Change server  B1 Share

i  want  to change  server  where  is   now  B1  SHARE.
what  is  the  best  procedure  to  migrate  it  to  new  server.
Thanks a  lot

As the B1_SHR folder cointains all the SAP Business One additional files, such as Microsoft Word and Excel documents, attachments, pictures, scanned documents, etc., you should update the right path in General Settings.
To move the folder location try this:
1. Copy the folder B1_SHR to target server and share it grantting access for all SB1 users.
2. Restore a copy of the Data Base as *** TEST ***, and do the folowing steps on TEST DB.
3. Change the settings under the Tab "Path" in "General Settings", changing all paths to the new folder and subfolder.
4. Save settings and restart the SB1 session.
5. Verify the functionality: Create some PDF's, export to Excel and Word, attach files to activities an messages. The files should be in the new server folder. Check this through some SB1 user accounts.
If all work fine, you could change the folder path in productive DB.
I hope this helps..

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    You need to reinstall the updated WHS connector for Mac.  You should then be able to access your shares on WHS 2011. 
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    before you can add your <server-name>\SQLEXPRESS you must have your SBO-COMMON database available in SQL Server.
    If you have the original SBO-COMMON.mdf and SBO-COMMON_log.LDF files just place them under you SQL Server DATA folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA) and Attach from MS SQL Server Management Studio.
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    - select License Manager service and click Settings
    - click Configure Security (bottom left)
    - enter password and click OK
    - enter your Connection Settings e.g.
    - click OK
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    Name="<server-name>" entries to Name="<server-name>\SQLEXPRESS"
    Save the modified file.
    Now start the SAP client, press Change Company and set you Current Server to <server-name>\SQLEXPRESS

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    Is there any other option to change the server in SAP B1 8.8
    Thanks in advance,
    Kamlesh Vagal

    senthilnathan murugesan wrote:
    > Hi ,
    > You Just Dis Connect Your Test Server from  LAN.
    > And Open Your SAP Business one  8.8 Client.
    > This Time It Will asks for License server Name.
    > Here You can give your Live Server Name!
    > Hope This one  Would Helps You.
    > Regards,
    > M.Senthilnathan
    It worked thank you
    Edited by: Marc Roussel on Aug 4, 2010 2:51 PM

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    Thanks and  Regards
    Priya S
    Edited by: Priya S on Feb 25, 2009 3:36 AM
    Edited by: Priya S on Feb 25, 2009 3:36 AM

    hi Priya
    This is an old thread but nevertheless would like to give some inputs.
    your point .. common file server and Share drive also to be accessed through DMS,
    1) one option for this may be upload all the documents in the existing servers to DMS Content servers to get the full funtionality of DMS.
    <The option 1 is an ideal option as in future u would one day need to migarate the documents if u intend to use SAP DMS as the DMS system in ur org>
    Alternatively if the documents would still need to be retained in the file server but also would need to associate to SAP business objects u could use the Define data carrier external DMS.
    This again depend on what kind of documents are stored in the file server & are they relevant to be associated to SAP objects/ Transactions.
    The point here is u still want to use SAP DMS to view the file , all though there are other option as Archive link, Service for objects etc. Using SAP DMS option will still call for creating DIR in SAP & assigning the file path hyper link using LSMW /upload prog.
    So as for a temp sol till u clean up the file server u can use the hyperlink and later migrate to Content server.

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    Asap Fan

    Dear Asap Fan,
    You may check this thread:
    Re: XL Reporter and SQLEXPRESS: unable to connect to XL Reporter

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    SharePoint Server 2013:
    SharePoint Designer 2013:
    Designer is used to develop SharePoint pages using HTML/CSS/JS as well as SharePoint Designer Workflows
    Windows Server is Windows, but the Server OS. SharePoint runs on top of supported Windows Servers editions (see
    SharePoint Server is 64-bit only (trial:, although Designer does have a 32-bit edition (full product:
    You will need the capability to run 64bit VMs. Minimum recommended all-in-one VM for SharePoint is to allocate 24GB of RAM, but you can get away with as little as 12GB (I wouldn't go below that). Because of this, it generally rules out 32bit OSes as a virtual
    machine host.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    is there any effect on database,.
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    any suggestion will be helpful.

    You can use Transaction STZAC to change the time zones in ABAP ..
    Prince Jose
    PS: Points appreciated

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    can anyone answer the query below ?
    what is the impact of changing server names in an XI environment ( what exchange profile parameters need to be changed if any ) what are the risks, what may or may not stop working - can you alias to the old name etc....

    I think its possible to change the server names. But ya that would impact on the connected systems and you have to modify the RFC destinations of connected R/3 systems as well as have to update the sender and receiver systems with new XI server information
    Have a look at these help:

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    Steps to Reproduce:
    Trying to render to Quicktime files using network shared folders as a destination:
    Unable to open file. (-1610153459)
    The funny thing: it only happens when there are at least two shared folders mapped on the workstation, and the destination folder used for the rendered movie is not the first one.
    If we have only two mapped drives, F: and G: for example, and we try to render something to F:, everything works fine and no error is showed. But, when the destination is the G: drive, rendering never works, the error is showed, but a zero-byte file is created in F: (!!). ODD! If we remap F: drive with a different letter, but a letter BEFORE G:, the problem always happens. If we remap drive F: to any letter AFTER G:, making G: the first available network drive, rendering works. Also, simply unmapping F: and leaving G: as the only connected network folder makes render to work.
    We do not have a D: drive in our Windows 7 workstations, they are all C: only.
    It is a 100% reproducible problem. We tried with three different Active Directory networks and workstations. It has all of the features of a software bug.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Expected Results:
    Error -43: file not found
    Actual Results:
    The workaround seems to be to use the full path to the servers instead of the mapped mount point (ie //server/z/... instead of Z:/...
    All versions of quicktime 7 in combination with windows 7 client and more than one smb share point mapped in a letter.
    All software that uses quicktime movie exports showed this error.

    Not sure what file your are referencing?  Thanks for your suggestion, however, it's not relavant.
    It renders fine if you render to either the UNC path or the first mapped drive.
    i.e. If you have two mapped drives G: and H:
    they both point to \\fileserver\share1\folder
    If you render to H: it will fail, if you render to G: it works!  Same path, same user, same permissions.
    The only difference is H comes after G, so it fails... BUG.  If it was to do with anything else, underscores, permissions etc, it would fail on both.

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    Hi all,
    I know ,after installing Oracle Discussions, it must also be configured to use the same Identity Store as WebCenter Spaces. I suppose Oracle Wiki and Blog ware also need to be configured to share the same Identity Store(such as the embedded LDAP) .But I cant find some documents about it .
    when I requested the Spaces Wiki page, I got a login prompt from Wiki. I want know how to config the Wiki/Blog Server to share the Embedded LDAP server .
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: Sunny.Zhang on 2009-11-24 上午10:46

    I read at documentation there´s no way to use ldap as authentication source for wiki and blog, did you find a way to do that??

  • Documentation for changing Server name

    I'm looking for documentation for changing server name. Ex. from to We only change the server name, not the server itself.
    Does someone know where I can find it?

    On the server side you need to edit two files:
    1. ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
    depending on the protocols you are accepting connections on, you need to change the value for HOST = <new server name goes here>
    2. ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<SID>.ora
    You probably haven't specified this parameter, but if you did specify a value for LOCAL_LISTENER, then change it accordingly.
    On the client and server side you need to edit one file
    1. ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    Find the service names that refer to the databases that live on the server whose name was changed. If TCP is the protocol being used to connect to these databases, then change the HOST = <new server name goes here> accordingly.

  • Change in nominal shares issued

    Hi gurus,
    If there is a change in nominal shares issued e.g share split, how can this be shown in the class master or elsewhere. Currently as I see it, the class master makes an allowance for only current shares in issue - how can I see what the the history is of shares issued?

    Hi Jain, thanks for your prompt answer. What I need to know is my client made a public offering and issued shares. I know the only product that has the transaction type "issue" is 04X and 04Y but this two are bonds not shares. Reading other posts one suggested that the issuing of shares should be manage through product types 04X and 04Y but my concern with this is that the charcateristics of bond are entirely different from those of shares (dividends, splits, etc).
    Thanks in advance for your answer
    Best Regards
    Santiago R.

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