Changing the text in each dataGrid row to a different color

Okay I am going to try and be as clear as possible with this,
so bare with me.
What I am trying to do is make it so that when my
arraycollection objects that I have retrieved from a web service
are loaded in (by using the "dataProvider" attribute) my dataGrid
that some sort of code will take place changing the color of each
line of text (all the objects stored in the array collection are
string types) and display each rows text in a different color.
Now after looking into it, it seems the only way to alter the
color of the text is to use some sort of style or format but it
seems it only effects text in a "textArea, textField, textInput"
etc... SOOO I figured why not create a itemRenderer that contains
one of those and put it into the dataGrid... Which I did and still
can't figure out a way to make it so you can dynamically alter the
color based on a set of rbg values stored in a array the same size
as the rowCount of the datagrid.
so I am rather stumpped in what to do.. I DON'T want to
change the background color of each row, so alternatingItemColor is
out of the question, I just want the text displayed in each row to
be a different color.... And I want all this color changing to
happen either before the data is inputted into the dataGrid
(manipulating the arraycollection some how..) or when its all
already in there, it all needs to happen in code no user
I was thinking perhaps maybe I could create a item Renderer
object that contains the compenent (the textArea in it) and just
make a array of item Renderer objects and pass those into the
dataGrid, but I don't think that is possible.
ANY IDEAS AT ALL!! On how to change the color of the text in
each row of the datagrid to a different color would be a HUGE,
HUGE!!! help. Or any info on how to setup a datagrid listener that
listens for when a object (a row) from the arraycollection is added
to the datagrid... Perhaps I could use that info some how to my
email me, if you like I don't care I just need a answer to
this its driving me crazy! I can change the background row color
based on a array of rgb values but I can't change the color of the
item in that row based on array of rgb values, ARG!
[email protected]
thanx in advanced.

<mx:Label color = "red" />
want to make it so I can change the color of the label on the
dynamically by calling some sort of method I have created.. is that
possible? if so coudl you please give a example, thanx!

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    thank you.

    String will be left justified
    Integer will be right justified
    Date will be a simple date without the time.
    As it will with this renderer.Only if your custom renderer duplicates the code
    found in each of the above renderers. This is a waste
    of time to duplicate code. The idea is to reuse code
    not duplicate and debug again.
    No, no, no there will be NO duplicated code.
    A single renderer class can handle all types ofdata.
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    Boolean? So that, by default the rendering for common classes is done correctly.
    Because its a better design then having code
    with a bunch of "instanceof" checks and nested
    if...else code.This is only required for customization BEYOND what the default renderers provide
    And you would only have to use instanceof checkswhen you required custom
    rendering for a particular classAgreed, but as soon as you do require custom
    renderering you need to customize your renderer.
    which you would also have to do with theprepareRenderer calls too
    Not true. The code is the same whether you treat
    every cell as a String or whether you use a custom
    renderer for every cell. Here is the code to make the
    text of the selected line(s) bold:
    public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer
    renderer, int row, int column)
    Component c = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row,
    , column);
         if (isRowSelected(row))
              c.setFont( c.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD) );
         return c;
    }It will work for any renderer used by the table since
    the prepareRenderer(...) method returns a Component.
    There is no need to do any kind of "instanceof"
    checking. It doesn't matter whether the cell is
    renderered with the "Object" renderer or the
    "Integer" renderer.
    If the user wants to treat all columns as Strings or
    treat individual columns as String, Integer, Data...,
    then they only need to override the getColumnClass()
    method. There is no change to the prepareRenderer()
    Have you actually tried the code to see how simple it
    I've posted my code. Why don't you post your solution
    that will allow the user to bold the text of a Date,
    Integer, and String data in separate column and then
    let the poster decide.Well, I don't see a compilable, runnable demo anywhere in this thread. So here's one
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class TableRendererDemo extends JFrame{
        String[] headers = {"String","Integer","Float","Boolean","Date"};
        private JTable table;
        public TableRendererDemo() {
        private void buildGUI() {
            JPanel mainPanel = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            mainPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            Vector headerVector = new Vector(Arrays.asList(headers));
             Vector data = createDataVector();
            DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, headerVector){
                public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
                    return getValueAt(0,columnIndex).getClass();
            table = new JTable(tableModel);
    //        table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new MyTableCellRenderer());
            table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new MyTableCellRenderer());
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Integer.class, new MyTableCellRenderer());
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Float.class, new MyTableCellRenderer());
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Date.class, new MyTableCellRenderer());
            JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(table);
            mainPanel.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        private Vector createDataVector(){
            Vector dataVector = new Vector();
            for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++){
                Vector rowVector = new Vector();
                rowVector.add(new String("String "+i));
                rowVector.add(new Integer(i));
                rowVector.add(new Float(1.23));
                rowVector.add( (i % 2 == 0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE));
                rowVector.add(new Date());
            return dataVector;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    TableRendererDemo tableRendererDemo = new TableRendererDemo();
        class MyTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                 super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
                if ( isSelected){
                if ( value instanceof Date){
                    SimpleDateFormat formatter =(SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);
                if(value instanceof Number){
                return this;
    }Hardly a "bunch of instanceof or nested loops. I only used the Date instanceof to allow date format to be specified/ modified. If it was left out the Date column would be "18 Apr 2005" ( DateFormat.MEDIUM, which is default).

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    Hi Gregg,
    excellent question. I had the same problem as well before.
    What I have learned is that you cannot change a UI Element via Enhancements.
    You can add new UI Elements (e.g. new label) or remove existing elements, but you cannot change them (except the layout properties (e.g. colspan) maybe).
    The only possibilities I see is
    1. Remove the existing label, and add a new label with your desired text
    2. Do it as a modification
    3. Do it as a configuration (This means you go to the webdynpro application in SE80, right click and select "Create/Change Configuration)
    4. Do it as customizing (This means you add the URL parameter sap-config-mode=X to the URL, navigate to the label, right click on it, and select "Change Settings for Current Configuration").
    The disadvatages of 3) and 4) are
    - texts in configurations and customizing are not translatable (as far as I know)
    - if you have multiple configurations, you have to change the label multiple times
    Hope this helps a bit,

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    as i mentioned, you would require to use a custom renderer for this, for this
    //Class subclass the JFrame and has a JList in it
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class ListRendererTest extends JFrame
         private JList lstMenu;
         private DefaultListModel defaultListModel;
         private JScrollPane scrollPane;
         private Vector listVector;
         public ListRendererTest()
         public void init()
              lstMenu = new JList();
              defaultListModel= new DefaultListModel();
              scrollPane      = new JScrollPane(lstMenu);
              listVector = new Vector();
              MyListData m1 = new MyListData();
              m1 = new MyListData();   //represents each User instance
              for (int i=0;i < listVector.size(); i++)
              lstMenu.setCellRenderer(new MyListRenderer());  //set custom renderer
         public void addComponents()
         public void showFrame()
              setTitle("List renderer test");
         public static void main(String args[])
              new ListRendererTest();
    }The above class is the Container which houses the JList in it, it uses two other classes, MyListData which is used to represent each user instance ( username, and information about whether he is online) and MyListRenderer (custom renderer).
    // Represents each user instance //
    public class MyListData
         private String name;
         private boolean online;
         public void setName(String name)
     = name;
         public String getName()
              return name;
         public void setOnline(boolean online)
     = online;
         public boolean isOnline()
              return online;
    //custom list renderer
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class MyListRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer
         private MyListData myListData;
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index,  boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
               myListData = (MyListData)value;
               setBackground(myListData.isOnline() ? Color.white);  //check if online, if so show in different color
               setForeground(isSelected ? :;
               return this;
    }hope that helps.

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    A PDF usually consists of one to an indefinite number of clipping masks inside each other.
    You need to be very carefull with selecting stuff.
    So you need to read the manual on how to select stuff and on the basics of Illustrator.
    On top of that: because of the complex hierarchy of PDF files, it is kind of difficult to help you without seeing anything.

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    I have dragged and dropped a command button in my jsff page.
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        public void settext(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            BindingContainer bc = getBindings();
            DCIteratorBinding dcIter =
            int e = (int)dcIter.getEstimatedRowCount();
            System.out.println (e);
            if ((e == 0)) {
                myButton.setText("CreateInsert");    // Null pointer exception occurs
            } else {
                myButton.setText("Update");  //null pointer exception occurs
        }Can any one pls help me?

    Hi Timo!
    This was the thing which i have did.
    I have dragged and dropped a command button to my jsff page.
    When i press the button a popup will show which ask the confirmation from the user.
    This is the code which i have written in my managed bean.
        public String delete_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete");
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
        public void deleteItem(DialogEvent dialogEvent)
            if (dialogEvent.getOutcome() != DialogEvent.Outcome.yes)
          }I have used the EL Expression in my another button which will change it property according to the values in my row.
    #{bindings.EssEeoDemInfView1Iterator.estimatedRowCount gt 0 ? 'Update':'Create Insert'}For this button i have used the following code in my managed bean.
        public String update() {
             BindingContainer bc = getBindings();
            DCIteratorBinding dcIter =
            int e = (int)dcIter.getEstimatedRowCount();
            if ((e == 0)) {
            } else {
            return null;
        }When i initially delete the record the button has not been changed to createinsert it remains as update. When i press the update am getting NULL pointer exception in CreateInsert() and Commit();

  • Restrict all the text in a datagrid input without having to create custom item renderers

    Is there a way to restrict all the text in a datagrid input
    without having to create custom item renderers for each

    How are you trying to restrict it? If you're trying to
    restrict it uniformly, for example, to entirely numerical inputs,
    then the easiest way I know of to do so is with an itemEditor. You
    can just add the same itemEditor to each column that way.
    This only saves work over custom renderers if you're trying
    to restrict multiple columns in the same manner, but for numeric
    only tables, it's pretty short.
    You could probably also do it with itemEdit and
    itemEditBeginning events, but that would likely be more work then
    simply declaring a single global itemEditor and using it in all
    your columns.

  • Duplicating movieclips w/textfields on them & changing the text

    Okay, there is a movie clip in the library. Has three layers.  Each of the layers is also in the library.  Layer 1 has a button symbol, layer 2 a text symbol with instance name 'item_label', layer 3 is color. instance name is 'flbutton'.  To me, it looks like this was created into a symbol itself and given intance name of 'menu_item'.
    An array is created with button label names.  A loop is created based on the number of labels in the array.  An instance of 'menu_item' is created each loop and placed on the stage/screen and the text on the button is changed to the item in the array.
    My do you do that in AS3?
    var menu_label:Array = new Array("Introduction", "Templates", "Services", "Clients",
             "Testimonials", "Support", "About Us", "Contact");
    // *** menu label array length must be equal to number of
    // *** total frames inside "menu button bg" Movie Clip in the library.
    var total:Number = menu_label.length;
    var tween_duration:Number = .85;// in seconds
    var radius:Number = 185;
    var angle:Number;
    var i:Number = 0;
    function create_menu():Void
    angle = (i - 2) * Math.PI * 2 / total;
    position_x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
    position_y = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
    var fm = menu_item_group.menu_item.duplicateMovieClip("menu_item" + i, i);//** menu_item_group is instance name already on the
                                                                                                                      //** stage and is instance of symbol in library that has
                                                                                                                      //**instance name of menu_item
    fm.stop(); + 1);
    fm.over = true;
    fm.item_label = menu_label[i];   //** here is where the text of each newly created MovieClip's text is changed
    fm.item_no = i;
    more code.........
    Can someone tell me how to do this in AS3?  I have learned how to duplicate a movieclip with DisplayObjects, but I have no way of knowing how to get to the text field in order to change it.
    ps. new to Flash. Decent amount of VB programming experience.

    You are correct about the instance names etc... my apologies... I did not save my work and lost what I was doing.  My Dev enviroment is a personal laptop with Flash.  The company has yet to purchase Flash.  My laptop did an auto Windows update.  I lost my testing .fla.
    You were right about the instance name.  It was missing from my previous example.  That has been correct.  I now get no errors, but setting the autoSize property did not work.
    I'm creating two MovieClips.  One is the MovieClip of the actual TextField and the other is of a MovieClip with the TextField on it.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    When I create the MovieClip of the TextField directly:
    var mcTxt:MovieClip=new clsText();   //pardon me, but I just had to use some VB naming conventions to help myself out.
    mcTxt.item_Label.text="Hello Willeeerrrrr";
    When I add the field without changing the text, the text field defaults to "Hello World".  When I attempt a change as in the code above, the text field looks as follows:  Hello Willeee.  If I add a fourth 'e', .text="Hello Willeeeerrrr", it will add it to the text field the next time I test.  The final 'rrrrr's' get truncated.  Wierd.
    Now, when I do the above on the MovieClip with the child text field, the text just disappears.
    var mc:MovieClip=new clsMenuItem();//MovieClip with the embedded/child textfield
    mc.mcMenuItem.item_Label.text="Hello Willred";
    The above code causes the text to display blank.
    I'm close and hope it's just a property setting...ideas?

  • Changing the Text Cursor for all Text Components

    The users have asked me to change the text cursor i.e, the vertical cursor for all the text components in our application.
    Is there a common way to change it , without having to call the setCaret method for each of the text components ?
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    I was talking about the blinking vertical caret - sorry I got confused between the I-beam cursor and the caret(!).
    I wanted to change the caret color at the very least.
    Although preferably, I would like to make it a bit wider.
    I just found one solution to change the caret color across all the textfields using UIManager -
        Color caretColor = Color.GREEN;
        UIManager.put( "TextField.caretForeground", caretColor);
        UIManager.put( "FormattedTextField.caretForeground", caretColor);
        UIManager.put( "TextArea.caretForeground", caretColor);
        UIManager.put( "PasswordField.caretForeground", caretColor);Thanks

  • Create a duplicate of a button and change the text on THAT button only

    something is frustrating me w/Flash. Not sure if there is a workaround within Flash itself or not. I have a group of buttons with fancy backgrounds and text. They may have originally been imported from Ilustrator, but are now MC's. I tried to select one in the library, right click (on PC) and duplicate. This does create a new instance. I give the new instance a different name and drag onto the stage. When I change the test though it changes the text ALSO on the button which I duplicated from. Don't want this. Each button needs to have it's own unique text. Is there a way to accomplish this in Flash? I know one alternative is to try and find the Illustrator template and create a new one, but I would rather not do this if possible.

    This could be happening for a couple of reasons. The good news is its easily fixable, and you have options.
    Option 1.
    From your explanation of the problem I am assuming you are using static text inside your MCs.
    First, find out what's really happening with your two mcs.
    make sure you aren't using 2 of the same clip (either the original or the duplicate).Not the  instance names, but the actual names of the clip as found in the Library.
    If they are different, i.e. "myclip" and "copy of myClip", then odds are there is another mc that holds your text inside them. So, go into either one of your movie clips and check for nested movie clips inside them. If there are nested clips, you need to duplicate each of those clips as well otherwise you will continue to have the text change in both.
    Option 2.
    if you are ok with a little bit of scripting, you can just go inside your mc and make your text fields "dynamic" and give it an instance name.
    then open up the actions panel, create new layer, and add the following frame script:
    //insert your instance names where necessary
    myMC.pathToMyTextField.myTextField.text = "the text for this button";
    do this for each button and it should fix your issue.
    hope this helps.

  • How to change the text in the legend of a graph programmat​ically in labview

    I have many graphs in one plot and want to show the legend the name of the graph (i.e. the filename). How do I change the text in the legend programmatically?

    Create a property node for your graph. Use the property node "Active Plot" to define which plot (or line) you want to rename. Then write the new legend label to the property node "Plot.Name". See attached.
    Attachments: ‏12 KB

  • How do I change the text color of footers on select pages? (InDesign CS6)

    Good afternoon,
    Months ago, I worked with a graphic designer to put together a 100-page workbook for my training company. He turned all of the files over to me and I'd like to make a small change before we print another run for a new client. Specifically, I'm having trouble changing the text color on select pages. Since a picture says 1,000 words, let me give you an example:
    As you can see, the copyright information on the right side of the page is difficult to read here when placed over the photo (you may have to look closely, but it's along the guy's sleeve). What I'd love to do is change that part of the footer (not the left, page number side) to white text. This would make it quite a bit easier to read. There's a number of other pages in the book that I want to make this change to. I'm not sure why I never noticed it or mentioned it to the designer. I suppose I've become more discerning since then.
    Let me tell you what I've tried to do:
    I learned how to override master pages by CTRL+SHIFT clicking on the footer. However, this has not worked for me. It allows me to change the page number part, but not the copyright side. Additionally, sometimes when I override the master the formatting of the footer goes goofy. For instance, the left side and right side come together and end up in the middle of the page I'm working on.
    I'm looking for a quick way to go through and make the footers easier to read on pages where they are backed by a photo. Hoping you can help me. Please let me know if you need any other information.

    I think you should have left it as it was. It seems like what you had was single pages flowing as spreads within InDesign. Like below. That is the correct way, and when you changed it to all single, it did create your footer problems.
    Will you be sending the file as a PDF to your online printer? If so, then leaving the InDesign file set as below is fine. The PDF output will separate the pages.
    All you have to do is make sure that Pages, not Spreads, is chosen when you output the PDF

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