Change UserID

Is it possible to change a UserID?
Setting the Business Partner Contacts Synch field to "Business One Internal Code" seems very convenient for installations with numerous existing contacts.  But it would be nice to be able to change the WebTools UserID to a more "friendly" format than a basic number.
I've tried, with the following results:
When Business Partner Contacts Synch field is set to "Business One Internal Code", changes to the Web UserID in B1 does not replicate to WebTools.
When Business Partner Contacts Synch field is set to "WebTools UserID Field", changes to the Web UserID in B1 does replicate to WebTools... but adds a new user instead of changing the existing user information.
In the latter event, WebTools also does not seem to always allow the deletion of duplicate users.  I haven't determined a pattern yet, but I think it may have to do with the fact that the BP Synch Field was changed after an initial synch.  So it locks down the UserID  that was originally synched.

Shane, I'm trying to do the same thing and I was getting the same error message from rename.aspx when renaming a User. However, after adding the column OwnerUserID, I'm faced with a new error message:
An Internal Error has occurred.
Version 2007.0.625.0
Message Invalid column name 'UserID'.
Source .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Stack at SQL, IDataParameter[] parameters, String connectionstring)
at netpoint.api.account.NPUser.Delete(Boolean logTransaction)
at netpoint.api.account.NPUser.Delete()
at netpoint.api.account.NPUser.Rename(String sourceid, String destid, String connstr, String privatekey)
at netpoint.admin.common.accounts.Rename.btnRenameUser_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain
Our technical people have been notified.
We're sorry for the inconvenience.
I've tried adding UserID as a column in the Activity table, but the error message still comes up. Any idea as to why this is occuring?

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    Hello Mrunal,
    1) While executing the workflow,at runtime i need to change the Holder id to test the workflow.
    You can use a Rule Based Function module or a Custom method to pass the agents at Runtime.
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    Hi David.
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    You can connect to Exchange Online via the powershell console.
    To add an emailaddress this should work :
    To change the upn, check
    This one might also be interesting :

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    T code SU01 and give user name which u want 2 create and then click on create option.......
    enter the reqired field.... save
    as u enter the client using ur user id and then system will ask 2 give ur new password...
    if useful assign points...
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    Sorry I don't really have time for a full sample so the basic idea is:
    DI_company1 -> This is your logon with the user who is not authorised. When they trigger the scenario where they need to update the field they are not authorised for (and I can't give you a sample for that, it is completely up to your scenario) do the following
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    Code is a horrible mix between VB and C# syntax because I don't have an editor to hand
    Good luck!

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    WORKITEM_ID     225001
    LANGUAGE         EN
    DO_COMMIT       X
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    Do you mean changing passwords for all user? Could you share what raises such requirement?
    There could be various places where you need to change
    1. RFC destinations in PI
    2. Any URL using PI users for login
    3. Exchange Profile
    4. NWA/Visual Admin e.g. for third party adapters related settings
    5. Any channel with NFS access.
    6. Any system connected to PI usually uses some or other communication user.
    Note: There is a standard note for changing PI service user password.

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    Sue below code in transaction notification procedure,Change userid =1 to user id for user ou want to block payment on account
    IF @Object_type = N'24' and @transaction_type = N'A'
    if exists (SELECT    ORCT.DocEntry from ORCT
                         WHERE (ORCT.PayNoDoc='Y' and ORCT.UserSign=1) and ORCT.DocEntry  = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
            select @error =14
       select @error_message = 'Cannot make on account payments '

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    We have requirement where in we need to design a workflow for creation of New SAP ID.
    The Naming convention followed for SAP ID is FIRST LETTER of FIRST NAME and LAST NAME with maximum 8 characters.
    For Eg
    JOHN SMITH would have SAP ID as JSMITH
    JERRY SMITH would  have SAP ID as  JSMITH01
    The requirement here is when user fill the REQUEST FORM for NEW User ID there is field where in the requestor need to put the desired SAP ID,
    Can a validation be set OR Logic be written so that user can put the SAP ID as per the naming convention..?
    Also , any other solution as to how the situtation can be handled in CUP...

    Hi Ajit,
    Yes, you can maintain the user ID in the Active Directory. User id will be now auto populated in the request form, from Active Directory when  we data Source is LDAP -Actice directory. So when user login to end user form to create a request, It's all information( user details + manager details ) will fetched from Active Directory.
    It is not possible to change userid in later stage of approval in the request.
    You can have security as final stage and guide them to create user manually as per naming convention.
    Make auto provisioning OFF in CUP
    Kind Regards,

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    System 1. /etc/exports -->set nfs share /backup
    Folder /backup all files owned by oracle:oinstall
    oracle(104):oinstall(106) 664
    System 2. user: root(1):root(1)
    #>mount -t nfs .....
    All files are owned by userid 104 and groupid 106
    I can get write access If I change userid and group id on system 2 to 104/106 but I think that could be smart way.
    Does anyone know the right was to get write access without have a same local user(id) and group(id)

    You can try the following in your /etc/exports file:
    /backup   *(rw,insecure,all_squash,anonuid=104,anongid=106)
    Then reload the exports file using the command "service nfs reload"The above will allow rw access to the /backup directory and map all requests to the nobody account and remap the nobody account uid and guid to 104 and 106 of the nfs server system. The insecure option is required by some PCNFS clients. For more detailed information please check the exports man page.

  • 9i default TNS/DB in formsweb.cfg

    I can't seem to make any use of "userid" work on the iAS middletier.
    It's as if I can't override the basic userid setting: I can't do it in a named config and I can't do it if I put it in the URL. No matter what I do I'm forced to enter username, password and database. It's as if the use of userid just gets ignored. I can easily change userid when I run forms directly from 9iDS, it's just on the iAS it doesn't work.
    Basically I need to be able to specify a 9i equivalent of putting "set LOCAL=MY_DB.WORLD" in a .bat file in the 6i fat client mode, ie. specify only the default database to be used so that the users don't have to enter that explicitly at logon. However, I can't find any documentation how this is done - all examples just say "userid=user/pass@<your_db>".
    So I also need some sort of documentation that lists ALL possible commands in the formsweb.cfg, but I've been unable to find the complete reference guide for that.
    Jesper Vad Kristensen
    Aarhus, Denmark
    # formsweb.cfg start #
    # $Id: formsweb.cfg,v 1.23 2002/01/25 06:51:41 oraforms Exp $
    # formsweb.cfg - Forms Servlet default configuration file
    # This file defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (f90servlet)
    # These are the default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
    # Named Configurations section. If they are not overridden, then the
    # values here will be used.
    # System Paremeters cannot be overridden in the URL. User Parameters can.
    # These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
    # Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
    # string. But they can be overriden in a named configuration (see below).
    # Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
    # they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
    # is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms90 if unset.
    # The next parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under
    # Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Put IE=native if you want the
    # Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.
    # These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
    # may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
    # (e.g. "")
    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    # 1) Runform arguments:
    # These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
    otherparams=debug=%debug% buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% host=%host% port=%port% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    # 2) HTML page title, attributes for the BODY tag, and HTML to add before and
    # after the form:
    # 3) Values for the Forms applet parameters:
    # The following archive settings are for
    # archive_jini - settings for JInitiator
    # archive_ie - settings for IE native JVM
    # archive - settings for all other cases (Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    # Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. Only
    # change after having read the documentation.
    # 4) Parameters for JInitiator (used with Windows clients)
    # Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download JInitiator.
    # If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
    # Parameters related to the version of JInitiator.
    # 5) Parameters for the Java Plugin (used with non-Windows clients)
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download the JPI
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameters related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # 6) EM config parameter
    # Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
    # 6) OID Config parameters (for Single Sign-On)
    # You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
    # by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
    # Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
    # default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
    # Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
    # "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
    # a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
    # a URL like "".
    # Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
    # "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
    # Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.x.
    # Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than
    # using Oracle JInitiator.
    # Example 3: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases
    # (even if the client browser is on Windows)
    # Example 4: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
    # (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file)
    # more efficient grey background
    # formsweb.cfg end #
    # java console start #
    Loading from JAR cache
    Loading from JAR cache
    Loading from JAR cache
    RegisterWebUtil - Loading Webutil Version 1.0.2 Beta
    Loading from JAR cache
    Loading from JAR cache
    connectMode=HTTP, native.
    MessageManager: key VERSION bundle oracle.forms.engine.RunformBundle exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown format type at
    [[[Note here: I don't know what the MessageManager is talking about here as the error message isn't complete. I _may_ be related to wrong parameters in formsweb.cfg or some such]]]
    # java console end #

    all parameters that are understood by the formsweb.cfg file are listed un the System and user section. In Oracle10g Forms we also added comments to describe their individual meanings.
    1. create a named configuration for your application and add
    # assuming orcl is your database tnsnames name)
    2. In your Forms application, using an on-logon trigger
    LOGON(get_application_property(username ||'@'||get_application_property(connect_string),get_application_property(password),true);
    If you want to also specify teh username so that he only needs to enter the password, you can pass userid=scott@orcl in the URL
    Note that Oracle9iDS had a bug on Windows2000 that prevented the servlet from reading URL parameters. This problem is solved within Patch1.

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