Certain Sounds Muted

Hi, I was going on my usual rutine of watching a video when I get home.  I'm then surprised when it's muted.  Then, I check another video, same muted sound.  Then, I open minecraft, I hear sounds.  So, I go to turn up the sounds, used to the booping when I do so, I was once again surprised at the lack of that sound.  So some of my sounds are gone, including Youtube.  But the thing is, I still have Minecraft sounds.  What is this?

It's more severe than I thought.  I've just watched a minecraft video, and there was a voice for everyone else, but for me, all I hear are minecraft sounds.  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

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    Assuming that you are playing the songs in the Music app and not some third party app, you should probably have the iPad evaluated at an Apple Store. But before you do that, try this. Then see what happens.
    Quit the music app completely and reboot the iPad. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the recents tray will appear with all of your recent apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar.
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    If you have the Creative Surround Mixer (or maybe this is in the Audio Console for Fatalty), the front panel Mic (Mic2) mute button is there or in the Windows Mixer. I think the front mic input doesn't have 20dB boost, but if it's in the mixer, select that too. The Fatalty has a rear flexijack that supports a mic. Have you tried that as a test of the compatibility of your mic? SoundBlaster cards work best with mic impedance of ~600ohm. And then there's this: many games and applications set audio mixer input to the rear Mic. If that's what's going on (you can check that by seeing what mic input is selected in the mixer after you select Mic2 and play e.g., a game), then look into [url="http://www.muvaudio.com/muvixer/">Muvixer[/url] as a workaround that lets you keep your choice of mic.
    Message Edited by Katman on 03-2-2008 09:55 AM


    5SOUND MUTING WITH XFI FATALITY TITANIUM AND WINDOWS 7z Ok sorry if this hasbeen covered before but I searched and couldn't find it so here goes:
    It showed up staright away as a hi fi device and the optical output when selected works ok I dunno about surround sound it simply plays great stereo through my Arcam DAC connected up to my stereo.
    Problems began when I decided to install the Creative Software. What happens i sit plays for maybe o mins then mutes also I primarily use i tunes and it wont play anything until a few seconds after the music starts.
    This is just on optical out if I use standard phono to 3.5mm jack its fine.
    What puzzles me is why this happens when using the creative software ? Reverting back to the pre creative software it plays fine I would just like to take advantage of the various functions suplied with creative software?
    Any ideas please. FWIW I Completely deinstalled the card and installed? abasic CMI 8738 card and that does the same so maybe its windows 7
    Oh spec wise Windows 7 32 bit
    4GB RAM
    Asus MOBO

    Weird... I changed nothing and yeterday it worked...
    I just understand this, but what the hell?

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    Please provide us with your Event Viewer administrative logs by following these steps:
    Click Start Menu
    Type eventvwr into Search programs and files (do not hit enter)
    Right click eventvwr.exe and click Run as administrator
    Expand Custom Views
    Click Administrative Events
    Right click Administrative Events
    Save all Events in Custom View As...
    Save them in a folder where you will remember which folder and save as Errors.evtx
    Go to where you saved Errors.evtx
    Right click Errors.evtx -> send to -> compressed (zipped) folder
    Upload the .zip file to Onedrive or a file sharing service and put a link to it in your next post
    If you have updated to win 8.1 and you get the error message "the system cannot find the file specified" it is a known problem.  The
    work around is to edit the registry.  If you are not comfortable doing this DONT.  If you are, backup the key before you do
    Press Win+"R" and input regedit
    Navigate to:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels. Delete "Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic"
    Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

  • [Solved] time date no change, sound muted

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    any suggestions on how to fix this? (apart from switching to kde or another de)
    Last edited by tenchu (2012-09-15 09:17:34)

    Inxsible wrote:
    Please don't post consecutively. Makes the thread unnecessarily longer. Use the same post to reply or use the edit function.
    Please be specific about what errors you encounter. "there is a message about some service file" is useless and wastes our time
    Don't worry about it, I fixed it. Found out that systemd was not installed properly and that is why the service file error ie gdm.service, all is working well now.

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    Just open the file /etc/rc.conf with a editor you like. For example nano:
    # nano -w /etc/rc.conf
    Note the root prompt!
    At the bottom of the document you see a line that looks like this: (Maybe more or less daemons added)
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !hotplug !pcmcia network netfs crond sshd !vsftpd mysqld cherokee alsa xinetd mpd urxvtd)
    Just add alsa to your list and save the file. (Strg+O with nano)
    After reboot your mixer settings should be remembered now.
    I did and do not use gnome or kde but I think that gnome has its own way to handle mixer settings, doesn't it?

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    If you lose sounds for keyboard clicks, games or other apps, email notifications and other notifications, system sounds have been muted.
    System sounds can be muted and controlled two different ways. The screen lock rotation can be controlled in the same manner as well.
    Settings>General>Use Side Switch to: Mute System sounds. If this option is selected, the switch on the side of the iPad above the volume rocker will mute system sounds.
    If you choose Lock Screen Rotation, then the switch locks the screen. If the screen is locked, you will see a lock icon in the upper right corner next to the battery indicator gauge.
    If you have the side switch set to lock screen rotation then the system sound control is in the task bar. Double tap the home button and in the task bar at the bottom, swipe all the way to the right. The speaker icon is all the way to the left. Tap on it and system sounds will return.
    If you have the side switch set to mute system sounds, then the screen lock rotation can be accessed via the task bar in the same manner as described above.
    This support article from Apple explains how the side switch works.

  • Only Certain Sound?

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    Have you got notifications muted ? Only notifications (including games) get muted, so the Music/iPod and Videos apps, and headphones, still get sound.
    Depending on what you've got Settings > General > Use Side Switch To set to (mute or rotation lock), then you can mute notifications by the switch on the right hand side of the iPad, or via the taskbar : double-click the home button; slide from the left; and it's the icon far left; press home again to exit the taskbar. The function that isn't on the side switch is set via the taskbar instead : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4085

  • My iPhone 4S won't play certain sounds

    I just got this as a hand me down from my boyfriend because he has the new 5, pretty great condition, played all the sounds, videos, musics, etc with no problems.
    I was playing a game earlier today with no issues, sound was great, and listened to music yesterday. For some reason it's not working now. I hear calls fine, FaceTime works well, and so do the little tests sounds in the settings. But it doesn't play sound for videos, games, music, or even the little texting clicks. The sound bar that usually shows up when you decrease or increase volume with the buttons doesn't show up, and the sound bar is completely gone when I try to play music.
    Not sure what happened seeing as I've only been on Facebook and Skype since playing my game earlier. And yes, I've made sure that it is off of silent/vibrate. Just not sure what to check or do, seeing as this is my first iPhone. Any help would be appreciated.

    Also, I have already tried resetting using the home/lock buttons.

  • Why are certain sound files not playing correctly in iTunes?

    I have had iTunes for years and have never had prolonged or unsolvable problems with anything playback related until now. I recently acquired some music, and it plays perfectly when I use WMP. When I added it my iTunes library, however, the audio is compressed during playback and there is a lot of skipping and blips going on in every song. It still plays perfectly in WMP, but not matter what I do the same thing happens in iTunes.
    For reference, here is what the original audio songs like
    And here is what it sounds like in iTunes

    I have a similar problem. When I try to play TV episodes that were downloaded (in .m4v format) using iTunes, QuickTime (7.0.4) will play video without audio, and when I press "stop", QuickTime locks up!
    My system used to play these files PERFECTLY, until I downloaded some shareware video format conversion programs (that didn't work, anyway). I believe one of them installed a shared DLL or CODEC or something that is conflicting with QuickTime. I'VE UNINSTALLED AND REINSTALLED QUICKTIME AND ITUNES COUNTLESS TIMES, trying to follow different people's advice, mostly from posts on this site, but nothing helps!!
    The thing we have in common is that it sounds like you also have other video software that could have conflicting CODECs or shared DLLs. DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW TO TRACK THIS PROBLEM DOWN??
    And why doesn't Apple make a CLEAN uninstaller and a COMPLETE installer? People shouldn't have to do the manual registry editing and file deletions that other people are recommending!!!!!
    Intel 915 Mo Bd. 3.2GHz 1G RAM   Windows XP  

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