Cfselect bind to keypress and onChange?

Here's a quickie (I think):
I want to bind a cfdiv to a cfselect. I want the div to
refresh whenever the cfselect value changes, whether the change is
caused by a mouse select or a keyboard. The default action for
binding the div to the cfselect seems to be onChange, which (at
least in Firefox 2) only refreshes on a mouse click; changing it to
keypress only refreshes it on (surprise) using the keyboard to
change the value.
What's the easiest way to get it to refresh regardless of how
the cfselect value is changed?


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  • Cfwindow cfselect binding issue

    In my CFWindow I have a couple of dependent dropdowns that is built by cfselect bind operation. The CFwindow opens using a Javascript on click of a link. In my parent window I have several links each opens the same cfwindow (same codebase) and I put diffrent window name while poping up the window to avoid caching issue. Now when I open the first cfwindow all cfselect drop downs and binding works fine. Then I close that cfwindow using the [X] button in the cfwindow and again opens another cfwindow (same code base) the cfselect binding doesn't work. It work only when I refresh the parent window and then click on to open another cfwindow it works fine. Apreciate your help

    The problem is the windows have different names.  I had a similar issue on a page I had that called two different CFWindows on the same parent page.  Both had different names, and both used the onclick to call a JS function(two different JS functions), that used ColdFusion.Windows.Create.  Even though I set destroyOnClose = true and had code to close and destroy the windows, for some reason it was causing issues on the binds.  Everything but the binds worked. The page has three different edit windows on it and only the two that have binding broke.   I am using CF 9.  For this fix to work you need to know the name of the window.  However, by using this method, you most likely would not have to use dynamic window names, because the window will be destroy on the onclick.  For your example I would just use the same window name.  Then put the try catch code below at the top of the function.  But if you have different window names opening on the same parent page, it's best to give each one a try catch of it's own.  I hope this makes sense.
    This might help:
    In my Javascript I have these lines at the beginning
              try { ColdFusion.Window.destroy('WindowName1',true); }
             try { ColdFusion.Window.destroy('WindowName2',true); }
             Then i have the code to create my window.  I put this line of code in both Javascript functions.

  • Directory Binding Script (Active and Open Directory) 10.7

    Hi everyone
    I'm reposting this in the right thread. I've written a Directory Binding Script for 10.6 and ported it now to 10.7 as among the things that have changed in the upgraded version is a refurbished directory binding enviroment.
    The original thread can be found here: The script is applicable for clients as well and simplifies the binding process considerably.
    Be aware that the reformatted script here contains some faulty line breaks. So you'll have to correct them in a proper text editor.
    #Uncomment the following line to abort the script on errors
    #trap exit ERR
    ## Script to automate OD and AD Binding of Mac OS X 10.7 Servers
    ## Script written by Marc Horat, URZ Basel, 11.6.2010
    ## Updated: 12.08.2011
    # With the use of the following sources as inspiration:
    #Created by Ross Hamilton
    #Clock restart / Remove existing settings
    #Join to Open Directory and Active Directory
    # Bombich's AD-Bind Script:
    # This script binds to AD and configures advanced options of the AD plugin
    # As this scripts contains a password, be sure to take appropriate security
    # precautions
    # A good way to run this script is to set it as a login hook on your master machine
    # Because it only needs to be run once, the last thing this script does is to delete
    # itself. If you have another login script that you typically run, include the
    # script on your master machine, and indicate its path in the "newLoginScript"
    # variable.
    # If running this as a one-time login hook to bind to AD after imaging,
    # be sure to enable auto-login (for any local user) before creating your master image
    # These variables need to be configured for your env
    odAdmin="YOURODADMIN" #enter your OD admin name between the quotes
    odPassword="YOURODPW"  # Enter your OD admin password between the quotes
    oddomain="YOURODDOMAIN" # FQDN of your OD domain
    computerGroup="YOURNEWODCOMPGROUP"  # Add appropriate computer group you want machines to be added to, case sensitive
    oldComputerGroup="YOUROLDODCOMPGROUP" # If the Computer is in a Group already
    # Standard parameters
    domain="YOURADDOMAIN"                              # fully qualified DNS name of Active Directory Domain
    domainname="YOURADDOMAINNAME"                    #Name of the Domain as specified in the search paths
    udn="YOURADADMIN"                              # username of a privileged network user
    password="YOURADPW"                                                  # password of a privileged network user
    ou="OU=YOUR,OU=OU,OU=URZ,OU=IN,DC=YOUR,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN"                    # Distinguished name of container for the computer E.G. OU=Macs,OU=Computers,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN,DC=CH
    # Advanced options AD Plugin
    alldomains="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' automatic multi-domain authentication
    localhome="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' force home directory to local drive
    protocol="smb"                                        # 'afp', 'smb' or 'nfs' (since 10.7) change how home is mounted from server
    mobile="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' mobile account support for offline logon
    mobileconfirm="enable"                    # 'enable' or 'disable' warn the user that a mobile acct will be created
    useuncpath="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' use AD SMBHome attribute to determine the home dir
    user_shell="/bin/bash"                    # e.g., /bin/bash or "none"
    preferred="-preferred $domain"          # Use the specified server for all Directory lookups and authentication
    # (e.g. "-nopreferred" or "-preferred")
    admingroups="$domainname\YOURADADMINGROUP" # These comma-separated AD groups may administer the machine (e.g. "" or "APPLE\macadmins")
    packetsign="allow"                              # allow | disable | require
    packetencrypt="allow"                    # allow | disable | require
    passinterval="14"                              # number of days
    namespace="domain"                              # forest | domain
    # Login hook setting -- specify the path to a login hook that you want to run instead of this script
    newLoginHook=""                    # e.g., "/Library/Management/"
    ################################# End of configuration
    ############ Begin of Script
    # Host-specific parameters
    # computerid should be set dynamically, this value must be machine-specific
    # This value may be restricted to 19 characters! The only error you'll receive upon entering
    # an invalid computer id is to the effect of not having appropriate privileges to perform the requested operation
    #computerid=`/sbin/ifconfig en0 | awk '/ether/ { gsub(":", ""); print $2 }'` # MAC Address
    #computerid=`hostname | sed 's/'`
    #computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName | cut -c 1-19` # Assure that this will produce unique names!
    #computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName`
    computerid=`scutil --get ComputerName`
    adcomputerid=`echo "$computerid" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
    # These variables probably don't need to be changed
    # Determing if any directory binding exists
    nicAddress=`ifconfig en0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'`
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              check4ODtmp=`dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep -n 1 | sed 's/1://' | sed 's/2://'`
              echo "Found LDAP: "$check4ODtmp
              check4ODaccttmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read Computers/"$computerid" RealName | cut -c 11-`
              echo "Found LDAP-Computer-Account: "$check4ODacct
              echo "No bound LDAP Server found"
    if [ $oldComputerGroup != "" ] && dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              check4ODgroupMembershiptmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" | grep "$computerid"`
              echo "LDAP Group Membership in Group: "$oldComputerGroup
              echo "No LDAP Group Membership defined or not bound to a server"
    if dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory" | grep $domainname > /dev/null
              check4ADtmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Active Directory Domain" | sed 's/Active Directory Domain//'  | sed 's/=//'`
              echo "Found AD: "$check4AD
              check4ADaccttmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Computer Account" | sed 's/Computer Account//' | sed 's/=//'`
              echo "Found AD-Account: "$check4ADacct
              echo "No AD-Account found"
    osversionlong=`sw_vers -productVersion`
    #Time Sync
    #Restart ntpdate
    StartService ()
    if [ "${TIMESYNC:=-YES-}" = "-YES-" ] && ! GetPID ntpd > /dev/null; then
    if [ -f /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem -o "${NETWORKUP}" = "-NO-" ]; then exit; fi
              touch /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem
              echo "Starting network time synchronization"
    # Synchronize our clock to the network’s time,
    # then fire off ntpd to keep the clock in sync.
              ntpdate -bvs
              ntpd -f /var/run/ntp.drift -p /var/run/
    echo ""
    echo ""
    sleep 5
    #### Removing any existing directory bindings
    #Clear OD Computer Account and delete entry from Computer group
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              echo "This computer is bound to the following Open Directory Services:"
              dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
              echo "With the Search Path entries:"
              dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
              sleep 5
              if [ "${check4ODacct}" == "${computerid}" ]
                        echo "This machine already has a computer account on $oddomain."
                        # Set the GUID
                        GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
                        echo "Found GUID: "$GUID
                        if [ "$oldComputerGroup" != "" ] && [ "$check4ODgroupMembership" != "" ]
                                  echo "Removing entry from group $oldComputerGroup"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembership "${computerid}"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembers "${GUID}"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerLists/"$oldComputerGroup" Computers "${computerid}"
                        echo "Removing Computer entry $computerid in OD"
                        dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /Computers/"${computerid}"
              #List existing Directories
              echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4OD
              dsconfigldap -r "$check4OD"
              echo "Removing Search Path entries"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              sleep 5
              echo "No LDAP or OD Binding present.";
    echo ""
    # Check a second time in order to delete any remaining LDAP-Bindings
    echo "Scanning for further LDAP servers"
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              echo "Found:"
              dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
              echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4ODtmp
              dsconfigldap -r "$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              sleep 5
              echo "No further LDAP or OD Binding present."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    #Remove the Active Directory binding
    if [ "$check4AD" != "" ]
              echo "This computer is bound to the following Active Directory Services:"
              dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
              echo "With the Search Path entries:"
              dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
              sleep 5
              echo "Removing any existing AD-Binding to "$check4AD
        dsconfigad -f -remove -username "$udn" -password "$password"
        echo "Removing Search Path entries"
              if [ "$preferred" != "-nopreferred" ]
                        dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                        dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                        dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
    #remove search path entries from 10.6
        if dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active > /dev/null
            dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
            dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
              sleep 5
              echo "No Active Directory Binding present."
    echo ""
    #Remove Existing Directory Services Config
    echo "Removing existing DS Config"
    if [ -d "/Library/Preferences/" ]
              rm -R /Library/Preferences/
    if [ -d "/etc/krb5.keytab" ]
              rm -R /etc/krb5.keytab
    # Clean up the DirectoryService configuration files
    rm -Rfv /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/*
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Binding to OD-Damin "$oddomain
    sleep 5
    dsconfigldap -v -a "$oddomain" -n "$oddomain" -c "$computerid"
    echo "Killing opendirectoryd"
    killall opendirectoryd
    sleep 5
    echo "Adding computer account $computerid to /LDAPv3/${oddomain} on $oddomain"
    dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -create /Computers/"$computerid" ENetAddress "$nicAddress"
    dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /Computers/"$computerid" RealName "$computerid"
    # Set the GUID
    GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
    # Add computer to ComputerList and ComputerGroup
    if [ $computerGroup != "" ]
              echo "Adding computer $computerid to OD group $computerGroup on $oddomain"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerLists/"$computerGroup" apple-computers "$computerid"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" apple-group-memberguid "${GUID}"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" memberUid "$computerid"
    echo "Finished OD Binding."
    sleep 5 # Give DS a chance to catch up
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Performing the AD Binding"
    # Activate the AD plugin
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Active"
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist
    #Use the existing AD-Computername or generate a new one
    if [ "$check4ADacct" == "" ]
              LEN=$(echo ${#adcomputerid})
              if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                      echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding. It is $adcomputerid"
                      echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 16 or more characters and needs to be modified for AD-Binding."
                        echo "Removing any -"
                                  LEN=$(echo ${#computeridtmp})
                                  if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                                            echo "ComputerID "$computeridtmp" has now 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding."
                                            echo "Only using the last 15 characters of the Computer name to be able to bind to AD."
                      echo "Cropped Computername to "$computeridtmp
        echo "Found existing AD Account previously, attempting to recreate in the OU: "$computeridtmp
    echo ""
    # Bind to AD
    echo "Binding to AD-Domain "$domain" with computerid "$computeridtmp
    dsconfigad -f -add "$domain" -username "$udn" -password "$password" -ou "$ou" -computer "$computeridtmp"
    echo ""
    echo "Setting the Advanced AD Plugin options"
    # Configure advanced AD plugin options
    if [ "$admingroups" = "" ]
              dsconfigad -nogroups
              dsconfigad -groups "$admingroups"
    dsconfigad -alldomains "$alldomains"
    dsconfigad -localhome "$localhome"
    dsconfigad -protocol "$protocol"
    dsconfigad -mobile "$mobile"
    dsconfigad -mobileconfirm "$mobileconfirm"
    dsconfigad -useuncpath "$useuncpath"
    dsconfigad -shell "$user_shell"
    dsconfigad "$preferred"
    dsconfigad -packetsign "$packetsign" -packetencrypt "$packetencrypt" -passinterval "$passinterval"
    dsconfigad -namespace "$namespace"
    sleep 5
    echo ""
    echo ""
    # Add the OD & AD node to the search path
    if [ "$alldomains" = "enable" ]
              csp="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
              csp="/Active Directory/$domainname"
    echo "Finished AD Binding."
    echo "Adding Domain /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" and "$csp" to Search Path"
    dscl /Search -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath
    dscl /Search/Contacts -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath
    echo "Adding OD.."
    dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"
    dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"
    echo "Adding AD.."
    #Adding all Domains first to improve reliability under 10.7
    if [ "$alldomains" != "enable" ]
        cspadall="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
        dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
        dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
    dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"
    dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"
    echo "Finished Updating Search Paths."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    # Restart DirectoryService (necessary to reload AD plugin activation settings)
    killall opendirectoryd
    # Destroy the login hook (or change it)
    if [ "${newLoginHook}" == "" ]
              defaults delete /var/root/Library/Preferences/ LoginHook
              defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/ LoginHook $newLoginHook
    sleep 5
    # Customizing the login-Window
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo DSStatus
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ showInputMenu -bool TRUE
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool TRUE
    # This works in a pinch if the above code does not
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/Active Directory/All Domains"
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 3
    #plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist
    #killall opendirectoryd
    # Disable autologin
    defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser
    srm /etc/kcpassword
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Now bound to OD Domain:"
    dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
    echo "With Search Path entries:"
    dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
    echo "Now bound to AD Domain:"
    dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
    echo "With Search Path entries:"
    dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
    exit 0                    ## Success
    exit 1                    ## Failure
    Any inputs, questions and improvement suggestions are, of course, most welcome!

    Hi everyone
    I'm reposting this in the right thread. I've written a Directory Binding Script for 10.6 and ported it now to 10.7 as among the things that have changed in the upgraded version is a refurbished directory binding enviroment.
    The original thread can be found here: The script is applicable for clients as well and simplifies the binding process considerably.
    Be aware that the reformatted script here contains some faulty line breaks. So you'll have to correct them in a proper text editor.
    #Uncomment the following line to abort the script on errors
    #trap exit ERR
    ## Script to automate OD and AD Binding of Mac OS X 10.7 Servers
    ## Script written by Marc Horat, URZ Basel, 11.6.2010
    ## Updated: 12.08.2011
    # With the use of the following sources as inspiration:
    #Created by Ross Hamilton
    #Clock restart / Remove existing settings
    #Join to Open Directory and Active Directory
    # Bombich's AD-Bind Script:
    # This script binds to AD and configures advanced options of the AD plugin
    # As this scripts contains a password, be sure to take appropriate security
    # precautions
    # A good way to run this script is to set it as a login hook on your master machine
    # Because it only needs to be run once, the last thing this script does is to delete
    # itself. If you have another login script that you typically run, include the
    # script on your master machine, and indicate its path in the "newLoginScript"
    # variable.
    # If running this as a one-time login hook to bind to AD after imaging,
    # be sure to enable auto-login (for any local user) before creating your master image
    # These variables need to be configured for your env
    odAdmin="YOURODADMIN" #enter your OD admin name between the quotes
    odPassword="YOURODPW"  # Enter your OD admin password between the quotes
    oddomain="YOURODDOMAIN" # FQDN of your OD domain
    computerGroup="YOURNEWODCOMPGROUP"  # Add appropriate computer group you want machines to be added to, case sensitive
    oldComputerGroup="YOUROLDODCOMPGROUP" # If the Computer is in a Group already
    # Standard parameters
    domain="YOURADDOMAIN"                              # fully qualified DNS name of Active Directory Domain
    domainname="YOURADDOMAINNAME"                    #Name of the Domain as specified in the search paths
    udn="YOURADADMIN"                              # username of a privileged network user
    password="YOURADPW"                                                  # password of a privileged network user
    ou="OU=YOUR,OU=OU,OU=URZ,OU=IN,DC=YOUR,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN"                    # Distinguished name of container for the computer E.G. OU=Macs,OU=Computers,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN,DC=CH
    # Advanced options AD Plugin
    alldomains="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' automatic multi-domain authentication
    localhome="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' force home directory to local drive
    protocol="smb"                                        # 'afp', 'smb' or 'nfs' (since 10.7) change how home is mounted from server
    mobile="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' mobile account support for offline logon
    mobileconfirm="enable"                    # 'enable' or 'disable' warn the user that a mobile acct will be created
    useuncpath="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' use AD SMBHome attribute to determine the home dir
    user_shell="/bin/bash"                    # e.g., /bin/bash or "none"
    preferred="-preferred $domain"          # Use the specified server for all Directory lookups and authentication
    # (e.g. "-nopreferred" or "-preferred")
    admingroups="$domainname\YOURADADMINGROUP" # These comma-separated AD groups may administer the machine (e.g. "" or "APPLE\macadmins")
    packetsign="allow"                              # allow | disable | require
    packetencrypt="allow"                    # allow | disable | require
    passinterval="14"                              # number of days
    namespace="domain"                              # forest | domain
    # Login hook setting -- specify the path to a login hook that you want to run instead of this script
    newLoginHook=""                    # e.g., "/Library/Management/"
    ################################# End of configuration
    ############ Begin of Script
    # Host-specific parameters
    # computerid should be set dynamically, this value must be machine-specific
    # This value may be restricted to 19 characters! The only error you'll receive upon entering
    # an invalid computer id is to the effect of not having appropriate privileges to perform the requested operation
    #computerid=`/sbin/ifconfig en0 | awk '/ether/ { gsub(":", ""); print $2 }'` # MAC Address
    #computerid=`hostname | sed 's/'`
    #computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName | cut -c 1-19` # Assure that this will produce unique names!
    #computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName`
    computerid=`scutil --get ComputerName`
    adcomputerid=`echo "$computerid" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
    # These variables probably don't need to be changed
    # Determing if any directory binding exists
    nicAddress=`ifconfig en0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'`
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              check4ODtmp=`dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep -n 1 | sed 's/1://' | sed 's/2://'`
              echo "Found LDAP: "$check4ODtmp
              check4ODaccttmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read Computers/"$computerid" RealName | cut -c 11-`
              echo "Found LDAP-Computer-Account: "$check4ODacct
              echo "No bound LDAP Server found"
    if [ $oldComputerGroup != "" ] && dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              check4ODgroupMembershiptmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" | grep "$computerid"`
              echo "LDAP Group Membership in Group: "$oldComputerGroup
              echo "No LDAP Group Membership defined or not bound to a server"
    if dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory" | grep $domainname > /dev/null
              check4ADtmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Active Directory Domain" | sed 's/Active Directory Domain//'  | sed 's/=//'`
              echo "Found AD: "$check4AD
              check4ADaccttmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Computer Account" | sed 's/Computer Account//' | sed 's/=//'`
              echo "Found AD-Account: "$check4ADacct
              echo "No AD-Account found"
    osversionlong=`sw_vers -productVersion`
    #Time Sync
    #Restart ntpdate
    StartService ()
    if [ "${TIMESYNC:=-YES-}" = "-YES-" ] && ! GetPID ntpd > /dev/null; then
    if [ -f /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem -o "${NETWORKUP}" = "-NO-" ]; then exit; fi
              touch /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem
              echo "Starting network time synchronization"
    # Synchronize our clock to the network’s time,
    # then fire off ntpd to keep the clock in sync.
              ntpdate -bvs
              ntpd -f /var/run/ntp.drift -p /var/run/
    echo ""
    echo ""
    sleep 5
    #### Removing any existing directory bindings
    #Clear OD Computer Account and delete entry from Computer group
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              echo "This computer is bound to the following Open Directory Services:"
              dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
              echo "With the Search Path entries:"
              dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
              sleep 5
              if [ "${check4ODacct}" == "${computerid}" ]
                        echo "This machine already has a computer account on $oddomain."
                        # Set the GUID
                        GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
                        echo "Found GUID: "$GUID
                        if [ "$oldComputerGroup" != "" ] && [ "$check4ODgroupMembership" != "" ]
                                  echo "Removing entry from group $oldComputerGroup"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembership "${computerid}"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembers "${GUID}"
                                  dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerLists/"$oldComputerGroup" Computers "${computerid}"
                        echo "Removing Computer entry $computerid in OD"
                        dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /Computers/"${computerid}"
              #List existing Directories
              echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4OD
              dsconfigldap -r "$check4OD"
              echo "Removing Search Path entries"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
              sleep 5
              echo "No LDAP or OD Binding present.";
    echo ""
    # Check a second time in order to delete any remaining LDAP-Bindings
    echo "Scanning for further LDAP servers"
    if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
              echo "Found:"
              dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
              echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4ODtmp
              dsconfigldap -r "$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
              sleep 5
              echo "No further LDAP or OD Binding present."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    #Remove the Active Directory binding
    if [ "$check4AD" != "" ]
              echo "This computer is bound to the following Active Directory Services:"
              dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
              echo "With the Search Path entries:"
              dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
              sleep 5
              echo "Removing any existing AD-Binding to "$check4AD
        dsconfigad -f -remove -username "$udn" -password "$password"
        echo "Removing Search Path entries"
              if [ "$preferred" != "-nopreferred" ]
                        dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                        dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                        dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
              dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
              dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
    #remove search path entries from 10.6
        if dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active > /dev/null
            dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
            dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
              sleep 5
              echo "No Active Directory Binding present."
    echo ""
    #Remove Existing Directory Services Config
    echo "Removing existing DS Config"
    if [ -d "/Library/Preferences/" ]
              rm -R /Library/Preferences/
    if [ -d "/etc/krb5.keytab" ]
              rm -R /etc/krb5.keytab
    # Clean up the DirectoryService configuration files
    rm -Rfv /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/*
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Binding to OD-Damin "$oddomain
    sleep 5
    dsconfigldap -v -a "$oddomain" -n "$oddomain" -c "$computerid"
    echo "Killing opendirectoryd"
    killall opendirectoryd
    sleep 5
    echo "Adding computer account $computerid to /LDAPv3/${oddomain} on $oddomain"
    dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -create /Computers/"$computerid" ENetAddress "$nicAddress"
    dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /Computers/"$computerid" RealName "$computerid"
    # Set the GUID
    GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
    # Add computer to ComputerList and ComputerGroup
    if [ $computerGroup != "" ]
              echo "Adding computer $computerid to OD group $computerGroup on $oddomain"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerLists/"$computerGroup" apple-computers "$computerid"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" apple-group-memberguid "${GUID}"
              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" memberUid "$computerid"
    echo "Finished OD Binding."
    sleep 5 # Give DS a chance to catch up
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Performing the AD Binding"
    # Activate the AD plugin
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Active"
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist
    #Use the existing AD-Computername or generate a new one
    if [ "$check4ADacct" == "" ]
              LEN=$(echo ${#adcomputerid})
              if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                      echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding. It is $adcomputerid"
                      echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 16 or more characters and needs to be modified for AD-Binding."
                        echo "Removing any -"
                                  LEN=$(echo ${#computeridtmp})
                                  if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                                            echo "ComputerID "$computeridtmp" has now 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding."
                                            echo "Only using the last 15 characters of the Computer name to be able to bind to AD."
                      echo "Cropped Computername to "$computeridtmp
        echo "Found existing AD Account previously, attempting to recreate in the OU: "$computeridtmp
    echo ""
    # Bind to AD
    echo "Binding to AD-Domain "$domain" with computerid "$computeridtmp
    dsconfigad -f -add "$domain" -username "$udn" -password "$password" -ou "$ou" -computer "$computeridtmp"
    echo ""
    echo "Setting the Advanced AD Plugin options"
    # Configure advanced AD plugin options
    if [ "$admingroups" = "" ]
              dsconfigad -nogroups
              dsconfigad -groups "$admingroups"
    dsconfigad -alldomains "$alldomains"
    dsconfigad -localhome "$localhome"
    dsconfigad -protocol "$protocol"
    dsconfigad -mobile "$mobile"
    dsconfigad -mobileconfirm "$mobileconfirm"
    dsconfigad -useuncpath "$useuncpath"
    dsconfigad -shell "$user_shell"
    dsconfigad "$preferred"
    dsconfigad -packetsign "$packetsign" -packetencrypt "$packetencrypt" -passinterval "$passinterval"
    dsconfigad -namespace "$namespace"
    sleep 5
    echo ""
    echo ""
    # Add the OD & AD node to the search path
    if [ "$alldomains" = "enable" ]
              csp="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
              csp="/Active Directory/$domainname"
    echo "Finished AD Binding."
    echo "Adding Domain /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" and "$csp" to Search Path"
    dscl /Search -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath
    dscl /Search/Contacts -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath
    echo "Adding OD.."
    dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"
    dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"
    echo "Adding AD.."
    #Adding all Domains first to improve reliability under 10.7
    if [ "$alldomains" != "enable" ]
        cspadall="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
        dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
        dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
    dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"
    dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"
    echo "Finished Updating Search Paths."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    # Restart DirectoryService (necessary to reload AD plugin activation settings)
    killall opendirectoryd
    # Destroy the login hook (or change it)
    if [ "${newLoginHook}" == "" ]
              defaults delete /var/root/Library/Preferences/ LoginHook
              defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/ LoginHook $newLoginHook
    sleep 5
    # Customizing the login-Window
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo DSStatus
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ showInputMenu -bool TRUE
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool TRUE
    # This works in a pinch if the above code does not
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/Active Directory/All Domains"
    #defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 3
    #plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist
    #killall opendirectoryd
    # Disable autologin
    defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser
    srm /etc/kcpassword
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Now bound to OD Domain:"
    dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
    echo "With Search Path entries:"
    dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
    echo "Now bound to AD Domain:"
    dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
    echo "With Search Path entries:"
    dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
    exit 0                    ## Success
    exit 1                    ## Failure
    Any inputs, questions and improvement suggestions are, of course, most welcome!

  • Lost keypresses and mouse clicks:  Hardware problem?

    I recently bought an Intel MBP, and I've been noticing strange behaviors with regard to keypresses and mouse (touchpad) clicks getting lost sometimes. The problems I'm having are hard to reproduce intentionally, but I can hear the keypresses and mouse button clicks when I do them, yet nothing happens. While it's possible, that I sometimes am hitting the wrong key, I have been paying closer attention lately to this problem, and of course, the mouse button kinda hard to hit incorrectly. Here are some examples of weird things I encounter:
    If I click in a text field in Safari, sometimes the first keypress (and only the first) will get lost.
    Sometimes, the first keypress I type right after clicking gets lost. For instance, just now, I noticed a typo in the above sentence, so I clicked on the character and hit the Delete key. The cursor was in the right place, but the delete didn't happen. I had to press the key again.
    Sometimes, even when the window for sure has focus and the pointer is squarely pointing to a link, the first click on the link won't take. I have to click it again. Since Safari doesn't have adequate feedback for when you click something, that can get particularly frustrating. Similar things happen with buttons in applications or on the title bar.
    If I'm using an X11 app, and I copy/paste with the clipboard, the touchpad won't respond to movement for 2 or 3 seconds afterward. This is particularly visible with "nedit". I don't think this is an "ignore accidental touchpad input" issue, because this only happens with clipboard actions; other keys don't have this effect. I haven't noticed this with native apps.
    However, I have noticed in X11 and native apps, sometimes, Ctrl/Cmd-C and Ctrl/Cmd-V will be ignored. They're never ignored if I selected the text using the keyboard (shift+arrows), but if I select the text with the mouse and then use the shortcut to copy, the copy/paste sometimes doesn't happen.
    I have noticed that if I am more deliberate about clicks (make sure to hold the button down longer), the probability of losing the event SEEMS to be reduced, but not eliminated. Is there a debounce circuit involved that's causing me trouble?
    This kind of loss of input is unusual to me. I have a number of Windows and Linux PCs, and I've never experienced this sort of thing. I've also used a few Macs at school before I got this one and didn't notice anything weird.
    Can anyone shed some light on this for me? It would seem odd that I should have to modify my keyboard/mouse using behavior when switching to the Mac. If the problem is hardware, how can I prove it? (Perhaps I could boot Knoppix from a CD and mess around a bit.) If the problem is software, is this a case of MacOS trying to second-guess user input?

    Apple regularly monitors these boards, but you may never see a response from Apple directly. Assume this is a user to user forum. If you are having a problem with the computer and need a response from Apple call 1-800-APLCARE and speak to customer relations at that office if the technician is not able to satisfy your needs.
    Your problem while not unheard of, is more uncommon than the boards may make you believe.
    Remember, Spotlight is constantly indexing. If your hard drive is overfull, it may take longer for Spotlight to index, thus cause a multitasking delay. If you have many Dashboard widgets, they may all be trying to access the net for updates at once, and again, a delay might happen. I've written a FAQ* about several other factors which may affect Mac OS X speed, which could in theory also affect keyboard input:
    And of course, you should always check Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Keyboard and Mouse to make sure your input settings are the ones most comfortable for you when using the keyboard. It is possible a repeat rate could cause a delay.
    Edit: I attempted to answer another of your questions here recently with an update:
    Please take a look and see if it answers your question.
    * Links to my FAQs may give me some compensation.

  • Binding between Task and method dissappears

    The binding between task and method is dissappearing .
    I tried creating a new task altogether but still not working
    kindly help
    Edited by: kittu reddy on May 6, 2008 3:19 PM

    I have Zmethod and i have done binding between the task and the method and
    Task and workflow..
    Binding between Task  and work flow doesnt seem to Disappear
    but the binding between Task and the method kept on disappearing
    I have a Zmethod to Bus2091(delagated to Zbus2091)
    with an import parameter and an export parameter
    and now when creating the task and assigning the method the container elements of method are transferred to Task
    and next i wen to binding eeditor and generated automatic binding:
    From task to method
    and method to task
    with out errors and now on clicked green tick mark of the binding editor and saved the Task and now on checking back the binding editor
    i find the binding disppearead

  • Bidirectional binding between DoubleProperty and ObjectProperty Double

    Is there a way to bind a DoubleProperty and an ObjectProperty<Double> in a bidirectional manner?
    For a unidirectional solution, one could utilize low-level binding api, but I couldn't find a way to achieve the same for bidirectional binding.

    DoubleProperty implements Property<Number>, so you can bind bidirectionally between DoubleProperty and ObjectProperty<Number>, but not (directly) between DoubleProperty and ObjectProperty<Double>, as far as I can see.
    One way is just to use listeners:
    final DoubleProperty dProp = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
      final ObjectProperty<Double> propD = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
      propD.addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
          public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable,
              Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
            if (dProp.getValue() != newValue) {
      dProp.addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
          public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable,
              Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
            if (propD.get() != newValue) {
              propD.set((Double) newValue);
    And another way, which is less code but a bit obtuse and less efficient, is to use an intermediate StringProperty and bind with the appropriate StringConverters:
    final StringProperty sProp = new SimpleStringProperty();
      Bindings.bindBidirectional(sProp, dProp, new NumberStringConverter());
      Bindings.bindBidirectional(sProp, propD, new DoubleStringConverter());
    I don't see another way: if you can arrange for your ObjectProperty<Double> to be an ObjectProperty<Number>, that would obviously be best. I don't see a more general way to bind bidirectionally between Property<T> and Property<S> when one of S, T is not a String.

  • "Require authenticated binding between directory and clients" missing

    A new install of 10.6, upgraded to 10.6.4 Server does not show the option "Require authenticated binding between directory and clients" under the Open Directory - Settings - Policies - Binding tab. I do see the "Enable authenticated directory binding" option. Also, the terminal command sudo slapconfig -setmacosxodpolicy -binding required does work as a workaround.
    This option is not present in both Server Admin on the server itself and one client machines I'm using to manage the server.
    Is there a way to get the graphical button to become visible?
    Thank you in advance.

    This Option is no longer available in the GUI.
    See Apple Support Article HT4068.

  • Overwriting the keyPressed() and keyReleased()methods within a TextBox

    Dear All,
    I have written a simple predictive text midlet by overwriting the keyPressed() and keyReleased() methods (found in the TextBox class). This is fine and works perfectly when I emulate the midlet on my pc. However, when I transfer the midlet to my mobile, the existing predictive text system takes over and as my midlet acts only as a standard TextBox. Is I turn off prediction, then the TextBox acts as if I had not overwritten those methods! Does anybody know how to stop this from happening?
    Many thanks in advance
    David Fowler

    I think something is going wrong in your code, 'cause the TextBox doesn't provide the key listener methods that you have overwritten..these methods are declared in the Canvas class..
    May you show some code to let me see what are you program really doing?

  • Does ColdFusion MX 7 have cfselect bind option?

    Hi everyone,
                            In coldfsuion mx 7 does cfselect supports bind option which is supported by coldfusion 8.I have seen live docs for cfselect but in live docs it dint show any bind option for cfselect tag. If bind attribute is not present how we need implement related selects.
                           I have two cfselects in which the second should populate values by executing a query where the query takes the value that is selected in first i need to approach this problem....for some reason bind option doesnt worked in coldfusion mx 7 which worked fine in coldfusion 8

    CFMX7's cfselect doesn't support binding. Binding in forms, in general, started from Coldfusion 8.
    The way to do binding in MX7 is to roll your own. This means writing the Javascript or Actionscript for it, and invoking it by means of an event-attribute like onChange.

  • CF11 - CFGRID & CFSELECT binding issue

    We just upgraded to CF11 and one of our apps had pieces stop functioning. We have figured out most of it, however one of our cfgrids is having issues. When the page is loaded the cfgrid hits the CFC that is specified in the bind settings (passes in the default employee ID of 0 and returns no data). When we select an employee name from the dropdown menu, we receive a 400 error saying the page can't be found. When the select is changed, it looks like it reverts to the root path instead of the cfc specific in the bind argument. Does anyone have any idea on the direction we should go to fix this? The exact same code works on CF8... but is completely broken on CF11.
    Thanks for your help.

    BKBK Sorry for the confusion... we set an array for the arguments, below is the full block of code.
    <cfform id="evaluation" name="evaluation">
    <div style="height:30px; margin-top:10px;">
    <div style=" margin-right:10px; float:left;">
    <cfselect name="employee" query="EmployeeList" value="affiliateID" display="empName" queryPosition="below">
    <option value="0" selected="selected">--- Select an employee ---</option>
        <cfset args = structNew()>
    <cfset = "ExistingEvals">
    <cfset args.format = "html">
    <cfset args.bindOnLoad = "true">
    <cfset args.bind = "cfc:empEval.getCompletedEvals({cfgridpage},{cfgridpagesize},{cfgridsortcolumn},{cfgridso rtdirection},{employee})">
    <cfset args.stripeRows = true>
    <cfset args.selectColor = "##D9E8FB">
    <cfset args.selectmode = "row">
    <cfset args.selectOnLoad = "false">
    <cfset args.autowidth = "no">
    <cfset args.width = "335px">
        <cfset args.pageSize = "6">
    <cfset args.height = "200px">
    <div style=" margin-top:5px;">
    <cfgrid name="employeeEvals" attributeCollection="#args#">
    <cfgridcolumn name="empAffiliateID" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="FY" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="evaluationID" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="typeID" header="Eval Type" display="yes" width="75">
    <cfgridcolumn name="FY" header="Fiscal Year" display="yes" width="90">
    <cfgridcolumn name="Status" header="Status" display="yes" width="125">
    <!---<cfgridcolumn name="Date" header="Date" display="yes">--->

  • Anyone using cfselect bind for 3 related fields?

    I have a form that a user needs to select the office from
    which will then populate the activity fields in the next drop down
    box and then he will pick the activity which would select the
    various dates that activity is run on. He would then pick from the
    date in the third box and submit. Unfortunatly, I'm only able to
    get 2 of the cfselect tags to bind correctly. Or if I could display
    two items in one box that would be a good workaround but that fails
    also. I've looked all over the livedocs and forums and haven't
    found using 3 or more. The error I get when I run the code with 3
    on the page is "Error invoking CFC /cmpts.cfc: Error executing
    database query." and also "Error invoking CFC/cmpts.cfc: The org_ID
    argument passed to the getCategoryArg function is not of type
    numeric." -It is numeric but I tried changing it anyway to "array",
    and "any" but then the error message reads "not of type array". If
    I comment out the last one it runs fine or if I comment out the
    first one (I'm removing the arguments passed in the cmpts.cfc code
    as well) and this runs fine. Below is my code. (Oh and even though
    the return value is data for all three in the cfc- using the same
    name works for 2 and I copied this straight from the livedocs so I
    didn't think that was the issue)
    Any suggestions? Thanks, Wendy
    <cfform name="test" method="POST"
    <cfselect name="officeId"
    bindonload="true" />
    <!---based on the office select the activity --->
    <cfselect name="Activity"
    <!--- based on activity select the date --->
    <cfselect name="date"
    value="date" />
    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
    <!--- cmpts.cfc below
    <cffunction name="getOffices" access="remote"
    returntype="query" hint="Get's the Officename and id">
    <cfset var data="">
    <cfquery datasource="dsn1" name="data">
    select org_id,shortname
    from all_offices
    Where org_id <> ''
    order by shortname
    <cfreturn data>
    <cffunction name="getCategoryArg" access="remote"
    returntype="query" hint="Get's the category titles">
    <cfargument name="org_id" type="numeric"
    <cfset var data="">
    <cfquery datasource="dsn" name="data">
    Select,a.title,b.org_id,convert(varchar,,101) AS
    from km_activities a,km_work b
    Where b.org_id= '#trim(ARGUMENTS.org_id)#'
    and =b.act_id
    Order by
    <cfreturn data>
    <cffunction name="getdate" access="remote"
    returntype="query" hint="Get date of activities to update">
    <cfargument name="id" type="any" required="Yes">
    <cfset var data="">
    <cfquery datasource="dsn" name="data">
    Select convert(varchar,date,101) AS date,office_id,act_id
    from km_work
    Where act_id = '#trim('
    Order by date
    <cfreturn data>

    This file is created when a folder or project is downloaded from the Dimensions Server using JDeveloper. If you create a dimensions connection and then using the versioning navigator (View -> Team -> Version Navigator) open the connection and navigate to the folder you want to work on. Select the folder and use the context menu "Download" to download the folder.

  • Macbook Air binding to AD and OD - HOW?

    We recently migrated to an Active Directory structure.
    I have bound 50 Macs of various flavors without a hitch to Active Directory.  All clients are running 10.5.8 or later.
    I have an Open Directory Server on the network bound to AD.  I am not binding clients to the OD server, yet simply adding the OD server to clients' Directory Utility for Mac client preference management such as login items, printers, and denying client access to various items.  This all works flawlessly.
    When I try and add a MacBook Air, I am unable to get the Air added to my groups on the OD Server via WGM as I did for 50 other machines.
    My process.
    1. Open WGM > Authenticate with Directory Admin
    2. Goto Accounts > Computer Groups and access the "Mac Users" group I created for client management.
    3. I click on the Members tab and then click the "..." button.  All the AD bound computers on the network are listed with their Ethernet ID.
    4. I click on the computer I want to add and it populates into my "Mac Users" group.
    5. Manage "Mac Users" using the Preferences tab.
    I have bound the Macbook Air for AD.  It does not show up under the "..." button for me to add it to be managed.
    The only information I could find was in this Apple mailing list exchange.
    It's for binding a client to OD, which I don't need yet it alludes to my issue with my AD binding.  I ran the ifconfig command on the Air, and this is what returned:
    lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet netmask 0xff000000
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
    gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
    stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280
        ether 00:9a:00:00:40:e0
        inet6 fe80::129a:ddff:feac:40e0%en1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        media: autoselect
        status: active
        ether 58:00:00:00:67:e4
        inet6 fe80::5a55:caff:fe23:67e4%en2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        media: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
    How do I take this information and use it to get the MacBook Air managed via OD?
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.
    This image may help explain some things (I edited out part of the MAC addresses for fun) :

    Hi Daniel
    If /Active Directory/All Domains is listed above /LDAPv3/ODServerIPaddress or FQDN in Directory Access on the client machines then it wont really matter whether the authentication and/or contacts is enabled or not as the AD node will be searched first, after the local Net Info node of course. However you should disable the KerberosClient on the server as it can cause problems sometimes.
    Enable the Inspector feature in WGM Preferences, select Config and as long as you type something different in the attribute field for KerberosClient then clients won’t even bother looking.
    I’m assuming you’ve used Mike Bombich’s article for leveraging OD and AD.

  • Soap binding in wsdl and weblogic workshop

    Dear newsgroup,
    I'm trying to develop a webservice with workshop 8.1. In my case, I already have
    a "WSDL" file for the service I want to develop.
    So I created a "Schema Project", imported the wsdl file in it (workshop automatically
    compiled it !!) and generated a webservice from it. I then created a webservice
    project and moved the generated "jws" file in the webservice project.
    So far with no problem.
    Now I opened the "jws" file and saw there is this error:
    "ERROR: The binding for <Op name> does not declare one part"
    "SUGGESTION: A document literal binding must have at most one part. Make sure
    you have a WSDL that declares just one part for each message with a document literal
    Indeed my wsdl has messages with more than one part. It looks like this:
    <wsdl:message name="SubmitSMSIn">
    <wsdl:part name="GNSHeaderHeader" element="fwk:GNSHeader">
    <wsdl:part name="GNSCredentialsHeader" element="fwk:GNSCredentials">
    <wsdl:part name="SubmitSMSRequestBody" element="sms:SubmitSMSRequest">
    And corresponding binding looks like this:
    <wsdl:binding name="smsBinding" type="smsPortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""
    <wsdl:operation name="SubmitSMS">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="">
    <wsdl:input name="SubmitSMSInput">
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="SubmitSMSRequestBody">
    <soap:header use="literal" message="SubmitSMSIn" part="GNSHeaderHeader"
    <soap:header use="literal" message="SubmitSMSIn" part="GNSCredentialsHeader"
    <wsdl:output name="SubmitSMSOutput">
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="SubmitSMSResponseBody">
    MY QUESTION: Is this a workshop webservice limitation? I thought after reading
    wsdl specification,(URL:, example 3), that
    this should be possible.
    What am I doing wrong.
    Thanks for any help.
    -- Asit Bhattacharya

    Hi Asit,
    Personally, I find dealing with the WSDL/SOAP language a humbling
    experience and welcome the day that their syntax is completely buried
    with the use of tools; to that end, I would recommend that you use the
    WS-I test tools to validate/confirm all of the Rxxx issues.
    Asit Bhattacharya wrote:
    Hi Bruce,
    Yes, you are right. "R2210" indeed does say that. Interestingly, it starts like
    "If a document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION does not specify the parts attribute
    on a soapbind:body element, the corresponding abstract wsdl:message MUST define
    zero or one wsdl:parts."
    Please NOTE the "if" part of the recommendation. As I understand, it is saying
    when "parts" attribute is not specified in "soapbind:body" element then corresponding
    "wsdl:message" is required to define zero or one "wsdl:parts".
    In my original wsdl file example, I do have "parts" attribute specified for the
    "soapbind:body" element. To me that that should be valid. What do you say.
    Asit Bhattacharya.
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Asit,
    R2210 says: ...wsdl:message MUST define zero or one wsdl:parts.
    I might suggest that you try your WSDL with the WS-I test tools. They
    have a mode to consume and analyze WSDL that will give you a detailed
    response correlated with the basic profile.
    Asit Bhattacharya wrote:
    Hi Bruce,
    Thanks for your reply,
    WS-I Basic Profile "R2201" says the following:
    "A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST, in each of its soapbind:body
    element(s), have at most one part listed in the parts attribute, ifthe parts
    attribute is specified."
    It does not restrict a meesage (that is used in doc/lit soap binding)to have
    multiple parts. If you look in my example wsdl (specially the soap:bindingportion),
    you'll see I'm only using one part for soap:body binding.
    Could you please explain why do you think that the SUGGESTION is valid?
    Thanks for your help.
    Asit Bhattacharya.
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    The suggestion is valid. You might want to reference the extensive
    on this issue by the WS-I folks [1], see R2201 and following.
    Asit Bhattacharya wrote:
    Dear newsgroup,
    I'm trying to develop a webservice with workshop 8.1. In my case,
    already have
    a "WSDL" file for the service I want to develop.
    So I created a "Schema Project", imported the wsdl file in it (workshopautomatically
    compiled it !!) and generated a webservice from it. I then createda webservice
    project and moved the generated "jws" file in the webservice project.
    So far with no problem.
    Now I opened the "jws" file and saw there is this error:
    "ERROR: The binding for <Op name> does not declare one part"
    "SUGGESTION: A document literal binding must have at most one part.Make sure
    you have a WSDL that declares just one part for each message with
    document literal
    Indeed my wsdl has messages with more than one part. It looks likethis:
    <wsdl:message name="SubmitSMSIn">
    <wsdl:part name="GNSHeaderHeader" element="fwk:GNSHeader">
    <wsdl:part name="GNSCredentialsHeader" element="fwk:GNSCredentials">
    <wsdl:part name="SubmitSMSRequestBody" element="sms:SubmitSMSRequest">
    And corresponding binding looks like this:
    <wsdl:binding name="smsBinding" type="smsPortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""
    <wsdl:operation name="SubmitSMS">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="">
    <wsdl:input name="SubmitSMSInput">
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="SubmitSMSRequestBody">
    <soap:header use="literal" message="SubmitSMSIn"part="GNSHeaderHeader"
    <soap:header use="literal" message="SubmitSMSIn"part="GNSCredentialsHeader"
    <wsdl:output name="SubmitSMSOutput">
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="SubmitSMSResponseBody">
    MY QUESTION: Is this a workshop webservice limitation? I thought
    wsdl specification,(URL:,
    3), that
    this should be possible.
    What am I doing wrong.
    Thanks for any help.
    -- Asit Bhattacharya

  • Run time binding of textfields and the like

    I am working on a dynamic form,which will instantiate questions based on some instructions specified in XML when the form loads up, much like John Brinkman's example
    At design time, it is not know which node in the data dom the field should be bound to, so I would like to be able to simulate a match="dataRef" ref="$.myNode" statement at run-time.
    However, my recollection is that the binding reference can't be changed at run time. Does anyone know if it can be done, and how to do it?

    Hi Jason,
    Good to hear from you. In our case : "Validate Product data from SAP Enterprise Buyer " has been selected , but Cross -catalog Search is not selected. Though in our case we are dealing with Description Based Item (text item not product item)
    We are communicating to catalog company  about the validity method to support run time validation of price and items from catalog during creation of SC from template.
    So correct my understanding if catalog support validity
    1. Existing item new price in catalog:it will bring new price from catalog while creation of SC from template
    2. Item has blcked for new purchase in catalog: it will shows error in SC like "incomplete items in catalog   or   item doesnt valid"
    3.My default region is X but template for SC region is Y: While creation of SC from template with region Y it will show error that your default region is X  or    create SC w.r.t region Y with validation of Y region based catalogs item and price.

  • Toplink xml binding session.xml and servlet

    I made a project with toplink-jaxb mapping
    with simple pojo object it works fine.
    I made another project with servlet
    and the same session.xml and java classes
    but when my process start it throw an exception :
    jaxbexception : Provider oracle.toplink.ox.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory could not be instantiated:
    It is like the process could not read the session.xml files, but this file and two xml file for the mapping are in the classpath (in WEB-INF/classes).
    Have i to put these files in another place ?

    thank you for your response but
    here is the code :
    javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext jaxbContext = javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
    but i still got the same exception :
    05/03/01 08:24:33 exceptionProvider oracle.toplink.ox.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session, java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader, boolean, boolean)
    I have also a stange message in the log window in jdev :
    Cutting log (size: 101767, max: 100000)Component returned failure code: 0x80470002 (NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) [nsIFileOutputStream.write]Component returned failure code: 0x80470002 (NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) [nsIFileOutputStream.write]Component returned failure code: 0x80470002 (NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) [nsIFileOutputStream.write]Cutting log (size: 101866, max: 100000)Error cleaning up log: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) []
    Thank you for your help.

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