Change index extend size "online"

Can I change index extent size online using the following command?
Thanks in advance for your help.

If the index resides in LMT, then, you get the following error:
ORA-25150: ALTERING of extent parameters not permitted.

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    Hi Vinod,
    With New Versions of Oracle like 9i onwards DB reorg can be online and has featute of LMTS ( Locally managed Tablespaces) which eliminates the earlier limitaion of MAXEXTENTS and NEXT_EXTENT parameters.
    However if you are operating on earlier oracle version then you need to decide on the value of NEXT_EXTENT depending on the MAXEXTENTS value. If MAXEXTENTS limit is reaching rapidly then you can set NEXT_EXTENT to higher value but with disadvantage of incompletely filled blocks and hence wasteage of space.
    Freespace released doesnot hv any direct relation with next extent size. Freelists parameter will decide whether particular block is available or not.
    Hope this is helpful

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    <Electro Sam>
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    - John 3:16

    Raven - you are right, Actually I'm looking for options to change the font size of the array index.
    Actually we have coding standard to follow. In that, all the front panel controls needs to be in Font size 14 and the size should be 25X120, so I'm trying to write a code which automatically converts the VI FP control sizes to be in standard size.
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    Except this array index most of the VI FP control elements I have handled, Only this array is troubling me.
    Appreciate your support guys, please share your thoughts.
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    - John 3:16

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    In all Cases the assigned access level is Full Control ( just to try)
    User: Test
    Authentication Type: Enterprise
    Group: Mobile
    Category: Mobile
    User Security of the Goup Mobile with Full Control :
    Folder:  Root and  Prueba EDU
    Dashboard:   Ventas2015_prueba27Abr  (Inherited)
    Applications:  SAP BusinessObjects Mobile Extra: WebIntelligence, Dashboards, IDT, Universe Designer
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    Folder for  Webi & Dashboard:  “Prueba EDU”
      root categories: (CMC-->Categories-->Manage-->Top-Level security-->All Categories-->Add Principals and Add user 'Mobile'-->Assign Security-->Advanced tab-->Add/Remove Rights-->View objects-->Apply)
    Category Mobile:
    SAP BusinessObjects Mobile
    Universe design tool
    Web Intelligence
    Note 1783173
    Dashboard and Webi
    Login as Test:

    HI Erika,
    This is an unexpected error. This error belongs to ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception of Java framework - where the list of size is 0 or null and you try to access object on that list.
    Since this is a coding defect (which may or may not be resolved by changing configuration). Next steps - I would strongly recommend that you contact Product Support through the official channel .

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    you can't change the paper size used in client side printer.

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    Yep, the "Font Size" option under Setup / Display is certainly not what it should be.
    Perhaps Menu or Fixed Font size would be more accurate.
    This problem extends to much of the device; the Browser, e-mails and the lock screen.  Lock screen certainly looks like it was thrown together.

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    Can anybody confirm how to change redo log size in oracle 10g?

    Dear Amit,
    You can enlarge the size of existing Online Redo log files, by adding new groups with different size of files (origlog$/mirrlog$) and then carefully droping the old groups with  their associated inactive files.
    Please refer SAP Note 309526 - Enlarging redo log files to perform the activity.
    Steps to perform:
    STEP-1. Analyze the exisiting situation and prepare an action plan.
    A. You have to ensure that no more than one log switch per minute occurs during peak times.
    It may also be necessary to increase the size of the online redo logs until they are large enough.
    Too many log switches lead to too many checkpoints, which in turn lead to a high writing load in the I/O subsystem.
    Use ST04 -> Additional Functions --> Display GV$-Views
    There you can select
    Gv$LOG_HISTORY --->for determing your existing LOG switching frequency.
    GV$LOG -
    > list the status(INACTIVE/CURRENT/ACTIVE) /size/sequence no. of existing online redolog files
    GV$LOGFILE  --- > list the information of existing online  redolog files with their storage paths
    You can document the existing situation of Online Redo Log Fiile management before going to enlarge Redo Log Files.
    It will be helpful, if something goes wrong while performing activities.
    B. Based on above Situation analysis, Plan your New Redo Log Group and there Members with new optimal size.
    Group No.         Redo Log File Locations  u201C/oracle/<SID>/u201D                  Size
                                 /origlogA                  /mirrlogA            
    15                        log_g15m1.dbf         log_g15m2.dbf               100 MB
    17                        log_g17m1.dbf            log_g17m2.dbf               100 MB
                                /origlogB                    /mirrlogB
    16                       log_g16m1.dbf          log_g16m2.dbf            100 MB
    18                       log_g18m1.dbf            log_g18m2.dbf            100 MB
    Continue to next.....

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    Through protal I am changing Other Bank details (IT0009 subtype 0001) for US employee.
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    Please help me out in this.

    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when the runtime environment tries to access the index of an array which doesn't exist. (Index 2 = third entry, you only seem to have 2 entries though).
    Are you certain, the Pernr's Infotype is maintained correctly?
    Could you post the entire error log from NWA so we can see the JAVA Stack? Maybe the error is nested.
    Check Notes 1356222 and 1359671 as well. They might solve your error right away.
    best regards, Lukas
    Edited by: Lukas Weigelt on Jul 14, 2011 9:36 AM

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    thanks, Mahesh.
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    Can the height of the top area be changed in order to show all title name?

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    when i try to extend the margin, it wont budge.
    any tricks for this problem?

    In the object navigator expand 'Papar Layout' node and double click on the
    'Main section' node. There you vill be able to change paper size.

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    error. I checked the query that i have used to create template and it is working fine. But not sure why it is not happening while creating the data template. Can anybody help me out please.

    how about pasting the content of your data template here, so that forum members can see what could be the problem.

  • How does one change the font size for folders and/or file lists in the Bookmarks Library?

    How does one change the font size for folders and/or file lists in the '''Bookmarks''' Library?
    Since the upgrade to version 9.0.1 of Firefox, the Bookmarks feature changes are confusing me. They seem to be confusing themselves as well. The list of bookmarks has changed. The font size is so small that my aging eyes cannot read it without fogging the screen with my breath. Some folders are out of alphabetical order (where I know they were previously good), and some are missing altogether (folders to which I frequently add references).
    As for missing or deranged files or folders, was there something that I should have done or now need to do to recover those after the upgrade (or before)?
    With regard to font size,
    1. there is no “Edit Bookmarks” or like option to edit the list in this version
    2. the “zoom” option in the “view” list of functions is greyed out when in “Show All Bookmarks” window
    3. expanding the browser window has no effect on font size
    4. “Preferences” settings for font size has no effect in that window either, including advanced settings
    5. “Help” offers none that I can find.
    Can any of you Help?!?

    Maybe this extension helps:
    *Theme Font & Size Changer:


    I was just wondering does anyone know how to change
    the size of my book on my webpage....I have tried changing
    component size on flash and also in my dreamweaver
    My website is
    (it takes a while to load sorry, still learning how to make a
    If you look on the site, the book is too small to read the
    writing, I
    would like it to be 3 times that size so it fills the screen.
    Please help me!

    Hi Alix86
    By the looks of it, thats the Page Flip 2.0 component (I
    havent been following this, might be a later version) But im sure
    the designers would have given this a means of resizing it.
    You mentioned that you tried to resize the component inside
    Flash, to no avail. This leads me to believe that the size is
    controlled with actionscript, either inside the component as
    parameters, or somewhere in your timeline, (usually the first
    I suggest checking the component parameters first.
    Select the component, go down to your Properties tab at the

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    Has anyone come across this before?  Is there a way to stop it.  It's really annoying and a time waster to have to manually change the font, size and colour.  And you have to be on your guard.  It's not every time I manually add a text caption, just sometimes.  It's intermittent.

    Hi there
    The name will vary from version to version.
    The location also varies. For me, it is:
    D:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Captivate
    As you can see, D is my drive letter. Yours will likely be C. My name is Rick and is how I log in. Yours will be different. Also, the "Application Data" folder is likely to be hidden from your view unless you adjust Windows to show it to you. And all of this is likely in a different location if you are using Vista or Windows 7. I'm using XP Pro.
    Note that you cannot edit this file. Captivate does that internally. About all you are able to do is to close Captvate and delete or rename it. Captivate will then cook up a fresh one when it starts up and cannot locate it.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    Hi, I also have the same issue. I change the status to Invisible and a later on it is already as "Online", without having even touched/opened Skype. The only way that I see this may happen is that I have the app installed on the smartphone, but before it never had this issue, but from some month ago it started. Any correction or suggestion to work around this issue? Regards

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