Changing text from red

I am wondering if I can change the text from red from my main blog page. When I click to the actual blog, its cool, no problem, but on the main page where you can see my last 5 entries they wont change, any advice?

Welcome to the discussions buscador!
The red text for the last 5 entries is part of the template. You can only change this by meddling under the iWeb bonnet and changing the xml for the template. See Jim MacCormaic's blog for info on customising the blog templates.
iMac 20" Intel Core Duo 2GHz

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    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.Design;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators;
    namespace GOV.Framework.Portal.Controls
    /// <summary>
    /// Simple DateTimePicker control that uses jQuery UI DatePicker to pop up
    /// a date, time or both picker.
    /// </summary>
    [ToolboxBitmap(typeof(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar)), DefaultProperty("SelectedValue"),
    ToolboxData("<{0}:DateTimePicker runat=\"server\"></{0}:DateTimePicker>"), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public class DateTimePicker : WebControl
    #region "Global Variables"
    public enum DisplayControls
    public enum DisplayModes
    public enum DisplayTypes
    public enum DisplayMonthTypes
    private enum DisplayYearTypes
    private DropDownList ddlDay = new DropDownList();
    private DropDownList ddlMonth = new DropDownList();
    private DropDownList ddlYear = new DropDownList();
    private TextBox txtDate = new TextBox();
    private Label lblMsg = new Label();
    private System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgCal = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();
    private HiddenField hdnDate = new HiddenField();
    private DisplayModes _DisplayMode = DisplayModes.ImageButton;
    private DisplayControls _DisplayControl = DisplayControls.TextBox;
    private DisplayTypes _DisplayType = DisplayTypes.DateTime;
    private int _StepMinutes = 1;
    private int _StepHours = 1;
    private DateTime? _MinDate = null;
    private DateTime? _MaxDate = null;
    private string _OnClientSelect = "";
    private string _ButtonImage = "../Images/calendar.png";
    private string _CalendarCss = "WebResource";
    private string _CalendarJs = "../scripts/timepicker.js";
    private DisplayMonthTypes _DisplayMonthType = DisplayMonthTypes.Full;
    private DisplayYearTypes _DisplayYearType = DisplayYearTypes.Full;
    private int _minYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 25;
    private int _maxYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
    private int _minMonth = 1;
    private int _maxMonth = 31;
    private int _minDay = 1;
    private int _maxDay = 28;
    private string _dateControlClientId = string.Empty;
    DateTime? _SelectedDate = null;
    private bool _DisplayMessageLabel = true;
    private short _tabIndex;
    private const string vwst_SelectedDate = "_SelectedDate";
    #region "ErrorMessages"
    private const string SelectedDate_GreaterThan_MaxDate = "SelectedDate can not be greater than MaxDate";
    private const string MaxDate_LessThan_SelectedDate = "MaxDate can not be less than SelectedDate";
    private const string SelectedDate_LessThan_MinDate = "SelectedDate can not be less than MinDate";
    private const string MinDate_GreaterThan_SelectedDate = "MinDate can not be greater than SelectedDate";
    #region "Properties"
    #region "Private Properties"
    [Description("Determines display full or short(yy) year")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayTypes), "string")]
    private DisplayYearTypes DisplayYearType
    return _DisplayYearType;
    _DisplayYearType = value;
    [Description("Determines minimum year to be displayed in dropdown : Default currentyear - 25")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayTypes), "int")]
    private int MinYear
    if (MinDate != null)
    _minYear = MinDate.Value.Year;
    _minYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 25;
    return _minYear;
    // _minDisplayYear = value;
    [Description("Determines maximum year to be displayed in dropdown : Default currentyear")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayTypes), "int")]
    private int MaxYear
    if (MaxDate != null)
    _maxYear = MaxDate.Value.Year;
    _maxYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
    return _maxYear;
    // _maxDisplayYear = value;
    private string DateControlClientId
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    _dateControlClientId = hdnDate.ClientID;
    _dateControlClientId = txtDate.ClientID;
    return _dateControlClientId;
    [Description("Determines minimum month of min date : default 1")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(1)]
    private int minMonth
    if (MinDate != null)
    _minMonth = MinDate.Value.Month;
    _minMonth = 1;
    return _minMonth;
    [Description("Determines max months of max date: Default 12")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(12)]
    private int maxMonth
    if (MaxDate != null)
    _maxMonth = MaxDate.Value.Month;
    _maxMonth = 1;
    return _maxMonth;
    [Description("Determines minimum day : Defualt 1")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(1)]
    private int minDay
    if (MinDate != null)
    _minDay = MinDate.Value.Day;
    _minDay = 1;
    return _minDay;
    [Description("Determines max day: Defualt last day of max month")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(30)]
    private int maxDay
    if (MaxDate != null)
    _maxDay = MaxDate.Value.Day;
    _maxDay = DateTime.DaysInMonth(MaxYear, maxMonth);
    return _maxDay;
    #region "Public Properties"
    /// <summary>
    /// The currently selected datetime
    /// </summary>
    [Category("DateTime Selection")]
    public DateTime? SelectedValue
    DateTime dt = new DateTime();
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.TextBox && txtDate.Text != "")
    DateTime.TryParse(txtDate.Text, out dt);
    else if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown && hdnDate.Value != "")
    DateTime.TryParse(hdnDate.Value, out dt);
    if (dt != null && dt != new DateTime())
    _SelectedDate = dt;
    _SelectedDate = null;
    return _SelectedDate;
    if (!value.HasValue)
    txtDate.Text = "";
    hdnDate.Value = "";
    if (value != null && MinDate != null && value < MinDate)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SelectedValue", SelectedDate_LessThan_MinDate);
    if (value != null && MaxDate != null && value > MaxDate)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SelectedValue", SelectedDate_GreaterThan_MaxDate);
    string dateFormat = this.DateTimeFormat;
    //if ( dateFormat == "Auto")
    // dateFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.TextBox)
    txtDate.Text = value.Value.ToString(dateFormat);
    else if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    hdnDate.Value = value.Value.ToString(dateFormat);
    _SelectedDate = value;
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    [Description("Determines display textbox or dropdowns")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayModes), "TextBox")]
    public DisplayControls DisplayControl
    get { return _DisplayControl; }
    set { _DisplayControl = value; }
    [Description("Determines how the datepicking option is activated")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayModes), "ImageButton")]
    public DisplayModes DisplayMode
    get { return _DisplayMode; }
    set { _DisplayMode = value; }
    [Description("Determines what datetimepicker should return")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayTypes), "DateTime")]
    public DisplayTypes DisplayType
    return _DisplayType;
    _DisplayType = value;
    [Description("Increment minute factor when using the time picker.")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(1)]
    public int StepMinutes
    return _StepMinutes;
    _StepMinutes = value;
    [Description("Increment hour factor when using the time picker.")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(1)]
    public int StepHours
    return _StepHours;
    _StepHours = value;
    private string _DateTimeFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture != null ? CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern : "dd/MM/yyyy";
    [Description("Determines the Date Format used. Auto uses CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern. Format: MM month, dd date, yyyy year symbol")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue("dd/MM/yyyy")]
    public string DateTimeFormat
    return _DateTimeFormat;
    _DateTimeFormat = value;
    [Description("Minumum allowable date. Leave blank to allow any date")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DateTime?), null)]
    public DateTime? MinDate
    return _MinDate;
    if (value != null && SelectedValue != null && value > SelectedValue)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MinDate", MinDate_GreaterThan_SelectedDate);
    _MinDate = value;
    [Description("Maximum allowable date. Leave blank to allow any date.")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DateTime?), null)]
    public DateTime? MaxDate
    return _MaxDate;
    if (value != null && SelectedValue != null && value < SelectedValue)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MaxDate", MaxDate_LessThan_SelectedDate);
    _MaxDate = value;
    [Description("Client event handler fired when a date is selected")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue("")]
    public string OnClientSelect
    return _OnClientSelect;
    _OnClientSelect = value;
    [Description("Url to a Calendar Image. Applies only if the DisplayMode = ImageButton")]
    [Category("DateTime Resource"), DefaultValue("../Images/calendar.png")]
    public string ButtonImage
    get { return _ButtonImage; }
    set { _ButtonImage = value; }
    [Category("DateTime Resource"), Description("The CSS that is used for the calendar or empty for default."), DefaultValue("WebResource")]
    public string CalendarCss
    get { return _CalendarCss; }
    set { _CalendarCss = value; }
    [Description("Location for the calendar JavaScript or empty for default.")]
    [Category("DateTime Resource"), DefaultValue("../scripts/timepicker.js")]
    public string CalendarJs
    get { return _CalendarJs; }
    set { _CalendarJs = value; }
    [Description("Determines what to Display full Month name or short month name")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(typeof(DisplayTypes), "string")]
    public DisplayMonthTypes DisplayMonthType
    return _DisplayMonthType;
    _DisplayMonthType = value;
    [Description("Display static label for msg below date control")]
    [Category("DateTime Selection"), DefaultValue(true)]
    public bool DisplayMessageLable
    get { return _DisplayMessageLabel; }
    set { _DisplayMessageLabel = value; }
    public override short TabIndex
    return _tabIndex;
    _tabIndex = value;
    ddlDay.TabIndex = value;
    ddlMonth.TabIndex = value;
    ddlYear.TabIndex = value;
    imgCal.TabIndex = value;
    #region "Events"
    public DateTimePicker()
    this.Width = Unit.Pixel(80);
    /// <summary>
    /// Load all controls
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Child controls - Dropdowns and textbox;
    /// </summary>
    protected override void CreateChildControls()
    /// <summary>
    /// Load all controls
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    if (ddlDay.Items.Count == 0 || ddlMonth.Items.Count == 0 || ddlYear.Items.Count == 0 || !Page.IsPostBack)
    protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
    protected override void LoadControlState(object savedState)
    protected override object SaveViewState()
    if (HasControls() && Page.IsPostBack)
    ddlDay.SelectedValue = "11";
    object obj = base.SaveViewState();
    return obj;
    protected override void TrackViewState()
    /// <summary>
    /// Most of the work happens here for generating the hook up script code
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    // Register resources
    string script = GenerateScript();
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_cal" + this.ID, script, true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Render Control
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer"></param>
    public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    if (this.DisplayMode != DisplayModes.Inline)
    writer.Write("<div id='" + this.ClientID + "Div'></div>");
    if (HttpContext.Current == null)
    if (this.DisplayMode == DisplayModes.Button)
    writer.Write(" <input type='button' value='...' style='width: 20px; height: 20px;' />");
    else if ((this.DisplayMode == DisplayModes.ImageButton))
    string img;
    if (this.ButtonImage == "WebResource")
    img = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "jQueryDatePicker.Resources.calendar.png");
    img = this.ResolveUrl(this.ButtonImage);
    writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, img);
    writer.AddAttribute("hspace", "2");
    /// <summary>
    /// Render Control
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer"></param>
    protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    #region "Methods"
    /// <summary>
    /// Set properties of control
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateAndAddControls()
    txtDate.ID = "_txtDate";
    txtDate.CssClass = "dpDate";
    ddlDay.ID = "_ddlDay";
    ddlMonth.ID = "_ddlMonth";
    ddlYear.ID = "_ddlYear";
    imgCal.ID = "_imgCal";
    imgCal.CssClass = "trigger";
    imgCal.ImageUrl = this.ButtonImage;
    //imgCal.Visible = false;
    hdnDate.ID = "_hdnDate";
    lblMsg.ID = "_lblMsg";
    lblMsg.CssClass = "MsgLabel";
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    txtDate.Visible = false;
    txtDate.Visible = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Controls to the control
    /// </summary>
    private void RenderControls(HtmlTextWriter writer)
    //if (ChildControlsCreated)
    // return;
    writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "datePickerTable", false);
    writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Table);//start of table
    writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr);//start of tr1
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    //Control ltrl1 = new LiteralControl();
    //writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "None");
    //writer.RenderEndTag();//end of div
    writer.Write("<div style=\"display:none\">");
    writer.RenderEndTag();//end of tr1
    writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr);//start of tr
    writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Colspan, "4", false);
    writer.RenderEndTag();// end of tr2
    writer.RenderEndTag();// end of table
    //string newTable = "<table class='datePickerTable'";
    //string endTable = "</table>";
    //string newTr = "<tr>";
    //string endTr = "</tr>";
    //string newTd = "<td>";
    //string endTd = "</td>";
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(newTable + newTr + newTd));
    //if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    // Controls.Add(ddlDay);
    // Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + newTd));
    // Controls.Add(ddlMonth);
    // Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + newTd));
    // Controls.Add(ddlYear);
    // Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + newTd));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + newTd));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div style=\"display:none\">"));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>"));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + endTr));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(newTr + "<td colspan=4>"));
    //Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(endTd + endTr + endTable));
    /// <summary>
    /// Code that embeds related resources (.js and css)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="scriptProxy"></param>
    protected void RegisterResources()
    // Load the calandar script
    string script = this.CalendarJs;
    // Load jQuery Calendar Scripts
    if (script == "WebResource")
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptResource(this.GetType(), "jQueryDatePicker.Resources.ui.datepicker.js");
    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this.GetType(), "__jqueryCalendar", this.ResolveUrl(script));
    // Load the related CSS reference into the page
    script = this.CalendarCss;
    if (script == "WebResource")
    script = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "jQueryDatePicker.Resources.ui.datepicker.css");
    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
    script = this.ResolveUrl(this.CalendarCss);
    // Register Calendar CSS 'manually'
    string css = @"<link href=""" + script + @""" type=""text/css"" rel=""stylesheet"" />";
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_calcss", css, false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a date to a JavaScript date string in UTC format
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="date"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string EncodeJsDate(DateTime date)
    return "new Date(\"" + date.ToString("U") + " UTC" + "\")";
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate Javascript for Datepicker plugin
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private string GenerateScript()
    // To capture and map the various option parameters
    StringBuilder sbOptions = new StringBuilder(512);
    //jQuey Script
    StringBuilder sbStartupScript = new StringBuilder(400);
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("jQuery(document).ready( function() {");
    string dateFormat = this.DateTimeFormat;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateFormat))
    dateFormat = this.DateTimeFormat.Replace("MMM", "M").Replace("MM", "mm");
    sbOptions.Append("dateFormat: '" + dateFormat + "'");
    //string onSelect = this.OnClientSelect;
    if (this.DisplayMode == DisplayModes.Button)
    sbOptions.Append(",showOnFocus: false, showTrigger: '<button type=\"button\" class=\"trigger\">...</button>'");
    else if (this.DisplayMode == DisplayModes.ImageButton)
    string img = this.ButtonImage;
    if (img == "WebResource")
    img = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "jQueryDatePicker.Resources.calendar.png");
    img = this.ResolveUrl(this.ButtonImage);
    sbOptions.Append(",showOnFocus: false, showTrigger: '#" + imgCal.ClientID + "'");
    sbOptions.Append(", onSelect: DateSelectedFromCalendar ");
    if (this.MinDate.HasValue)
    sbOptions.Append(",minDate: new Date(" + MinDate.Value.Year.ToString() + "," + (MinDate.Value.Month - 1).ToString() + "," + MinDate.Value.Day.ToString() + ")");
    if (this.MaxDate.HasValue)
    sbOptions.Append(",maxDate: new Date(" + MaxDate.Value.Year.ToString() + "," + (MaxDate.Value.Month - 1).ToString() + "," + MaxDate.Value.Day.ToString() + ")");
    sbOptions.Append(",yearRange:' " + this.MinYear.ToString() + ":" + this.MaxYear.ToString() + "'");
    //end of options
    // Write out initilization code for calendar
    if (this.DisplayMode != DisplayModes.Inline)
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var cal = jQuery('#" + this.DateControlClientId + "').datepick(" + sbOptions.ToString() + ");");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var cal = jQuery('#" + this.ClientID + "Div').datepick(" + sbOptions.ToString() + ");");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var dp = jQuery.datepicker;");
    if (this.SelectedValue.HasValue && this.SelectedValue.Value > new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("dp.setDateFor(cal[0],new Date('" + txtDate.Text + "'));");
    //******************* When dropdown changes then reflect it in calendar
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    sbStartupScript.Append("$('#" + ddlDay.ClientID);
    sbStartupScript.Append(",#" + ddlMonth.ClientID);
    sbStartupScript.Append(",#" + ddlYear.ClientID + "').change(function() {");
    // disable months and days when they are less then day months of minimum date
    sbStartupScript.Append("$ddlDay=$('#" + ddlDay.ClientID + "');");
    sbStartupScript.Append("$ddlMonth=$('#" + ddlMonth.ClientID + "');");
    sbStartupScript.Append("$ddlYear=$('#" + ddlYear.ClientID + "');");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var minYear=" + this.MinYear.ToString() + ";");
    ///disable months of minimum year which are less then minumum date month
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("if($ddlYear.val()<=minYear && $('#" + this.DateControlClientId + "').val!=''){ alert('true');");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var minMonth=" + this.minMonth.ToString() + ";");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("if($ddlMonth.val()<=minMonth){");//start of if of minMonth
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("var minDay=" + this.minDay.ToString() + ";");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}");// end of if of minMonth
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("else {");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}");// end of else part of min month
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}");// end of if part of min Year
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("else {");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}");// end of else part of min Year
    ///set date in calendar
    sbStartupScript.Append("$('#" + this.DateControlClientId + "').datepick('setDate', new Date(\n\r\r ");
    sbStartupScript.Append("$('#" + ddlYear.ClientID + "').val(),");
    sbStartupScript.Append("$('#" + ddlMonth.ClientID + "').val()-1,");
    sbStartupScript.Append("$('#" + ddlDay.ClientID + "').val()));");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("} );");
    //******************* When calendar changes then reflect it in dropdown
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("function DateSelectedFromCalendar(dates) {");
    if (DisplayControl == DisplayControls.Dropdown)
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("$('#" + ddlDay.ClientID + "').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getDate() : '');");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("$('#" + ddlMonth.ClientID + "').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getMonth() +1 : '');");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("$('#" + ddlYear.ClientID + "').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getFullYear() : '');");
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OnClientSelect))
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine(this.OnClientSelect + "();");
    //******************* Validation Script
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("errorPlacement: $.datepick.errorPlacement,");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("rules: {");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine(this.DateControlClientId + ": {");//start of format picker
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("required: true, dpDate: true}");//end of formate picker
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}, ");// end of rules
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("messages: {");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine(this.DateControlClientId + ": 'Please enter a valid date (" + this.DateTimeFormat + ")'");
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("}");// end of messages
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("});"); //end of validate function
    //******************* close document ready function
    sbStartupScript.AppendLine("} );");
    return sbStartupScript.ToString();
    /// <summary>
    /// Fill day month and year dropdown
    /// </summary>
    private void FillDropdowns()
    //Fill Day Dropdown
    ListItem liDay = new ListItem("Day", "0");
    for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
    ListItem li = new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString());
    //Fill Month Dropdown
    ListItem liMonth = new ListItem("Month", "0");
    string monthName = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
    switch (DisplayMonthType)
    case DisplayMonthTypes.Full:
    monthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(i);
    case DisplayMonthTypes.Short:
    monthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(i);
    ListItem li = new ListItem(monthName, i.ToString());
    //Fill Year Dropdown
    ListItem liYear = new ListItem("Year", "0");
    string yearDisplay = string.Empty;
    for (int i = MinYear; i <= MaxYear; i++)
    switch (DisplayYearType)
    case DisplayYearTypes.Full:
    yearDisplay = i.ToString();
    case DisplayYearTypes.Short:
    yearDisplay = i.ToString().Substring(2);
    ListItem li = new ListItem(yearDisplay, i.ToString());
    private void generateDisplayMessage()
    if (this.DisplayMessageLable)
    if (this.DisplayControl == DisplayControls.TextBox)
    lblMsg.Text = this.DateTimeFormat;
    if (this.MinDate != null && this.MinDate.Value != new DateTime())
    lblMsg.Text += " From " + this.MinDate.Value.ToString(this.DateTimeFormat);
    if (this.MaxDate != null && this.MaxDate.Value != new DateTime())
    lblMsg.Text += " To " + this.MaxDate.Value.ToString(this.DateTimeFormat);
    private void setDropDownValue(DateTime? dt)
    if (ddlDay.Items.Count != 0 && ddlMonth.Items.Count != 0 && ddlYear.Items.Count != 0)
    if (dt != null && dt != new DateTime())
    ddlDay.SelectedValue = ddlDay.Items.FindByValue(dt.Value.Day.ToString()).Value;
    ddlMonth.SelectedValue = ddlMonth.Items.FindByValue(dt.Value.Month.ToString()).Value;
    ddlYear.SelectedValue = ddlYear.Items.FindByValue(dt.Value.Year.ToString()).Value;
    ddlDay.SelectedValue = "0";
    ddlMonth.SelectedValue = "0";
    ddlYear.SelectedValue = "0";
    }Usage Of Code in .ascx<cc2:DateTimePicker ID="dtpDOB" DisplayType="Date" DisplayMode="ImageButton" ButtonImage="../Images/calendar.png" runat="server"Changing Value from .cs file dtpDOB.SelectedValue = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2001");It is not reflected in screen

    According to your code, it's an ASP.NET user control problem. Please post in
    ASP.NET forums where more web developers will give you help.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Why am I unable to change text color from black in LR5 book module?

    Why am I unable to change text color from black in LR5 Book Module?

    I'm assuming you clicked on the color patch besides the word <Character> to open the color picker window.
    At the right side of this window there is a vertical bar that has 2 horizontal black lines at the bottom.
    This is actually a slider. Pull it upwards with the color picker and color will appear in the window.

  • I have the new iOS 7 and am getting texts from another family members phone and they are getting mine how do I disable this without changing accounts

    I have the new iOS 7 and am getting texts from another family members phone and they are getting mine how do I disable this without changing accounts

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You could simply set each device to only use a single telephone number (settings > messages > send & receive, but this isn't really an ideal solution since the other person can always change their settings and see your messages and send messages that appear as if they are from you. There is only one real solution and that's to have your own accounts.

  • Need to change auto generated text from pdf report

    I have implemented pdf but it generated text from the autogenrated xml.
    If I need to change that text then what should I want to do for that?
    Following is my xsl file and the generated output in pdf.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration = "yes" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <fo:simple-page-master master-name="my-page">
    <fo:region-body margin="1in"/>
    <fo:region-before extent="1in" background-color="silver" />
    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="my-page">
         <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
    <fo:block height="150px" width="1024px" background-color="blue" >
    <fo:external-graphic width="340px" src="http://localhost:9000/web-determinations9000/images/logo.png"/>
    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
    <fo:block >
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="dump" select="/session/entity/instance/attribute"/>
    output from pdf -
    What is Student Id?=
    Is scored more than 80% true%=
    What is Student Name?=
    What is lastname?=
    Is student eligible for gold medal?=
    If i want "what is student id?" text to only student Id then what change I need for that?

    Following is the code sample for your understanding:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration = "yes" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
         <fo:simple-page-master master-name="my-page">
              <fo:region-body margin="1in"/>
              <fo:region-before extent="1in" background-color="silver" />
    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="my-page">
         <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
              <fo:block height="150px" width="1024px" background-color="blue" >
              <fo:external-graphic width="340px" src="http://localhost:9000/web-determinations9000/images/logo.png"/>
         <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
              <xsl:apply-templates mode="dump" select="/session/entity[@name='global']/instance[@label='global']"/>
    <xsl:template match="/session/entity[@name='global']/instance[@label='global']" mode="dump" priority="100">
         <fo:block margin-top=".5cm" margin-left=".1cm" border-start-style="solid">
              Student ID:<xsl:value-of select="attribute[@id='var_student_id']/number-val"/>

  • I have an Adobe Flash Professionals digital classroom book for CS6 and was following all steps easily until it ask me to select the text tool and change it from classic to tfl in the property inspector. I looked and all that drops down is dynamic, static,

    I have an Adobe Flash Professionals digital classroom book and was following all steps easily until it ask me to select the text tool and change it from classic to tfl in the property inspector. I looked and all that drops down is dynamic, static, and input. Where is the TFL and Classic ? I watched adobe learning center but he was using CS5. Can anyone please help?

    Do you use Flash CS6 to follow the instructions in the classroom book? If yes, then you can find it under text drop down for an AS3 Document as shown below
    If you follow the instruction in Flash CC or Flash CC2014 then you will not find this option as this is deprecated.

  • After upgrading to 6.1.3 battery drains fast. Moreover initial charging takes more time to change battery indicator from red to green. any solution ?

    After updating the iphone 5 to IOS 6.1.3 battery drains fast. Also it takes more time to change battery status from Red to Green. Any solution?

    Thinking I'm S.O.L at this point.

  • On Button click change the button display text from LOCK to UNLOCK

    Hi Freinds,
    I am rendering a TreeByNestingTableColumn with two columns  like:  Name , Status as below shown. In The status column I inserted a Table Cell editor Button type and  the button element property text mapped to the context attribute called statusButton and set the button name in the code to display as LOCK. When the tree renders all the vales are displaying in status column as LOCK. Now whrn the user click on LOCK i should fire the event and change the button text from LOCK to UNLOCK. The same way when they click on UNLOCK and i have change to LOCK. please help how to do this.
       Name                          Status
    |> Employee1------------------LOCK (when i click on lock  button here, his and under neath of him button status should                 
            |>Employee2-----------LOCK    change from LOCK status to UNLOCK)                                                     
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes I removed the method and created the calicualted value as you suggested and I able to get the out put what i have asked.
    My complete scenario is some thing like this, i able to complete upto certain level but not able to make it work for complete scenario, I appreicate your comments or advice for getting me the below output
    I have a TreeByNestingTableColum UI rendering with three columns as NAME(node |>), STATUS(Toggle Button) and PLANNING (Text view)  (developed based on sample tutorial Integration of a Tree Structure in a Web Dynpro Table.pdf)
    I am trying to get this output:
    From the sap backed i am getting flag value, based on that i have to render Tree UI columns NAME,  STATUS(Toggle Button) and PLANNING (Text view). if the flag is null i have to show as LOCK and In Planning else Unlock and Submitted  (please see the below picture for clear idea)*
    if (statusflag = ""){
    i have to show values in two columns like Lock ...Planning
    } else
    show values in two columns like Un Un Lock ...Submitted
    One more thing is , If i lock a record at secound node level , then all the records should locked underneath of that node (it could be 2 nodes or 10 nodes) and then the status column values should change from lock to Unlock and Planning column values should change from In Planning to Submitted. where as when i Click on Unlock , only that perticular record (not node level) should changed from unlocked to Lock and planning is  from Submitted to In Planning.
    This is the functionality actually I am looking for.
    Here the tree sample:
    Name                        Status              Planning
    |>M1                         Lock                 In Planning
       |>M2                      Lock                 In Planning
         *M2a                    Lock                 In Planning
       |>M3                    Un Lock                Submittd
    Thank you.

  • In PSE 12 how can I change my watermark label eg colour of text from black to white etc

    I have created a watermark to use in batch processing from RAW to jpg but I don't like the watermark and want to change some elements eg change the text from black to white but every time I change it, PSE changes it back to black - how do I fix this?

    This isn't Lion-specific. I had the same prob changing OS a couple of years ago and now again changing to Lion on a new laptop.
    Changing the Date and Time settings would do it (you'd think) but it doesn't. It was always embedded in International (now Language &Text). It seems to be a bug though as I've Custom Edited selecting 12-hr clock with am/pm and have the same issue. On-the-hour has no am/pm or zeros.
    I've learnt not to waste too much energy on it once it doesn't make logical sense as it's generally a bug.
    I'm loving Lion though - even unexpectedly using the natural scrolling.....but I digress....

  • HT201210 how can i retrieve texts from an earlier back up without changing all the other settings on my iphone?

    how can i retrieve texts from an earlier back up without changing all the other settings on my iphone?

    You can't. Restoring from a backup is all or none.
    You can use a utility such as this one to extract the messages from the backup on your computer but you can't re-transfer the messages to the Messages app on your iPhone.

  • I am trying to text from my new IPad2 and some of the contacts names turn red and won't allow me to send. Why?

    I am trying to text from my new IPad2 and some of the contacts names turn red and won't allow me to send. Why?

    The recipients have to have an apple device and an apple id.
    about messages
    Troubleshooting messages

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