CFQUERY tag adds one more ' automatically

I am using Coldfusion MX and have some code:
<cfset sqlstring = "select * from USERS WHERE
<CFQUERY datasource="#data_source_name#"
And I got error message:
Error Executing Database Query.
[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00933: SQL
command not properly ended
SQL select * from NASTEP.USERS WHERE USER_ID=''up2002''
The CFQUERY tag convert
'up2002' to
''up2002'' automatically.
Can somebody help? Thanks!

Originally posted by:
Using the cfqueryparam tag solves this problem and,
supposedly, also offers some performance/efficiency enhancements.
WHERE USER_ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
So Jared, could you apply this solution to the original
problem where the the sql is a variable? What exactly does the
cfset look like?
cfqueryparam has it's place, but, I am not sure this is one
of them.

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    I have added the following line in the global-web-application.xml, and it works.
    But whenever I add one more path into it, the oc4j can't start.
    The Oracle manual Oracle9iAS Container for J2EE is beta. It doesn't tell the grammer to do that.
    Hopefully you can share some ideas and let me know how to add some more path into it.

    Hi Wei,
    I have just done a quick search of the following URLs
    And -- as is nearly always the case -- found a shamefully minute amount
    of information, and what I did find was totally useless.
    Oracle have not produced any real documentation for OC4J -- they
    claim it's coming in the next release -- and, as I already said, I
    couldn't find anything on the Internet about "global-web-app.xml" or
    "classpath" element. Therefore (surprise, surprise) your only option
    (as I see it) is just experiment and try to hack the code.
    I wish someone would please tell me if there's another option, because,
    like you, I find it very frustrating to have to continually play
    "guessing games" when trying to work with OC4J. I imagine other people
    seem to enjoy this -- since I don't see anyone else complaining.
    In any case, have you tried multiple "path" attributes, for example:
    <classpath path="/your/path/" path="/your/other/path/"/>
    Got nothing to lose, have you :-)
    Good Luck,

  • How to add one more character in selection [JS] [CS2]

    Hi All
    I am wondering the way to add one more character in my selection.
    I have a script which adds the xml Element and parent xml Element in selected text so far so good, but further my expectation is to cut this text with tag and paste it into anchored frame but in selection it won’t add the closing tag of parent tag.
    function add_element(mySel){
    var the_add_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("story", mySel);
    var add_space = mySel.insertionPoints[0].contents = " "
    var new_selec =[0], SelectionOptions.addTo);
    var my_new_sel = app.selection[0];
    var add_parent_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("sidenote", my_new_sel);[0], SelectionOptions.replaceWith);[1], SelectionOptions.addTo);
 [0], SelectionOptions.replaceWith);
 [-1], SelectionOptions.addTo);
    Could anyone suggest me the way to achieve it as I am bit primitive in scripting?
    Many Thanks

    Hi Mac,
    Here is working code for CS4. Hope it will work on CS2 too.
    function add_element(mySel){
    var the_add_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("story", mySel);
    var new_selec =[0], SelectionOptions.addTo);
    var my_new_sel = app.selection[0];
    var add_parent_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("sidenote", my_new_sel);[0], SelectionOptions.ADD_TO);

  • Add one more column

                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, org.ASSIGNED_DATE) as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, org.STATE) as STATE,
                                    org.SEQ as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, org.PROCESS) as PROCESS,
           -- appr.request_comment,
                    from (
                        select a.seq,
                        b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME,
                        b.usr_login as APPROVER,
                        'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                        '-' as STATE,
                        a.seq as numberoftimesmodified,
                '-' as PROCESS
                            SELECT 1 as seq, USR_UDF_MANAGER_LOGIN as GID, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type FROM DEVT_OIM.USR WHERE USR_LOGIN =:BENEFICIARY_GID AND :APPLICATION = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            select rownum as seq, regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD,'[^,]+', 1, level) as gid, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type from dual
                            where :APPLICATION != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            connect by regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.gid = b.usr_login
                    ) org
                    left join(
                        select b.numberoftimesmodified as seq, rownum as seq2, a.*
                            LEAD(a.ASSIGNEES) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_gid,
                            LEAD(a.pushbacksequence) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_pushbacksequence,
                            a.ASSIGNEES as current_gid,
                            nvl(retrieveGidName(a.ASSIGNEES), '-') as APPROVER_NAME,
                            (DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(REPLACE(a.ASSIGNEES, ',', ':'))) as APPROVER,
                            'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                            TO_CHAR(a.assigneddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then TO_CHAR(a.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') else TO_CHAR(d.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') end as APPROVAL_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired' when a.approvalduration is null then 'Pending' when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' else 'Approved' end as PROCESS,
                            d.state as process2,
                            case when d.substate = 'REASSIGNED' then 'Reassigned' when d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED' then 'Request Info' when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired'
                                when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' when d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED' then 'Submitted' when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then 'Withdrawn' when e.state is null then 'Pending' else 'Approved' end as state,
                            e.ASSIGNEES, d.substate
                            from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY d on d.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified+1)
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY e on e.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified-1) and e.ASSIGNEES = a.ASSIGNEES
                            where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and a.state is not null
                            order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                        ) a
                        inner join (select rownum as numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence from (select distinct pushbacksequence from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY order by pushbacksequence)) b
                        on b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                        where a.prev_gid != a.current_gid or prev_gid is null
                        order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on org.seq = appr.seq
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, '-') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, '-') as STATE,
                                       999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, '-') as PROCESS,
                    999 as seq2
                        select 999 as seq, '-' as APPROVER, ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, 'group' as approver_type
                        from DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp
                        where  ugp_name in (
                        SELECT a.it_processor_group FROM ec_admin.ENTITLEMENT a
                            inner join ec_admin.application b on a.application_id = b.application_id
                            WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :APPLICATION
                            and a.module_name = :MODULE
                            and a.site_name = :SITE
                            and a.entitlement_name = DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(:RESPONSIBILITY)
                            and b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')
                    ) org
                    left join(
                    select nvl(grp.APPROVER_NAME, usr.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER, usr.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER_TYPE, usr.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    TO_CHAR((select min(OSI_create) from DEVT_OIM.OSI where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY),'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    'ASSIGNED' as STATE,
                    999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    case when nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) = '-' then 'Pending' else usr.ost_status end as PROCESS
                        select b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME, b.usr_login as APPROVER,  'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        TO_CHAR(a.OSI_create,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key,
                        (select ost_status from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE where UPA_RESOURCE_key in (
                                  select max(UPA_RESOURCE_key)
                                  from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE a
                                  inner join DEVT_OIM.oiu b on a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                  where b.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY )) as ost_status
                        from (
                          select osi_assigned_to_usr_key, OSI_create
                          from DEVT_OIM.OSI
                          where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                          order by OSI_create desc
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                        where rownum between 0 and 1
                    ) usr
                    left join
                        select ugp.ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, '-' as APPROVER, 'Group' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key
                        FROM DEVT_OIM.OTI itp
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp on ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                        where itp.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY
                        and :REQUEST_STATUS != 'Request Completed'
                    ) grp
                    on usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
                    order by numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on 1=1
                order by numberoftimesmodified, seq2
                   Above is the script and i need to add one more column for the script column name request_comment from the table request_comments, anyone help me in doing so.

    /* Formatted on 2012/06/14 13:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT X.*, request_comments.request_comment
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, org.assigned_date) AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, org.state) AS state, org.seq AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, org.process) AS process,
                                                        -- appr.request_comment,
        FROM (SELECT a.seq, b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type, '-' AS assigned_date,
                     '-' AS state, a.seq AS numberoftimesmodified, '-' AS process
                FROM (SELECT 1 AS seq, usr_udf_manager_login AS gid, '' AS approver_name, 'user' AS approver_type
                        FROM devt_oim.usr
                       WHERE usr_login = :beneficiary_gid AND :application = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      SELECT     ROWNUM AS seq, REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS gid, '' AS approver_name,
                                 'user' AS approver_type
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE :application != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) a
                     INNER JOIN
                     devt_oim.usr b ON a.gid = b.usr_login
                     ) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   b.numberoftimesmodified AS seq, ROWNUM AS seq2, a.*
                  FROM (SELECT   LEAD (a.assignees) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_gid,
                                 LEAD (a.pushbacksequence) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_pushbacksequence,
                                 a.assignees AS current_gid, NVL (retrievegidname (a.assignees), '-') AS approver_name,
                                 (devt_oim.toknew (REPLACE (a.assignees, ',', ':'))) AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                                 a.pushbacksequence, TO_CHAR (a.assigneddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN TO_CHAR (a.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                   ELSE TO_CHAR (d.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                 END AS approval_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.approvalduration IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS process,
                                 d.state AS process2,
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'REASSIGNED'
                                     THEN 'Reassigned'
                                   WHEN d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED'
                                     THEN 'Request Info'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED'
                                     THEN 'Submitted'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN 'Withdrawn'
                                   WHEN e.state IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS state,
                                 e.assignees, d.substate
                            FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory d
                                 ON d.identificationkey = a.identificationkey AND d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified + 1)
                                 LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory e
                                 ON e.identificationkey = a.identificationkey
                               AND e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified - 1)
                               AND e.assignees = a.assignees
                           WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey AND a.state IS NOT NULL
                        ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) a
                       INNER JOIN
                       (SELECT ROWNUM AS numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence
                          FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pushbacksequence
                                           FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a
                                          WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey
                                       ORDER BY pushbacksequence)) b ON b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                 WHERE a.prev_gid != a.current_gid OR prev_gid IS NULL
              ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) appr ON org.seq = appr.seq
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, '-') AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, '-') AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, '-') AS process, 999 AS seq2
        FROM (SELECT 999 AS seq, '-' AS approver, ugp_name AS approver_name, 'group' AS approver_type
                FROM devt_oim.ugp ugp
               WHERE ugp_name IN (
                       SELECT a.it_processor_group
                         FROM ec_admin.entitlement a INNER JOIN ec_admin.application b ON a.application_id = b.application_id
                        WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :application
                          AND a.module_name = :module
                          AND a.site_name = :site
                          AND a.entitlement_name = devt_oim.toknew (:responsibility)
                          AND b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   NVL (grp.approver_name, usr.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (grp.approver, usr.approver) AS approver,
                       NVL (grp.approver_type, usr.approver_type) AS approver_type,
                       TO_CHAR ((SELECT MIN (osi_create)
                                   FROM devt_oim.osi
                                  WHERE request_key = :identificationkey), 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                       NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) AS approval_date, 'ASSIGNED' AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
                         WHEN NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) = '-'
                           THEN 'Pending'
                         ELSE usr.ost_status
                       END AS process
                  FROM (SELECT b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                               TO_CHAR (a.osi_create, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS approval_date, 'key' AS tbl_key,
                               (SELECT ost_status
                                  FROM devt_oim.upa_resource
                                 WHERE upa_resource_key IN (SELECT MAX (upa_resource_key)
                                                              FROM devt_oim.upa_resource a INNER JOIN devt_oim.oiu b
                                                                   ON a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                                             WHERE b.request_key = :identificationkey)) AS ost_status
                          FROM (SELECT   osi_assigned_to_usr_key, osi_create
                                    FROM devt_oim.osi
                                   WHERE request_key = :identificationkey AND osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                                ORDER BY osi_create DESC) a
                               INNER JOIN
                               devt_oim.usr b ON a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                         WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 0 AND 1) usr
                       LEFT JOIN
                       (SELECT ugp.ugp_name AS approver_name, '-' AS approver, 'Group' AS approver_type, '-' AS approval_date,
                               'key' AS tbl_key
                          FROM devt_oim.oti itp INNER JOIN devt_oim.ugp ugp ON ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                         WHERE itp.request_key = :identificationkey AND :request_status != 'Request Completed') grp
                       ON usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
              ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified) appr ON 1 = 1
    ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified, seq2
    ) X, request_comments

  • How to add one more values in Search Criteria,

    Hi All,
    OAF page Search Criteria :
    Search By "name"only Available already have in the search criteria .we are need to add Description in search criteria .How to add one more filed “Description” in Search Criteria,
    Please Help Me

    "Set the Search Allowed property to True for any LOV result items you want to present to the user as searchable values. These items are listed in the search poplist the user sees in the LOV window.
    At a minimum you must set the Search Allowed property to True for the the result table item corresponding to the LOV field on the base page.
    This is from the devguide, I suggest you read it once at least if you have started work on the framework.

  • How to add one more field to an exist internal table

    hi abapers
    i am a very new abap programmer and just started learning it.
    i want to know How to add one more field to an exist internal table.
    lemme me put my question in a very simple way.
    i have a internal table having fields f1,f2,f3 and which also that internal also contains some data.
    now i want to add two more fields (mm & nn) to that internal table now.
    how can i do that.
    and i wanna know the websites names where i can find some brain teasing questions in abap programming.
    eagerly waiting for ur reply
    Maqsood A Khan

    Hi, MAQSOOD.
    You can insert more fields in your internal table like this.
    refer this code snippet.
    DATA : BEGIN OF tbl_itab OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE zsdtc009.
    DATA :  vkorg   LIKE vbak-vkorg,  "inserted one
            vtweg   LIKE vbak-vtweg,  "inserted one
            vkbur   LIKE vbak-vkbur,  "inserted one
            vkgrp   LIKE vbak-vkgrp,  "inserted one
           END OF tbl_itab.
    you can also read the book "Teach yourself abap in 21 days"
    but that book is just about basic concept of abap and report program.
    it doesn't give a lecture for on-line program.
    you can get pdf version books(about abap, sap...things) from sap.
    I wish I could help you.
    Kyung Woo.

  • How to add one more field in Internal table

    Hi Experts
    i have declared an internal table
    DATA: lt_viqmel_iflos TYPE TABLE OF viqmel_iflos.
    viqmel_iflos is a Standared SAP Table,
    Now i want to add one more Text field in the internal table only, how to add in program. any one plz help.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 7, 2008 10:09 AM

    you can put this:
    types: begin of t_table_viqmel_iflos,
    include structure of viqmel_iflos,
    new_field type xxxx.
    types: end of viqmel_iflos.
    DATA: lt_viqmel_iflos TYPE TABLE OF t_table_viqmel_iflos.

  • Want to add one more link in the first screen when user gets into EBP

    Hi All,
    I want to add one more link to the template <b>WELCOME</b> in Internet Service <b>BBPGLOBAL</b>. This is the first screen that the user gets when he logs into EBP.
    The issue is the same screen is different in DEV and TEST environment.
    I verified the code in the template in both systems but they are exactly the same.
    Also, checked the Parameters in the Templates and they too match.
    While going through the code, I found out that MENU_NODE_TAB is used in a repeat loop to verify user has access to the further links.
    But the surprising thing is the code is same in both the systems, but Test evnironment is reflecting the link I want to add in DEV environment.
    Am I missing something??
    Pls let me know.
    Thanks in advance.
    <b>I will reward full points for helpful answers!!</b>

    In welcome.html there is a ITS code to initialize array with information about transaction (line 87).
    This code is in the loop:
    repeat with idx from 1 to MENU_NODE_TAB-TEXT.dim;
      if( (MENU_NODE_TAB-S_IDENT[idx] == "BBPSC01" && A_GEN_URL<i> == "") ||
          (MENU_NODE_TAB-S_IDENT[idx] == "BBPSC03" && A_GEN_URL<i> == "") || 
          (MENU_NODE_TAB-S_IDENT[idx] == "BBPSC02")                       );
        A_S_IDENT<i>      = MENU_NODE_TAB-S_IDENT[idx];
        A_GEN_URL<i>      = MENU_NODE_TAB-GEN_URL[idx];
        A_OBJECT_ID<i>    = "" & MENU_NODE_TAB-OBJECT_ID[idx] & " +" & MENU_NODE_TAB-OBJECT_ID[idx] & ".path";
        A_TEXT<i>         = quotFilter(MENU_NODE_TAB-TEXT[idx]);
        found = 1;
    If You want to add this 4 links on begining - extend this array (in line 87):
    <!-- initialize array with information about transaction on startpage -->
    A_S_IDENT[1] = "custom_link1"; A_GEN_URL[1] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[1] = ""; A_TEXT[1] = "google"; A_INTRODUCTION[1] = "google link";
    A_S_IDENT[2] = "custom_link2"; A_GEN_URL[2] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[2] = ""; A_TEXT[2] = "rediffmail"; A_INTRODUCTION[2] = "redi link";
    A_S_IDENT[3] = "custom_link3"; A_GEN_URL[3] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[3] = ""; A_TEXT[3] = "yahoo"; A_INTRODUCTION[3] = "yahoo link";
    A_S_IDENT[4] = "custom_link4"; A_GEN_URL[4] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[4] = ""; A_TEXT[4] = "greets"; A_INTRODUCTION[4] = "greeting link";
    A_S_IDENT[5] = ""; A_GEN_URL[5] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[5] = ""; A_TEXT[5] = ""; A_INTRODUCTION[5] = "";
    A_S_IDENT[6] = ""; A_GEN_URL[6] = ""; A_OBJECT_ID[6] = ""; A_TEXT[6] = ""; A_INTRODUCTION[6] = "";
    <!-- Search for shopping transaction in launchpad -->
    repeat with idx from 5 to MENU_NODE_TAB-TEXT.dim;

  • Add one more segment in item Category Key Flexfeild

    I want to add one more segment in item Category Key Flexfeild and that is not a mandatory feild.
    What are the implications if I add one more segment in KFF?
    Does it effect anywhere in the system?
    Please let me know your thoughts.

    If it is not mandatory should not be an issue. But I would test like hell.

  • Infocube and ODS populated with DATA (need to add one more field?)

      If infocube and ODS have been populated with data for past 3 months. Then we need to add one more field to this cube. What is the impact? Please advise.
    The following is my understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    1) Need to delete content of ODS and infocube.
    2) insert the new field at ODS and infocube.
    3) reload the data into ODS and infocube.
    Is there a way that the current data need not be deleted.
    Just add in this new field and only subsequent month, infocube will have this new field? Please advise what is the best approach without affecting existing data.

    Siggi is right. You dont need to delete the previously loaded data to CUBE or ODS. The only catch is that, your new field will be empty as far as history is concerned. But so long as you did map it to the datasource and the datasource is able to fill it up, then your new field will now have value for incoming DELTA Updates.
    Addition of a field is not that complicated compared to deletion of a field from CUBE or ODS.

  • Add one more field in MIGO

    Dear Experts ,
    I want to add one more I/o field at Invoice date tab in header and also want to change the name of this tab from invoice date to invoice detail.
    Kindly suggest...

    Use the badi "MB_MIGO_BADI".  See the sample code & BADI documentation for reference.

  • QA: Designer's operation to Add one more Field to display in Query Result Web Part

    QUESTION ABOUT Query Result Web Part presentation +1 Field
    I'd be looking at a property of Web Part to look up Discussion Board through Query Result Web Part. Currently it displays 'Title' column of Discussion Board, and my caring requirement is presentation customization to hold double
    columns of 'Title'+'Updated Date'. How could I add one more field 'Updated Date' to display in addition to that preexisting 'Title' field?
    Any procedural steps to realize how to add Filed to display in Query Result Web Part?

    Hi Yoshihiro,
    As I understand, you want to add the field to display in Query Result Web Part in SharePoint 2013.
    Which web part does you use? Content query web part or search results web part?
    If you use search results web part, you could edit the discussion board result template and add the updated field in the template.
    You could go to Design Manager: Edit Display Templates (site setting-> look and feel->design manager->edit display template), download the Discussion Item.htm file, and edit the file. 
    After editing, upload the file.
    The articles below are about how to modify an existing Display Template in SharePoint 2013.
     If you use content query web part, you could edit the content query web part, in the Property Mappings section select the “Change the mapping of managed”, and add the “modifiedOWSDATE” (it means the last modified date) in the line, after
    that you could see the update date under the title.
    Best regards,
    Sara Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • I bought a photoshop CS5(for two users). If I add one more user, what can I do?

    I bought a photoshop CS5, and it indicated for two users only. If I want to add one more user, then what can I do?

    Buy another license.
    You can only activate two copies of the software and they're supposed to be for the same person and not used simultaneously.

  • How to add one more user the email notification

    I would like to know, how I can add 'CC' / One more user to the email notification?
    Currently system is sending email with From Address, And To address (to the user email). But I need to send email to User and one Administrator.
    Template: Create User Self Service Notification
    How can I achieve this?

    "Set the Search Allowed property to True for any LOV result items you want to present to the user as searchable values. These items are listed in the search poplist the user sees in the LOV window.
    At a minimum you must set the Search Allowed property to True for the the result table item corresponding to the LOV field on the base page.
    This is from the devguide, I suggest you read it once at least if you have started work on the framework.

  • Want to add one more field in the standard transation xk02 : screen exit

    Dear All ,
    I want to add one field in transation in Xk02 in withholding tax check box.
    run the transation xk02 and select check box Withholding tax and press enter after that you will get the screen having field
    WH Tax Country  in parellel to this i want one more field Country .
    Is there any screen exit available fot this or any other way to proceed .
    Please provide any solution .

    use an iplicit enahnecemnt to call a function module in which you can call a screen popu up with the fields you want update them in the database and return back to the main program. If the the two exits available are not helpful to you.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do i reposition the timeline to the left margin?

    I dip into FCP Pro X when I have a new project to edit - in between doing other things.  The interface reminds me of the dash on my old Merc A160.  It has very few buttons and they have multiple functions, but to change the time on the clock I always

  • Pdf files become pixelated when filter effects are applied...

    I have some pdf files in my Motion 4 project. When I uncheck the "fixed resolution" box, they pdf files look great. But when I proceed to add any filter effect like any of the Glow filters, the pdf file becomes all pixelated and looks horrible. What

  • About cookies in french

    I opened a new mail address on gmail and I cannot open my "ancient" gmail and no more my "new" gmail. May be it is a question about cookies and I would like to get a support in french. Thanks a lot Jean Rault

  • Fair usage policy violation blocking

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  • Language files recovery

    Hi, I'm not sure if i accidentally deleted some unwanted language files in os X yosemite, wondering 1) if its a big deal and if so 2) how do i check if i deleted them or not and 3) will a system update in the future automatically recover those langua