Changing project presets | Adobe Digital School Collection | Adobe TV

Adobe Premiere Elements 11 is designed to make your life easier. In this lesson, you will learn the power of using presets so you don't need to specify certain settings. From NTSC to PAL, Premiere Elements 11 has it all covered for you.

You talk about having the project presets match your video..  But are they really supposed to be what you want the output to be?
I am making a DVD of my kids to send to their grand parents.  My source isn't one camera.  Its a JVC camcorder and some videos from a Fujifilm digital camera.  They are both widescreen, but the camera is newer so its video is better quality (1080 instead of 720).  In addition, I want to interpose some stills from the camera into the movie as well.  And sometime in the next year I would like to actually be creating Blu-ray movies (I need to learn PE11 better and then get a Blu-ray burner).
So should I choose a preset that matches what I want the video out to be or one that matches the camcorder as most video will be from that source?

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  • Change project settings?

    Hope somebody can help.  I have almost completed a project in Photoshop Premier Elements version 8.  I have foolishly selected a HD project setting instead of just widescreen.  The end result is that my photos are too small (1600*900)  when I want to add movement to them.  Is it possible to change the project settngs at this late stage?
    Alternatively, is it possible to import this project into a new one with the correct settings?

    I would strongly advised you to start the project over again, using the Premiere Elements 8 project preset (new project dialog) = NTSC DV Widescreen and your photos 1600 x 900. But............
    The generalization about changing project preset (new project dialog) is you cannot. But, it was shown in Premiere Elements 7 that you could change a project preset set for DV Standard to DV Widescreen (and vice versa) after the fact, by:
    Saving the project .prel and then right clicking the saved project .prel and selecting Open With = WordPad to get at the project .prel document to modify certain parameters. I have done the above, and it does work. But going into the project .prel document should not be attempted if you do not know your way around such a document.
    Another approach is copying the Timeline and pasting it into the Timeline of a new project prel with the appropriate project preset. Many have tried ClipMate for this purpose in earlier versions and reported issues with the copy/paste process for audio and transitions. I looked into this recently to find out for myself if this worked or not. I have found it does work for Premiere Elements 8 for video, audio, effects, and transitions. Below is a copy/paste of the report on this that I posted in my Premiere Elements 8 First Look Thread here.
    Premiere Elements 8: First Look, Using with ClipMate Software
    ClipMate and Copying Timeline between Premiere Elements Projects
    Summary. I have found that use of ClipMate DOES works consistently for copying Timeline (video/audio/effects/transitions) for Premiere Elements 8. In contrast, with earlier versions, such as 2, 4, and 7, the copying/pasting process will handle video/audio/effects, but NOT transitions. How to details for ClipMate 7.3 and Premiere Elements 8 are given below.
    Workaround by Peter F. Duke and user comments, posted in 2007
    Using Clipmate to copy and paste between projects
    Muvipix Community thread chat, posted Aug 2009
    Copying timeline between projects
    I take away from online comments such as those cited above that ClipMate use for copying Timeline between Premiere Elements projects has problems in the copying of audio and transitions. In the Duke link, he suggests a workaround for the audio issue, but not one for the loss of transitions in the copying/pasting. Some may go as far to say the process works for “Premiere Elements”, but does so only sometimes and without rhyme nor reason. So, I decided to download a tryout of ClipMate 7.3 and see for myself what was going on in this matter.
    1. Open ClipMate 7.3 and leave it open.
    2. Then open your saved Premiere Elements 8 project .prel whose Timeline you want to copy to another new project .prel.
    3. In Premiere Elements 8, Edit Menu/Select All, Edit Menu/Copy. Minimize the Premiere Elements 8’s workspace to see the ClipMate 7.3 workspace.
    4. In ClipMate 7.3, Edit Menu/Capture Special. That will bring up the Capture Special dialog.
    5. In the Capture Special dialog, you should find just two options for check marks. Make sure that there is a check mark next to “Premiere Elements OSClipboard Format” as well as “Premiere Exchange”, and then click OK.
    6. You should then see an entry for your copy in the ClipMate list which includes: Title, Sort Key, Date/Time, Size, Source. The source should say “ADOBE PREMIER…”, not WINDOWS. Highlight that entry.
    7. Go back and Maximize Premiere Elements 8 project .prel which has the material that you copied. To create the new project .prel to paste into, go to the File Menu of this current project.prel/New/Project. (I clicked Yes to the Save message that followed, just in case…). After setting up the new project dialog for the new project .prel, I was now in the new project .prel’s workspace.
    8. IMPORTANT: Using minimizing and maximizing windows, go back and make sure that the ClipMate entry for the copy is highlighted. Then with the Premiere Elements 8 again maximized, go to the Premiere Elements 8 Edit Menu and select Paste Insert. The job is done, video, audio, transitions, and effects wise.
    Check it out and see if you found what I observed.
    If you have any questions about any of the above, please let me know. The above are my observations and what works for me.
    (Hunt, if you can find time, try the ClipMate out with Premiere Elements 8).

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    Adobe apps can be reset to their factory defaults by using Ctrl+Alt+Shift, not Del. The rest doesn't really make any sense since you did not provide any details and authorizations can't be changed that way, anyway. If you want to transfer books to other devices you need to contact the vendors to release the DRM/ provide a new download and if you want to change the registered ID, you need to contact support or create a completely new account, which in turn will require you to buy your DRM managed books again/ get a new download as well.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    While Opening, or Importing older Projects into newer versions of PrPro is usually possible, there can be issues.
    First, when you have Opened the PrPro 2.0 Project, and allowed it to be converted, you will be prompted to Save that as a new Project Name. That is what you want to do.
    Next, when that converted Project Opens, twirl open the Bins, to find the Sequence, and Dbl-click that, to get it to display.
    As for the location of the files, since you are now on a new computer, it is very likely that the Path to the Assets has changed, and probably due to the drive letter - those Paths are absolute, so much be exact in all cases. When asked "Where is file ____ ?" use the Finder to locate that, in its new location, and select it. PrPro will then look in that folder for all other necessary Assets, and will automatically link to them, as well. If the Assets are in separate folders/sub-folder, you will have to repeat that first step for each folder/sub-folder. Then, so long as the Paths to the Assets, or the Assets themselves, are not changed, all should be fine. At this point, I would do a Save_As, incrementing the Project's Name.
    Good luck,

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    Max Render Quality does what is says: gives better picture quality, but will lengthen the export process.
    Frame Blending you check when output framerate differs from timeline framerate.

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    Any help will be appreciated

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  • HELP I chose SD project preset instead of source material's HD and I have finished editing, can I change this?

    So I have been working on this music video for a long time. I finished yesterday and today I tried to export the video. It had this strange black box around it and the quality was bad.
    A little digging showed that the whole time my project presets were for some reason 640x480 SD instead of the 1920x1080 HD of my source video clips, so even if I tried to export in 16:9 HD, stretched 4:3 SD was the maximum quality I could get! The editing is very complex with lots of quick cuts, so there's no way I'm re-doing the whole thing, and I've already tried copying and pasting everything in the timeline to another project with the correct presets, and that doesn't work. Is there ANY way to fix this situation? I'm not too worried about transitions, if I lose those in the process it wouldn't really matter, but I want to save all my quick timed cuts between clips. I am using Premiere Elements 13 on Windows 7 64-bit. The source material is AVCHD 1920x1080p and a mix of 30p and 60p, and I want the final video to be the same but all 30p.
    Thanks for reading and I really hope to solve this issue,

    Thanks for the update. Sorry that the new project was necessary. You did well making the transition from problem project to new.
    However, you may have gotten into some trouble with your export settings. But, at least that can be corrected in the export of the new project and should not require starting from the beginning in yet another project. I am suspecting that your export is 1920 x 1080i 29.97 "M2T AVCHD" instead of 1920 x 1080p 29.97 "M2T AVCHD".
    You appear to have used Publish+Share/Computer/AVCHD with the M2T H264 1920 x 1080p24. If you say that your export is 1920 x 1080 29.97, then you would have had to go under the Advanced Button of the p24 preset to customize the preset to 29.97 instead of 24.
    But, now for the unexpected under that preset....if you use Frame Rate 24 frames per second, you have progressive settings. But, if you change the Frame Rate to 29.97 under the Advanced Button of the preset, you have interlaced settings. In the latter, note the fields for Upper or Lower for Field Order. That is interlaced video. Interlace video has fields, progressive video does not. And, if you do the export and read the properties of the export using a properties read out program, you confirm interlace and not progressive export. Confirm in project....
    Can you use the MP4 H.264 1920 x 1080p30 preset instead?
    Please review and consider.
    Thank you.

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    If I the deleted Premier Elements 9 on my PC would I lose all my existing videos that were produced using Premier Elements 9 or would they be saved so that they can still be worked on in Premier Elements 13?
    Does Premier Elements 13 work with Windows 7?

    Premiere Elements 13 absolutely works with Windows 7!
    In fact, I'd highly recommend you download the free trial and give it a test run.
    Meantime, go to Windows Update and make sure you have all of the latest Windows updates, including those that don't install automatically. Then go to the nVidia or ATI site and ensure you have the latest driver for your graphics card, and go to and ensure you have the latest version of Quicktime, per the program's requirements.

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    Thanks for your solution but in mine it saying,There are no previous versions found.
    I have used almost 6 recovery software paid and free and didn't intstalled on that drive where my original files are located so that it don't get overwritten.
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    public/bin-debug folder
    .settings folder
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    <Web root > php scritps to connect data\services\UserService.php                  (this file)
    <Web root > php scritps to connect data\services\EmployeeService.php          (this file)
    <Web root > php scritps to connect data\test\test.php                                    (this file)
    <Web root > php scritps to connect data\Imp files to connect data using PHP and MySql.txt (this file)
    Files marked by "this files "  are  lost and not found by any recovery software.
    I need those php and txt files specifically.

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    I have found the way to convert AE project into Adobe Premiere Pro project.
    I use the following line of code:
    app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Adobe Premiere Pro Project ..."));
    It works. But unfortunately it opens the SaveFileDialog window for the file name to be assigned.
    I'd love not to see this window. I'd love to assign the file name programmatically. It would be great!
    Is there any way to prevent the dialog window from opening?
    Thank you.

    Depends if you are on the cloud or not or the new 12.0 version.  One way to do it is to import your AE footage into PP as pending on your puter....
    Important to tell your version and OS when posting. What seems clear at your end is being asked from someone who has not seen your challenge.

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    Control mouse click a file type you want to open with Preview (or right mouse click if available) Open With -> Other...  Navigate to Preview and select Always Open With, before clicking open.

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    Read the part about SSDs. Otehrwise there is nothing you can do. Certain components wil lalways install on your system root drive.

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    I am new to Smart forms and Adobe forms , request expert suggestion onto this.

    Try opening in Chrome or Firefox and inspecting the elements. You can turn easily locate the CSS that's driving the background and experiment with settings. You get there by right clicking on an element and select Inspect Element from the options. It's much easier than trying to go through all of that HTML code without a style sheet to go along with it.

  • Open Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 project   in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    Hi everyone,
    Did somebody knows how to open Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 project   in Adobe Premiere Pro CC ?
    Best regards, Alex

    This method is not good for me, because I lost stuff  like titles with its settings of motions and effects (I try to open my templates for video clips ).
    Maybe there is another way to do it ?

Maybe you are looking for

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