Change iphoto book page

Would like to change an introduction page to a photo page - found how to modify the intro page to a different format, but do not want an intro in the book...

the options you have are listed in the right hand pane when you select a page for editing and click design

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    If the photos is less than 180 DPI you will get a warning message - you can choose to continue or abort and use a different photo or place in a smaller frame
    Since 13 * 180 = 2340 and 10 * 180 = 1800 your image must be a minimum of 1800 x 2340 pixels to avoid a warning message (and for good quality printing)
    However why not use the full resolution that you have - reducing it guys you nothing and may reduce final quality

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    What version of iPhoto and book theme are you using?

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    How many pages have you? You must have a minimum of 20.

  • IPhoto Book, Page Formats

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to do a custom format in creating an IPhoto book that allows more text and pictures added where you want them and smaller than the formatted pages provided?

    You can "adjust" a photo frame or text box size on a page with the following key combinations:
    Command + Option +⬆arrow:  increase frame height.
    Command + Option +⬇arrow:  decrease frame height.
    Command + Option + ➜ arrow:  increase frame width.
    Command + Option + ⬅ arrow:  decrease frame width.
    To adjust its position on the page use these key combinations:
    Command + Control + ➜ arrow:  move frame to right.
    Command + Control + ⬅  arrow:  move frame to left.
    Command + Control + ⬆ arrow:  rotate frame counter clockwise.
    Command + Control + ⬇ arrow:  rotate frame clockwise.
    You can conver the standard frame (on the left) to this one (on the right)
    However, this tutorial describes you you can create a custom page for am iPhoto book: iP11 - Creating a Custom Page, with the Theme's Background for an iPhoto Book. If you have Pages from the iWork suite of applications use it. It's very easy to do what's described in the tutorial with it.
    If you don't have the Save PDF to iPhoto menu option mentioned in step 2 then
    Note:  If you don't have any of those options go to Toad's Cellar and download these two files:
    Save PDF to iPhoto 200
    Save PDF to iPhoto 200
    Unzip the files and place in the HD/Library/PDF Services folder and reboot.
    4 - select either of the files above (300 dip is used for photos to be included in a book that will be ordered).
    5 - in the window that comes up enter an album name or select an existing album and hit the Continue button.
    That will create a 200 or 300 dpi jpeg file of the item being printed and import it into iPhoto. 

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    Minimum 20
    Maximum 100

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    Yes.  Command (right) - click on the book in the left hand pane and select Duplicate. 
    Open the duplicate copy and  go the Change Themes button and click on it.  In the next window you can change size within the same theme.
    The reason for the backup is in case the text might be lost or garbled up due to size changes in the text boxes. You can copy what is in the original library and paste it into the different sized library after adjusting text size if necessary.
    Happy Holidays

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    No and no. Perhaps if you try other book makers...

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    Welcome to the forum.
    It's a bit of round robin, but you can make it a slide show. Go to File >> Print Book. In the print dialog click the PDF button in the lower left corner and choose "Save PDF to Aperture". This will bring up the import PDF Import dialog. Choose either Tiff or JPEG, and either chose a project or create a new one to save it in. Voila! You now have images of the pages to make a slideshow with. You still may want to crop the borders off the pages.
    Message was edited by: DLScreative
    Message was edited by: DLScreative

  • Iphoto book page layout changes with the addition of a photo problem.

    I'm making a photo book of a recent road trip. There are times when I select a page,,, perhaps a page with 6 photos. The layout appears as the grey squares with a large vertical one on the left, 4 small ones in the upper right and a larger square in the bottom left (in the 'picture book theme).,,,,,, a really nice 6 photo page. I get 4 photos in on the page and when I add the 5th photo the page flips and puts the large photo on the right side while at the same time changes the photo with one of the smaller ones.
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    It's driving me a bit nutz. Is there something i'm missing?
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    As a first step I save the “wrong page” as a PDF from the print dialogue. That gives me a template for positioning guide lines in Photoshop that match the sizes and margins in the book layout.
    Then I open that PDF in PS. You will be prompted for a resolution and colour mode, use 300 pixels per inch and RGB mode. (If you've ended up with a multi-page PDF in the first step, PS allows you to select a specific page to open.)
    When PS has rasterised the page, press Apple + R and position your guide lines by pulling them out from the page rulers – you might want to increase the magnification to 200%. Align the guide lines with the edges of your images.
    Now you can delete the dummy layout image and fill the canvas with white. (At this point you might want to save the image as a template for future use.)
    One by one you can now precisely place your images and crop them along the guide lines – Snap to Guides needs to be enabled for that. Once you’re satisfied, flatten the image and make sure it’s in the sRGB colour space. If not, go to Image > Adjust > Convert to Profile... to change it.
    I save mine as JPEGs at maximum quality, but for instance Tiff would work fine, too.

  • IPhoto book page layout

    I used a 3 photo page layout with a caption but only want one photo to print. I placed the photo and left the other spaces blank. Will the page print white where I didn't place the photos, or with gray boxes as shown on the layout? I don't a full page photo as shown with the 1 photo layout, so I'm using this as a workaround.

    You must have photos placed in all positions to order a book - you can to a page in other software (pages, MS word, Pagemaker, etc) and do a print to PDF using the send PDF to iPhoto option to make a full page image exactly like you want for your book - see Old Toad's tutorial #19 for details -
    And always preview your book - - before ordering and save the resulting PDF.
    For examples of all of the pay layouts for each theme see Liz Castro's site -

  • Editing iPhoto book pages

    I'm making a book in iphoto11. Why can't I select an individual page for editing? Double click does nothing. Thanx for your help

    Try this:  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library.  Import some photos, create a book and check to see if the same problem persists. If the problem doesn't persist then you current library is the culprit.
    In that case make a temporary, backup copy (select the library and type Command+D) and  apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #1, followed by #3 and then #4.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.
    If the problem persists in the test library  make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.

  • IPhoto book page formatting

    If I pick a 5 photo page with a black background but only put 2 photos on the page, will the rest of the page print black? I am trying to make a "guestbook" for a party and want black pages with 1 or 2 photos per page to leave room for people to sign.

    To see exactly how your final book will be preview it -
    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.

  • Adding photos to an iphoto book

    Instructions say to select a photo then click the add to button in the toolbar. I cannot locate that button.

    I don't see and "Add" button either... but THIS is what iPhoto Help says to do...
    FROM iPhoto Help: Add an remove photos in a book
    Add and remove photos in a book
    The page layout used for a book page determines the number of photos on the page, if the page has a map, if the page is blank, or if the page spans both pages of the page spread. If you want to change the number of photo frames on a book page, change the book page’s layout. After changing the page layout, you can add photos to the photo frames.
    To add a photo to a photo frame:
    Open the book project.
    Double-click the page you want to add a photo to.
    Click the Photos button in the toolbar.
    To locate the photo, do one of the following:
    Click the Photos button in the toolbar and locate the photo you want in the Photo pane.
    Tip:  If you can’t find the photo you want, add the photo to your book project using the instructions in the task below. (If you’re working in the iPhoto main window, you can also drag the photo into the project in the Source list.) After you add the photo to your project, the photo appears in the “All Photos in Project” and Unplaced Photos categories.
    Locate the photo you want in a photo frame on the page spread.
    If you position the pointer over a thumbnail with a checkmark, the page number (or numbers) that the photo is used on appear at the bottom of the photo.
    To add the photo to the photo frame, do one of the following:
    To add a photo to an empty photo frame on a book page, drag the photo thumbnail from the Photo pane (or from another photo frame) to the empty photo frame.
    To replace a photo on a book page, drag the new photo on top of the existing photo. The new photo replaces the old photo.
    To swap photos between frames, drag the photo from one frame to another frame.

  • In iPhoto '11 I cannot change the book settings. For example, adding page numbers. There is no "option" button as is suggested by the help item.

    In iPhoto '11 I cannot change the book settings. For example, adding page numbers. There is no "option" button as is suggested by the help item. How can I change to book settings?

    The "options" button should appear at the bottom of the iPhoto window, when you view your book, then the Book Settings Button should be available and you can activate page numbers.
    But remember, that the settings available will depend on the Book Theme you selected. The above shows the settings for one of the "Travel" themes. In a Picture Book Theme, e.g. you cannot add page numbers.
    What theme and book size are you using?

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