CF9 and C# webservice help

Hi all,
I am not able to get the values GetUsers() functions via a c# service. Do you know why? <cfdump outfut all the functions names of that webservice..
x = cfobject("webservice","http://w9s312c1/WebService/Store.svc?wsdl") ><cfset 
e = x.getUsers()>

Please see the attached image.

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  • CF9 and Amazon S3 - Has anyone got this to work?

    I've now sorted my other issues and thanks to everyone who helped me with them - I've now moved on to trying to create a set of services that will connect to the S3 cloud and post and retrieve pdf files in our buckets - We need to be able to supply vast amounts of files to client and the cost of that currently is exorbitant in server disk space compared to with using the cloud
    I've searched all over the net and picked up a number of ways of doing this - None of which seem to be able to generate the correct signature- I'm currently using the cf_hmac stuff from Adobe
    This is my code
    <cfobject component="AmazonWebServices.amazons3" name="amazonS3">
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys = structNew()/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.accessKey = "<MyKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.secret = "<MySecretKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.bucket = "<MyBucketName>"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.pdfContentType = "application/pdf"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.gifContentType = "image/gif"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.jpegContentType = "image/jpeg"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.requestType = "cname"/>
    <cfset deliverDir = "<MyDeliverDir>"/>
    <cfset s3Service = amazonS3.init(awsKey="#s3ServiceKeys.accessKey#",awsSecret="#s3ServiceKeys.secret#")/>
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#deliverDir#" name="TheFileList" sort="dateLastModified" recurse="no" type="file">
    <cfoutput query="TheFileList">
    <cfset result = s3Service.putFileOnS3(localFilePath="#deliverDir#\",
    <cfdump var="#result#"/>
    This is the AmazonS3Service - more or less a direct copy from here
    <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" returntype="amazons3">
             <cfargument name="awsKey" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="awsSecret" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="localCacheDir" type="string" required="false"
                 hint="If omitted, no local caching is done.  If provided, this directory is used for local caching of S3 assets.  Note that if local caching is enabled, this CFC assumes it is the only entity managing the S3 storage and therefore that S3 never needs to be checked for updates (other than those made though this CFC).  If you update S3 via other means, you cannot safely use the local cache." />
             <cfset variables.awsKey = awsKey />
             <cfset variables.awsSecret = awsSecret />
             <cfset variables.useLocalCache = structKeyExists(arguments, "localCacheDir") />
             <cfif useLocalCache>
                 <cfset variables.localCacheDir = localCacheDir />
                 <cfif NOT directoryExists(localCacheDir)>
                     <cfdirectory action="create"
                         directory="#localCacheDir#" />
             <cfreturn this />
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct"
                hint="I put a file on S3, and return the HTTP response from the PUT">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var gmtNow = dateAdd("s", getTimeZoneInfo().utcTotalOffset, now()) />
            <cfset var dateValue = dateFormat(gmtNow, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy") & " " & timeFormat(gmtNow, "HH:mm:ss") & " GMT" />
            <cfset var signature = getRequestSignature(
            ) />
            <cfset var content = "" />
            <cfset var result = "" />
            <cffile action="readbinary"
                variable="content" />
            <cfhttp url=""
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Date" value="#dateValue#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="AWS #variables.awsKey#:#signature#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="#contentType#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="x-amz-acl" value="public-read">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#content#" />
            <cfset deleteCacheFor(bucket, objectKey) />
            <cfreturn result />
    <cffunction name="getRequestSignature" access="private" output="false" returntype="string">
            <cfargument name="verb" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="dateOrExpiration" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" default="" />       
            <cfset stringToSign = "#trim(ucase(verb))#\n#contentType#\n#dateOrExpiration#\n/#bucket#/#objectKey#"/>
                <!--- Replace "\n" with "chr(10) to get a correct digest --->
                <cfset fixedData = replace(stringToSign,"\n","#chr(10)#","all")>
                <!--- Calculate the hash of the information --->
                <cf_hmac hash_function="sha1" data="#fixedData#" key="#variables.awsSecret#">
                <!--- fix the returned data to be a proper signature --->
                <cfset signature = ToBase64(binaryDecode(digest,"hex"))>
            <cfreturn signature>
    I don't appear to have any problems with what is being passed in - just the signature that is being created - All the code I've found is for earlier than CF9 and I'm therefore wondering if something has changed - although its more likely that I'm doing something I shouldn't be
    I need to be able to get stuff up there programatically before I start creating URL's so - this is a big first step to overcome

    I've actually found a work around for this problem - I took the Amazon S3 Library for Rest in Java and compiled the files below com into a jar - Which was dropped into the coldfusion server/lib
    I then used the examples to build the following coldfusion function
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" returntype="any">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />  
            <cffile action="read"
                variable="content" />  
                s3conn = CreateObject("java", "");
                s3object = CreateObject("java", "");
                headers = createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap");
                contentTypeArray[1] = "#contentType#";
                response = s3conn.put(bucket, objectKey, s3object, headers).connection.getResponseMessage();
                return response;
    Which works perfectly - At last - I've just got to build the rest of the suite now so that we can upload, delete, create URLs etc
    Very relieved I found a work around and part of me is very pleased that good old Java provided the solution having spent 9 years as a Java programmer before starting work in Coldfusion

  • How to extract data via webservices and configure webservices in BI 7

    Hi to all,
    Can any body tell me How to extract data via webservices and configure webservices in BI 7.
    i have created a remote functionmodule which extract data from R/3 , now i want to upload data to BI 7 using that remote function module.
    i have use webservice (push) as adapter mode, as i want to connect function module with SOAP , via web services.
    please can any body tell how to do that.
    also how to configure the webserive , what is it .
    Pavneet rana

    1. Using the function library (transaction SE37), call the Web service creation wizard.
    To do this, select the desired function module in the function library and choose Utilities ®Generate Web Service ® From the Function Module.
    2. Go through the following steps, shown in the wizard:
    a. Create a virtual interface.
    The virtual interface represents the interface between the Web Service and the outside.
    b. Choose the end point.
    The name of the function module that is to be offered as Web service is already entered here.
    c. Create the Web service definition.
    The Web service definition helps with assigning the Web service features, such as how security can be guaranteed in data transfer.
    d. Release the Web service.
    The wizard generates the object virtual interface and Web service definition in the object navigator.
    The function group that was generated when the XML DataSource was created is not transportable and is thus assigned to a local package. To prevent errors due to transports, make sure that the objects that were generated in the Web service creation wizard are assigned to a local non-transportable package.
    The Web service is released for the SOAP runtime.
    3. In the virtual interface for the import parameter DATASOURCE, define the name of the XML DataSource as the fixed value.
    A separate function group is generated for each XML DataSource. It makes sense to pre-assign the parameter DATASOURCE with the name of the XML DataSource in the virtual interface of the Web service for which the function group was generated.
    If you do not pre-assign the parameter, it will be necessary to transfer the data sent with the appropriate filled DataSource element, for example, by setting the value in the application that implements the Web service.
    a. In the object navigator, choose the name of the package in which the Web service was created and choose Enterprise Services ® Web Service Library ® Virtual Interfaces.
    b. Choose Change in the context menu for the virtual interface.
    c. For the virtual interface, remove the flags exposed and initial and enter the name of the XML DataSource in apostrophes, for example u20196ADATASOURCENAMEu2019.
    d. Activate the virtual interface.

  • Cf8-cf9 and server upgrade problems

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    1. how to I correctly map to the default CFIDE path
    2. is there something else I need to install to get the datechooser implemyed via cfinput datefield to produce a calender when I click on the icon
    Obviously I am a complete novice at this....
    Thanks in advance for any assistance

    @elizinn, someone may offer a single sentence proposal of how to fix things, but in my experience (helping solve such problems), this could be far more challenging problem to resolve than meets the eye, and all the more so if you're new to all this.
    I'll share my observations, for what they're worth. Sorry if ultimately your problem is totally unrelated, but perhaps then it will help someone else reading this later. Also, it's not clear, but I'm assuming that you DID proceed with the CF9 update. Even if you didn't, some of what I offer could still help you, if you can stick with me.
    First, you refer to not finding the DateChooser.png. Are you saying that it's somehow appearing as a broken link? Or are you getting a 404?
    As a test, it should be found at:
    What happens when you do that? That could be useful, diagnostically.
    As for the question of mappings, and CF updates, that actually could be a real mess, from my experience, if people aren't careful about what they're doing. Things get all the more complicated when people support multiple web sites and start doing manual configurations. Let me explain.
    The problem could have to do with where the first install of CF8 put the CFIDE, and then where the update to CF9 expected to update those files. It wouldn't be hard for someone not understanding things to have told the update to put its files in a different place than the original install, which could cause IIS (and your sites and requests) to be finding the wrong files (even if not a 404, they may not be the updated version for CF9).
    At root, the problem is that during the install, one is asked whether they want to have CF use its built-in web server or an external one. If they choose the former, then the CFIDE (and related files) are put it in that web server's webroot (which is \wwwroot). If they choose the latter, then the files are put in a docroot defined for IIS. (Even there, someone may later configure things with the web server configuration tool to support several web sites, each of which could have its own web site. And for that, some will manually setup a an IIS "virtual directory" for the CFIDE, which points to whatever single one they think is the one that should be used.
    I appreciate that it may sound confusing. This is one of those things where it may be faster for you to have someone with experience look over your shoulder and help correct things. There are some of us who do that, if you're interested. I list myself and others at
    And things can get hairier still when someone then runs the CF update, where it again asks where to put the CFIDE files. They may not pay close attention to all this above (if they even understand it), and they may let the updater put the files in a different location than the IIS sites are currently configured to look at. That could then leave things not working, or not working well.
    If you want to try to sort this out yourself, look in IIS, view whatever site you're working with, and look for any reference to a CFIDE directory. If it's not there, that's a problem from the start. You will want to add a virtual directory that points to wherever it really exists (and again, you want to be careful that there may be two different ones, as only will likely have been updated by the installer.)
    If it is there, then if it's a "real" directory (within that site's docroot), then again you want to make sure it's the one that was updated in the upgrade to CF9. If not, then you may need to copy whatever files "were" updated into that directory (or delete that directory and create a virtual one to point to the right place).
    And if it's there and it's a virtual mapping, again, make sure it's whatever is the latest CFIDE (if you have multiples).
    I'll note as well that there is also a mapping in the CF Admin (on the mappings page) for CFIDE, and that's put there by the installer (and is not editable in the interface). That could help clarify where the installer put the latest files.
    Hope that's helpful.
    /charlie arehart
    [email protected]
    Providing CF and CFBuilder troubleshooting services

  • Running CF9 and CF10 together on Mac with Snow Leopard

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    Any ideas out there to help me?

    Do you mean like this? First, copy the URL. Next, open up TextEdit. Here, you can paste the URL. Next, highlight the URL, right click it and select "Make Link". After that, press the arrow key or click in a blank spot on TextEdit. Select the link, and type in the new name of the link. You have now successfully created a hyperlink.

  • Can Anybody explain me the difference between  a Bapi and a webservice?

    Can Anybody explain me the difference between  a Bapi and a webservice?

    Hi Anil,
    BAPI is a library of functions that are released to the public
    as an interface into an existing SAP system from an external
    system.A BAPI function is a function module that
    can be called remotely using the RFC technology
    BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA.
    In this case you only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI. It is not possible to connect SAP to Non-SAP systems to retrieve data using RFC alone. RFC can acces the SAP from outside only through BAPI and same is for vice versa access.
    In simpler terms, WebService is an application on the Web/Internet. Wheneever Service is requested by the user, it provides the service (i.e Request/Response)
    A web service is a collection of protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications or systems
    In SAP world, we can expose an application into the Webservice. For e.g We can expose ABAP programs into Webservice.
    XI uses SOAP adapter to communicate with webservices see below...why only soap adpater???
    -> Some remote clients or Web services providers are only able to communicate by means of SOAP messages
    ->SOAP adapter enables you to exchange SOAP message between remote clients and Web Service Servers and the Integration Server.
    -> The SOAP Adapter provides a runtime environment that includes various SOAP components for the processing of SOAP message.
    -> You use the SOAP adapter to connect such systems to the Integration Server directly
    -> The SOAP adapter uses a helper class to instantiate and control these SOAP components
    ->The SOAP adapter receives a msg from the remote client or Web service provider, converts the SOAP protocol into XI msg protocol and then sends the msg to the Integration Server to be processed further.
    Basically  RFCs BAPI are all SAP oriented, Webservices are language / environement independent. So, all one has to do is publish a Webservice and any external system by providing the data in the correct format, can get the approopriate response back.
    see these links to know more abt webservices..

  • How to configure and publish Webservice (WMS Redprairie) to SAP using RFC

    Hi XI Techno Savies,
    I know how to configure SAP RFC, SAP IDOC adapters for sending and receiving. I want to know the step by step procedure to configure and Publish Webservices for Ware House Management System "REDPRAIRIE" for sending and receiving message to SAP R3/BW. Kindly help me.
    Sridhara Addala.

    This doc may help you-general
    in XI-

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    i think i might have a solution... i have windows vista and after i installed to latest itunes update everytime i tried to open it it would freeze. I tried everything, including uninstalling itunes and all of its components and reinstalled it numerous times. So i went to the itunes folder in my folders, not on itunes, and i deleted my itunes library and playlists. After that it worked just fine, all of my music was deleted but luckily i had my files saved elsewhere.
    I hope this helped! I know its frustrating and APPLE/ITUNES NEED TO FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!

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    At the bottom of the page Settings > Messages you should have a section headed "SMS/MMS" Turn MMS messaging on then you can turn group message on.

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    I would guess that a TV series takes up a fair amount of storage capacity. It is just a standard message I think that may indicate that you are actually running low on storage space.
    If you go to Settings>General>About how many GBs are specified as being available?  If you are low on space maybe deleting some apps may help.

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    Hello AlexCornejo,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    The screen you're seeing on your iPhone indicates it is in recovery mode.  Now since the device is not appearing in iTunes on your PC, first follow the steps in this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    After following those steps, you should be able to restore your iPhone.
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5.2 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.2 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Older versions of Pages 5 can not open files from later versions of Pages 5.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud and opened in a newer version of Pages is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has removed almost 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick

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    I have used Firefox as my default browser for many years. I've recently started getting a Java error message. It pops up continually. I have updated flash and java. I have uninstalled and re-installed Firefox and nothing has helped. I have had to start using Chrome instead of Firefox which I don't care for but I don't have the java error with Chrome. How do I fix this problem? The error reads as follows:
    Java Script Application
    Error: syntax error

    Your '''JavaScript''' error has nothing to do with the Java plugin . It is likely caused by an added extension (the earlier forum threads [/questions/944619] and [/questions/943088] mention disabling or updating the Social Fixer extension will resolve the problem).
    You can read this article for help troubleshooting your extensions: [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

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    my ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    Hey erinoneill24,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sounds like you can't update your device. You don't mention an error that it gives you. Take a look at both of these articles to troubleshoot.
    iPod displays "Use iTunes to restore" message
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    If you started your device in recovery mode by mistake, restart it to exit recovery mode. Or you can just wait—after 15 minutes the device will exit recovery mode by itself.
    Have a nice day,

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    I do not understand how a company like Apple puts experts to help users
    Please note that anonymous experts in Internet offer their help for money

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