cfif form.secret_word EQ #session.secretWord# thank you  cfelse sorry /cfif  

If users enter the secret_word which coincides with the
session.secretWord then the form can continue and do its
validating. If not the form stops and the cfelse message is shown.
The cfif code is here:
<cfif form.secret_word EQ #session.secretWord#>
Thank you for your message.
Sorry, the secret word you entered in the field does not
match the word in the image
Please hit your back button</cfif>
My actionpage is here and I would be very greatful if someone
could show me where the cfif should go. Thanks:
<cfinclude template="topnav.cfm">
<!--- Must create this default structure or we pull an
error --->
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo" default="">
<cfif NOT IsStruct(session.contact_nfo)>
<cfset session.contact_nfo = StructNew()>
<!-- Now we create default variable using cfparam -->
<cfparam name="Form.terms" default="NO">
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo.Name" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.Country" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.City" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.Telephone" default="">
<cfparam name="" default="">
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo.comments"
<!-- Now we clear the Session of any Values to allow us to
place our new form Values passed from our form page -->
<cfset StructClear(session.contact_nfo)>
<!-- Now we are placing our Form Values into the Session
<cfset session.contact_nfo.terms= form.terms>
<cfset session.contact_nfo.Name= form.Name>
<cfset session.contact_nfo.comments= form.comments>
<!-- Now we are going to do our Error Checking first off
by creating a value of nothing for the variable we are calling
Errors -->
<cfparam name="errors" type="string" default="">
<!-- As we check for Errors if we find one we place it in
our List to display to our user making it easy for the end-user to
correct as they can see the error -->
<!-- Notice we are not validating the checkbox as it is
not a required form field -->
<cfif form.Name EQ "">
<cfset errors = errors & "<li>You Forgot to
enter your name!</li>">
<!-- Checking the email is a little more complicated so we
use a regular expression to check and see if there is a email
address and also is it formed properly -->
<cfif NOT
<cfset errors = errors & "<li
class=""errors"">Your Email Address seems
<cfif form.comments EQ "">
<cfset errors = errors & "<li
class=""errors"">You Forgot to enter a comment!</li>">
<cfif errors NEQ "">
<!-- Here we are collecting the Error Message generated
by our code and placing them into a list for the user to see -->
<TABLE class="label1" WIDTH="300" BORDER="0"
<TR><P> <TD ALIGN="Left" VALIGN="Top">You
have some errors in your form submission, please try
<!-- Also take note that the form action is now different
in that it is carrying the applications session with it which we
need to make our Application.cfm file work with the action. -->
<form method="post"
<P><TABLE class="label1" WIDTH="300" BORDER="0"
<TR> <TD ALIGN="Left" VALIGN="Top">
<!-- This is how we place our session values into the
form field also important to note the because we used cfparam in
the start of this page to assign a default value of "" if there was
no value originally entered in the form than it will show no value
here. If we did not use the cfparam tag we would now show an error
as the session would go looking for a non-existant value -->
<P>Name: [*]<br>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Name"
SIZE="40" value="#session.contact_nfo.Name#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Country"
SIZE="40" value="#Form.Country#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="City"
SIZE="40" value="#Form.City#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall"
NAME="Telephone" SIZE="40" value="#Form.Telephone#"></P>
<P>E-mail: [*]<br>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Email"
SIZE="40" value=""></P>
<P>Comments: [*]<BR>
<textarea cols="40" size="40" class="ftforminputsmall"
<P>Booking dates:<br>
<select name="day" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="1" to="31" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<cfset monthList =
<select name="month" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop list="#monthList#" index="m"> <option
<select name="year" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="2006" to="2020" index="i">
<option value="#i#">#form.year#</option>
<select name="dayto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="1" to="31" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<cfset monthList =
<select name="monthto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop list="#monthList#" index="m"> <option
<select name="yearto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="2006" to="2020" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<input name="Submit" type="submit"
CLASS="ftforminputsmall" value="Submit">
<!-- If no errors were detected we abort the previous code
and show the next code section -->

Right I´ve put in the cfparams and the cfif at the top
of the page after the cfinclude.
However if the word is wrong the page still executes which it
shouldn´t. It is confusing with all the cfifs but if the
secret word is wrong the "sorry" message should be shown and the
page stops (maybe I need cfabort or cfexit?) The message is being
shown but the page continues. Here is the code:
<cfinclude template="topnav.cfm">
<cfparam name="session.secretWord" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.secret_word" default="">
<cfif form.secret_word EQ #session.secretWord#>
Thank you for your message.
Sorry, the secret word you entered in the field does not
match the word in the image
Please hit your back button</cfif>
<!--- Must create this default structure or we pull an
error --->
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo" default="">
<cfif NOT IsStruct(session.contact_nfo)>
<cfset session.contact_nfo = StructNew()>
<!-- Now we create default variable using cfparam -->
<cfparam name="Form.terms" default="NO">
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo.Name" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.Country" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.City" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.Telephone" default="">
<cfparam name="" default="">
<cfparam name="session.contact_nfo.comments"
<!-- Now we clear the Session of any Values to allow us to
place our new form Values passed from our form page -->
<cfset StructClear(session.contact_nfo)>
<!-- Now we are placing our Form Values into the Session
<cfset session.contact_nfo.terms= form.terms>
<cfset session.contact_nfo.Name= form.Name>
<cfset session.contact_nfo.comments= form.comments>
<cfparam name="errors" type="string" default="">
<cfif form.Name EQ "">
<cfset errors = errors & "<li>You Forgot to
enter your name!</li>">
<cfif NOT
<cfset errors = errors & "<li
class=""errors"">Your Email Address seems
<cfif form.comments EQ "">
<cfset errors = errors & "<li
class=""errors"">You Forgot to enter a comment!</li>">
<cfif errors NEQ "">
<!-- Here we are collecting the Error Message generated
by our code and placing them into a list for the user to see -->
<TABLE class="label1" WIDTH="300" BORDER="0"
<TR><P> <TD ALIGN="Left" VALIGN="Top">You
have some errors in your form submission, please try
<!-- basically the same form we used in form.cfm -->
<form method="post"
<P><TABLE class="label1" WIDTH="300" BORDER="0"
<TR> <TD ALIGN="Left" VALIGN="Top">
<P>Name: [*]<br>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Name"
SIZE="40" value="#session.contact_nfo.Name#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Country"
SIZE="40" value="#Form.Country#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="City"
SIZE="40" value="#Form.City#"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall"
NAME="Telephone" SIZE="40" value="#Form.Telephone#"></P>
<P>E-mail: [*]<br>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall" NAME="Email"
SIZE="40" value=""></P>
<P>Secret word: [*]<br>
<cfinvoke webservice=""
<cfinvokeargument name="height" value="100"/>
<cfinvokeargument name="YPos" value="20"/>
</cfinvoke> </P>
<P><cfset session.secretWord =
<img src="#easyCaptcha.IMAGE#"
<P><div="label1"> Please retype the Secret Word
in the field below. This is a simple security
matter to protect the information we receive through this
<INPUT TYPE="Text" class="ftforminputsmall"
NAME="secret_word" SIZE="40"></P>
<P>Comments: [*]<BR>
<textarea cols="40" size="40" class="ftforminputsmall"
<P>Booking dates:<br>
<select name="day" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="1" to="31" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<cfset monthList =
<select name="month" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop list="#monthList#" index="m"> <option
<select name="year" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="2006" to="2020" index="i">
<option value="#i#">#form.year#</option>
<select name="dayto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="1" to="31" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<cfset monthList =
<select name="monthto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop list="#monthList#" index="m"> <option
<select name="yearto" class="ftforminputsmall">
<cfloop from="2006" to="2020" index="i">
<option value="#i#"
<input name="Submit" type="submit"
CLASS="ftforminputsmall" value="Submit">
<!-- If no errors were detected we abort the previous code
and show the next code section -->
<!-- In this next section we can now take our form values
and do what ever we decide to do with them i.e. mailing them to
ourselves, placing them into a database, or a combination of both.
In this section it is wise to let the user know that his
information has been received as coldfusion has no way of letting
them know ---->
<cfmail server="" username="" password="" to="" from=""
subject="" type="">
<td align="center" bgcolor="##006600"
class="ftbody"><span class="ftbody2"><strong
<td align="center" bgcolor="##006600"
class="ftbody"><span class="ftbody2"><strong

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          <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="/gdform.php">
            <span id="sprytextfield1">
            <label for="Name">Name</label>
            <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="60" />
            <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span>
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            <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></p>
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            <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></p>
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    Here is the code that I have for another site. This file was NOT in the site folder that I am working on now. I just copied one there in case needed.
        $request_method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
        if($request_method == "GET"){
          $query_vars = $_GET;
        } elseif ($request_method == "POST"){
          $query_vars = $_POST;
        $t = date("U");
        $fp = fopen("../data/gdform_$t","w");
        while (list ($key, $val) = each ($query_vars)) {
         fputs($fp,"<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=$key START>\n");
         fputs($fp,"<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=$key END>\n");
         if ($key == "redirect") { $landing_page = $val;}
        if ($landing_page != ""){
    header("Location: http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/$landing_page");
        } else {
    header("Location: http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/");

  • How do I get a form to redirect to a thank you page CS4

    I have the form working using the server
    provided script:
    <form method=post action="">
    <input type=hidden name="destination" value="[email protected]">
    But the result on submission has the email going to the right place but I want to replace the host server standard page with my thankyou.php page.
    The host instructions ( refer to mailhandler fields - specifically
    A URL to a page that the client should see once the form is completed. If omitted a standard page will appear saying the form has been submitted
    What is this and what is the script I need to add into my dreamweaver cs4 source code in the feedback page and where abouts do I insert it so I still get the email containing the form contents and the user gets a thankyou page?

    Hi Bob
    I downloaded the free DIY script but have no idea which bit I need to use to add to what I have made in Dreamweaver - it looks like this is an alternative form but I only need the piece of script to add to mine to onsubmitform call up a thankyou page.
    Apologies I don't code I dont even use dreamweaver other than this specific situation and I rely on the DW help which has me asking the forum for the script as anything outside of adobe instruction do a then be = c or cut and paste x in this spot to do Y is probably out of my depth.
    If I really knew what I was doing then the tectite site would be great but if their formmail has the capability as they describe below how do I get DreamWeaver forms to have the same redirect the user capability?
    Or am I expecting to much from DW? If DW cannot do this then I will accept that the server default page is it (as crude as it looks)- at least the end result is success.
    I do appreciate your time on this - Cheers
    below is extract from tectite site on Redirecting the User
    This How-To guide explains how to redirect the user to a custom URL after they've submitted your form.
    Redirecting the User
    All versions of FormMail display a default page to the user if you don't specify something else.
    There are two possible outcomes to a user's form submission:
    Success; or,
    Failure (I do not need this for DW as it is already validated before submit form)
    Static Pages
    In the case of a successful form submission, FormMail defaults to a generic "Thank you" page. In the case of a failed form submission, FormMail defaults to a generic error page.
    You can choose a different page by specifying a URL with "good_url" and "bad_url" fields, for success, and failure, respectively.
    Like this:
    <input type="hidden" name="good_url"    value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="bad_url"    value="" />
    These are hidden fields that you add to your HTML form. You don't need to change the PHP code in FormMail to get redirection to work.
    Template Pages
    The "good_url" feature provides you with a static results page. If you'd like to show some of the information the user submitted, you can use a field called "good_template".
    To do this, you need to set the TEMPLATEDIR or TEMPLATEURL setting in FormMail's configuration. Also, download the Sample Good Template and read the instructions in there.
    There's a similar feature for error handling called "bad_template". However, error handling is more complicated so we've provided a separate HOW TO guide on Advanced Error Handling.

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    Yeah. sorry. those are not correct. ctrl N + P are for home and end line shortcuts. Ctrl V does go down one line.  But CTRL arrow up or down do not work in Safari.  But thank you very much for the attention and the time...
    Note from my first post above -- I did not say to use CTRL arrow in Safari:
    For Safari:
    Scroll down a line: down arrow
    Scroll down a screen: option down arrow
    Note from my second post above and from the first link I gave that  Control N, P, and V worked for me in Pages as described in the link and in my post:
    The link to shortcuts that I gave abaove includes Control N, P, and V for move down a line, up a line and down a page and those seem to work in Pages.

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    I am sorry its taken me a day or so to respond. ( My niece went into labour on the other side of the country and I have only just gotten back home)
    I would just like to say thank you so much to the kind forum members who responded with very helpful solutions.
    As a complete idiot when it comes to computers I am so grateful.
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  • Is it possible to add a "Thank you for your submission" using Adobe Muse Forms

    Instead of the form resetting I was wondering if it were possible for a message to appear.
    Sometimes the words Form Received appear next to the Submit button, can this be edited?

    Hi Penny,
    You have a couple options:
    1 - You can indeed edit the text that appears next to the button using the states panel and then just edit the text.
    2 - If you need to add more info that such as going to a full thank you page with perhaps a download or some other information; you can select another page to be redirected to after submitting in the form properties panel.

  • Form that will submit email and go to thank you page

    I have a form that I can successfully send as an email.  When I send the email I also want to send them to a thank you page.  I've tried
    onsubmit="location.href='.../thanks.html';"  but that isn't working.  I don't want to post this form to a database.
    Any ideas?  I don't know php, am using html and asp pages.

    You can't if you are using mailto as your form action. You need your form to be processed by a server side form mail script. That script will process the form, email it, and then redirect to your thank you page. Check with your host to see if they have an ASP form script available. Never use mailto to email forms - it is unreliable and will fail most of the time.

  • I am looking for an addon called Informer. used to fill in forms. new computer and can't find it in lists of add ons. thank you

    looking for an add on called "Informer". new computer here and i can' t seem to find it anymore on list of addons. it is used to fill in forms and worked well.
    thank you [email protected]

    Sorry, I don't recall ever seeing an extension by that name. <br />
    Maybe this one? <br />

  • Hi, I would like to buy Photoshop cs6, Illustrator cs6 and Indesign cs6 for multi computer (maybe for 2 or 3 session) i'm professional, how can i do please ? thank you for your answer, best regards.

    Hi everybody,
    I would like to buy Photoshop cs6, Illustrator cs6 and Indesign cs6 for multi computer (maybe for 2 or 3 session) i'm professional, how can i do please ? thank you for your answer,
    best regards.

    You can buy them here -> Creative Suite 6

  • Submit Form / Receive 'Thank You' Page

    I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to resolve this situation.
    The Situation: We have pre-recorded webinar files that we offer to our members on our web site. We want people to fill out a form with their contact info BEFORE viewing the webinar so that we have a list of who is viewing our webinar files.
    I created a form in Acrobat 8 Professional. When the person clicks the Submit button, an email is sent with a fdf attachement that includes the contact info they typed in the fields. This part works great.
    The problem is that AFTER they submit the email, I want to direct them to a "thank you" page which would contain a link to the webinar. I don't want them to access the "thank you" page until the email has been submitted.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how I could do this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Still can't get AJAX to work.
    When submitting the form I get n empty page with the submitted code:
    {"FormProcessV2Response": { "success": true, "entityId": "26648984", "objectTypeId": "Cases", "objectId": "3531962", "message": "<table class=\"tabledefault\"><tr><td id=\"title\"><strong>Summary of web form submission:<\/strong><br\/><!-- IP Address: --><\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"name\"><strong>Your Name<\/strong><br\/>micha json test<\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"email\"><strong>Email Address<\/strong><br\/><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"casenumber\"><strong>Case Number<\/strong><br\/>3531962<\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"customfields\"><table class=\"tabledefault\"><\/table><\/td><\/tr><\/table>" }}
    I created a sample form here for you to see since the one online is live. feel free to test.

  • Form - Thank you page

    Hi everybody.
    I need to create a page "Thank you" Page that has to be linked in a form, but do not make it appear in the menu.

    You can access the property from the Site Admin page.
    Right click on any page and choose "Properties". Then you will find the "Hide in navigation" checkbox under the basic properties tab.

  • Thank you DGOOD76 !!  - another question - viability of attachment in form

    Thank you DGOOD76 for all your help.
    You have now triggered more questions.........
    We want to attach in Oracle applications an csv file to a template form and then
    use the attachment to populate a standard Oracle file.....
    Will this work............
    PS: Never tried it personally though..

  • Hello, I want to switch form a individual account to a team/business account? Can you please help me? I need this urgent Thank you!

    Hello, I want to switch form a individual account to a team/business account? Can you please help me? I need this urgent Thank you!

    Hi Koen,
    Please refer the following help article under "Purchasing Creative Cloud for Team".
    Creative Cloud Help | Creative Cloud for teams
    Hope this helps.
    Sumit Singh

  • Sharepoint form - Thank you Message

    I dont have alot of experience with Sharepoint, so as much informtion and instructions that you can provide would be great!  I have a form that I cam using to collect data from employees.  When the submit button is clicked I would like for a thankyou
    message to appear with some information for the user. 
    What would be the best way to se this up?
    Thanks in advance!!!

    here you are
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Senior Consultant
    John Naguib Blog
    John Naguib Twitter
    Please remember to mark this as answered if it helped you

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