Change time machine backup rate

is there a way to make it backup say once a day instead of once an hour?

Don't over-think it. Basically, it takes hourly snapshots of the file system & backs up anything changed from the last snapshot, less any items you have excluded in the Options list of the TM system preference, which it doesn't back up at all.
So, if you download something, put something in the trash, & empty it between snapshots, TM won't back it up.
You can also go into the TM "space" & delete all instances of a file. (See Leopard Time Machine: Delete Files or Folders from Backup - for a 'how to' guide for doing this.) Follow that with a secure 'erase empty space' step with Disk Utility on the TM volume & all traces of it on that volume will be removed.
Regarding the fluctuating drive space used on the TM volume, don't worry about it. If you really want to see what's happening, open Console, select the system log, & filter it for "backupd." Unless you see errors, assume TM is doing what it supposed to & "thinning" expired backups.

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    you can clone your old TM drive to the new one using Superduper or the restore tab in Disk utility. then when you set the new drive to be the TM drive in TM system preferences, TM will continue the existing backup sequence.

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    Vailfox wrote:
    Ok, I have tried TimeTracker with these results:
    in iPhoto Library
    -> Database folder = 171MB
    If you're really making no changes at all, not even browsing, I wouldn't expect much to be backed-up.
    I don't have a current version of iPhoto avaiable at the moment, so can't check.  But with a fairly small iPhoto '09 library (just under 1 GB), it backs-up just under 1 MB after just opening and quitting.  It's no doubt making some minor changes to lock and unlock things, perhaps keep track of when things were lasted opened, etc. A lot of it appears to be metadata.
    That likely explains the database changing -- if anything changes in any kind of file, including a database file, the whole thing gets backed-up next time.
    -> Thumbnails/Segments folder 181MB
    The backup data regards only iPhoto.
    Should I regenerate iPhoto Thumbnails?
    Might be worth a try.
    Stil, I wouldn't worry about this too much -- as Time Machine deletes all but the first backup of the day after 24 hours, the most space those backups will take is 400 MB/day.  And, after a month, they're further "thinned" to one per week.
    Not really a lot in relation to a 32 GB iPhoto library.

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    The directory files that you are seeing are not real. They are links to the actual backup files that are stored in a hidden directory on the drive. If you were to look at the same drive on a pc, you would see the folders and you would a list files that are in the folders but the files would all be 0 byte files and Windows will tell you the file is empty because there is nothing there but a link which Windows does not understand.
    So the point is you can't just copy the backupd files. The best solution that I know of (and maybe someone else will chime in) for copying them is to mirror the drive with something like Carbon Copy or some other program.
    See this site for more information about time machine and how it works:

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    Ask the admin/owner to sign in. 

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    You need to do a full system restore, per Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #14.
    If that sends a message, please note the exact wording.

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    The initial Time Machine backup can certainly take a long time over wireless. Days, possibly. It's impossible for anyone here to be able to predict how long it will take, and wireless environmental conditions can change at any time.
    Is there antivirus software running in the background
    Only you can determine that. If you're using third party AV software, anything is possible.
    NAS devices may not be compatible with Time Machine, regardless of what their manufacturers may claim. Even after the Time Machine backup completes, your backup may be unreliable. You may not discover that until you need to rely upon the backup for some reason, and corruption can occur months or years from now.
    Time Machine supports the following backup configurations:
    A locally mounted volume
    Time Capsule
    A volume resident on a USB hard disk connected directly to a Time Capsule or current production AirPort Extreme Base Station.
    That's it. Any configuration other than the above list places you in an experimental category. If your backup fails, you're on your own.

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    Well, if you don't want to use that drive for Time Machine anymore, then you should format it using Disk Utility. Then you can install Yosemite on it.
    You should, of course, have another full backup somewhere. I really can't state this strongly enough: You should have a full and complete and up to date backup of all your data before you upgrade to OS X Yosemite.

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    Thanks so much.
    That's what I thought but it's always best to get a second opinion.

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    This can be done easily with ethernet.
    Please follow the instructions strictly.
    To make it easier I want you to do this overnight so you can turn off all your current connection to the internet.
    Just go to the airport fan in to the top right and turn airport off.
    Get ethernet cable and connect the laptop to the TC lan port.. ie <-> ones.
    Press and hold the reset on the TC for about 10sec. until the front led flashes rapidly.
    Open the airport utility.. go to manual setup and change the wireless to off. (so other people around you cannot join your network of one).
    Ignore all the errors.. they won't stop the backup working.
    Go to the TM and reselect the backup target disk as the TC.
    It should start after 2min and run through to completion.
    That is it.. for a backup of many GB it might take a few hours.. so make sure the laptop has power plugged in and the sleep is off.. (on early ones I think this is needed but I am a late arrival to the scene).. sleep doesn't affect later OS.

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    Many thanks.

    My solution
    I found that after trying a few things in the aforementioned thread that in System Preferences > Sharing > Options if I disabled SMB and only enabled AFP on my Mac Pro, which has my Time Machine disk and is accessed over my local network LAN by my Macbook Pro laptop, only then did the Time Machine disk show up in the Time Machine preferences in my remote laptop TM settings.
    I suspect my laptop had been connecting to my desktop via SMB instead of AFP and thusly TM would not work.

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    I am running 10.8.2 and my Safari bookmarks keep changing to some very old bookmarks i had over a year ago somehow. I replace the bookamrks plist from my time machine backup but they automatically revert back. I dont have a time capsule or anything so these bookmarks are obviously being downloaded over the cloud from somewhere. Please help!

    Uninstall Genieo:
    See if that makes a difference.
    DawnHerbie wrote:
    Also is Safeboot ok to use?
    Yes, it will do no harm, but it is meant for trouble shooting and you should not have to use it all the time.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

  • Time Machine backup doesn't recognize recent changes 100%

    I have an iMac and 2 external hard drives ("A" and "Time Machine" for purposes of this post).
    I just updated my iMac and also A before running a manual Time Machine backup to "Time Machine".
    What gets backed up via the Time Machine software to the physical hard drive "Time Machine" is my entire iMac and A. Nothing is excluded.
    After the manual backup completed I opened my Time Machine hard drive icon and opened the folder "Latest" to review the new backup. I noticed a problem right away with the date/time stamps. When I open Latest I see 2 folders, A and iMac. The A folder is the problem in that I just put new files on A moments before I ran a manual backup however Time Machine is saying A hasn't been modified for the last month. The iMac folder date/time stamp however indicates that I just made changes to my iMac (which I did) pre-back up. And yes, I reviewed A to see that there are indeed new files there with today's date/time stamp info.

    First, do not access your backups via the Finder; use the Time Machine "Star Wars" display.
    If that shows nothing on drive "A" has been backed up for a while, see #D5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting

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    The new drive is an exact copy of the old one. But when I try to do a Time Machine backup, it's been stuck in "Preparing Backup..." for over 12 hours. What could be wrong?

    I forgot about that article. Still, 12 hours is too long, so I would erase/reformat the larger drive and try HT5096 again. Note that "Ignore ownership" is to be done on the new drive and not the old one (italics mine in the following quotation):
    Open a new Finder window. In the Finder sidebar, click the icon of the new backup drive and choose Get Info from the File menu or press Command-I (⌘-I)
    Make sure "Ignore ownership on this volume" at the bottom of the "Sharing & Permissions:" section is not checked.

  • Remote Time Machine backup over VPN, high data usage?

    I have a remote Mac mini Server running 10.10.1 in a hosted environment. I'm attempting to perform a Time Machine backup from a MacBook Pro, also running Yosemite, over VPN.
    While TM does see the AFP share over VPN and is backing up, it's been working at it for almost 36 hours now. I understand than uploading a lot of data takes time, but I noticed that Activity Monitor shows that over 30GB of data has been uploaded while the TM progress bar states that only 6.35GB (of ~20GB) has been transferred. Why such a difference? I know that VPN will introduce some overhead, but this just seems ridiculous.
    Does anyone have any insight into what is happening? Better yet, can anything be done to fix it?
    I actually purchased the mini server for the primary purpose of having remote TM backups, but this type of data rate and transfer is almost making it look impractical.

    Time Machine is a very network intensive process, it has to check to see what files have changed this requires comparing between any existing backups and the Mac itself, it may have to prune existing backups to make more room this requires various commands, it of course has to copy new or altered files, it also has to verify all of this. On top of all this as you said the VPN system itself has an overhead and TCP/IP itself does so as well.
    While >30GB vs 6.35GB does seem an excessive ratio it is not impossible. It should be noted even a local first backup (the biggest) can take a great deal of time, however typically subsequent backups are a lot smaller and hence quicker.
    If you were able to do a local backup and do the same measurements of amounts transferred this would at least show if the amount is normal.

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