Statement caching and batch update

    Can these 2 JDBC features work together ?
    Is it possible while statement is cached to be reparsed (soft) if used in batch update ?
    I am asking this questions because i have a sitution where an insert is cached using implicit statement caching and then put in a batch to exeute batch updates !!! From statspack reports i find that 1/3 of statements are reparsed ... even soft !!!

    Statement caching and batch update work fine together. The most common cause of unexpected soft parses is changing the type of some parameters. If you first bind one type, setInt(1, ...), do addBatch, then bind another type to the same parameter, setString(1, ...), and do addBatch, you will get a soft reparse. There is nothing the JDBC driver can do about this, the RDBMS requires it.
    In general, whatever parse behavior you see with statement caching you would also see without it.

  • How do you transfer voice memos to your pc?  I have synced my phone a number of times and everything updates with the exception of voice memos?

    How do you transfer voice memos to your pc?  I have synced my phone a number of times and everything updates with the exception of voice memos? Also, my voice memos are checked to be synced everytime my phone is synced. 

    Voice memos, once correctly synced, will appear under your Music Library.  Can you go through your music library to check?

  • Help with opening Adobe Reader and downloading updates

    I can not open Adobe .pdf files any longer (this started yesterday, prior to that I could open adobe files).
    When I double click a .pdf file I get this notice on my screen: Windows cannot access the specified device path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access file.
    So I went to the Adobe download site to download a new copy of Adobe.  When I start the download I get this on the screen:  The instruction at "0x0e3a0068" referenced memory at "0x0e3a0068."  The memory could not be written.  Then two options are listed: click OK to terminate or cancel to debug.  So I click on cancel and I get this on my screen: Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer.   A malfunctioning or malicious addon has caused I.E. to close this webpage.
    I don't have AVG running, I do have avast but I've disabled it.  I ran Registry Mechanic and an I.E. erasure program but nothing helps.
    I have gone into I.E. and reduced the security level to its lowest state but no joy.
    So, any ideas or suggestions on what's the problem and how to overcome it would be appreciated.  Thanks, in advance, for your reply.  Jim R.

    Hi Mike..tried that as well but no joy.  A friend of mine was looking at it all and noticed that it was an I.E. thing as far as not letting me redownload the reader so I went to Mozilla Firefox and I could download a new version but....whenever I attempt to open a .pdf file I get that message, "Windows can not open the specified device, path or file. You man not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." 
    Damn...this is irritating as I need to get to some of thos files as I need them for a Journal I'm working on as editor-in-chief. 
    It all worked just fine last Saturday but starting Monday when I was on my flight out to D.C.  no joy. 
    Sigh...Jim R.
    Jim R.
    Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 14:50:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help with opening Adobe Reader and downloading updates
    Under the help menu, there is an option to repair the installation of reader. Did you try that?

  • Remote and direct update of master data at the same time

    Is it possible to do remote and direct update of master data at the same time? If yes where it could be used?

    What do you mean by Remote Update ?
    Happy Tony

  • Conflict between Client object model and Item Updated Event Receiver in sharepoint 2010

    Hello All,
    As per my requirement I have a two custom list.
    Agent Details
    Port Name
    Agent Details contains Agent code, Port Name,  email, address and phone of Agent. Its possible that one Agent Code is connected with multiple Port Name.
    Basically what I am doing is I am getting port name connected with Agent code, using jquery and bind those values with check box(using javascript created dynamically) and bind all with Div tag.
    Now when my custom edit form of Agent list open up it shows me different port name binding with checkbox group.
    when user select the check box and click confirm button my clicent object model script will run and add this selected value into Port Name list. 
    After confirm one more button named Save will enable asking user to edit the email, phone or address value and when I click on save my Item updated event fires which update the values of the selected port name(These port name I am getting from port
    name list) to Agent Details custom list.
    Now when I am trying to update the values my event receiver fires or some times it got stuck(not firing). So could you please help me the possible alternative for this requirements.
    Can we user the Ecma Script(Client object model to preserve the value of selectec port) and Item updated event receiver on the same time?
    Is anything am doing wrong then please guide me.

    As I understand, when you updated values in the agent details list the Item updated event receiver got stuck sometimes.
    The item update event receiver will fire after the item has been saved, and the client object model script or the Ecma Script runs before the item is saved, so there is no conflict between the client object model script and item update event receiver.
    You could find out the reason about the item update event receiver gets stuck by debugging the event receiver.
    When you want to debug your event receivers, you have to attach to OWSTIMER.EXE and wait till they are executed. You can control this behavior using the Synchronization attribute. Also, if you’re looking for an easy way to debug an event receiver without
    having to manually attach a debugger to your code, you can use the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() method.
    The articles below are about how to debug in the event receiver in SharePoint 2010.
    Best regards,
    Sara Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • I have a 3rd generation iPad running iOS7.0.2, and since updating to iOS7, it will not mirror to an AppleTV.  The devices will connect, but the video monitors show only a blank screen.  The AppleTV's work fine with various other iOS & OSX devices. Ideas?

    I have three AppleTV's where I work.  I have two at home.  I have an iPhone 4S running iOS7.0.2 which mirrors smoothly via AirPlay.  I have a 2011 MacBook Pro and a 2011 iMac, both running Mountain Lion, both of which mirror smoothly through AirPlay.  I have a 3rd generation iPad running iOS7.0.2, and since updating to iOS7, it will not mirror.  The iPad will connect to the AppleTV, but the TV's and projectors only show a black screen when connected: the iPad screen looks as it should, except that the transitions become jumpy when connected via AirPlay.  This is true on both networks: at home and at work.  Another gentleman using the network where I work has the most recent iPad, also running iOS7.0.2, and he is having the same problem.  I have tried to "Reset All Settings."  I have tried to "Restore."  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Has anyone else experience difficulty mirroring the iPad through AirPlay since the release of iOS7.0.2?

    No problems exists with the router (on either network described above) or the multiple AppleTV's which are able to mirror multiple other OSX &amp; iOS devices seamlessly. The problem is strictly with the iPad and iOS7.
    The following information was helpful:
    Big Apple fan
    Re: AirPlay with AirServer connectivity problem
    Oct 14, 2013 9:43 AM (in response to ceb2652)
    This is an iOS 7 AirPlay mirroring bug...
    To make matters worse, the iPad automatically drops its mirroring session 45 seconds after it auto-locks.
    3-4 mirroring sessions is all it takes for the iPad mirroring to freeze up.
    After this happens, mirroring to an Apple TV only projects a blank screen.
    Once the mirroring is hung, the only way to fix it is to restart the iPad.
    Apple please fix this iOS 7 issue!

  • Start up problems after Safari 3.1 and Security update

    Updated safari and security update last night.
    Safari downloaded and installed but there was an error downloading or installing the security update, I forgot.
    After I restarted everything booted up fine, but was stuck on "Starting Mac OS X" screen.
    Did a fsck and zap the pram, still stuck.
    Today I tried booting up in safe mode, stuck on the gray screen with the apple logo.
    Then I tried booting up from an external firewire dvd drive. Repaired permissions, repaired the disk, but it is still stuck on "Starting Mac OS X" screen. Help please...
    Thank you

    Ok i had a similar problem, with all the recent updates for Leopard, including the 10.5.2 combo update... the 12" PowerBook G4 kept getting stuck on the grey apple and spinning wheel... if it managed to get past this it would get stuck on the blue screen!!!
    The way i got around this, after trying all these other tips was: Archived & Installed 10.5; restarted, waited; downloaded 10.5.2 Combo update, installed; restarted, waited; waited; waited; after getting back to desktop, restarted, waited; then ran Software Update only installing one at a time, and after each install, restarted, waited; when all Software updates completed, proceeded with iLife updates etc... It took a while (still quicker than the 3 days of failed installs and updates) with a lot of waiting on the blue screen (5-20mins) but we got there in the end. Disks where checked with Leopard Disk Utility before and after, permissions where checked before and after completing all installs, also with a DW 4.1 optimization. Also note worthy is the RAM was upgraded from the initial 256Mb (!!!) with an extra Gb.

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