Change server_access_log format

I'd like to change the format of the server_access_log to show the milliseconds of the date.
I read the documentation and found the %datetime%, but it doesn't show what I want:
We use SJAS Enterprise Edition 8.1_02.
Any Ideas? Thanks,

It is a bug(see 6352797) fixed in Patch 07. You should get your appserver patched with one of the following, depending on platform/installation:
Packaged based:119166-14, 119167-14, 119168-14
File based:
EE: 119169-06, 119170-06, 119171-06
PE: 119173-06, 119174-06, 119175-06, 119176-06

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    jpg does not support Layers.
    Just to make sure, what exactly do you mean by "stacking photos" and what do you want to achieve thereby?

  • Changing date format at reporting level

    Will u plz tell me how can i change the date format at reporting level?
    I want to display date in dd/mm/yyyy, but by default its showing mm/dd/yyyy.
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    Is there any way so that i can change the format of date.
    Plz help me out.

    Hi steve
    There r so many postings on the same topic
    go through these previous threads
    date format
    Date format
    u can find solution
    Ravi Kiran

  • OAF changes Date Format

    I need to store a date into a flexfield. We have enabled the Flexfield and there is NO value set attached to it.
    This attribute is already in the VO as a varchar, so we have just added a new column into the page as data type Date and link it to the flexfield column.
    In this page we have a table layout so the user can enter 10 rows before saving them. And this page it just used to punch data into a table, which means, once the user press apply the page saves and clears. The user can not query on that page.
    When entering the first row, we can open the Date picker and we can choose the date and then it populates the column as “DD-MON-YYYY”.
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    Running the page from JDev it shows the following message before clears the flexfield:
    java.text.ParseException: 2011-01-28
    Note we have not extended the VO and not extended the controller.
    My questions are:
    1) Why the Self-Service is change the date format to YYYY-MM-DD even if the profile ICX: Date Format Mask (31-DEC-1999) and my preference is set to DD-MON-YYYY?
    2) How can I avoid this to happen? Is there any way to keep my date as DD-MON-YYYY?

    That was the update from Oracle support, when we raised it,
    But I did the following to handle that, I feel this is not the right way, since we had that issue as SEV1, I did that as a workaround,
    Check this this might help.
    package oracle.apps.xxper.selfservice.appraisals.webui;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.*;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OASubmitButtonBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageCheckBoxBean;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.appraisals.ApprConstants;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.arch.webui.PerOAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.common.webui.CommonCO;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.compgaps.Constants;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.appraisals.webui.MAFinalRatingsPageCO;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageDateFieldBean;
    import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.appraisals.server.AppraisalVORowImpl;
    public class XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO extends MAFinalRatingsPageCO
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"Start PR XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO ");
    OAMessageDateFieldBean dateBean =(OAMessageDateFieldBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("DeliveryDateTime");
    if(dateBean !=null )
    String dateBeanValue = (String) dateBean.getValue(pageContext) ;
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean Value "+dateBeanValue);
    if(dateBeanValue !=null)
    if(dateBeanValue.indexOf(".0") !=-1)
    dateBeanValue = dateBeanValue.substring(0,dateBeanValue.length()-2);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean Updated Value "+dateBeanValue);
    String dateMaskQry = "SELECT value FROM V$NLS_Parameters WHERE parameter ='NLS_DATE_FORMAT'";
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateMaskQry "+dateMaskQry);
    String dateMask = (String) executeSql(dateMaskQry, pageContext, webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateMask : "+dateMask);
    String dateConvertQry = "select to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date('"+dateBeanValue+"') ,'"+dateMask+" HH24:MI:SS') from dual";
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateConvertQry "+dateConvertQry);
    String convertedDateValue = (String) executeSql(dateConvertQry,pageContext,webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"convertedDateValue "+convertedDateValue);
    if(convertedDateValue == null )
    convertedDateValue = dateBeanValue;
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"After set the value "+convertedDateValue);
    setAttribute3(pageContext, convertedDateValue);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"After set the VO value "+convertedDateValue);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean value is null from the bean Get the value from getAttribute3() method");
    dateBeanValue = getAttribute3(pageContext);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean is null ");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"End PR XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO ");
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"Start PFR XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO ");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"Event Param "+pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM));
    OAMessageDateFieldBean dateBean =(OAMessageDateFieldBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("DeliveryDateTime");
    if(dateBean !=null )
    String dateBeanValue = (String) dateBean.getValue(pageContext) ;
    if(dateBeanValue !=null)
    if(dateBeanValue.indexOf(".0") !=-1)
    dateBeanValue = dateBeanValue.substring(0,dateBeanValue.length()-2);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean Updated Value "+dateBeanValue);
    String dateMaskQry = "SELECT value FROM V$NLS_Parameters WHERE parameter ='NLS_DATE_FORMAT'";
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateMaskQry "+dateMaskQry);
    String dateMask = (String) executeSql(dateMaskQry, pageContext, webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateMask : "+dateMask);
    String dateConvertQry = "select to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date('"+dateBeanValue+"') ,'"+dateMask+" HH24:MI:SS') from dual";
    //String dateConvertQry = "select fnd_date.string_to_canonical('"+dateBeanValue+"','"+dateMask+" HH24:MI:SS') from dual";
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateConvertQry "+dateConvertQry);
    String convertedDateValue = (String) executeSql(dateConvertQry,pageContext,webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"convertedDateValue "+convertedDateValue);
    if(convertedDateValue == null )
    convertedDateValue = dateBeanValue;
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"After set the value "+convertedDateValue);
    setAttribute3(pageContext, convertedDateValue);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"After set the VO value "+convertedDateValue);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"dateBean is null ");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"End PFR XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO ");
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"End PFR XXPERMAFinalRatingsPageCO (After Super Call )");
    public void writeLog(String moduleName, OAPageContext pageContext, String diagText)
    System.out.println(moduleName+" : "+diagText);
    * Method to execute SQL.
    public Object executeSql(String pSqlStmt, OAPageContext pageContext , OAWebBean webBean)
    OADBTransaction tx = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean).getOADBTransaction();// (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
    Object lObject = null;
    // Create the callable statement
    CallableStatement lCstmt = (CallableStatement)tx.createCallableStatement(pSqlStmt, 1);
    ResultSet rs = null;
    rs = lCstmt.executeQuery();
    lObject = rs.getObject(1);
    catch (Exception e)
    //throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
    try {
    if(lCstmt != null)
    catch(Exception e) {
    throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
    return lObject;
    } // executeSql
    public void setAttribute3(OAPageContext pageContext, String dateValue)
    OAApplicationModule rootAM = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule();
    OAApplicationModule apprAM = (OAApplicationModule)rootAM.findApplicationModule("AppraisalsAM");
    OAViewObject appraisalVO = (OAViewObject)apprAM.findViewObject("AppraisalVO");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"appraisalVO "+appraisalVO);
    if(appraisalVO !=null)
    AppraisalVORowImpl appraisalVORow = (AppraisalVORowImpl) appraisalVO.getCurrentRow();
    if(appraisalVORow !=null)
    int attrCount = appraisalVO.getAttributeCount();
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"Attrbuute count "+attrCount);
    String[] attributeNames = appraisalVORow.getAttributeNames();
    public String getAttribute3(OAPageContext pageContext)
    OAApplicationModule rootAM = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule();
    OAApplicationModule apprAM = (OAApplicationModule)rootAM.findApplicationModule("AppraisalsAM");
    String attribute3Value = "N";
    OAViewObject appraisalVO = (OAViewObject)apprAM.findViewObject("AppraisalVO");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"appraisalVO "+appraisalVO);
    if(appraisalVO !=null)
    AppraisalVORowImpl appraisalVORow = (AppraisalVORowImpl) appraisalVO.getCurrentRow();
    if(appraisalVORow !=null)
    int attrCount = appraisalVO.getAttributeCount();
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext,"Attrbuute count "+attrCount);
    String[] attributeNames = appraisalVORow.getAttributeNames();
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext," AppraisalId :- "+ appraisalVORow.getAppraisalId());
    attribute3Value = (String)appraisalVORow.getAttribute3();
    String attribute1Value = (String)appraisalVORow.getAttribute1();//getAttribute2
    String attribute2Value = (String)appraisalVORow.getAttribute2();
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext," attribute3Value :- "+attribute3Value + " attribute1Value "+ attribute1Value +"attribute2Value "+attribute2Value);
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext," appraisalVORow is null ");
    writeLog("XXPER",pageContext," appraisalVO is null ");
    return attribute3Value;

  • How to change the format of a cell in a web report

    Hello experts,
    Is it possible to implement this in a Web Report/BEx query?
    We have a list of products grouped into Company A and Company B. One key figure is for example Net Cost Price.
    We need to highlight the lowest net cost price in every company but with a different colour depending on the company assuming prices are sorted in ascending order.
    We have been recommended to use Web Design Api for Tables but we understand that in order to format a cell content we need to know the axis position of the cell but we don't know how many rows the query will display for every company. Is this kind of requirements only possible with "static" reports where we know exactly the number of rows and columns that are going to be displayed?
    This is an example.
    Company A    Product 1    <b>5€</b>
                 Product 2    10€
    Company B    Product 1    <b>10€</b>
                 Product 2    20€
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Inma,
      If you have already not solved your problem , you can try the following solution with table interface class.
    Table interface class generates HTML table row by row so it first process the charecterstics and then KFs .
    You define a  attribute(type public) in class and set that attribute to X (In CHARECTERSTIC menthod)when ever the company code changes.
    Then make use of that flag in DATA method to change the format of cell (Assuming you sorted by Ascending).
    hope this helps.

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    this will give you the whole idea about the scripts in SAP the t-code is SE71.
    refer this link::
    Edited by: Sarves Sombhatla on Feb 20, 2009 1:38 PM

  • How can i change the Format of my DATE column?

    I need to change the date format for a whole column. At present i can do MM-DD-YYYY. I need to change this this to DD-MMM-YYYY.
    I know about the to_date function, i tried to apply it to change the format of my whole column by doing the following.....
    to_date('DATE','DD-MMM-YYYY'), <<<change DATE column to DD-MMM-YYYY
    ORA-00902: invalid datatype <<<<This was the error message i received.
    I am aware that the to_date function is supposed to be used to change strings into a certain format. I guess this means you cant do it with columns? Is there anyway i can format the whole column or do i have to do each string of data entered one by one?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello Jay,
    I'm not sure you hit the right forum, as this doesn't seem to be a problem with APEX.
    You can't use that function on a table like that, and as you already suggested, the to_date-function expects a string value.
    It seems you also have a misunderstanding of the basic datatypes in the database. DATE is such a datatype and is stored an internal format you don't need to care about. Each time your request the value, the database will give you a string representation according to either your locale or you give a certain formatting mask.
    The same applies to insert or update operations: you hand in either a variable of type DATE or use a function like to_date to create an "object" of type date.
    You may be interested in reading the documentation of the [url]Oracle Database Concepts. The section concerning datatype DATE can be found here:
    An overview of formatting options can be found here:
    So to answer your question: You would format it as part of your insert operation, taking a string and convert it using to_date.

  • How to do (if possible) a bulk change of formats

    Is there a way I can create a bulk change of formats? That is to say, I have six pages multiple frames of text (and graphics) with all kinds of different fonts, points, colors, effects etc.
    I want to (as easily as possible) conduct a mass change where everything will be reformatted to (for example), Times new roman 12 point.
    I would imagine I could create a paragraph style sheet and then go touch all the text boxes one at a time, but I was hoping for one click (ha ha ) and it is done.
    Am I smoking funny stuff, or do I have to do it the old fashioned way. One text box at a time.

    InDesign "remembers" which values to change if you change the Paragraph Style, courtesy of this simple rule: If it is the same number in the text as in the style, it gets changed. Otherwise, it must've been some sort of override, and it's preserved.
    Alt+clicking the paragraph style on your entire document resets
    i everything
    -- intended or not. Since that's what you wanted, no further problems. If you ever get into a spot where you
    i don't
    want to reset everything (because you manually fiddled), you can try this handy trick:
    * find out what the "wrong" size is -- the one you want to kill.
    * change the size in the paragraph style to the "wrong" size. Every paragraph with the style will get this applied. Exit the Paragraph Style options (so it will "take")
    * Re-visit the Paragraph Style options and put in the right size. All and only the size overrides will have disappeared; the rest of your overrides stay in place.
    This works with everything (as far as I'm concerned) you can change in Paragraph Styles, and as a matter of fact, also in Characters styles (and probably in Object styles and Table styles as well).

  • How to change Number Format in Graph?

    Dear all
    I created a bar graph that dispalys the count of employees in each department.
    My problem is that the number of employees is displayed on the format "00.000" on the graph.
    for example :
    Operation department : 12.000
    I want to change the format of the number to be 12 without zeros.
    I know that i can fo this using the Graph.xml.
    I searched the web and i found this link
    I found this element *"ViewFormat"*
    But i did not succeed.
    can any one help me.
    Thanks in advance

    This is Business Planning forum ...
    Try to post your question to Logistic forums ...

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    I've modified the Invoice Template through template management in Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA). I copied the default layout and made the format changes, added our company logo etc. The only thing that I'm unable to do is change the format of the date Content Items like Billing Date and Due Date (TERM_DUE_DATE). Does anybody know how I can do that.
    Thanks for your help

    Thank you for the hint about preferences. I didn't think about that.
    The date formats are suppose to follow the format setup in personal preferences. But it turns out that there is a bug that just the 'Due Date' in BPA Invoice template is not following that. The other dates are displaying according to the format in preferences. So we'll be applying a patch to fix it. Hopefully that will fix it

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    1) Partition your hard drive or add an external drive and install Snow Leopard (with the Optional Rosetta) into it and then you can dual-boot (System Preferences:Startup Disk) into Snow Leopard and run FCE 3.5 there.
    2)  Use one of the following methods to install FCE 3.5 into Mavericks:
    a)  Pacifist:
    b)  Jeremy Johnstone's Terminal method: -0-on-mac-os-x-10-7-lion.html
    Reports on this forum seem to confirm that Final Cut Studio 2 will continue to operate in Mavericks once it is functionally installed, albeit some plug-ins may fail to function.  FCE 3.5 is the same generation as FCS2, and presumably will continue to operate in Mavericks, as well.

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    Natively Windows can read and write to NTFS, FAT32, and exFAT while the Mac can read and write to FAT32, exFAT, and MacOS Extended.
    Option 1: You can purchase driver software for Windows to allow it to read and write Mac's MacOS Extended or you can purchase a driver to allow the Mac to read and write to NTFS.
    Option 2: you can format the hard drive for exFAT and use it with both Windows and the Mac without purchasing any special drivers. (Obviously the 4GB file size limit is why you don't want to use FAT32)

  • Change default format in "save as" file format window

    I month ago I asked the following question...
    "How do I change the file format order that is listed in the "save as" file format window? Instead of having "Photoshop" listed as the default file, I'd like to have JPEG at the top, then TIFF, PSD, etc. I have to constantly scroll down the list to find JPEG."
    Recently while selecting JPEG in the "save as" format window, I accidently selected "Large Document Format" while holding down either "control", "option", "apple key", or "shift", or a combination of keys. Now the default format in the format window is "Large Document Format" (ext.PSB). I've changed the default from "Photoshop" which is still listed at the top, to "Large Document Format". I'd like to change the default to "JPEG" but I cannot replicate the correct key(s) to change the default format in the window.

    Hello TomGroup...
    I did not receive a satisfactory answer to the question. Yes, you can go
    into the Scripts but that is for experts and it is too much work.
    Aloha... Darrell
    From: TomGroupGA <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 12:31:07 -0600
    To: Darrell Wong <[email protected]>
    Subject: Change default format in "save as" file
    format window
    Any updates on this issue?
    I have a similar situation in that no matter what I'm working on, when I
    click "Save As' then the default format option is always .tiff    If I save
    as jpg and then go onto my next file, the default is still tiff again when I
    try to save  No matter what I try, tiff is also my default selection.  It's
    just one of those things that takes a mere 5 seconds to click the dropdown
    and select .jpg, but 5 seconds times a couple hundred files per
    adds up.

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    How do i change the format of a single page in pages 09?
    I want a page to be landscape within a portrait-format doc.

    Question asked and answered many times !
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 19 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My Box account  is :
    My iDisk is :
    Please :
    Search for questions similar to your own
    before submitting them to the community

  • Do I have to change the format of my canon video footage in order to import

    the format of some video footage that I recorded is currently .MOD and some are .MOI (I have no clue what that means, but that's what it says.. and I'm assuming it needs to be converted into another file-type)
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    Thank you!

    The MOD files are MPEG-2 video formats recorded on tapeless media. Use MPEG Streamclip to convert them to Apple Intermediate Codec for editing in iMovie. The MOI files do not contain video; they are basically information files associated with the video files. MPEG Streamclip is free however you will also need to get the Apple MPEG2 Playback Component ($20 from the apple store) if you don't already have it on your MBP.

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