Change column order updateable sql query report APEX 4

Hi all,
I have a master detail page. Detail is SQL Query (updateable report)
I want to change the column order but seems not possiible anymore in A4.
In A3... on the right side of the report attributes it was possible to move columns up or down.
path is Home>>Application Builder>>Application nnn >>Page xx >>Report Attributes
It seems that A4 the move up or down functionality is hidden or the region is to small with no horizontal scrollbar.
Is there a work_aorund?
This is also the case when the pages are displayed in icon view when showing all pages using.
Home >> Application Builder >>Application
Most right icons are hidden after the about and task regions.
The work-around here is to display the pages in report or detail view
Maybe a fix needed for APEX4?
have nice weekend!
Hugo Perfors
Enthousiastic APEX developer

It could be your browser settings. Try zooiming out in the browser View - Zoom - Zoom Out.

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    declare topqry varchar2(32000);
    whereqry varchar2(32000);
    finalqry varchar2(32000);
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    elsif :P10_FALLBACK = 'Active' then
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    elsif :P10_FALLBACK = 'FB' then
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    elsif :P10_DIVISION = 'News' then
    division_status:= ' and vp.vms_division in (''News'') ';
    elsif :P10_DIVISION = 'Ad' then
    division_status:= ' and vp.vms_division in (''Ad Services'') ';
    end if;
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    where user_id = lower(:P0_user) ) ';
    office_status:= ' and OFFICE_ID in :P10_OFFICE ';
    end if;
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    from VMS_PROSPECT_users u
    join vms_office_access o
    on u.office_id = OFFICE
    where o.user_id = lower(:P0_USER) ) ';
    user_status:= ' and SALESPERSON in (:P10_LIMIT_USER ) ';
    end if;
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    var_status:= ' and vp.status in (''25%'',''50%'',''90%'',''FBA'') ';
    overdue_status:= ' and FIRST_APPOINTMENT between
    nvl(to_date(:P10_FIRST_APPT_START, ''mm/dd/yyyy''),FIRST_APPOINTMENT) and
    nvl(to_date(:P10_FIRST_APPT_END,''mm/dd/yyyy''),FIRST_APPOINTMENT) ';
    end if;
    pi.NOTES , pi.SALES_TYPE ,pi.STATUS ,Contact ,Origin_Source FROM VMS_PROSPECTING_ITEMS pi right outer join VMS_PROSPECTS vp on vp.PROSPECT_ID = pi.PROSPECT_ID left outer join VMS_SERVICES vs on vs.service_ID = pi.service_ID where 1 = 1 ';
    whereqry := ' and (not exists (select *
    where vp.prospect_id = i3.prospect_id)
    or exists (select *
    where i2.order_id = pi.order_id
    and active = ''Y'' )) and instr(upper(ACCOUNT),upper(nvl(:P10_ACCOUNT,ACCOUNT))) > 0 ';
    whereqry := whereqry || var_status || division_status || office_status || user_status || overdue_status;
    finalqry := topqry || whereqry;
    return finalqry ;

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    FROM  emp                                                     
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    Hi Guy
    It depends on where you have changed the column order. If you change the column order using the 'Select Columns' function when you click on the 'Wheel of Magic', then it should work.
    If you are changing the column order from the Interactive Reports Attributes page then this will only affect the column order for non displayed items and the single row view.
    I hope that helps

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    use as default
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    p_collection_name => 'Course_Data',
    p_query => 'SELECT DISTINCT COURSE_ID, HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(14,COURSE_ID) as "checker", TITLE, SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMB, SECTION, ENROLLED, null as "temp_term", null as "temp_title", null as "temp_crse_id", null as "temp_subj", null as "temp_crse_numb", null as "temp_sect", FROM DB_TBL_A, DB_TBL_B, DB_TBL_C, DB_TBL_D, DB_TBL_E, DB_TBL_F WHERE ...');
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    FROM htmldb_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'COURSE_DATA'
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    i read one article which is useful for report basis rendering extension changes. but i want to give user basis rendering options.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use a data driven subscription for that
    Maintain a table with rendering extension information for various users ie their AD user login. Then setup a data driven subscription based on table values
    You will be creating a dataset with query for retrieving userid as well as rendering extensions and then just set the value as Get value from database for  render Format and To properties 
    For more details refer
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • SQL Query - The number of columns specified in "SQL Query" does not match t

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    SQL Query Format : Two columns
    SELECT d.tablespace_name,round(((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0))*100/a.maxbytes),2)
    used_pct FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d,(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes, sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f
    WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)
    AND NOT (d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY');
    Any clues why i am getting error.

    SQL> SELECT d.tablespace_name,round(((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0))*100/a.maxbytes),2) used_pct
    2 FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d,(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes, sum(greatest(maxbytes,bytes)) maxbytes from sys.dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f
    3 WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)
    4 AND NOT (d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY');
    SYSAUX 1.52
    UNDOTBS1 .32
    RMAN .02
    CORRUPT_TS 10.63
    USERS 0
    SYSTEM 2.26
    MGMT_AD4J_TS 0

  • SQL Query Report Very slow

    Hi I have a sql query report that is taking very long to render.The query on sql developer comes back in less than a second.Any ideas on what could be wrong?

    When posting code on the forum, put {noformat}{noformat} (with the curly brackets and the word code in lowercase) above and below your code like this...
    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    It will then appear like this, preserving formatting...SELECT *
    FROM emp
    Next, how many rows are returned in total, it may be that you have SQL Developer set up to fetch only the first x number of rows?
    Why have you put a CHOOSE hint in there?
    Is it a classic report or an interactive report?
    It looks like you're going over a database link, you really need to provide an explain plan (formatted as I have detailed above), a DRIVING_SITE hint may help you but it's impossible to know without seeing the plan...

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    I h've same type of requirement in most of my reports in the application and I h've solved this in the sql of the report itself. Let's see a example report from the table scott.emp with a sql like
    Select EMPNO,
    From scott.emp
    Where EMPNO = nvl(:v_empno,EMPNO)
    and DEPTNO = nvl(:v_deptno,DEPTNO)
    where :v_empno and :v_deptno are bind variables to this report and if there is no arguements passed to these arguements all the records will be retrieved from the table ..likeley if value for any one of these arguements is passed then this sql will return only those records which meet that condition.
    Hope this helps

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    I have a requirement to show the picked value as the column header using SQL query.
    WHERE EMPNO=7934;
    Result Should be:

    I have a requirement to show the picked value as the column header using SQL query.In sql*plus you can do
    SQL> set verify on
    SQL> def e =  7934
    old: SELECT empno "&&e"  FROM emp  WHERE empno = &&e
    new: SELECT empno "7934"  FROM emp  WHERE empno = 7934
    SQL> SELECT empno "7934"  FROM emp  WHERE empno = 7934
    1 row selected.

  • Fail to create SQL query report because of ORA-00923

    Hi expert,
    I would like to SQL query report using the following query:
    select min(identified_date) first_identified,
    max(actual_COMPLETE) last_closed,
    count(id) total_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Open',1,0)) open_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Pending',1,0)) pending_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Resolved',1,0)) closed_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Will Not Resolve',1,0)) not_resolve_issues,
    0)) open_no_prior,
    0)) open_prior_1,
    0)) open_prior_2
    0)) open_prior_3,
    0)) open_prior_4,
    0)) open_prior_5
    from SOFTPROJ_issues
    where project_id = :P83_PROJECT
    However, I got the following error during the steps of creation:
    1 error has occurred
    Query cannot be parsed, please check the syntax of your query. (ORA-00923: FROM¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿)
    I wonder why if it is getting the error because I could create the report with the following query without problems:
    select min(identified_date) first_identified,
    max(actual_COMPLETE) last_closed,
    count(id) total_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Open',1,0)) open_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Pending',1,0)) pending_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Resolved',1,0)) closed_issues,
    sum(decode(status,'Will Not Resolve',1,0)) not_resolve_issues,
    0)) open_no_prior,
    0)) open_prior_1,
    0)) open_prior_3,
    0)) open_prior_5
    from SOFTPROJ_issues
    where project_id = :P83_PROJECT
    1 error has occurred
    Query cannot be parsed, please check the syntax of your query. (ORA-00923: FROM¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿)
    The difference is to add the followings only:
    0)) open_prior_2
    0)) open_prior_4,
    Does anyone have any idea to resolve the issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    By putting a comma after open_prior_2:
    0)) open_prior_2,Sima

  • Change "SQL Query" report to "SQL Query (updateable report)" report?

    I manually made a report, because the tabular report made by the wizard gave me no possibility to use a popup LOV. Now I have this report, but I cant apply an MRU process on it, becuase it's not an "SQL Query (updateable report)". How can I change my report to a "SQL Query (updateable report)"? I only can choose between SQL Query and SQL QUERY (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query).

    Hi Tom
    You can just write the processes yourself. Although trickier this can give you a lot more control over row processing.
    APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01, F02 etc are global variables in the apex_application package that are defined as arrays.
    These are regularly used in tabular forms to reference values within them. The normal ordering would be column 1 = G_F01, column 2 = G_F02 etc etc. Although you can change these and even assign more than one column to an array.
    The example
    END LOOP;Is saying - for the number of values in the array G_F01 (probably column 1) loop insert into the table the value of the associated value in the array. So first time through i=1 - so the first value in the array (probably row 1 in column 1), next time i=2 so the second value in the array is used (probably row 2 in column 1) and so on...
    When you've created a manual tabular form (what I would call what you've done) you have created the items using the APEX_ITEM package in your query. The first parameter for this is p_idx which defines which global array to hold it in.

  • Changing font color in a report using SQL query for APEX 5.0

    I am testing APEX 5.0 in my testing environment to see if I can migrate my internal apps from 4.2 to 5.0.
    How can I change the font color in a field based in the SQL query? I know how to do it in 4.2 but I can't find the same in 5.0.

    Well, I used to put the html tags in the select as text getting the color value depending a CASE , then I had to change the Display attribute for the column in the report as "Display as text (espace special characters...)".
    I found an old post here: and  this method still worked for me in APEX 5.0
    Thanks anyways

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