Change colors of frames

When using Artwork Frames, how can you change the color of the frame?

Click on the Layer Styles icon on the layer thumbnail in the layers palette.
That will bring up a box, which lets you edit several things, the color
being one of them.

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  • Animated gif changes color palette while playing

    Hi everyone,
    I've been creating animted gifs using Matlab and the ImageMagick suite (convert). If I open the gifs in Preview, the color comes out fine in each frame; however i I use Quicktime (which is necessary, that's what we use for presentations) the color palette will change as the frames play.
    I just got the newest version of Quicktime, hoping that it would solve the problem, but it didn't. Any ideas?

    I'm not familiar to the software but I can guess what is happening.
    Too many colors. A GIF is 8 bit (256 colors) but some of them are not used by all software. Windows and Mac's are different.
    Does the software offer a way to reduce the number of colors used? Can you get it down to 8 bit? Can you discard unused colors with some other software?
    Have you considered building an image sequence movie? These allow many different images formats and support up to 32 bit formats (millions of colors).
    QuickTime Pro ($30) can import a series of images as a movie. The file size is much smaller than any video format used today (just the total of the images file size).

  • How to change color of selected label from list of labels?

    My Problem is that I have a list of labels. RowHeaderRenderer is a row header renderer for Jtable which is rendering list items and (labels).getListTableHeader() is a method to get the list. When we click on the label this code is executed:
    getListTableHeader().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    if (e.getClickCount() >= 1)
    int index = getListTableHeader().locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
    if (((ae_AlertEventInfo)theAlerts.values().toArray()[index]).ackRequiredFlag)
    AcknowledgeEvent ackEvent = new AcknowledgeEvent(
    this, (ae_AlertEventInfo)theAlerts.values().toArray()[index]);
    ((HeaderListModel)listModel).setElementAt(ACK, index);
    catch(Exception ex) {;}
    Upon mouse click color of the label should be changed. For some period of time ie. Upto completion of fireAcknowledgeEvent(ackEvent);
    This statement is calling this method:
    public void handleAcknowledgeEvent(final AcknowledgeEvent event)
    boolean ackOk = false;
    int seqId = ((ae_AlertEventInfo)event.getAlertInfo()).sequenceId;
    if (((ae_AlertEventInfo)event.getAlertInfo()).ackRequiredFlag)
    // perform call to inform server about acknowledgement.
    ackOk = serviceAdapter.acknowledge(seqId,
    theLogicalPosition, theUserName);
    catch(AdapterException aex)
    Log.error(getClass(), "handleAcknowledgeEvent()",
    "Error while calling serviceAdapter.acknowledge()", aex);
    // Acknowledge not required...
    ackOk = true;
    final AlertEventQueue myQueue = theQueue;
    if (ackOk)
    Object popupObj = null;
    synchronized (mutex)
    if( hasBeenDismissed ) { return; }
    // mark alert event as acknowledged (simply reset ack req flag)
    ae_AlertEventInfo info;
    Iterator i = theAlerts.values().iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
    info = (ae_AlertEventInfo);
    if (info.sequenceId == seqId)
    // even if ack wasn't required, doesn't hurt to set it
    // to false again. But it is important to prevent the
    // audible from playing again.
    info.ackRequiredFlag = false;
    info.alreadyPlayed = true;
    // internally uses the vector index so
    // process the queue acknowledge update within
    // the synchronize block.
    final ae_AlertEventInfo myAlertEventInfo = event.getAlertInfo();
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()
    // here we should stop playing sound
    // if it is playing for this alert.
    int seqId1;
    if (theTonePlayer != null)
    seqId1 = theTonePlayer.getSequenceId();
    if (seqId1 == seqId)
    if (! theTonePlayer.isStopped())
    theTonePlayer = null;
    // get reference to popup to be dismissed...
    // The dismiss must take place outside of
    // the mutex... otherwise threads potentially
    // hang (user hits "ok" and is waiting for the
    // mutex which is currently held by processing
    // for a "move to summary" transition message.
    // if the "dismiss" call in the transition
    // message were done within the mutex, it might
    // hang on the dispose method because the popup
    // is waiting for the mutex...
    // So call popup.dismiss() outside the mutex
    // in all cases.
    if(event.getSource() instanceof AlertEventPopup)
    popupObj = (AlertEventPopup)event.getSource();
    popupObj = thePopups.get(event.getAlertInfo());
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()
    // search vector elements to determine icon color in main frame
    String color = getColor();
    fireUpdateEvent(new UpdateEvent(this, blinking, color));
    // Call dismiss outside of the mutex.
    if (popupObj !=null)
    if(popupObj instanceof AlertEventPopup)
    ((AlertEventPopup)popupObj).setVisible(false); // xyzzy
    // update feedback... ack failed
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()
    myQueue.setInformationMessage("Acknowledge failed to reach server... try again");
    Code for RowHeaderRenderer is:
    class RowHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer
    JTable theTable = null;
    ImageIcon image = null;
    RowHeaderRenderer(JTable table)
    image = new ImageIcon(AlertEventQueue.class.getResource("images" + "/" + "alert.gif"));
    theTable = table;
    JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value,
    int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
    int level = 0;
    level = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
    catch(Exception e)
    level = 0;
    if (((ae_AlertEventInfo)theAlerts.values().toArray()[index]).ackRequiredFlag)
    return this;
    I tried but when i am clicking a particular label, the color of all labels in the List is being changed. So can you please assist me in changing color of only the label that is selected and the color must disappear after completion of Upto completion of fireAcknowledgeEvent(ackEvent);

    im a bit confused with the post so hopefully this will help you, if not then let me know.
    I think the problem is that in your renderer your saying
    setBackground(header.getBackground());which is setting the backgound of the renderer rather than the selected item, please see an example below, I created a very simple program where it adds JLabels to a list and the renderer changes the colour of the selected item, please note the isSelected boolean.
    Object "value" is the currentObject its rendering, obviously you may need to test if its a JLabel before casting it but for this example I kept it simple.
    populating the list
    public void populateList(){
            DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel();
            for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
                JLabel newLabel = new JLabel(String.valueOf(i));
            this.jListExample.setCellRenderer(new RowHeaderRenderer());
        }the renderer
    class RowHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer
        JTable theTable = null;
        public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value,
                                                      int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus){
            JLabel aLabel = (JLabel)value;
            if (isSelected){
            return aLabel;       

  • Changing colors ONLY

    OK, I have the menu done, and now I want to play with the colors of the individual menu Items.
    Right now they are Greenish. I have a Paragraph style (and Object styles, calling the Para styles) with Green specified as the color.
    What I want to do, is simply go out to all the text frames and change in one click all the green colors to (for example) Blue.
    But the formatting changes when I do this so I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    edited comment added. I think I see what is getting me. In the Changing Colors Paragraph Style, it sets the Font and Point. How do I get a style to just change the color and color only (leaving any formatting untouched)?

    If you already have a style applied to this text, the simple thing to do is edit that style to change the color.
    You could make a new style based on the other, changing only the color, but it would take longer to apply. Editing an existing style is an instantaneous way to make changes through the whole document in a single operation -- that's one of the big reasons why you use them.

  • How to create moving, fading and changing color movie

    I want to make a simple movie where a graphic shaped as a !
    (exp. mark) randomly appears on canvas, fading in and out and
    changing colors. I have studied the tutorial but I need a little
    help. Can you help me?

    re-sizing frames, stacking video tracks and motion keyframes. The way I would imagine >accomplishing this, would be a very tedious process, and I was wondering if there might be some >more efficient way.
    This is how you would do it.
    There's no "canned" way to control the various elements.
    My suggestion is to put on the coffee pot, get started, then reap the benefits of your work.
    BTW: I liked the vid as I've been to most of those places in NZ.

  • How to change color effect

    hey to everybody..
    i am trying to change color effect of a image in different condition such as when mouse move on image or click on image. the thing is that how to get color effects such as dim ....
    bright of images...
    help plz..............

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ImageDimmer
        private BufferedImage getRGBImage(BufferedImage in)
            BufferedImage out = new BufferedImage(in.getWidth(), in.getHeight(),
            Graphics2D g2 = out.createGraphics();
            g2.drawImage(in, 0, 0, null);
            return out;
        private JPanel getContent(BufferedImage image)
            BufferedImage[] buffImages = new BufferedImage[2];
            buffImages[0] = getRGBImage(image);
            BufferedImageOp rescaleOp = new RescaleOp(0.65f, 0, null);
            buffImages[1] = rescaleOp.filter(buffImages[0], null);
            DimmerPanel left = new DimmerPanel(buffImages);
            Image[] images = new Image[2];
            images[0] = image;
            boolean brighter = true;
            int percent = 5;
            GrayFilter filter = new GrayFilter(brighter, percent);
            ImageProducer prod = new FilteredImageSource(image.getSource(), filter);
            images[1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);
            DimmerPanel right = new DimmerPanel(images);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.insets = new Insets(5,5,5,5);
            gbc.weightx = 1.0;
            panel.add(left, gbc);
            panel.add(right, gbc);
            return panel;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            String path = "images/redfox.jpg";
            File file = new File(path);
            BufferedImage bi =;
            ImageDimmer imageDimmer = new ImageDimmer();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
    class DimmerPanel extends JPanel
        Image image;
        Image disabledImage;
        Rectangle frame;
        boolean isDisabled;
        public DimmerPanel(Image[] images)
            image = images[0];
            disabledImage = images[1];
            frame = new Rectangle(image.getWidth(this), image.getHeight(this));
            isDisabled = false;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            frame.x = (w - frame.width)/2;
            frame.y = (h - frame.height)/2;
                g.drawImage(disabledImage, frame.x, frame.y, this);
                g.drawImage(image, frame.x, frame.y, this);
        public Dimension getPreferredSize()
            return frame.getSize();
        private MouseListener scanner = new MouseAdapter()
            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
                isDisabled = true;
            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
                isDisabled = false;

  • Visited links change color.

    Visited links change color (to something pretty similar to
    the page background :(
    Even though in the page properties all the states of links
    (Color, Rollover, Visited, and Active) are set to the same color -
    It is an upper part of a frame-set, but when I open it in a
    browser or in DW by it self (without a frame-set), it still does
    the same changing to that uncolled color. I really don't know what
    to do with it.
    Please help.

    The decision to use frames should be based on a) your site's
    needs, and b)
    your willingness to accept the potential problems that frames
    can create for
    you as developer and maintainer of the site and for your
    visitors as casual
    users of the site.
    I am down on frames because I believe that they create many
    more problems
    than they solve.
    Judging from the posts here, and the kinds of problems that
    are described,
    the kind of person most likely to elect to use frames is also
    the kind of
    person most likely ill-prepared fo solve the ensuing problems
    when they
    arise. If you feel a) that you understand the problems and b)
    that you are
    prepared to handle them when they occur, and c) that you have
    a need to use
    frames, then by all means use them.
    As far as I know, the most comprehensive discussions of
    frames and their
    potential problems can be found on these two links -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Anna2257" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fmdm37$6mj$[email protected]..
    > Visited links change color (to something pretty similar
    to the page
    > background
    > :(
    > Even though in the page properties all the states of
    links (Color,
    > Rollover,
    > Visited, and Active) are set to the same color - yellow.
    > It is an upper part of a frame-set, but when I open it
    in a browser or in
    > DW
    > by it self (without a frame-set), it still does the same
    changing to that
    > uncolled color. I really don't know what to do with it.
    > Please help.
    > Anna

  • How can I automate the threshold for a moving object whose light intensity changes for each frame.

    I'm using the PCI-1408 and I have this video where an object's shape and color intensity changes for each frame. I want to do a pixel count of that object verses the background (the background also changes color) for each frame. I'm guessing that I need an automatic threshold, but I really have no idea of how to implement this. Any ideas, anyone?

    Hopefully there is a clear distinction between the background and the object.
    You can use IMAQ AutoBThreshold to determine the threshold level for an image. You can select from a variety of methods for determining a binary threshold level. Route the "Threshold Data" output along with your image to IMAQ MultiThreshold, which will quickly apply the threshold to your image. Display the results using WindDraw and the Binary palette (from IMAQ GetPalette).
    This should run close to real-time. Binary thresholding is a fairly fast operation. You will probably end up processing every other image, which is close enough for most projects.
    Bruce Ammons
    Ammons Engineering

  • Newbie Help! changing color

    Hey guys, new to After Effects and basically I imported an Ai file into illustrator and animated's just the letter (H). I want the H to turn from green to blue, I opened the change color effects just fine and selected it and made the key frames on the correct layer but it just isn't changing, even as a working preview the colors just don't change but all the other animation and effects work. Is it because it doesn't have a fill? or do I have to make it a shape?

    I'd make a second separate letter in Illustrator in the color you want -- on a  different LAYER... why is it that illustrator people so often ignore layers, anyway?... import the new illustrator document as a comp into AE, then match up the positions and animate the opacity of the layer with the second colored letter.

  • Turning Buttons Off & Changing Color

    I have 9 buttons at the top mf my scene that play 9 movie clips, but when you arrive at the clip and click the button again it replays the clip, which I don't want it to do.
    For example, in many sites you will notice that when you arrive at a page, the button that took you there becomes unclickable while you are at that page and usually changes color.  Is there anyone who can please give me the code (AS3) to temporarily disable the button and have it remain on the "down" frame until the user navigates away?  Thank you.

    What you should be able to do is set the mouseEnabled property to false for the button.  If it is a SimpleButton object, and you are using AS3, you can set the upState to equal the downState....  btnName.upState = btnName.downState;
    You might also consider dimming the button instead of juggling the states by setting its alpha property to something < 1.

  • Why do I get a program error when changing colors?

    I get a 'Could not complete your request because of a program error' when I try to change colors on both the forground/background palette or from the color picker palette.  Is there a patch for this?
    I am using Photoshop CS6 version 13.0.1.x64

    Hi. Because this forum is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop, I'm moving your question to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.

  • Images Change Colors between monitors while the UI stays the same

    Hey! Im having an issue where photoshop changes the colors when I move the window between my monitors, seen here: This isnt due to the monitors themselves being different, it actually changes after a few seconds of moving it inbetween the monitors. The left one has been callibrated with a spyder 3 elite which I no longer have access to. I applied the file with windows color management instead of the spyder utility. The second one is new, and it is not callibrated by anything, but instead was done by hand with the built in brightness/contrast/custom RGB settings. Both of them are very close to eachother, enough so for my tastes. but when photoshop changes what the image looks like, it's causing problems. Interestingly enough, when I disable callibration for the monitor on the left, the image does not change colors between monitors, but instead always appears as it does on the right. but then they don't match up and the whole screen looked washed out because it's uncallibrated, so that doesnt do me any good. Another interesting thing to point out, is when this image is saved as a .JPG, and viewed with firefox the image appears exactly like the monitor on the LEFT (which is my main monitor) despite the left monitor being the one that is force changed. does anyone have any suggestions? It also appears that windows photoviewer is behaving the same way, though firefox does not. Meaning when I open an image in all 3 on the left monitor, they look the same, but when opened on the right monitor, windows photo viewer and photoshop both display the image as brighter and redder than firefox does. This is frustrating, because it seems photoshop is changing the image with my callibration on my left monitor to match what it looks like on the web, which it does. but it doesn't do this for the right monitor, or when the left is uncallibrated. Another issue I can see with this is even if the UI is the same shade of gray, the images are different between the monitors because of this change. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    - BD

    Alright! So I reread through all this, poked at some things on the internet, and I'm going to attempt to summarize what would be a good solution for all this (And it seems, it still won't be perfect, but to get myself into the best environment I can for not messing with images for an hour trying to make them look nice before I post them to the web. I painted something yesterday on the cintiq, popped it over to my laptop screen and it just looked washed out and terrible.)
    1. Get a X-rite EODIS3 i1 Display Pro, Callibrate laptop and cintiq. I do have the money to drop on something like this, especially if it's a time saver.
         Things I'm not sure about:
              a. There was a ton of complaints about the software not working when I checked reviews, but also a ton that said everything was great. most of them were mac users though.
              b. I'm not sure if problems would still be posed, even while calibrated, by me having a wide gamut monitor.
              c. I'm a terrible excuse for a human being and I think the colors showing up brighter on the wide gamut screen is pretty (I should just make my images this bright on a normal screen and there won't be any issues. >.>)
    2. Set Firefox to color manage (easy enough)
    3. Change my photoshop working space to sRGB (since they'll have been calibrated at this point)
    3. Accept the fact that most of the people who look at my work will be doing so on a monitor that is almost certainly uncalibrated, and I can't control what they will see on my screen, but I CAN control if the colors are -actually- what I want them to be on any properly calibrated device. which is probably the best way to go anyways.
    4. Make paintings, have fun.
    Now, you two have been going on about all sorts of interesting things in here, and it seems that calibration issue run much much deeper than I ever thought. Do either of you have recommendations for how I should tweak this list of things to do or other things I can/ should do? I'm not currently a working professional, but if I have anything to say about it, I will be within a few years (I'm going to school for illustration and studying concept design on my own time) so it'd be useful for me to get into good habits now.
    - Brendavid

  • Unable to change Still/Freeze Frame Duration in User Pref Edit tab

    Process-selected new project, change Still/Freeze Frame Duration in user preferences on the edit tab.
    Need to change to 10 minutes. Typed in the field 00:10:00:00. When I hit ok, I get a beep and it defaults back to what was in there, 01:00:00:00. So tried a larger number 02:00:00:00. Same result. A beep.
    So went ahead with project and opened a sequence and tried to change it from the viewer. Same issue.
    Trashed prefs and started from scratch. Same issue.

    Trashed prefs rebooted originally.
    Process as follows for trashing prefs. First time through I had opened a project. This time did not.
    Open Home Folder
    Open Library
    Open Preferences
    Open Final Cut Pro User Data
    Delete Final Cut Pro 5.0 Prefs
    Delete Final Cut Obj Cache
    Delete Final Cut Prof Cache
    Run disk utility to repair permissions.
    Did not open a project this time.
    Same issue but now I am able to put a slug in the time line and by selecting clip properties, can set the duration (was not able to do this before so some progress). Still can't set duration though as earlier described from edit tab on the user preferences page for still/freeze duration.

  • Can anyone tell me why a picture would change color when I try to download/upload it?  It is the exact same picture- chosen the same way and when it goes to any other program it changes the color (I've tried canvas on demand and mpixpro.  I've also tried

    Can anyone tell me why this picture changes color when I try to download/upload it?  It is the exact same picture I have taken from the same location.  The image on the left is via preview and the image on the right is what is shows like when I try to download it.  I have emailed it to myself and it shows fine on the computer and in CS4, but when I look at the download via my phone or on another computer it shows the wonky color on the right.  I have checked the color space shows RGB/8 bit.  Any ideas why or how to fix it?  It isn't with any one specific session.... and I've tried it on both my desktop and my laptop- saved image to an external hard drive and to drop box.  I've tried sending the image to canvas on demand, my email, mpxipro, POST editing- all the same result.  Please HELP!!  What am I doing wrong?

    Most of the time you see something like that. The image in question has a color profile other then sRGB. Some image viewers/displayers are color managed and others are not.  So the image do not look the same in all of the applications you use. So colors seem to change.
    Try converting it to sRGB color and see if then looks the same all around. Also I think PC and Mac displays are set to different gamma something like 1.8 and 2.2
    Though I'm colorblind I even see color variations.

  • Changing color without modifying existing items.. problem!

    I'm reletively new to flash, and am trying to modify a template and am running into a problem and I don't seem to know why Flash is acting so strange.
    I am going into a movie clip to edit the color of an item, and when I do so with a tint, it overrides any additional effects such as light, and text. The color appears almost as if it were just slapped on top of everything.
    When I edit the color in advanced mode, it is really a hit-or-miss to get the correct color, and will only modify when changing the offset RGB.
    And also when doing this, the text gradually changes color, for example: there are 4 items in total that I want to edit the color of. Each item is a different colored box with text on the front (for a main Navigation of the website). --- The first item, the text will stay white. Gradually through the second and third items it starts to change, and by the fourth / last item, the text is completely blue.
    Is it possible for a portion of text to be connected somehow to an object within the animation in a movieclip? If so, is it possible to go inside and edit this? -the shape, animation, and text?
    Is there an easier way to change the color of an item inside a movie clip? I can supply additional information if needed.. files etc.
    Am I doing something wrong / completely missing something?
    Thank you very much in advance for any help and/or advice!
    New Flasher,

    go one level deeper than the movieclip so you're editing the shape.

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