Changes to XML file

I have a XML file and I need to apply chnges to an attribute and save the xml file (using JDom).
How do I do it? , I've looked all over for an example for this simple problem but did not find it ( I've wrote the part of reading from the Xml and now I'm stuck on the writing).
Thanks for you're help folks !

Here is an example of using XMLwriter and DataWriter.
I use the "crimson" XML implementation wich you can download at :
download the file ""
and extract the file "crimson.jar" to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01\jre\lib\ext" or to where is your "..\jre\lib".
My example consists of three files :
1. TestXML is the main class
2. ConfigHandler is an interface
3. HandleConfig processes the XML file (a simple configuration file)
* Created on 14 f�vrier 2005, 02:05
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.swing.*;
* @author Andr� Uhres
public class TestXML extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ConfigHandler{
    /** Creates a new instance of TestXML */
    public TestXML() {
    private void initComponents() {       
        setTitle("Test XML");
        jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
        jToolBar1 = new javax.swing.JToolBar();
        jButton2 = new javax.swing.JButton();
        path = new JTextField(pathUser);
        getContentPane().add(jPanel1, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
        jButton2.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(60, 20));
        jButton2.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(60, 20));
        jButton2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        getContentPane().add(jToolBar1, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
        java.awt.Dimension screenSize = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        setBounds((screenSize.width-400)/2, (screenSize.height-300)/2, 400, 300);
    private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
        pathUser = path.getText();
    /** Sets the configuration values
     * @param keyWord identifies the configuration value
     * @param keyValue gives the new configuration value
    public void setConfigValues(String keyWord, String keyValue){
    public HashMap getConfigValues(){
        HashMap configValues = new HashMap();
        configValues.put("PathUser", pathUser);
        return configValues;
    public HashMap getDefaultConfigValues() {
        HashMap configValues = new HashMap();
        configValues.put("PathUser", "\\\\prdfs2\\data\\WGRP\\AFSOUT\\");
        return configValues;
    public synchronized void getConfig(){
        File balag = new File("c:\\balageeConf");
        argv2=new String[]{
        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, null);
    public synchronized void updateConfig(){
        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, getConfigValues());    //update file
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        new TestXML().setVisible(true);
    private String pathUser;
    private String[] argv2;
    private javax.swing.JButton jButton2;
    private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
    private javax.swing.JToolBar jToolBar1;
    private javax.swing.JTextField path;
* ConfigHandler .java
* Created on 17 juillet 2004, 07:34
import java.util.*;
* @author  andreuhres
public interface ConfigHandler {
    /** <B>
     * Use: at program initialisation !<br>Example:</B>
     * <br><CODE>public void synchronized getConfig(){
     * <br>        File balag = new File("c:\\balageeConf");
     * <br>        if(!balag.exists())
     * <br>            balag.mkdir();
     * <br>        argv2=new String[]{
     * <br>            "C:\\balageeConf\\balagee_config.xml"
     * <br>        };
     * <br>        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, null);
     * <br>    }
     * </CODE>
    void getConfig();
    /** <B>
     * Use: internal in HandleConfig() !<br>Example:
     * </B><br><CODE>public void setConfigValues(String keyWord, String keyValue){
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("PathUser"))pathUser=keyValue;
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("SelectedFile")){
     * <br>            keyValue=keyValue.toLowerCase().replaceFirst(".csv", ".bag");
     * <br>            defaultFournisseur=keyValue;
     * <br>            lastFournisseur=keyValue;
     * <br>        }
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("optionShift")){
     * <br>            optionShift=Boolean.valueOf(keyValue).booleanValue();
     * <br>        }
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("nePlusAfficher")){
     * <br>            nePlusAfficher=Boolean.valueOf(keyValue).booleanValue();
     * <br>        }
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("nePlusAfficher2")){
     * <br>            nePlusAfficher2=Boolean.valueOf(keyValue).booleanValue();
     * <br>        }
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("nePlusAfficher3")){
     * <br>            nePlusAfficher3=Boolean.valueOf(keyValue).booleanValue();
     * <br>        }
     * <br>
     * <br>        if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase("initChooser")){
     * <br>            initChooser=Boolean.valueOf(keyValue).booleanValue();
     * <br>        }
     * <br>    }
     * </CODE>
    void setConfigValues(String keyWord, String keyValue);
    /** <B>
     * Use: in updateConfig() !<br>Example:
     * </B><br><CODE>
     *     public HashMap getConfigValues(){
     * <br>         HashMap configValues = new HashMap();
     * <br>         configValues.put("PathUser", pathUser);
     * <br>         configValues.put("SelectedFile", lastFournisseur);
     * <br>         configValues.put("optionShift", ""+optionShift);
     * <br>         configValues.put("nePlusAfficher", ""+nePlusAfficher);
     * <br>         configValues.put("nePlusAfficher2", ""+nePlusAfficher2);
     * <br>         configValues.put("nePlusAfficher3", ""+nePlusAfficher3);
     * <br>         configValues.put("initChooser", ""+initChooser);
     * <br>         return configValues;
     * <br>     }
     * </CODE>
    HashMap getConfigValues();
    /** <B>
     * Use: internal in HandleConfig() !<br>Example:
     * </B>
     * <br><CODE>public HashMap getDefaultConfigValues() {
     * <br>        HashMap configValues = new HashMap();
     * <br>        configValues.put("PathUser", "W:\\WGRP\\AFSOUT\\");
     * <br>        if(System.getProperty("").toUpperCase().equals("ANDREUHRES"))
     * <br>            configValues.put("PathUser", "C:\\balag\\balageeData\\");
     * <br>        configValues.put("SelectedFile", "bc090404.bag");
     * <br>        configValues.put("optionShift", "false");
     * <br>        configValues.put("nePlusAfficher", "false");
     * <br>        configValues.put("nePlusAfficher2", "false");
     * <br>        configValues.put("nePlusAfficher3", "false");
     * <br>        configValues.put("initChooser", "false");
     * <br>        return configValues;
     * <br>    }
     * </CODE>
    HashMap getDefaultConfigValues();
    /** <B>
     * Use: at program exit !<br>Example:
     * </B>
     * <br><CODE>public void synchronized updateConfig(){
     * <br>        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, getConfigValues());    //update file
     * <br>    }
     * </CODE>
    void updateConfig();
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.crimson.tree.XmlDocument;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
/* Usage:
        argv2=new String[]{
        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, null);    //process file
        new HandleConfig(argv2, this, getConfigValues());    //update file
public class HandleConfig {
    /** Number of elements in document before modification. */
    protected int m_elements;
    /** Number of whitespace content segments deleted from document. */
    protected int m_deletes;
    /** Number of elements added wrapping content. */
    protected int m_adds;
    final ConfigHandler ConfigHandler;
    HashMap configValues;
    HashMap confValues;
     * @param argv file name (full path) defined as the only element of the String array
     * @param parent reference to the calling object (= this)
     * @param configValues null (for initialisation) or reference to a hashmap containing keyword-value pairs (for update)
    public HandleConfig(String[] argv, JFrame parent, HashMap configValues){
        File config02 = new File(argv2[0]);
        String confTest ="";
            BufferedReader readerConf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(config02));
            confTest = readerConf.readLine();
            if (confTest==null){
        }catch(Exception ex){
     * Read contents of file into byte array.
     * @param path file path
     * @return array of bytes containing all data from file
     * @throws IOException on file access error
    private static byte[] getFileBytes(String path) throws IOException {
        File file = new File(path);
        int length = (int)file.length();
        byte[]data = new byte[length];
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
        int offset = 0;
        do {
            offset +=, offset, length-offset);
        } while (offset < data.length);
        return data;
     * Driver, reads the input files and executes the processing
     * code.
     * @param argv command line arguments
    protected void runIt(String[] argv) {
        // handle list of files to be used
        if (argv.length > 0) {
            // make sure we have a non-empty file name
            String path = argv[0].trim();
            if (path.length() > 0) {
                // read file data into byte array
                byte[] data = null;
                try {
                    data = getFileBytes(path);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // file does not exist: create file
                        confValues = ConfigHandler.getDefaultConfigValues();
                        Iterator it = confValues.entrySet().iterator();
                            Entry entry = (Entry)(;
                            String key = (String)entry.getKey();
                            String value = (String)entry.getValue();
                            ConfigHandler.setConfigValues(key, value);
                    }catch(Exception ex1){
                        System.err.println("Error reading file " + path + ':');
                // process file data
                try {
                    ByteArrayInputStream  in  = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
                    //                    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length);
                    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path);
                    m_elements = 0;
                    m_deletes = 0;
                    m_adds = 0;
                    processFile(in, out);
                    System.out.println(' ' + path + ": " + m_elements +" elements ");
                    confValues = ConfigHandler.getConfigValues();
                    if( m_elements <= confValues.size() ) {
                    //                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);
                    //                    fos.write(out.toByteArray());
                    //                    fos.close();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
        } else {
            System.err.println("No document files specified");
    boolean newElement=false;
    protected void createConfig(String path) {
            DataWriter w = new DataWriter();
            FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(path);
            AttributesImpl attrList=new AttributesImpl();
            confValues = ConfigHandler.getConfigValues();
            Iterator it = confValues.entrySet().iterator();
            boolean first=true;
                Entry entry = (Entry)(;
                String key = (String)entry.getKey();
                String value = (String)entry.getValue();
                    attrList.addAttribute("","key","","", key);
                    attrList.setAttribute(0,"","key","","", key);
                w.dataElement("", "configItem", "", attrList, value);
            System.out.println("File created: "+path);
        }catch(Exception ex){
    protected void processElement(Element element) {
        // loop through child nodes
        Node child;
        Node next = (Node)element.getFirstChild();
            while ((child = next) != null) {
                // set next before we change anything
                next = child.getNextSibling();
                // handle child by node type
                if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    // trim whitespace from content text
                    String trimmed = child.getNodeValue().trim();
                    if (trimmed.length() == 0) {
                        // delete child if nothing but whitespace
                }else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    // handle child elements with recursive call
                            String key = ((Element)child).getAttribute("key");
                            String valueOld = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            String valueNew = (String)configValues.get(key);
                            //                        System.out.println("key: "+key+" valueOld: "+valueOld+"  valueNew: "+valueNew);
                            if( !valueNew.equals(valueOld) ){
                                }catch(Exception ex){
            if ( (child = next)!=null && configValues!=null ) {
                next = child.getNextSibling();
    protected void processFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
    throws Exception {
        // parse the document from input stream
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc=null;
        doc = builder.parse(in);
        // recursively walk and process document
        // write the document to output stream
        Writer  writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "ISO-8859-1");
        ((XmlDocument)doc).write(writer, "ISO-8859-1");
        /* See also: --> FileOutputStream fos in method runIt(argv)               */
    File tboConnOut = null;

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    Bart_Blommaerts wrote:
    2: I set the "&#235 ;" value myself ..The problem setting this value in your Java code is that ... &#235; cannot be used to escape anything in Java, it only can be used to escape characters in an XML file.
    This is why an XML parser will automatically translate this value for you when it parses the XML file. The dom4j Document object will never see this value and when you do a getText() the resolved value is returned.
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    I was satisfied with the "�" in my XML file ... but when I deployed the application to the webserver .. and generated an XML-file I read "��", which is definitely not what I want ..
    So on my local Tomcat5 server I get "�". On the SunWappserver I get "��".This seems to be a different problem. When you read the file, you will have to make sure to read the file with the encoding that it was saved in. This means that the editor that you use to read the file will have to be able to read files encoded using UTF-8 (Unicode).

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    then you can use:
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    This is possible from SP 19 onwards...
    Have a look @
    Also, the comments in the blog. Really good
    Jai Shankar

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    You could talk directly to the printer and send it the commands directly...Its a pain, and not very "portable" since its brand or printer specific, but I had to do it a long while back with my app...
    Use the rating system, otherwise its useless; and please don't forget to tip your waiters!
    using LV 2010 SP 1, Windows 7

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    Hi All,
    I need advice on how can I implement following -
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    Hi Keith
    11g uses the EPG so the images are stored in the database, however are also accessible as a webfolder. This is the same as (or very similar to) XE which I've previously successfully installed this on. The files have been uploaded to the images directory as I'm able to reference /i/sample.html in the iframe successfully. I've never needed to change the .xml file and run apxldimg script, a simple copy and paste has always worked. However, I will try this just to make sure.
    Hi Denes
    I've tried putting in the absolute path of the directory, which I assume you mean the full path i.e. http://localhost:8080/images/charts_library. But this makes no difference. I know there are differences with 11g, the EPG and that you have to open http://localhost:8080/images/ as a web folder rather than http://localhost:8080/i/ to access the files in the images directory. However, the database that your example application on is running on is an 11g database. It's running the same as my database, so it must be possible and by the fact you didn't know this I assume you didn't need to make any changes to make it work!

  • XML File Within XML File

    Hi everyone,
    Plz help me out.....
    Currently, I am working on flex and Remote Object Accessing.
    My problem is that, in my application I have one Servlet which
    writes .xml file in browser and I use that .xml file to display
    data in Datagrid. Everything was woking fine. But then I have to
    change my .xml file in such a way that one of it's node is a .xml
    file. like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <root>
    - <detail>
    <server>SOA </server>
    - <request>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <envelope>
    Here request is one of the node in .xml file. now when i am
    displaying data in this file into datagrid, datagrid show correct
    data for <server> and <resp_time> tag. But it shows
    "[object Object]" for request tag.
    Can any one tell me how can I show that request node into my
    datagrid ,so that it shows me ..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <envelope>
    instead of [object Object] ???? Please Hepl me

    Tracy had replied me that you can use labelFunction. like
    private function lfRequest(oItem:Object,
    return oItem.request.toXMLString()
    I have used resultHandler like this ....
    var xmlFile:String = null;
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    trace("resultHandler is called...");
    var myO:Object = new Object();
    myO = event.result;
    trace("after new XML()");
    trace("after toString()");
    and i m trying to display that ' xmlFile:String' into
    datagrid, but it gives me this runtime-error:
    Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
    object reference.
    then i tryed this...
    xmlFile=myO.request.root.detail.toXMLString(); then it gives
    me this error message :
    Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
    object reference.
    plz help me...

  • Logged changes in XML format

          I am trying to convert the logged changes into XML file.But the contents are not coming up correctly.Please help me in solving out this issue.
    I have coded is like this :
       tclas                    = 'A'
       begda                    = sy-datum
       endda                    = sy-datum
       auth_check               = 'X'
      USE_ARCHIVE              = ' '
      SUBRC                    =
      PERNR_TAB                =
      INFTY_TAB                =
        infty_logg_key_tab       = test
      DATUM_TAB                =
      UNAME_TAB                =
    LOOP AT test INTO wa.
          logged_infotype        = wa
         auth_check             = 'X'
      USE_ARCHIVE            = ' '
      SUBRC                  =
          infty_tab_before       = test1
          infty_tab_after        = test2
         fields                 = test3
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    And i am appending  INFTY , PERNR from TEST1 table and FNAME ,NEWDT from TEST3 table into one new internal table called struct and converting that internal table contents into xml.
    For XML conversion*********************************
    SOURCE tab = struct[]
    RESULT XML xml_out1.
        text            = xml_out1
      LENGTH          = lv_length
        ftext_tab       = itab1.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    After downloading i am getting the xml file like this :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    -<asx:abap version="1.0" xmlns:asx="">-<asx:values>-<TAB>-<item><INFTY>0002</INFTY><PERNR>00070297</PERNR><FNAME/><NEWDT/></item>-<item><INFTY/><PERNR>00000000</PERNR><FNAME>ITXEX</FNAME><NEWDT/></item>
    But i want in this way:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    -<NewDataSet> -<PA0002> <PERNR>8000</PERNR> <TITEL>DLEM 6</TITEL> <VORNA>Raj</VORNA> <NACHN>Halli</NACHN> <NAME2>RB</NAME2> <INITS/> <RUFNM/> <SPRSL/> <GESCH/> <GBDAT/> <GBORT/> <GBLND/> <NATI0/> <GBDEP/> <NATI2/> <NATI3/> <FAMST/> <FAMDT/> <ANZKD/> <KONFE/> <BEGDA/> <AEDTM/> </PA0002>

    Hi Patlolla,
    Goto SPRO : Personnel Administration -> Tools -> Revision -> Set up change document.
    There, add IT 0021 as an infotype to be logged.
    Best Regards,

  • Maintaining Portal Desk top URL aliases in web.xml file

    Hi All,
    I am planning to configure portal url alias i.e http://localhost:53000/irj/portal/finance
    should take me directly to finance portal desk top.
    1) Created a Desktop named finance_desktop
    2) Master rule has been set for URL Alias.
    3) I need to set URL alias name: finance in web.xml file
    4) path for the web.xml file is C:\usr\sap\SID\JCXX\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB-INF\web.xml
    5) Where exactly i have to change web.xml  file
    Infact i have seen a pdf "How to configure the J2ee engine deployment descriptor"
    Thanks in advance

    indeed one small copy/paste mistake from me ... sorry for that...
    After you copyed the large chunk of code (as i discribe in step 1 and 2) you must rename:
    so then that part of the web.xml will look like this:
    Good luck again...
    Benjamin Houttuin
    Message was edited by:
            Benjamin Houttuin

  • Tomcat doesn't pick up the changes to jsp files

    My original problem was JAR locking. I changed context.xml files both in conf\ and my application.
    <Context  reloadable="true" antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">
    <Context  reloadable="true" antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">        
    </Context>Now I can undeploy without having jarLocking problem.
    But now tomcat doesn't pick up the changes to jsp files automatically!!!
    I have to undeploy/deploy even I just change jsp files!
    What's wrong?

    You can't do anything except speak in a different accent. Apple would have to add specific support for different accents in a future iOS update.

  • XML  file and DataGrid

    Hi everyone,
    Plz help me out.....
    Currently, I am working on flex and Remote Object Accessing.
    My problem is that, in my application I have one Servlet which
    writes .xml file in browser and I use that .xml file to display
    data in Datagrid. Everything was woking fine. But then I have to
    change my .xml file in such a way that one of it's node is a .xml
    file. like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <root>
    - <detail>
    <server>SOA </server>
    - <request>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <envelope>
    Here request is one of the node in .xml file. now when i am
    displaying data in this file into datagrid, datagrid show correct
    data for <server> and <resp_time> tag. But it shows
    "[object Object]" for request tag.
    Can any one tell me how can I show that request node into my
    datagrid ,so that it shows me ..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <envelope>
    instead of [object Object] ???? Please Hepl me

    First, you are really posting in the wrong forum. This one is
    for Flex Builder 2, an IDE/code editor. You question is about the
    language Flex, and such questions should go in the "General
    Discussion" forum.
    Try using a labelFunction instead of dataField.
    private function lfRequest(oItem:Object,
    return oItem.request.toXMLString()

  • Read XML file problem

    Hi all,
    I am trying to read an xml file and display the output. i get a blank display. Can anybody please help me out.
    Thanks in advance
    I cant attach the xml file. Since its not a valid extension. Please find the xml code below.
    <Country>South Korea</Country>
    Go to Solution.
    Read Data from XML ‏9 KB

    If you can change saved .xml file, you can modify it to be compatible with Labview XML shema and use Unflatten from XML like in your VI. If you cannot, you should use XML Parser library. In attachement you can find 2 exmaples for these situations.
    Modified XML ‏12 KB
    XML Parsing ‏20 KB

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