Changing StyleSheet attributes

In the stylesheet of the HTML document i would like to trace hyperlinks. i.e If I type in my JTextPane it should automatically change the color as blue and it should be underlined and correspondingly if I click it it should open a browser and display the page.My requsites are
==>creating a HTMLEditorKit for my JTextPane
==>detecting the hyperlink when user types one
==>Displaying the page when user clicks it.
Itz very urgent. Can anyone suggest

that how-to document is done in the context of the "Sample Application" app that's available for (re)installation into any htmldb workspace. you can re-install the sample app by logging into your workspace, clicking the "Review Demonstration Applications" link and then clicking the appropriate link in the Sample Application section. you'll find that Data Entry Form template there.
hope this helps,

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    Piece of cake. Here is an identity transform, except that it filters out "src" attributes:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0" >
    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
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    I've logged an Enhancement request on this.
    I don't believe it's possible to change it from the Entity or Relationship dialog, as it's not updatable in these dialogs.
    What you can do is change it in the Relational Model, and then reverse engineer the change back to the Logical Model.

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    There is something I don't understand here. Why do you need to point at the sxd? What is changing? Like I mentioned before. If the contents of the xsd change, all the report will do is - at best - drop the changed fields so you will be missing data. Perhaps some of the following will help;
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    [Crystal Reports For Visual Studio .NET Reporting Off ADO.NET Datasets|]
    [Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2005 Walkthroughs|] (page 332 on).

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    Hi Manish,
    You may write the Formcalc scripting for the respective field.
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    Hope this helps.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Hi Chao Liu,
    Ya , u first find out the PF-STATUS of the screen and goto that status and now u can modify the ICON u want .
    Finding the GUI status of the screen
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    Have Different Radio Buttons for the purposes what you have and use AT Selection Screen Output, Under the event Use loop at screen and with continue with your requirement.
    Hope This Info Helps YOU.
    <i>Reward Points If It Helps YOU.</i>

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    Hi Denis,
    I am not too sure on what you want.
    If you require that the text value be different based on some conditions you can declare as many text elements as conditions and call the relevant text element.
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    (Wrong forum).
    The problem is that enter_query stops executing your procedure until
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    You must create a short-time timer before issuing enter_query and set
    your colour scheme in the when-timer-expired-trigger.

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    Yes you can do this via XSLT.
    You can try similar to the one below:
       <xsl:attribute name="width">
         <xsl:value-of select="((./width) div 200)*(100)" />
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    Hi Alex,
    You can use setName to change the attribute name:
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    for each (var node:XML in xmlTest.item.descendants("@id"))

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