Changing message popup font

While using teststand many of the technicians that run the tests have complained that the default font in the TestStand message popup is to hard to read. Is there a way to change the default font?

The message popup step uses the system message box font. You can change it as follows (at least in Win2000):
- Right click on the desktop and select Properties.
- On the appearance tab, click on the Message Text in the message box to select the Message Box item.
- Increase the font size
- Restart TestStand

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    I can change it for one conversation, but then it resets to the default, tiny font.
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    (OSX 10.10)

    As you may remember there used to be a Messages pane to the Preferences where the Font and colour of the Balloons or background and the Font text colour could be changed.
    And there was a Format Menu for character, word and Sentence changes in the current IM or iMessage.
    Those have gone in Yosemite's version of Messages (Despite it retaining the designation of Messages 8 the same as Mavericks' version).
    All that can be done now is set the size of the font and this has been moved to the General Section of the Preferences.
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    Changing the Font would involved editing the Balloon.transcript file.
    10:34 pm      Saturday; December 13, 2014
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    Sorry about the lack of information.
    Yep, mailbox behaviour is sent to "store sent messages on the server".  This is happening, though, other primary IMAP accounts.  And yes, it's been since Mountain Lion.  Sometimes the messages show under the account, other times they don't.  There is no sense to the randomness of it.  Is there a way to "reset" all of my mail accounts without losing all of my stored mail?

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    Hello Apple... is anyone monitoring and responding?
    For years I have been manually changing the font and font color on every outgoing mail as an element of Corporate Identity.
    Apple Mail offers great features like smart mailboxes - but this is still not fixed!
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    Spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar!
    Apple, please fix!

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    Or, is it just not working?
    Help or suggestions appreciated.

    Turns out that there is no way to change this unless uing the classic mailbox... We're stuck with the default setup on the new style.

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    I apologize but I know that this question was asked and answered several times (I wrote the answers).
    So, taking time to search in the existing threads with a request like :
    comment AND font AND default
    built from words extracted from your title returned 15 entries.
    The first one is :
    and it contain what you need.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 15 octobre 2011 22:09:10
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please :
    Search for questions similar to your own
    before submitting them to the community

  • Message popup not appearing

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    I don't believe MessagePopup has changed since CVI 3.0 as stated here:
    I would recommend stripping it down to the barebones and see if you can get it functioning that way.

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    this question is hard to understand. I don't see a messageChoice component in ADF Faces, can you give more details to your usecase and the components involved

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    S. Eren BALCI

    This information is not stored in the step properties.  It is possible to change the step type to get this information.  The source code for MessagePopup is included with TestStand at <TestStand>/Components/NI/StepTypes/MsgBox/ if you have Labwindows/CVI.
    Your suggestion of using Seconds() is much easier to implement and be accurate enough for your use cases.
    Allen P.

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    What am I missing? Sequence file attached.
    modalpopup.seq ‏6 KB

    Hi dseel,
    After I copied over your version of modelsupport2.dll, I see the attached error message for every test socket, basically saying that TestStand can't find a certain function in modelsupport2.dll.
    What modifications did you make to the dll?
    One thing though, I notice the same error message even with the Simple OI... Where are you putting modelsupport2.dll? In the same folder as the CVI Executable, or in <TestStand>\Components\NI\Models\TestStandModels?
    Jervin Justin
    NI TestStand Product Manager
    TSErrorMessage.jpg ‏56 KB

  • Mail Composed, and incoming messages displayed Font too small.

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    Is there another way I can magnify just the displayed message without magnifying the whole desktop/screen?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Jeff Cameron

    Yes, setting the monitor to the default resolution, it does look fine. But for applications like Word, Pages, Preview and many other when you set the display zoom magnification to 100.00 regardless of the screen resolution the text seems normal, but in Mail, there is no screen zoom magnification, and so the higher the screen resolution, the smaller the text in composed and received messages is.

  • Message popup

    Is it possible, after the error message popup,
    a) I want to print out a message in the report after the flow completed. If yes, how would i do it?
    b) I had an existing interactive flow. After the message popup, i want the user to re-enter/change some of the parameters and only continue the flow. How would i do that?
    Thank you!

    Hi faithict,
    What error message popup are you getting?  Is it a TestStand error, or are you using a Message Popup step to create your own error message?
    What is the message that you want to add to the report?  Is it error message information, user entered information, step results, or something else?  You can find more information about adding results to a report here.
    Do you already have something in place that allows the user to set the parameters?  If so, you can probably call the same module to allow the parameters to be set again.
    Brandon V.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Message popup timeout reached or button pressed?

    I have a Message Popup with one button.  This button is also set up to be the Timeout Button.  If I press the button, RunState.Sequence….Result.ButtonHit is set to 1.  Alternately, if I allow the timeout to be reached, Result.ButtonHit is also set to 1.  Is there a way to determine whether the timeout was reached or if the user pressed the button?

    Hi Christine,
    I have just played with Message Popup's timeout and i also do not see a way to check if a timeout has been occured.
    The only way is to use a new button for timeout but you can not hide it ! Only changing the colour stuff and this is looking
    terrible. And if the user is pressing this button you will not determine a timeout, too!
    I think the "blue ones"  should add this feature in next TS release.
    Or they have some other suggestions.
    Sorry that i have no solution.
    =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e= Click on the Star and see what happens :-) =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e=

  • Message PopUp Maximum Button

    Hi Guys.
    I'm using the Message PopUp to select diferent options, but I need to put more than 6 Options.
    The Message PopUp have 6 maximum, it is any way to increase the number of buttons into a message PopUp (more than 6)?

    You may customize the MessageBox Steptype to add more buttons. The source code is available for you to change at the location:   Components\StepTypes\MsgBox

  • Apple Mail Message List Font in Mavericks

    Hi all,
    Is there a way to increase the size of the Apple Mail Message List Font in Mavericks when *NOT* in classic mode?
    - the parameters seem to have no effect in this mode

    Turns out that there is no way to change this unless uing the classic mailbox... We're stuck with the default setup on the new style.

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