Change something's color

I am trying to figure out if I can change the color of something without having to leaving LR3 and editing in Elements or another app I have. In Scott's killer tips he talks about use the brush and selecting the color you want from the photo you are working on, and then painting with it. However, when I do that and then try to paint something, it paints over the original color which results in a blend of the two colors. An example of what I would like to do is change a red flower into a blue one. Is there a relatively easy way to do that?

Hi Jim.
The trick is to allso set the "Saturation slider" to -100. That will make sure to get rid of the original color and only let the new color you selected get visible. You can allso set the slider something in between and get a controlled blend.
// Jani

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    Can someone help.  Thx

    Here are the requirements for US passport. Scroll down for the passport tool to make the picture utilizing one on your disk.
    If you decide to make it in Elements and print it, you should have a resolution of 240-300 px/in for a good output.  I suggest that you print the 2 photos on good quality paper, probably both on 4x6 stock, and trim with scissors to specification.
    Open your picture and go to Image>resize>picture size, and check the resolution. If it is less than 240 px/in, enter 240 in the field and see if the dimensions remain adequate. If not, you may have to resize.
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    Go to Edit>copy to put the selection on the clipboard
    Open a new, blank file (File>new>blank file) 2.25 x2.25", resolution the same value as your picture, background white
    Go to Edit>paste. The picture will be on its own layer
    Access the move tool to position it, and to resize with the corner handles of the bounding box, if necessary
    Please report back with your progress.

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    I don't think you can use the ctrl key like that as those shortcuts will be intercepted by Reader (ctrl-R toggles the ruler display on / off).  You also might have trouble updating the color while you still have focus on it.  You can use the shift key in a similar way, so if you only have lower case characters in the text fields then you can do something like;
    if (xfa.event.shift)
        switch (xfa.event.change)
            case "R":
                this.fontColor = "255,0,0";
            case "O":
                this.fontColor = "255,102,0";
            case "G":
                this.fontColor = "0,255,0";
        xfa.event.change = ""; // ignore character
    If you need uppercase characters maybe you can have one button to set "review mode" and test that on the if (xfa.event.shift) line.  But again it wont take effect until you have tabbed out of the field.

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    correct behaviour
    $ 8 * 9 = ?
    $ 72
    $ ls
    file in red file in yellow file in grey...
    Wrong behaviour
    $ 8 *9 = ?
    $ ^c
    $ ls
    file in blue file in green file in white...
    What the heck?
    Bash version is 4.2.39(2)-release.
    The script is the following:
    while :
    echo "$fat1 * $fat2 = ?"
    read res
    while [ "$res" != "$prod" ]
    echo "$prod"
    echo "Insert the correct result."
    return 0
    Everything is up to date.
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    complete -cf sudo
    [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix && . /etc/bash_completion
    [ -f ~/.bash/include ] && . ~/.bash/include
    [ -e "$HOME"/.dircolors ] && eval $(dircolors -b "$HOME"/.dircolors)
    [ -f ~/.bash/alias ] && . ~/.bash/alias
    [ -f ~/.bash/color ] && . ~/.bash/color
    [ -f ~/.bash/export ] && . ~/.bash/export
    [ -f ~/.bash/shopt ] && . ~/.bash/shopt
    [ -f ~/.bash/stty ] && . ~/.bash/stty
    [ -f ~/.bash/set ] && . ~/.bash/set
    man() {
    env \
    LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[0;32m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[0;32m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;33m") \
    man "${@}"
    if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
    echo -en "\e]P0000000" # Black.
    echo -en "\e]P9ff0000" # Red.
    echo -en "\e]PA00ff00" # Green.
    echo -en "\e]PBffff00" # Yellow.
    echo -en "\e]PC2b4f98" # Blue.
    echo -en "\e]PDff00ff" # Magenta.
    echo -en "\e]PE00ffff" # Cyan.
    echo -en "\e]PFffffff" # White.
    TERM linux
    TERM linux+utf8
    TERM rxvt-unicode
    TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
    TERM screen
    TERM screen-256color
    TERM xterm
    TERM putty
    NORMAL 01;30
    FILE 01;30
    DIR 31
    LINK 36
    FIFO 03;33
    SOCK 03;33
    DOOR 32
    BLK 32
    CHR 32
    ORPHAN 05;33
    EXEC 33
    .tar 31
    .tgz 31
    .arj 31
    .taz 31
    .lzh 31
    .zip 31
    .7z 31
    .z 31
    .Z 31
    .gz 31
    .bz2 31
    .deb 31
    .rpm 31
    .jar 31
    .rar 31
    .xz 31
    .jpg 35
    .jpeg 35
    .gif 35
    .bmp 35
    .pbm 35
    .pgm 35
    .ppm 35
    .tga 35
    .xbm 35
    .xpm 35
    .tif 35
    .tiff 35
    .png 35
    .fli 35
    .gl 35
    .dl 35
    .xcf 35
    .xwd 35
    .pdf 35
    .ogg 34
    .mp3 34
    .wav 34
    .mov 34
    .mpg 34
    .mpeg 34
    .asf 34
    .avi 34
    .mkv 34
    .wmv 34
    .ogm 34
    .C 37
    .H 37
    .c 37
    .h 37
    .cxx 37
    .hxx 37
    .cpp 37
    .hpp 37
    .py 37
    .sh 37
    .vim 37
    .o 37
    .so 37
    .a 37
    .ko 37
    .rc 36
    *rc 36
    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited by rix (2012-11-26 15:38:28)

    Bandit Bowman wrote:My colours are unaffected after running the function. [...]
    Here colors change when I send SIGINT to a running instance of my script; as said before.
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] What does $LS_COLORS look like before and after? [...]
    When everything is working right:
    $ echo $LS_COLORS
    $ no=01;30:fi=01;30:di=31:ln=36:pi=03;33:so=03;33:do=32:bd=32:cd=32:or=05;33:ex=33:
    When texts change color (the strange behaviour):
    $ echo $LS_COLORS
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] Is this the whole script or just a snippet [...]
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] because I don't see anything that should modify it. [...]
    That's why I'm asking.
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] here's a slightly more straightforward version [...]
    Thanks, I've learnt something.
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] although it won't help with the colours.
    Thanks for the reply anyway.
    Bandit Bowman wrote:[...] English: [...]
    Also, many thanks again.
    Edit: solved. "$LS_COLORS" must be set if you want colors.
    Last edited by rix (2012-11-26 15:38:06)

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    UIManager.put("", UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionBackground"));
    UIManager.put("ToggleButton.background", UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));but I'd rather do something like this:
    JToggleButton jtb = new JToggleButton("Toggle Button Text");
    jtb.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));The only thing is, I can't find any method that is the equivilant of 'setSelectedColor(Color)' for JToggleButton.
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    Any help would be appreciated,

    try this
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      public Testing()
        JPanel jp = new JPanel();
        JToggleButton jtb = new JToggleButton("Toggle me");
        jtb.setUI(new MyUI());
      public static void main(String args[]){new Testing().setVisible(true);}
    class MyUI extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToggleButtonUI
      public Color getSelectColor(){return Color.BLACK;}

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    Thanks in advance.

    In Windows I think you can change the overall look of the desktop - Standard Windows comes with a bluish scheme, but you can change that, say to something like greenish. On NT you do it using right click on desktop > Properties > Apperance > Scheme etc etc.
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    the table is linked using a CSS rule..
    the CSS rules comes from something called Skins..
    see mxkollection2.css.
    KT_XXX are the class ID's for table names.
    if u change this rule it will effect all the tables which use that rule in ur whole website.
    u can try switching skins from ADDT control panel.
    KT_tngtable is the tables css rule name defined in skins /Skinname/tng.css
    hope this helps u ..

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    You could create your own renderer or you could try something like:
    table = new JTable(model)
         public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column)
              DefaultTableCellRenderer tcr =
               (DefaultTableCellRenderer)super.getCellRenderer(row, column);
              if (row == 1 && column == 1)
              return tcr;

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    The color in both of these areas is a fogged version of the background wallpaper image behind the area. If you want something different choose a different wallpaper.

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    As mentioned in my Nugget on Type definitions you can create strict type-defs that contain type-defs.
    If you make your data definition a type and put that definition in a strict type-def (one of each flavor) you can use the appropraite strict type where each is required.
    Yes the data structure will have another level of nesting so if you are "too far gone" you may not like this idea.
    Otherwise you can write a VI that opens the typed-def and do a "save as..." and use it everytime you edit the type-def.
    I hope something helps!
    Message Edited by Ben on 10-06-2008 10:26 AM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction
    Strict_of_Typedefs.PNG ‏30 KB

  • Change the Apple color

    So lets say I changed my apple logo's color and didnt break anything during the proccess. Will this still void my warranty? I already had a problem with my macbook before i did it which is the battery not showing up or charging while the system is booted. I kinda want my macbook fixed so i can use it on battery power but since i changed the logo color will that screw me over? i didnt even open the bottom case just the top bezel.

    The top case is not a user-installable part. So, yes, if you take apart the screen, any damage you do will NOT be covered by your original warranty or an AppleCare Protection Plan. If you have a hard drive failure later (for example), it will be up to the technician who repairs your hard drive to determine if opening the top case affected your hard drive. If they determine that your unauthorized hardware change did have something to do with the hard drive failure, then you'll be responsible for paying for a repair.

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    Code probably run, but IE do not just understand CSS what code set ?
    I did find something related
    Edited by: jarola on Oct 27, 2010 11:24 PM
    And this

  • How do I change the background color in my email page?

    Just trying to change the background color of my email.

    Maybe you can find something here:
    Stationary Download
    Once you find something, select  "New Message" in Mail, select the Stationary button in the upper right hand corner of the new message, and drag what you want to use to favorites.

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    It defaults to highlighting the text it finds in light gray which is very hard to see. I would like to change the highlight color to something much easier to see on the page - like red for instance.

    What version of Pages & what version of OS X are you using?
    A problem with an early Software Update for Snow Leopard caused a lot of problems. The problem is not whether or not your system is the current version but how it got there. You must use the combo updater, not the one from Software Update unless it specifically states it is the combo. Software Update will only offer the combo if your system is two or more versions behind.
    If you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 (or '08 if that's what you're using) folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.

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