Certificates and apache2

I have multiple vhosts on a single sever. I am required to use an
external Certificate via Geotrust.
Can I use one Certificate for multiple vhosts?
Point them in all *.conf files now to one authority.
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/servercerts/geotrust.pem

Originally Posted by DrumDude
I have multiple vhosts on a single sever. I am required to use an
external Certificate via Geotrust.
Can I use one Certificate for multiple vhosts?
Point them in all *.conf files now to one authority.
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/servercerts/geotrust.pem
Yes that will work but you will probably get certificate error because one certificate can only be valid for 1 vhost, unless you have a wildcard certificate (*.domain.com)

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  • EDirectory SSL certificates for Apache2

    Need some direction.
    What is the easiest way to use eDirectory Certificates for Apache2 on
    Currently the default site uses it but I have no idea where the *.conf
    files are located for the web site
    What Certificate is the Welcome page using in OES2SP2/SLES10SP3
    Is it located here?
    Can I use it for my Intranet vhost WEB Sites :/etc/apache2/vhosts.d #
    I tried using the default in my vhosts-ssl and it failed with the
    following error.
    [error] Init: Unable to read server certificate from
    file /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt
    Is this still valid and recommended TID from 2005?
    P.S. someone mentioned in these news groups that Slowly The Penguins Are
    Stealing My Sanity. I dido that. I am now Certified. ;)

    It worked and I am over worked.
    DrumDude wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Need some direction.
    > What is the easiest way to use eDirectory Certificates for Apache2 on
    > OES2SP2/SLES10SP3.
    > Currently the default site uses it but I have no idea where the *.conf
    > files are located for the web site
    > https://default-server.com/welcome/manage.html
    > What Certificate is the Welcome page using in OES2SP2/SLES10SP3
    > Is it located here?
    > :/etc/ssl/servercerts#
    > Can I use it for my Intranet vhost WEB Sites :/etc/apache2/vhosts.d #
    > I tried using the default in my vhosts-ssl and it failed with the
    > following error.
    > [error] Init: Unable to read server certificate from
    > file /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt
    > Is this still valid and recommended TID from 2005?
    > http://support.novell.com/docs/Tids/.../10097841.html
    > Thanks
    > P.S. someone mentioned in these news groups that Slowly The Penguins Are
    > Stealing My Sanity. I dido that. I am now Certified. ;)

  • SSL certificates and GWIA

    I have run up against a wall trying to install a third party SSL certificate with GWIA 7.0.3 and securing IMAP connections;
    Certificate (And SSL) works fine, but the infamous "The origin of this certificate cannot be verified" type of message comes up for all mail clients attaching, and this is particularly bad for handheld devices like iPhone connecting via IMAP using SSL.
    Has anyone ever successfully installed a 3rd party SSL cert into GWIA with chain of trust back to root CA and been able to overcome this ?
    It' basically the same problem one would run into if issuing a self-signed cert out of NDS/Edir Cert server 2.x or 3.x.
    Any suggestions would be welcome !
    Thanks !

    Hi, I very recently had a similar problem...our existing 3rd party ssl external Verisign certificate expired!!!!
    I have'nt been able to in the past configure a 3rd party ssl certificate into our current Groupwise 7 system due to lots of various methods of doing this task....i got quite confused and if you do not do things in the correct order the whole process will need to ber started over again.
    Ive managed to eventually cracked it and figure out a simple and more structured approach to setting this up.
    The following was in relation to applying the 3rd party external certificate to WEBACCESS
    This was the steps i took:
    Firstly ensure you have the registered details you completed already with your 3rd party SSL supplier, they should have provided you with a:
    the CN is the webaddress or DNS name your users will hit to access your secured page - we will add this later.
    1) Highlight the container where your server is located which will be the host application part of the webaccess that the ssl is assigned to.
    (my setup is, i have my main grpwise system in one tree, my application - webaccess component in a separate tree) - we need to re-create the SSL object in the second tree or the container where the application component is located.
    2) Right-click to create an object > from the list choose > NDSPKI:Key Material.
    3) Give a name for the certificate name object > then select the second option > Custom.
    (This will allow you to enter more specific information relating to the 3rd party ssl certificate)
    4) The next screen select "External Certificate authority" - this would be your 3rd party ssl. Click next
    5) Next screen asks for the Key size, accept the default value of "2048 bits" > tick "Allow private key to be exported", click next.
    6) Next screen asks for the Certificate Parameters, depending on the order of your, CN, OU,O,L,S,C
    I clicked the edit button and then clicked the small arrow icon to switch the SSL URL around so that my .cn=webserver url address will be read first then the - OU,O,L,S,C.
    (PLEASE NOTE: The (OU,O,L,S,C) should be identical to what was initially registered with your 3rd party SSL supplier.
    7)Once you are happy with the details click "Finish".
    8) You will immediately be asked where to save the "b64" file that will be generated which will be sent off to your 3rd party supplier for re-minting.
    choose a file name - ensure no hyphens,or special characters etc are used and keep to the 8.3 naming length just to avoid any long name issues, i do believe that by adding a hyphen may cause problems as the system automatically puts a hyphen to separate the names automatically hence that is why its advised not to use this.
    I saved my file to root of my c:\
    9)Once this has been done and you click save, send the file off to your 3rd party SSL supplier, they will re-mint the "b64" file and you should get back 2 files:
    (filenames could be anything)
    10) Select the "KMO object" you created earlier in step 2, then goto the Certificate tab > Trusted Root certificate" tab to import the Intermediate.csr file sent to you.
    Select import > then read from file and browse for the "Intermediate.csr" file - i chose root of my c:\ to save the re-minted 2 files sent back to me.
    Select the Intermediate file, you should see some encrypted characters show in the blank screen, then select Ok or finish.
    If you see a pop up window stating " Subject name mismatch error" dont worry this is merely a cosmetic issue due to the details not being in the exact naming order, it has been IMPORTED!!
    Click OK.
    Once you have done this you should see your first key pair file imported, check the subject name, Issuer name, effect date, expiration date, certificate status details, these should all show the 3rd party certificate details.
    Then next part is to import the second key pair file.
    Click Certificate>Public Key Certificate tab > import.
    Select to read from file> then browse for the file.csr
    You should see the encrypted characters, then select ok or finish.
    Now you have competed the difficult part you now need to tell you application what SSL object to point to in order to use the SSL encryption.
    For webaccess, you have to edit the apache conf files and enter the name of the SSL/KMO object you created earler.
    11) Goto your application server that will use the ssl, then browse to:
    edit a file called "httpd.conf"
    amend or add the section:
    SecureListen 443 "Verisign"
    Save theses changes - then shut down your web services on the server, apache, etc. ie, type :
    Apache shutdown commands:
    Apache load commands:
    wait a minute or so so that the services can be unloaded.
    If you think its safer to do so, you can restart the server - that way you know for sure that everything has been unloaded and re-loaded cleanly.
    ALL done.
    SSL now in operation and working.
    I carried out this method - my own steps and this worked for me.
    Good luck!!!
    Originally Posted by shale999
    I have run up against a wall trying to install a third party SSL certificate with GWIA 7.0.3 and securing IMAP connections;
    Certificate (And SSL) works fine, but the infamous "The origin of this certificate cannot be verified" type of message comes up for all mail clients attaching, and this is particularly bad for handheld devices like iPhone connecting via IMAP using SSL.
    Has anyone ever successfully installed a 3rd party SSL cert into GWIA with chain of trust back to root CA and been able to overcome this ?
    It' basically the same problem one would run into if issuing a self-signed cert out of NDS/Edir Cert server 2.x or 3.x.
    Any suggestions would be welcome !
    Thanks !

  • Why SharePoint 2013 Hybrid need SAN certificates and what SAN needs ?

    I've read this article of technet, but I couldn't undarstand requied values of SubjectAltname.
    For example, if I build following servers, what SAN needs ?
    It is happy to also tell me why.
     AD DS Server:DS01
     AD FS Server:FS01
     Web Application Proxy Server:PRX01
     SharePoint Server(WFE):WFE01
     SharePoint Server(APL):APL01
     SQL Server:DB01
    [AD DS Domain Name]
     (Please be assumed that above all servers join this domain)
    [Site collection strategy]
     using a host-named site collection
    [Primary web application URL]

    From your description, my understanding is that you have some doubts about SAN.
    If you have a SAN, you can leverage it to make SharePoint
    a little easier to manage and to tweak SharePoint's performance. From a management standpoint, SANs make it easy to adjust the size and number of SharePoint's hard disks. What you could refer to this blog:
    http://windowsitpro.com/sharepoint/best-practices-implementing-sharepoint-san. You could find what SAN needs from part “Some
    SAN Basics” in this blog.
    These articles may help you understand SAN:
    Best Regard
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support

  • Multiple additional SIP domains - certificate and DNS requirements

    We've setup Lync 2010 Enterprise in our organisation and have successfully enabled a couple of thousand users.
    This is working successfully internally, externally and through Lync Mobile.
    However, we've only enabled users who are using the main company domain for SMTP and SIP addresses aaaaa_group.com (so all nice and easy so far!)
    In other words, user A has a primary SMTP and SIP address of
    However, due to numerous mergers and acquisitions over the years, we have quite a lot of users who have other primary SMTP addresses e.g. bbbbb_co.uk, ccccc_company.com, ddddd_ltd.co.uk, de.ccccc_company.com etc etc
    There must be in excess of 40 to 50
    of these other domains in use as primary SMTP addresses.
    (Nearly all
    these users have secondary SMTP addresses of aaaaa_group.com).
    I have been told to approach this from a best practices point of view and give all users a SIP address that matches their primary SMTP address and calculate how much it will cost to buy certificates to cover enabling every user for Lync on all these domains.
    I know from reading that wilcard certificates are considered to be a bad thing generally with Lync, especially if using Lync Mobility as the phone Lync clients don't accept them. 
    Wilcard certificates aside, what are the names that will I need to add to my SAN certificates?  Presumably sip.domain.com, access.domain.com, meet.domain.com, dialin.domain.com, edge.domain.com, autodiscover.domain.com, lyncdiscover.domain.com
    The potential cost of all these names is frankly getting pretty scary considering we currently use Verisign for all our cert requirements, and they charge like a wounded bull.  However, I still need to report back with a cost of doing this, no matter
    what it is.
    Any thoughts/comments would be very welcome. :-)

    Actually the Mobility clients for mobile devices (cell phones, tablets) DO support wildcard entries in the certificates, it's the Lync Phone Edition client (desktop handset devices) which does not work with wildcards.  So you may be able to use wildcards,
    but do plenty of research on how to approach this.  Here are some articles to get started:
    That said, if you decide to skip the wildcard approach then you do NOT need to add additional entries for ALL FQDN types, only some.
    For both the Edge Server external certificate and any internal Front End certificate you'll need to add the 'sip' FQDN for every domain to the SAN field.
    sip.domain1.com, sip.domain2.com, sip.domain3.com, etc
    The Front End certificate will also need the lyncdiscover and lyncdiscoverinternal
    FQDNs, and the Reverse Proxy certificate will require the lyncdiscover
    For Exchange Server you'll need to an autodiscover.domainX.com record as well, although this can also be covered by the wildcard entry.  The remainder of names (web conferencing, external web services, dialin, meet, etc.) can all remain in the primary
    SIP domain only as these FQDNs will be passed in-band to the clients after they have successfully signed-in to Lync.  Unless you need users to all user their own domain names for the SimpleURLs (which it doesn't not sound like in your scenario) then you'd
    have to add all those as well.
    So if you are not supporting any Lync Phone Edition devices I would try going with the wildcard route first to see how well things work.  And even if you do have some of those devices you could simply add the 40-50
    sip.domain.com FQDNs to both the FE and Edge certificate but still use a wildcard entry for the mobility clients, SimpleURls, etc.  Just make sure that the certificates Common Name (e.g. Subject Name) is NOT the wildcard entry, use the primary
    domain name entry in the CN and then place the wildcard entries in the SAN field.  It is also best practice to duplicate the CN as a SAN field entry for the widest range of support by all clients.
    For example:
    Edge Server external certificate
    Common Name: sip.domain1.com
    Subject Alternative Name: sip.domain1.com, *.domain1.com, *.domain2.com, *.domain3.com, *.domain4.com,
    Jeff Schertz | Microsoft Solutions Architect - Polycom | Lync MVP

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    Since the most recent Firefox update 3.6.8 my banking institution no longer shows as having a secure encrypted connection, however, my bank assures me all is well with their certificates and that is a problem with the new Firefox browser update, can you give me some idea why it is doing this?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Right after the new Firefox update

    Hello Anne.
    Can you please try it in a new (temporary) Firefox profile and see if the issue is still present? See [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing+profiles this article] to know how to create a new Firefox profile. Please report back the results.

  • Config certificate and log issues

    I config certificate and use it to connect ipsec vpn , I just config    
    jinan-neusoft(config)#ip domain-name neusoft.com
    jinan-neusoft(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys
    The name for the keys will be: jinan-neusoft.neusoft.com
    Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for your
      General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
      a few minutes.
    How many bits in the modulus [512]:
    % Generating 512 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
    [OK] (elapsed time was 0 seconds)
    Nov 16 01:05:44.435:  RSA key size needs to be atleast 768 bits for ssh version 2
    Nov 16 01:05:44.435: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.5 has been enabled
    jinan-neusoft(config)#crypto pki trustpoint CA1
    jinan-neusoft(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
    jinan-neusoft(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check crl
    jinan-neusoft(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair DMVPN-SY-KEY
    jinan-neusoft(ca-trustpoint)# auto-enrol
    jinan-neusoft(config)#crypto pki authenticate CA1
    Certificate has the following attributes:
           Fingerprint MD5: D5F9D56B 4D9A4260 43F21D39 811D7AD5
          Fingerprint SHA1: 1E49B228 DD57F4DB 43DD2C2F 03870C18 840DA12A
    % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
    Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
    then I have log issues like below ,even I config auto-enroll , I don t get  certificate pending information  from my certificate server ,
    my device is C3925 and ios is c3900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M4.bin ,how to deal with it ,top players , THX~~~~
    Nov 16 01:07:54.871: %PKI-6-CERTRENEWAUTO: Renewing the router certificate for trustpoint CA1
    Nov 16 01:07:54.951: %CRYPTO-6-AUTOGEN: Generated new 512 bit key pair
    Nov 16 01:07:55.115: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 939AF8C1 854DDA90 8FE03058 5635468F
    Nov 16 01:07:55.115: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 50F869D2 C0814317 7EB2ECC9 90461F3A 353E7089
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6
    jinan-neusoft(config)#D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 40 bytes failed from 0x6D05DEC, alignment 0
    Pool: Processor  Free: 731143916  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 3
    -Traceback= 5564384z 6892328z 68B3064z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:08:09.719: %PKI-6-CERTRENEWAUTO: Renewing the router certificate for trustpoint CA1
    Nov 16 01:08:09.879: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 939AF8C1 854DDA90 8FE03058 5635468F
    Nov 16 01:08:09.879: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 50F869D2 C0814317 7EB2ECC9 90461F3A 353E7089
    Nov 16 01:08:09.883: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:08:09.883: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    jinan-neusoft(config)# Nov 16 01:07:54.871: %PKI-6-CERTRENEWAUTO: Renewing the router certificate for trustpoint CA1
    Nov 16 01:07:54.951: %CRYPTO-6-AUTOGEN: Generated new 512 bit key pair
    Nov 16 01:07:55.115: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 939AF8C1 854DDA90 8FE03058 5635468F
    Nov 16 01:07:55.115: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 50F869D2 C0814317 7EB2ECC9 90461F3A 353E7089
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6
    jinan-neusoft(config)#D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 40 bytes failed from 0x6D05DEC, alignment 0
    Pool: Processor  Free: 731143916  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 3
    -Traceback= 5564384z 6892328z 68B3064z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z
    Nov 16 01:07:55.119: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:08:09.719: %PKI-6-CERTRENEWAUTO: Renewing the router certificate for trustpoint CA1
    Nov 16 01:08:09.879: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 939AF8C1 854DDA90 8FE03058 5635468F
    Nov 16 01:08:09.879: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 50F869D2 C0814317 7EB2ECC9 90461F3A 353E7089
    Nov 16 01:08:09.883: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D43018z 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z
    Nov 16 01:08:09.883: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 4127784z

    I do not have the answer but have exactly the same issue, looks as if it is a bug of some kind :
    Cisco CISCO3945-CHASSIS (revision 1.0) with C3900-SPE150/K9 with 980992K/67584K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FCZ163371P3
    6 FastEthernet interfaces
    3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
    1 terminal line
    1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
    DRAM configuration is 72 bits wide with parity enabled.
    255K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
    250880K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
    System image file is "flash0:c3900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M4.bin"
    Nov 16 07:37:16.611: CRYPTO_PKI: Signature Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 358FF778 7C2E66AE 895BF088 BF022442
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.615: CRYPTO_PKI: Signature Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 5F7A4300 20B62132 83D08C6E 2D315DF4 51EFE94D
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.623: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 412
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.623: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 72 bytes failed from 0x6D05DEC, alignment 0
    Pool: Processor  Free: 704933204  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    -Process= "", ipl= 3
    -Traceback= 5564384z 6892328z 68B3064z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4AC
    B9F4z Nov 16 07:37:16.611: CRYPTO_PKI: Signature Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 358FF778 7C2E66AE 895BF088 BF022442
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.615: CRYPTO_PKI: Signature Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 5F7A4300 20B62132 83D08C6E 2D315DF4 51EFE94D
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.623: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level
    -Traceback= 5564384z 68B3034z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4ACB9F4z 412
    .Nov 16 07:37:16.623: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 72 bytes failed from 0x6D05DEC, alignment 0
    Pool: Processor  Free: 704933204  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: Interrupt level allocation
    -Process= "", ipl= 3
    -Traceback= 5564384z 6892328z 68B3064z 945A8D0z 6D05DF0z 6D05F70z 6D06B50z 6D07268z 6D4308Cz 6D25044z 6D1988Cz 6D4CCE0z 91F0154z 91F0CC4z 91F0DA4z 4AC

  • ISE EAP-Chaining with machine, certificate and domain credentials

    Good morning,
    A customer wants to do the following for their corporate wireless users (all clients will be customer assets):
    Corp. wireless to authenticate with 2-factor authentication:
    •1. Certificate
    •2. Machine auth thru AD
    •3. Domain creds
    When client authenticates, they want to match on 2 out of the 3 conditions before allowing access.
    Clients are Windows laptops and corporate iPhones.
    Certs can be issued thru GPO and MDM for iPhones
    Client supplicant on laptops is native Windows - which I understand is a compatibility issue from this thread: https://supportforums.cisco.com/thread/2185627
    My first question is: can this be done?
    Second question: how would i implement this from an AuthC/AuthZ perspective?
    Thanks in advance,

    You can do this configuring anyconnect with NAM modules on endpoints! But I don't make sense configure some clients with certificate and others with domains credentials...
    For your information, I'm actually configuring EAP-Chaining on ISE 1.2 and i'm gotting some problems. The first one I got with windows 8, for some reason windows was sending wrong information about the machine password but I solved the problem installing a KB on windows 8 machines (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2743127/en-us). The second one I got with windows 7 that are sending information correctly about domain but wrong information about user credentials, on ISE logs I can see that windows 7 are sending user "anonymous" + machine name on the first longin... after windows 7 start if I remove the cable and connect again the authentication and authorization happen correctly. I still invastigate the root cause and if there is a KB to solve the problem as I did with windows 8.
    Good luck and keep in touch.

  • Trying to set up encrypted mails but I'm confused about certificates and keys

    Hello all,
    My first foray into encrypted emails and I'm already confused! To begin with, I'm trying to exchange mails with one other person, who I believe uses Outlook. So far:
    He's sent me his certificate (although I thought I would receive his public key) which is a file called smime.p7m. I don't know what to do with this.
    I've successfully followed the instructions at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/digitally-signing-and-encrypting-messages. When I start a new mail, I can either go to the Enigmail menu and switch on encryption / digital signing and it seems fine, or I can go to the dropdown on the S/MIME button and it says "You need to set up one or more personal certificates before you can use this security feature." Are these two different ways of doing the same thing (in which case I'll use the one that works!) or not?
    As you can see, I'm getting confused between keys and certificates! If some kind person could take a minute to explain what my next steps are, that would be much appreciated. I couldn't find anything on the Thunderbird support pages, though I know I need to send him my public key.
    Thanks in advance.

    Stuart8, good find, that article.
    I found the main disincentive to using the built-in S/MIME capability is that it's not immediately obvious where to get your certificate and keys. Most providers want $$$ for them, which is natural enough if they are actually going to validate you in some way. I did at one time have a Thawte certificate and even enough WOT vouches to be a low-grade WOT Attorney.
    Once you have your key, it's a bit of a pfaff to install it into Thunderbird. You'll probably find that S/MIME is the default in business correspondence, since many businesses operate their own mail servers, ftp servers and so on and probably have an arrangement to generate self-issued certificates or to buy them on a commercial basis from a CA.
    Enigmail/OpenPGP doesn't require any financial outlay on your part, but is harder to get your keys properly validated since there's not much of a formal WOT nor a reliable central registry. You generate your own keys and it's pretty much all based on mutual trust.
    Since the two systems are incompatible, you need to have set up the same as whatever your correspondent is using.
    I suspect that you have discovered that it's a two-way process. In order for a correspondent to send you an encrypted message, you must both be using the same system, and he must have your public key to encrypt his message, and you'll need his in order to reply with encryption. So yes, he needs to send you his public key for you to send to him, but what he sends to you needs YOUR public key.
    Obviously, signing messages is a useful halfway house. I believe that you sign with your private key, and the recipient will have to download your public key to validate your signature. Whilst a signature doesn't safeguard your privacy, it goes some way to proving that the message came from who it says it came from and that it hasn't been altered in transit. (I really can't understand why banks, lawyers, insurance companies haven't picked up on these encryption and signing schemes. Perhaps they actually prefer all those awful phone calls where you need to struggle to recall supposedly unforgettable names and dates! ;-) )
    In practice, I find that if you sign a message to an outfit who don't know what to do with it, their numpty anti-virus system will probably barf on the signature which it thinks is executable code and therefore must be a virus or worm. :-(

  • When i try to access my hotmail, i always get "view certificate" and i can not get to my email.

    every time i try to get to my hotmail, i get a message "view certificate" and it would not allow me to get to email from hotmail. and if i can sign in rarely, i can not sign out.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == i try to sign in to my email

    My fiancee had the same problem with her laptop. Try making sure your time/date are set correctly. Other than that, I'm not sure. It worked for her, hope it works for you! :)

  • Step Through a List of .p12 Certificates and Their Passwords to Extract Property Data

    This is a follow-up question to my previous thread:
    I understand how to extract the information for a certificate one-by-one, but I am wanting to write a powershell script that will step through a list of certificates and a list of their corresponding network passwords in order to extract their property
    data (i.e. expiration date, etc). Any suggestions?
    jrv helped me with the first part of my question by providing this script:
    PS C:\> $filename='c:\temp2\certs\jpd.cer'
    PS C:\> $cert=[System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromSignedFile($filename)
    PS C:\scripts> $cert|fl
    Happy Hunting!

    dir *.cer | %{ [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromSignedFile($_)}

  • How to apply for a certificate and install saprouter SNC

    I am in the middle of an R2R build.
    I need first to apply for a certificate and then to install saprouter (on an amd64 win server)
    So I can download oss notes...
    Please help,

    The exact URL to apply for a certificate is service.sap.com/tcs. On the right side, you will see a link to SAProuter Certificates. Please use this to request a certificate.

  • My company loaded profiles onto my iPad for email and calendars.. There is also a signing certificate and a certificate. What are these for? Additionally are they able to monitor apps and usage, ie Internet usage when it is not on their wifi?

    My company loaded profiles onto my iPad for email and calendars.. There is also a signing certificate and a certificate. What are these for?
    Additionally are they able to monitor apps and usage, ie Internet usage when it is not on their wifi?
    I do not have any VPN enabled?

    Do you happen to have an Android?  If so and depending on what version there is a great data usage analyse tool built-in.  See if you can go to Settings -> Data Usage  from there you can pick a current or previous billing cycle and then use the vertical sliders to select a date range and it will filter the usage data per app to show you exactly what app(s) were using data during that time frame.

  • Creating SSL certificate and configuring it with JBOSS 4.0.1

    I have to post some data to a secured site from my application.
    For this, I am creating connection to that site using URLConnection and to send data I create OutputStream using the connection.
    But, while creating the stream it is showing SSLException and message is No trusted certificate found.
    For this, I need to create SSL certificate (mostly using keytool command) and configure it with my application server which is JBOSS 4.0.1
    Now, my problem is that I don't know the exact steps to create a certificate and configure it with JBOSS. Please provide the steps in detail.

    I think you have this back to front. Unless this exception came from the server, in which case it is misconfigured, you don't have to create a certificate, you have to import the server's certificate, or that of one of its signers, into the client's truststore, and tell Java where the truststore is if it's in a non-standard location.
    See http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html. You'll have to ask about the JBoss part in a JBoss forum.

  • What is Certificate and how to configure it in cacerts file...

    I got an error wile authenticating LDAP server, saying"unable to find valid certification path to requested target", I came to know that I need to configure LDAP server's certificates in jre/lib/security/cacerts file. but I don't know how to do it.
    Could someone explain what is that certificate? how do I get that information from LDAP admins? how to configure certification in my machine and how to use in our logic?
    Sumant K

    I got the certificate and now I want to add it in my cacerts file .. how do I do that? please give me reply

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