I wouldn't, because most inexpensive power converters have a significant risk of failure and could damage the Apple charger. Most are also only 50 watts, which is marginal. And the high power ones aren't converters at all; they just filter half the waveform, and will certainly brick the Apple adapter.
The Apple charger says (which you can read for yourself on the device) that it works from 100V to 240V and 50 or 60 Hz. That covers every form of electrical power used in the world.
If that isn't good enough you can buy an "international" charger from Apple. It is actually the same charger you have already, but comes with interchangeable plugs so you don't need a separate plug converter.

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    This will also make a good reading.
    As output voltage is correct, charging is safe. It will charge about twice as fast as compared to its own charger.

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    In a word, no.
    There is no harm with charging a lithium based battery more frequently and when at any battery level and without having to charge the battery to 100% when doing so.

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    A charger is only connectors plastic and rubber you Can MAKE one yourself with wires so no memories

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    I don't spend time worrying about my "average" battery life. To figure that out, I'd need to keep track of exactly how long it took my battery to run down. I'd need to run the battery down every time. I'd need to do this for weeks to get any valid data. I have a life. I charge my phone at night and take it off in the morning. If I need or get the chance to charge it some other time, I do.
    Go look at this thread:

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    The USB spec says that a USB port must provide 5 volts +- 0.5 volts, or 4.5 volts to 5.5 volts. So 5.3 volts is OK and within spec. As Rudegar says, the current is irrelevant as long as it is at least 1 amp. More is better, up to 1.6 amps for a 6 series phone. Above 1.6 won't do any harm, but won't help either. BTW, the max that a 5 or earlier iPhone can use is 1 amp. Again, more won't hurt, but won't help either.

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    I did not realize there was a new Single Line plan.
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    Info -> Sync Calendars with: Outlook
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    Is someone else using the PC and iTunes?
    Create another user for the PC with your name, and try syncing that way.
    This way it wont conflic with the other user.

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    What shall I do?
    Thanks for your help,

    Myzin wrote:
    I just bought an I-Phone 5S. When plugging it to my Macbook for the 1st time to copy music from my I-Tunes, this message comes up: "The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library on “localhost". Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library?"
    This would indicate that you bought a Used iPhone and/or have Connected it to another iTunes Library.
    By design an iPhone can only sync to One iTunes Library at a time.

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    I'm afraid the LU suffix is a new one on me.
    As long as you have all of the content in your library then that remove and sync warning shouldn't cause any loss of data, but it shouldn't be happening every time. It may pay to take the following steps to reset the connection between the two,
    Backup device.
    Restore as a new device.
    Restore the backup made earlier.
    Again, this assumes all content on the device is in your library. If that isn't the case see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device first.

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    Powerbook G4 500   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    you should look into getting a USB 2.0 PCMCIA card for your Powerbook, you know the slot which you may not use at all? You can get them as cheap as $18!!!
    Check out or or ask an apple employee at an apple store, etc.
    Would be great for your situation, as it will help not only for the iPhone, but for cameras and the bunch of USB 2.0 devices that exist.

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