Single digit modification dates, date & time corruption

I have an iBook G4 running the latest version of Tiger, and I have a Date corruption that I can't resolve. When I click the Menu Bar to show the date, it only displays a single digit # (currently 3). When I open Date & Time in System Preferences, the calendar correctly shows the date, but the date is always listed in the box above as the 13th of the month. I can manually adjust the date in the calendar and it will stay, or have it set automatically, and it will work, but the date is always listed as the 13th of the month. Here's the confusing part: All dates in the Finder are listed as single digit #s. the modification and creation dates of everything in the finder are a number between 1 and 5. I've deleted date preference files in the user and universal libraries, and problem persists.
Anyone have any ideas?

Experiment with your settings in System Preferences...>International>Formats>Dates>>Customize... and Calendar>Gregorian.

Similar Messages

  • Problem with retrieving single digit date and month

    Hello Sir,
    I have the following code. Cuurently when I insert date in this format 1984/11/14 and also in this format 1984/11/4 and retrieve the following two dates, I could successfully populate the dates into the corresponding fields in the form. But earlier in the database, there are some records created in the following formats:
    1984/3/1 and 1987/10/4(i.e.,yyyy/mm/dd).In the form when I try to populate them into their corresponding fields I am able to populate only 1984 into the year filed in the first case and in the second case I could populate 1987 and 10 into the year and month fields. I could not populate the values of the records with single digit either in month or day fields.
    By observing the code, could you let me know what needs to be done in order to populate the previously created records with the single digit month and date.
    This is the jsp for creating and editing the records.
         <TITLE> CRM Event Information </TITLE>
    <script language="JavaScript" src="../javascript/misc.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function saveMe(methodHow) {
         var elementNumber = CRMEvent.elements.length
         var field1 = "";
         var field2 = "";
         var field3 = "";
         var field4 = "";
         var field5 = "";
         var field6 = "";
         var field7 = "";
         var field8 = "";
         for(i=0; i < elementNumber; i++){
     = CRMEvent.elements[i].name;
              submitForm.elements[i].value = CRMEvent.elements[i].value;
         for (k = 0; k < oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length; k++){;
              if (addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k] = "9999"
              if (addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k] = "99"
              if (addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k] = "99"
              if (addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k] = "9999"
              if (addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (eval(oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length - 1) == k){
                   field1 = field1 + addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field2 = field2 + addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field3 = field3 + addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field4 = field4 + addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field5 = field5 + addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field6 = field6 + addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field7 = field7 + addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field8 = field8 + addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field1 = field1 + addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field2 = field2 + addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field3 = field3 + addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field4 = field4 + addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field5 = field5 + addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field6 = field6 + addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field7 = field7 + addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field8 = field8 + addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
              submitForm.elements[eval(i)].name      = "eventtype"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i)].value      = field1
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+1)].name      = "dd_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+1)].value      = field2
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+2)].name      = "mm_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+2)].value      = field3
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+3)].name      = "yy_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+3)].value      = field4
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+4)].name      = "crmremark_code"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+4)].value      = field5
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+5)].name      = "crmperson_firstname"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+5)].value      = field6
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+6)].name      = "crmperson_lastname"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+6)].value      = field7
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+7)].name      = "crmnote"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+7)].value      = field8
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+8)].name      = "mode"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+8)].value      = methodHow
         function onSave(form) {
         if (!oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length == 0) {
              for (i=1;i<=oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length;i++) {
                   validate.elements[0].value = addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[i-1];
                   if (validate.elements[0].value != '9999') {
                        if(!validateForm('validate','validation','isNumber')) {
                             alert("CRM Event Information "+ i + ": Year must be number");
                             return false;      
                        if(!validateForm('validate','validation','checkrange')) {
                             alert("CRM Event Information "+ i + ": Year out of range");
                             return false;      
              return true;
    <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff>
    <FONT SIZE = -1>
    <%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="dss.*" %>
    <!-- instantiate -->
    <jsp:useBean id="pool" scope="session" class="dss.ConnectionPool" />
    <jsp:useBean id="SelectBox" scope="session" class="dss.dataMisc" />
    <jsp:useBean id="query" class="dss.QueryData" scope="session" />
    // *************check for user session *************
         session = request.getSession();
    if (session.getValue("userSession") == null) {
    response.sendRedirect (response.encodeRedirectUrl
    else {
         String dhr_id = "";
    String mode = "";
    String eventtype = "9999";
    String crmremark_code = "";
    String crmperson = "";
    String crmnote = "";
    String crmKey = "";
         String dd_crmstart = "99";
         String mm_crmstart = "99";
    Vector tempVector = new Vector();
              Vector CRMEventVector = new Vector();
              Vector CRMEventPerson = new Vector();
              Vector monthVector = new Vector();
              Vector dayVector = new Vector();
              Vector field1Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field5Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field6Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field7Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field8Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field234Vector = new Vector();
              Vector tempDayVector = new Vector();
              Vector tempMonthVector = new Vector();
              Vector tempYearVector = new Vector();
              Connection conn = null ;
              conn = pool.getConnection() ;
              dss.Database db = new dss.Database( conn ) ;
              dhr_id = request.getParameter("dhr_id");
         try {
    mode = request.getParameter("mode");
    dhr_id = request.getParameter("dhr_id");
                   //look up Setting List
                   String strSQL = "";
                   //look up CRM Event Type List
                   strSQL ="select crmtype_code value, item display from code_crmtype order by 2" ;
                   db.setSQL( strSQL ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   CRMEventVector = db.getSelectionList() ;
                   //look up Month List
                   db.setSQL( "select LPAD(to_char(month_code),2,'0') value , item display from code_month order by 1" ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   monthVector = db.getSelectionList();
                   //look up Day List
                   db.setSQL( "select LPAD(to_char(day_code),2,'0') value , item display from code_day order by 1" ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   dayVector = db.getSelectionList();
                   // ************ EDIT Mode *************
    if (mode.equals("edit"))
              //out.println("mode is edit");     
    mode = "edit";
         //***********get archaeology_pkey based on dhr_id
                        int archKey = 0;
                             strSQL = " SELECT archaeology_pkey "+
                                            " FROM archaeology "+
                                            " WHERE UPPER(dhr_id)='"+ dhr_id.toUpperCase() + "'";
                             Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
                             ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(strSQL);
                             while ( {
                                  archKey = rs2.getInt(1);
                   // ********* end getting **************
              strSQL = "Select crmtype_code, crmstart, crmremark, crmperson_firstname, crmperson_lastname, crmnote "+
                   " From archaeologycrmevent " +
                   " Where archaeology_pkey =" + archKey ;
              Statement stmtSQL = conn.createStatement();
              ResultSet rset = stmtSQL.executeQuery(strSQL);
              ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rset.getMetaData() ;
                   while ( {
                   //get values
                   //crmKey = rset.getString(7);
                   for (int i=0; i<field234Vector.size(); i++){
                        StringTokenizer tempDate = new StringTokenizer((String)field234Vector.elementAt(i),"/");                              
                        while (tempDate.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                             tempYearVector.addElement (     tempDate.nextToken());
                             tempMonthVector.addElement(     tempDate.nextToken());
                             tempDayVector.addElement (     tempDate.nextToken());
         } //end edit
         } //end try
         catch ( Exception e) {
              out.println ( e.toString() ) ;
         } finally {
              db.cleanup() ;
    <FORM NAME="oneToMany1">
    <TD BGCOLOR="#002B82" COLSPAN=9 width="100%" height="31">
    <p align="center">
         <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
         <b>6. CRM Event Information - </b>DHR ID# : <%=dhr_id %>
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="21"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>CRM Event Type: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=112 height="21">
              out.println ( SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)CRMEventVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)CRMEventVector.elementAt(1), "field1", "", eventtype, "180" ));
    <TD WIDTH=89 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="21"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Event Date: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=455 height="21"><font size="1">
         out.println ("<b><font size = 1>Date: "+ SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)dayVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)dayVector.elementAt(1), "field2", "", dd_crmstart, "180" ));
         out.println ("Month: "+ SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)monthVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)monthVector.elementAt(1), "field3", "", mm_crmstart, "180" ));
    </select><B>Year:</B><input type="text" name="field4" size="4" id="Year" maxlength="4">
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="30"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>ID# Associated with Event:</B> </FONT></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=112 height="30">
              <input type="text" name="field5" size="15" value="<%=crmremark_code%>">
    <TD WIDTH=89 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="30"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>
              CRM Person/ Organization: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=455 height="30">
         <% // Modified by Robert Cox 09/12/2001 - changed field size from 20 to 30 // %>     
         <TABLE BORDER="0">
              <FONT SIZE="1"><B>First:</B></FONT><input type="text" name="field6" size="15">
         <FONT SIZE="1"><B>Last:</B></FONT><input type="text" name="field7" size="15">
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="79"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>CRM Event Comments: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD COLSPAN="3" width="660" height="79">
         <TEXTAREA ROWS="5" NAME="field8" cols="65"></TEXTAREA>
    <TD COLSPAN="4">
         <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
         <td width="50" align="left"> </td>
         <td align="center">
              <input type="button" value="Add" onClick="addUpdate(1,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Modify" onClick="addUpdate(2,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Update" onClick="addUpdate(3,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Remove" onClick="addUpdate(4,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
         <td width="50" align="right"> </td>
    <td width="100%" align="center" height="40" colspan="4"><select size="3" name="addedItems" style="width:100%">
    //| Start code for one-to-many in edit mode /
    <script language="javascript">
    /* Check to see if the necessary arrays have been defined - if not define them */
              if (!eval("addTemp.addoneToMany1Name")){
              addTemp.addoneToMany1Name = Array();
              addTemp.addoneToMany1Value = Array();
              for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++){
                   eval("addTemp.field" + i + "oneToMany1Value = Array();");
              //alert("already created");
    /* Catch any errors that may occur when checking if arrays are defined */
         catch(e) {
    Enumeration field1_      = field1Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field2_      = tempDayVector.elements();
    Enumeration field3_      = tempMonthVector.elements();
    Enumeration field4_      = tempYearVector.elements();
    Enumeration field5_      = field5Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field6_      = field6Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field7_      = field7Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field8_      = field8Vector.elements();
         Object currentfield1 = "";
         Object currentfield2 = "";
         Object currentfield3 = "";
         Object currentfield4 = "";
         Object currentfield5 = "";
         Object currentfield6 = "";
         Object currentfield7 = "";
         Object currentfield8 = "";
         int counter = 0;
         int clength = 1;
    while (field1_.hasMoreElements()){
    //out.println("while field1_ has more elements");
    //| define field elements - Use first and second lines if text box or memo field, Use third line if select box /
    //     currentfield1 = query.replaceString(field1_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield1 = query.replaceString(currentfield1.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield1 = field1_.nextElement();
    //     currentfield2 = query.replaceString(field2_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield2 = query.replaceString(currentfield2.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield2 = field2_.nextElement();
    //     currentfield3 = query.replaceString(field3_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield3 = query.replaceString(currentfield3.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield3 = field3_.nextElement();
         currentfield4 = query.replaceString(field4_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield4 = query.replaceString(currentfield4.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield4 = field4_.nextElement();
         currentfield5 = query.replaceString(field5_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield5 = query.replaceString(currentfield5.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield5 = tempElement;
         currentfield6 = query.replaceString(field6_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield6 = query.replaceString(currentfield6.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield6 = field6_.nextElement();
         currentfield7 = query.replaceString(field7_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield7 = query.replaceString(currentfield7.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield7 = field7_.nextElement();
         currentfield8 = query.replaceString(field8_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield8 = query.replaceString(query.replaceString(query.replaceString(currentfield8.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\""),"\r","\\" + "r"),"\n","\\" + "n");
    //     currentfield8 = field8_.nextElement();
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length ="+clength+";");
    // First Line - Displayed fields, Second Line - Count value /
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options[" + counter + "].text = \"" + currentfield1 + " - " + currentfield2 + " - " + currentfield3 + " - " + currentfield4 + " - " + currentfield7 + " - " + currentfield6 + "\";");
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options[" + counter + "].value = '" + counter + "';");
    // First Line - Displayed fields, Second Line - Count value /
         out.println("addTemp.addoneToMany1Name[" + counter + "] = \"" + currentfield1 + " - " + currentfield2 + " - " + currentfield3 + " - " + currentfield4 + " - " + currentfield7 + " - " + currentfield6 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.addoneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" + counter + " \";");
    //           Use first line for text boxes and memo fields, Use second line for Select Boxes /
    //     out.println("addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield1 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield1 + "';");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield2 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield2 + "';");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield3 + " \";");
         out.println("addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield3 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield4 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield4 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield5 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield5 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield6 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield6 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield7 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield7 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield8 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield8 + "';");
         clength = clength + 1;
         counter = counter + 1;
    <FORM NAME="CRMEvent">
    <input type="hidden" name=dhr_id value=<%=dhr_id %>>
    <!-- <input type="hidden" name=crmKey value=<%//=crmKey %>> -->
    <input type="hidden" name=mode value=<%=mode%>>
    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
              if (mode.equals("add")) {
    <td width="67"><input type="button" value="Next >>" name="Next" onClick="callNext(this.form, '<%=dhr_id%>', 'dssMenuChoice.jsp?item=2,1,1,7', '<%=mode%>')" ></td>
    <td width="120"></td>
    <td width="52"><input type="button" value="Save" name="Save" onClick="saveMe('add')"></td>
         <% } else if (mode.equals("edit")){
    <td width="103"><input type="button" value="<< Previous" name="Previous" onclick="history.go(-1)"></td>
    <td width="67"><input type="button" value="Next >>" name="Next" onClick="callNext(this.form, '<%=dhr_id%>', 'dssMenuChoice.jsp?item=2,1,1,7', '<%=mode%>')" ></td>
    <td width="120"></td>
         <td width="52"><input type="button" value="Save" name="Save" onClick="saveMe('edit')"></td>
    }; //end else for checking session
    Click the next button to move to the next screen without saving the current screen.<br>
    Click the save button to save the current screen and then move to the next screen.<br>
    <form name="submitForm" action="dssACCRMEventDB.jsp" action="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <form name="validate">
    <input type="hidden" name="validation">

    Hello Sir,
    I have the following code. Cuurently when I insert date in this format 1984/11/14 and also in this format 1984/11/4 and retrieve the following two dates, I could successfully populate the dates into the corresponding fields in the form. But earlier in the database, there are some records created in the following formats:
    1984/3/1 and 1987/10/4(i.e.,yyyy/mm/dd).In the form when I try to populate them into their corresponding fields I am able to populate only 1984 into the year filed in the first case and in the second case I could populate 1987 and 10 into the year and month fields. I could not populate the values of the records with single digit either in month or day fields.
    By observing the code, could you let me know what needs to be done in order to populate the previously created records with the single digit month and date.
    This is the jsp for creating and editing the records.
         <TITLE> CRM Event Information </TITLE>
    <script language="JavaScript" src="../javascript/misc.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function saveMe(methodHow) {
         var elementNumber = CRMEvent.elements.length
         var field1 = "";
         var field2 = "";
         var field3 = "";
         var field4 = "";
         var field5 = "";
         var field6 = "";
         var field7 = "";
         var field8 = "";
         for(i=0; i < elementNumber; i++){
     = CRMEvent.elements[i].name;
              submitForm.elements[i].value = CRMEvent.elements[i].value;
         for (k = 0; k < oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length; k++){;
              if (addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k] = "9999"
              if (addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k] = "99"
              if (addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k] = "99"
              if (addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k] = "9999"
              if (addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k] == ""){
              addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k] = " "
              if (eval(oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length - 1) == k){
                   field1 = field1 + addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field2 = field2 + addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field3 = field3 + addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field4 = field4 + addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field5 = field5 + addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field6 = field6 + addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field7 = field7 + addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field8 = field8 + addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k];
                   field1 = field1 + addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field2 = field2 + addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field3 = field3 + addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field4 = field4 + addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field5 = field5 + addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field6 = field6 + addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field7 = field7 + addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
                   field8 = field8 + addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[k]+"|";
              submitForm.elements[eval(i)].name      = "eventtype"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i)].value      = field1
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+1)].name      = "dd_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+1)].value      = field2
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+2)].name      = "mm_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+2)].value      = field3
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+3)].name      = "yy_crmstart"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+3)].value      = field4
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+4)].name      = "crmremark_code"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+4)].value      = field5
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+5)].name      = "crmperson_firstname"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+5)].value      = field6
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+6)].name      = "crmperson_lastname"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+6)].value      = field7
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+7)].name      = "crmnote"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+7)].value      = field8
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+8)].name      = "mode"
              submitForm.elements[eval(i+8)].value      = methodHow
         function onSave(form) {
         if (!oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length == 0) {
              for (i=1;i<=oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length;i++) {
                   validate.elements[0].value = addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[i-1];
                   if (validate.elements[0].value != '9999') {
                        if(!validateForm('validate','validation','isNumber')) {
                             alert("CRM Event Information "+ i + ": Year must be number");
                             return false;      
                        if(!validateForm('validate','validation','checkrange')) {
                             alert("CRM Event Information "+ i + ": Year out of range");
                             return false;      
              return true;
    <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff>
    <FONT SIZE = -1>
    <%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="dss.*" %>
    <!-- instantiate -->
    <jsp:useBean id="pool" scope="session" class="dss.ConnectionPool" />
    <jsp:useBean id="SelectBox" scope="session" class="dss.dataMisc" />
    <jsp:useBean id="query" class="dss.QueryData" scope="session" />
    // *************check for user session *************
         session = request.getSession();
    if (session.getValue("userSession") == null) {
    response.sendRedirect (response.encodeRedirectUrl
    else {
         String dhr_id = "";
    String mode = "";
    String eventtype = "9999";
    String crmremark_code = "";
    String crmperson = "";
    String crmnote = "";
    String crmKey = "";
         String dd_crmstart = "99";
         String mm_crmstart = "99";
    Vector tempVector = new Vector();
              Vector CRMEventVector = new Vector();
              Vector CRMEventPerson = new Vector();
              Vector monthVector = new Vector();
              Vector dayVector = new Vector();
              Vector field1Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field5Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field6Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field7Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field8Vector = new Vector();
              Vector field234Vector = new Vector();
              Vector tempDayVector = new Vector();
              Vector tempMonthVector = new Vector();
              Vector tempYearVector = new Vector();
              Connection conn = null ;
              conn = pool.getConnection() ;
              dss.Database db = new dss.Database( conn ) ;
              dhr_id = request.getParameter("dhr_id");
         try {
    mode = request.getParameter("mode");
    dhr_id = request.getParameter("dhr_id");
                   //look up Setting List
                   String strSQL = "";
                   //look up CRM Event Type List
                   strSQL ="select crmtype_code value, item display from code_crmtype order by 2" ;
                   db.setSQL( strSQL ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   CRMEventVector = db.getSelectionList() ;
                   //look up Month List
                   db.setSQL( "select LPAD(to_char(month_code),2,'0') value , item display from code_month order by 1" ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   monthVector = db.getSelectionList();
                   //look up Day List
                   db.setSQL( "select LPAD(to_char(day_code),2,'0') value , item display from code_day order by 1" ) ;
                   db.query() ;
                   dayVector = db.getSelectionList();
                   // ************ EDIT Mode *************
    if (mode.equals("edit"))
              //out.println("mode is edit");     
    mode = "edit";
         //***********get archaeology_pkey based on dhr_id
                        int archKey = 0;
                             strSQL = " SELECT archaeology_pkey "+
                                            " FROM archaeology "+
                                            " WHERE UPPER(dhr_id)='"+ dhr_id.toUpperCase() + "'";
                             Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
                             ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(strSQL);
                             while ( {
                                  archKey = rs2.getInt(1);
                   // ********* end getting **************
              strSQL = "Select crmtype_code, crmstart, crmremark, crmperson_firstname, crmperson_lastname, crmnote "+
                   " From archaeologycrmevent " +
                   " Where archaeology_pkey =" + archKey ;
              Statement stmtSQL = conn.createStatement();
              ResultSet rset = stmtSQL.executeQuery(strSQL);
              ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rset.getMetaData() ;
                   while ( {
                   //get values
                   //crmKey = rset.getString(7);
                   for (int i=0; i<field234Vector.size(); i++){
                        StringTokenizer tempDate = new StringTokenizer((String)field234Vector.elementAt(i),"/");                              
                        while (tempDate.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                             tempYearVector.addElement (     tempDate.nextToken());
                             tempMonthVector.addElement(     tempDate.nextToken());
                             tempDayVector.addElement (     tempDate.nextToken());
         } //end edit
         } //end try
         catch ( Exception e) {
              out.println ( e.toString() ) ;
         } finally {
              db.cleanup() ;
    <FORM NAME="oneToMany1">
    <TD BGCOLOR="#002B82" COLSPAN=9 width="100%" height="31">
    <p align="center">
         <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
         <b>6. CRM Event Information - </b>DHR ID# : <%=dhr_id %>
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="21"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>CRM Event Type: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=112 height="21">
              out.println ( SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)CRMEventVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)CRMEventVector.elementAt(1), "field1", "", eventtype, "180" ));
    <TD WIDTH=89 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="21"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Event Date: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=455 height="21"><font size="1">
         out.println ("<b><font size = 1>Date: "+ SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)dayVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)dayVector.elementAt(1), "field2", "", dd_crmstart, "180" ));
         out.println ("Month: "+ SelectBox.strSelectionList((Vector)monthVector.elementAt(0), (Vector)monthVector.elementAt(1), "field3", "", mm_crmstart, "180" ));
    </select><B>Year:</B><input type="text" name="field4" size="4" id="Year" maxlength="4">
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="30"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>ID# Associated with Event:</B> </FONT></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=112 height="30">
              <input type="text" name="field5" size="15" value="<%=crmremark_code%>">
    <TD WIDTH=89 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="30"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>
              CRM Person/ Organization: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=455 height="30">
         <% // Modified by Robert Cox 09/12/2001 - changed field size from 20 to 30 // %>     
         <TABLE BORDER="0">
              <FONT SIZE="1"><B>First:</B></FONT><input type="text" name="field6" size="15">
         <FONT SIZE="1"><B>Last:</B></FONT><input type="text" name="field7" size="15">
    <TD WIDTH=83 ALIGN="RIGHT" height="79"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>CRM Event Comments: </FONT></B></TD>
    <TD COLSPAN="3" width="660" height="79">
         <TEXTAREA ROWS="5" NAME="field8" cols="65"></TEXTAREA>
    <TD COLSPAN="4">
         <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
         <td width="50" align="left"> </td>
         <td align="center">
              <input type="button" value="Add" onClick="addUpdate(1,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Modify" onClick="addUpdate(2,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Update" onClick="addUpdate(3,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
              <input type="button" value="Remove" onClick="addUpdate(4,8,oneToMany1,Array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field7','field6'))">
         <td width="50" align="right"> </td>
    <td width="100%" align="center" height="40" colspan="4"><select size="3" name="addedItems" style="width:100%">
    //| Start code for one-to-many in edit mode /
    <script language="javascript">
    /* Check to see if the necessary arrays have been defined - if not define them */
              if (!eval("addTemp.addoneToMany1Name")){
              addTemp.addoneToMany1Name = Array();
              addTemp.addoneToMany1Value = Array();
              for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++){
                   eval("addTemp.field" + i + "oneToMany1Value = Array();");
              //alert("already created");
    /* Catch any errors that may occur when checking if arrays are defined */
         catch(e) {
    Enumeration field1_      = field1Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field2_      = tempDayVector.elements();
    Enumeration field3_      = tempMonthVector.elements();
    Enumeration field4_      = tempYearVector.elements();
    Enumeration field5_      = field5Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field6_      = field6Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field7_      = field7Vector.elements();
    Enumeration field8_      = field8Vector.elements();
         Object currentfield1 = "";
         Object currentfield2 = "";
         Object currentfield3 = "";
         Object currentfield4 = "";
         Object currentfield5 = "";
         Object currentfield6 = "";
         Object currentfield7 = "";
         Object currentfield8 = "";
         int counter = 0;
         int clength = 1;
    while (field1_.hasMoreElements()){
    //out.println("while field1_ has more elements");
    //| define field elements - Use first and second lines if text box or memo field, Use third line if select box /
    //     currentfield1 = query.replaceString(field1_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield1 = query.replaceString(currentfield1.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield1 = field1_.nextElement();
    //     currentfield2 = query.replaceString(field2_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield2 = query.replaceString(currentfield2.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield2 = field2_.nextElement();
    //     currentfield3 = query.replaceString(field3_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
    //     currentfield3 = query.replaceString(currentfield3.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
         currentfield3 = field3_.nextElement();
         currentfield4 = query.replaceString(field4_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield4 = query.replaceString(currentfield4.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield4 = field4_.nextElement();
         currentfield5 = query.replaceString(field5_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield5 = query.replaceString(currentfield5.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield5 = tempElement;
         currentfield6 = query.replaceString(field6_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield6 = query.replaceString(currentfield6.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield6 = field6_.nextElement();
         currentfield7 = query.replaceString(field7_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield7 = query.replaceString(currentfield7.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\"");
    //     currentfield7 = field7_.nextElement();
         currentfield8 = query.replaceString(field8_.nextElement().toString(),"'","\'").trim();
         currentfield8 = query.replaceString(query.replaceString(query.replaceString(currentfield8.toString(),"\"","\\" + "\""),"\r","\\" + "r"),"\n","\\" + "n");
    //     currentfield8 = field8_.nextElement();
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options.length ="+clength+";");
    // First Line - Displayed fields, Second Line - Count value /
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options[" + counter + "].text = \"" + currentfield1 + " - " + currentfield2 + " - " + currentfield3 + " - " + currentfield4 + " - " + currentfield7 + " - " + currentfield6 + "\";");
         out.println("oneToMany1.addedItems.options[" + counter + "].value = '" + counter + "';");
    // First Line - Displayed fields, Second Line - Count value /
         out.println("addTemp.addoneToMany1Name[" + counter + "] = \"" + currentfield1 + " - " + currentfield2 + " - " + currentfield3 + " - " + currentfield4 + " - " + currentfield7 + " - " + currentfield6 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.addoneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" + counter + " \";");
    //           Use first line for text boxes and memo fields, Use second line for Select Boxes /
    //     out.println("addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield1 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.field1oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield1 + "';");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield2 + "\";");
         out.println("addTemp.field2oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield2 + "';");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield3 + " \";");
         out.println("addTemp.field3oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield3 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield4 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field4oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield4 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield5 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field5oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield5 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield6 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field6oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield6 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield7 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field7oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield7 + "';");
         out.println("addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = \"" +      currentfield8 + "\";");
    //     out.println("addTemp.field8oneToMany1Value[" + counter + "] = '" +      currentfield8 + "';");
         clength = clength + 1;
         counter = counter + 1;
    <FORM NAME="CRMEvent">
    <input type="hidden" name=dhr_id value=<%=dhr_id %>>
    <!-- <input type="hidden" name=crmKey value=<%//=crmKey %>> -->
    <input type="hidden" name=mode value=<%=mode%>>
    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
              if (mode.equals("add")) {
    <td width="67"><input type="button" value="Next >>" name="Next" onClick="callNext(this.form, '<%=dhr_id%>', 'dssMenuChoice.jsp?item=2,1,1,7', '<%=mode%>')" ></td>
    <td width="120"></td>
    <td width="52"><input type="button" value="Save" name="Save" onClick="saveMe('add')"></td>
         <% } else if (mode.equals("edit")){
    <td width="103"><input type="button" value="<< Previous" name="Previous" onclick="history.go(-1)"></td>
    <td width="67"><input type="button" value="Next >>" name="Next" onClick="callNext(this.form, '<%=dhr_id%>', 'dssMenuChoice.jsp?item=2,1,1,7', '<%=mode%>')" ></td>
    <td width="120"></td>
         <td width="52"><input type="button" value="Save" name="Save" onClick="saveMe('edit')"></td>
    }; //end else for checking session
    Click the next button to move to the next screen without saving the current screen.<br>
    Click the save button to save the current screen and then move to the next screen.<br>
    <form name="submitForm" action="dssACCRMEventDB.jsp" action="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary"><input type="hidden" name="temporary">
    <form name="validate">
    <input type="hidden" name="validation">

  • How to capture file modification date and time over the web

    I am creating a web based application and I am using webutil package for al lot of my work being that I ma working with renamin,deleting and uploading files for a users machine to the database. There is one functionality thing that I have to do in this application that webutil does not take care of and that is capturing the modification date and time from a file on the users machine. Please help me capture the date and time of a file on the users machine.

    Since webutil allows you to write file on client PC directory, then you first create a directive file, then host that directive file. the directive file content is just the command lines when you manually do it on PC.
    Refer the ideas--just the ideas not the same built-ins in this URL:
    Hyperlink in forms

  • Aperture was not able to adjust the date and time of the master file "2008-06-22 at 14-41-14.jpg" because it has a format that does not permit date modification.

    I can't seem to find a way to update the date/time of a master file. There is a format issue but I can't seem to figure out how to correct it.
    Aperture was not able to adjust the date and time of the master file “2008-06-22 at 14-41-14.jpg” because it has a format that does not permit date modification.

    Can you post an ipconfig /all from the server and the DC?
    Robert Pearman SBS MVP |
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  • How to find the Date and Time of Modification of Column in aTable?

    Hi all,
    Do  you know how to find the Date and Time of Addition of Column to a Particular Table?.
    I know however, How to find the modification time of the Table. Using the below Query :
    Select Object_Name, to_Char(Last_DDL_TIME, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') Last_DDL from User_Objects where Object_Type = 'TABLE';
    20-Aug-2013 09:23:03
    I wanted to know the Creation or Modification Date and Timestamp of all columns of Employee Table?. Is it possible at all. If possible, How to get it?.
    Bhaskar M

    I agree with you on that. Since its a development enviornment I can remove the column but that not my point here.
    My whole purpose it to know whether we get the Column's Creation or Modification DateTime.

  • Date and time on my iPhone 4 corrupted and unable to set after ios 6 update, please help

    Hi all,
    I have just updated ios6.1 on my iPhone 4. After updated, my date setting got corrupted to  2555 BE and I tried to manually set to 2013, it can work. Any one has this issue and able to help? Thanks..

    You have "Buddhist" selected.

  • Adjusting Date/Time Corrupts Masters

    I have an issue with Aperture 3.1.1. I would appreciate any comments or thoughts.
    I have scanned some slides, and imported them into Aperture. During the import I renamed them (masters also) to include the file date (20110111_001 etc.) I stored the masters in a folder on the hard drive of my MacBook Pro.
    At this point everything is fine, however, the file date is incorrect. I use Adjust Date/Time to set the date to 19750901_etc. After this step the master becomes a solid black image. No detail of any kind. Preview will not display it, and neither will Aperture. The original image is not recoverable. The versions are generally OK, but some take on the solid black image.
    Obviously this is worrying, so I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if I’m just doing something wrong.

    *I found a solution!*
    There are many date tags in the JPEG standard. It appears that your scanner software makes a "Create Date" tag, but no "Date Time Original" tag. (See my footnote about this.) However, When operating on a regular JPG, Aperture's "Adjust Date and Time" in master function updates both of those tags if they are there.
    When applying that function to your 15M scan, Aperture truncates some of the EXIF data and the master looses a little tiny bit of its file size. It consequently cannot be read as a valid picture.
    Here's the solution, and it's pretty easy as long as you're not afraid of the command prompt. I used EXIFTool to create the "Date Time Original" tag using the date from the "Create Date" tag. Obviously the new file was marginally larger, but it also survived the "Adjust Date and Time" function! Here's the command I used:
    exiftool '-CreateDate>DateTimeOriginal' Scan-110106-0002.jpg
    So, you've uncovered one of two problems here:
    1. Your scanner program writes a flawed header on the JPG; or
    2. Aperture pukes when it cannot update "Date Time Original" if it can update "Create Date".
    I have not played with existing "good" files from a camera to determine what happens when I remove "Date Time Original" and put that picture through the Date adjustment torture. That would validate or invalidate choice 1.
    Let me know if this solution sounds viable and you would like more help. EXIFTool is easily scriptable, and you can run it on all files in a directory to perform the same function in one fell swoop.
    DateTimeOriginal: date/time when original image was taken
    CreateDate: Date the image was digitized and made into a JPG.
    So, in theory, DateTimeOriginal is what you are trying to modify, while CreateDate should be when you put your print through the scanner. It makes sense that the scanner doesn't fill in CreateDate, as that usually isn't part of the functionality of scanner software.

  • How to enter a new Date and Time each day in a Numbers Spreadsheet...

    Hi... I have finally decided to move away from Excel and really give Numbers a shot... I have an application where each day I first enter the current date and time into a particular cell of a new row and then I enter some data in cells adjacent (in the same row) as that entered date-time. Then the next day I want to again enter the (new) current date and time and add more data next to that new date-time and so forth day after day... You can't use something as simple as =NOW() because then everyday, ALL of the date-times would change to the current time... Nope, now what I want... I just want to be able to EASILY and QUICKLY enter the current date-time value in one call and then have that specific value stay there forever... In Excel, this is accomplished with the keyboard shortcuts of
    <cntl> followed by a semicolon (;) for the date
    then enter a single space (for separation of date versus time) followed last by
    <command> followed again by a semicolon...
    So all together that is,
    and that puts something like
    4/10/2010 9:49:00 AM
    in a single cell...
    That's what I now want to be able to do in Numbers...
    How do I do that??? Do I use the menubar item "Insert Date and Time" and if so, how exactly do I get the current time to show up in the chosen cell??? With formatting??? Is there a keyboard shortcut method like the one I mentioned that works for Excel?? I've perused the manual and though I found lots on date-time, I didn't see how to do specifically what I want to do... I likely just missed it as surely it must be easy to do...
    Any feedback would be much appreciated... thanks... bob...

    Badunit wrote:
    The result of running that script is "UI Enabled = TRUE".
    I have cells named by the header values.
    This may be the problem.
    The script is an old one which deciphered only the letter+digit cell references.
    Here is a new version which works with every kind of cell reference.
    --[SCRIPT insertDateTime]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : insertDateTime.scpt
    déplacer l'application créée dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Placez le curseur dans la cellule qui doit recevoir la date_heure
    menu Scripts > Numbers > insertDateTime
    La cellule pointée reçoit la date_heure.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as a Script : insertDateTime.scpt
    Move the newly created application into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Put the cursor in the cell which must receive the date_time.
    menu Scripts > Numbers > insertDateTime
    The pointed cell receives the current date_time.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    2010/04/11 is now able to treat every kind of cell references
    property theApp : "Numbers"
    on run
    set {dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
    my doYourDuty(colNum1, rowNum1, tName, sName, dName)
    end run
    on doYourDuty(c, r, t, s, d) (*
    c = columnIndex
    r = rowIndex
    t = table's name
    s = sheet's name
    d = document's name *)
    local cdt
    set cdt to my cleanThisDate(current date) (* the new date_time as a clean date_time *)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t
    set value of cell r of column c to cdt as text
    end tell -- application …
    end doYourDuty
    on cleanThisDate(dt)
    (* ugly code but once I got date_time with milliseconds so if necessary, I drop them *)
    local l
    set l to my decoupe(dt as text, ":")
    if (count of l) > 3 then set dt to date (my recolle(items 1 thru 3 of l, ":"))
    return dt
    end cleanThisDate
    on getSelParams()
    local r_Name, t_Name, s_Name, d_Name, col_Num1, row_Num1, col_Num2, row_Num2
    set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    if r_Name is missing value then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "No selected cells"
    error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
    end if
    end if
    set two_Names to my decoupe(r_Name, ":")
    set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(item 1 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
    if item 2 of two_Names = item 1 of two_Names then
    set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
    set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to my decipher(item 2 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
    end if
    return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
    end getSelParams
    set {rowNumber, columnNumber} to my decipher(cellRef,docName,sheetName,tableName)
    apply to named row or named column !
    on decipher(n, d, s, t)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to return {address of row of cell n, address of column of cell n}
    end decipher
    set { d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    on getSelection()
    local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of tables
    if x > 0 then
    repeat with y from 1 to x
    (selection range of table y) as text
    on error errMsg number errNum
    set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
    end try
    end repeat -- y
    end if -- x>0
    end tell -- sheet
    end repeat -- i
    end tell -- document
    return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
    end getSelection
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    It's available on my idisk :
    Download :
    For_iWork:iWork '
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 11 avril 2010 14:16:41

  • Date and time keeps going missing!

    Hi everybody, my date and time keeps going missing from the top bar every time I turn on my mac - sometimes other things go missing, like the airport status.
    It used to happen just once a fortnight but after I installed the latest security update, it seems to be happening every time. Does anybody have a reason/fix? Would be much appreciated. Thankyou!

    Hi appleoclock, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Not sure this works since that Qursical update, but the cure for that used to be...
    Apple Menu Bar Icons Gone
    You've probably got a couple of corrupt preference files.
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences", delete
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences/ByHost", delete where 'xxx' is a 12 digit (hexadecimal) numeric string.
    This will reset your Menu Bar to the default, you'll need to go through System Preferences to reset the ones you need. (If they are already checked, uncheck them first and then recheck them).

  • Date and time keeps going to Dec. 1060's

    iPod 4 date and time keeps locking up to the 60's and won't hold actual date. Changed account info and does not recognize it, keeps returning to the old account. Multiple family members on the account and our game progress messes up everyone else's. Help!!!!

    Hi appleoclock, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Not sure this works since that Qursical update, but the cure for that used to be...
    Apple Menu Bar Icons Gone
    You've probably got a couple of corrupt preference files.
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences", delete
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences/ByHost", delete where 'xxx' is a 12 digit (hexadecimal) numeric string.
    This will reset your Menu Bar to the default, you'll need to go through System Preferences to reset the ones you need. (If they are already checked, uncheck them first and then recheck them).

  • I have checked the box "display date and time on the Menu Bar" and it does not work.  Using OS X Yosemite 10.10.2  Anybody have a fix?

    I have checked the box "display date and time on the Menu Bar" and it does not work.  Using OS X Yosemite 10.10.2  Anybody have a fix?

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Please take this step regardless of the results of Step 1.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of Steps 1 and 2.

  • DAQcard-700 data vs time

    I'm using DAQcard 700 to receive sampled analog data to the computer. I'm planning to work with external trigger (EXTCONV) and my question is how can I receive 2 vectors of the data, one for the converted from analog to digital data itself and another for the time. In other words when trigger acquire I want to scan one sample of analog data, the time when it acquired and wait for another trigger. Is there any possibility to receive the data and the time when the data was sampled from this card?
    Thank you in advance.

    Sounds good - have ever though about updating your hardware and program you application using the NI-DAQmx driver?
    Generally, it's possible to program this with your DAQCard-700 under
    Traditional NI-DAQ driver. Depending on your system performance, single
    point I/O operations should be possible up to 1kHz (check the task
    manager, your cpu you be quite busy ;-). NI-DAQmx has better single-
    point I/O performance.
    In the LabVIEW example finder you can find some VI's that are a good
    point for getting started with DAQ- Programming - regarding your
    request I'd like to recommend the "Acquire 1 point digital" - I
    have attached a modified version of this VI.
    Since you just can read multiple datapoint when you need a dig.
    trigger, you need to extract the first point out of the datavalue array.
    Hope this helps!
    Good luck, Stefan
    Impossible is nothing - nothing is impossible
    Acquire 1 Point Digital ‏76 KB

  • How Do I Delete backup data from Time Capsule if have 2 computers on 1 TC?

    I have been backing up 2 computers (one desktop/one laptop) to a 1TB Time Capsule. I have now added an external hard drive for the desktop computer and would like to delete that computer's backups from Time Capsule to free up space for the laptop computer. How do I delete the desktop computer's backup data from Time Capsule without disturbing the laptop back ups? Do I drag the desktop computer's backups.backupdb and sparsebundle to trash and empty?

    Rick Gregory wrote:
    Thanks though I am still a bit confused as I had read NOT to delete via Finder, but via Disk Utility (erase). Does it make any difference?
    You're probably referring to the advice never to change, move, or delete anything inside your backups via the Finder, as that can corrupt them.
    A number of folks have tried to delete a single backup that way, and caused all sorts of troubles.
    Deleting the entire sparse bundle is ok.

  • Where does restored data from time capsule get placed

    Where does restored data from time capsule get placed?
    For instance, is the data seamlessly placed where it was missing or corrupted, or does it enter a program under some separate "heading" in the program 1) if letter is restored to Mail, 2) if entire mailbox restored to Mail,  3) if single letter restored to Documents, 4) if several photos to iPhoto, 5) if one folder restored to desktop.

    Cannot answer all your questions, but will answer regarding iPhoto.
    You cannot restore individual photos to iPhoto, you must restore the entire iPhoto Library.
    When you do this, you are given several options. See the shot below for details:
    The restored library will be placed in the default location....the Pictures folder

  • How do i repair or recover data from a corrupt USB external hard drive that does not show up on my Mac desktop or disk utility

    How do i repair or recover data from a corrupt USB external hard drive that does not show up on my Mac desktop or disk utility?
    Last night i was using my external hard drive, for some reason the folder just closed and i couldn't find it on my desktop.
    After googling solutions, i found it in the disk utilities, i clicked on the 'repair' button many times, but it said the 'error...' message.
    So i ejected it to try again, now when i connect the USB external hard drive it doesn't show up on my desktop or disk utilities.
    I really just want to either repair or recover the data on it because it literally has everything (documents, work files, photos etc) on it,
    I downloaded an application to recover my files but it needs the USB to at least show up.recognise it which mine doesn't.
    I know i should've backed it up on another USB, this definitely teaches me for next time to back up all my files.
    Are the files lost forever or can i recover them by going to a shop or using a software?

    Thank you for responding.
    This might sound stupid since i'm not really knowledgeable with Macs,
    but since all my files were moved from my mac computer to the external hard drive,
    is it possible to recover those files through my Mac - like recovering deleted files? 

Maybe you are looking for