CHM, Forms and CGI

RoboHelp HTML X5.0.1, Build 606
I'm creating an instructional CHM and I would like to add
forms so I can save information about the user progress. I would
like to use the Forms & CGI but the help file for RoboHelp only
gives a brief description of what CGI is. Are there any good books
or web sites that gives extensive tutorial on how to use CGI with
In essence I want to create a mini database for each user
that goes through the instructional CHM. I've looked for books on
RoboHelp X5 online but I can't seem to find any. Were there any X5
books ever published?

Here are the basic steps for setting up CGI:
- design a form that accepts input
- write a script or program to process the data from your
- in your form, set up a Submit button with a link. The link
is to the program file name, and usually includes the data in the
form of key-value pairs. For an example,
look at the link to the present page: readid=1353586&messid=4921766&STARTPAGE=1&parentid=4921766
- on your server, associate the program file name extension
with a script interpreter that can run the program. The first line
of the program has to contain a special statement for the benefit
of the server -- sorry, I can't remember exactly what offhand. The
data passed as key-value pairs is available in an environment
On a Windows server, you could consider ASP as an alternative
to CGI.

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    <h:dataTable value="#{TablesDb2Bean.myDataDb2ListSelection}" var="current" border="2" width="50%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="text-align: center">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Name"/>
    <h:outputText id="nameTableDb2" value="#{current.db2_name_table}"/>
    Everything works fine...
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    You think you can use the java instructions :
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    while (NomsParam.hasMoreElements()) {
    String NameParam = (String) NamesParam.nextElement();
    out.println("<h4>"++NameParam+ "+</h4>);
    YOU ARE WRONG : request.getParameterNames() wants the syntax *name="nameTableDb2" but JSF must use id="nameTableDb2" for "<h:outputText"... So, you can't process datas in a FORM generated with JSF in a Servlet ! Perhaps I have made an error, but really, I wonder which ?
    Edited by: ungars on Jul 18, 2010 12:43 AM
    Edited by: ungars on Jul 18, 2010 12:45 AM

    While I certainly appreciate ejb's helpful responses, this thread shows up a difference in perspective between how I read the forum and how others do. Author ejb is correct in advising you to stay inside JSF for form processing if form processing is what you want to do.
    However, I detect another aspect to this post which reminds me of something Marc Andreesen once said when he was trying to get Netscape off the ground: "there's no such thing as bad HTML."
    In this case, I interpret ungar's request as a new feature request. Can I phrase it like this?
    "Wouldn't it be nice if I could render my nice form with JSF but, in certain cases, when I REALLY know what I'm doing" just post out to a separate servlet? I know that in this case I'll be missing out on all the nice validation, conversion, l10n, i18n, ajax, portlet and other features provided by JSF".
    If this is the case, because it really misses the point of JSF, we don't allow it, but we do have an issue filed for it
    If you can't wait for it to be fixed, you could decorate the FormRenderer to fix what you want.
    I have an example in my JSF book that shows how to do this decoration.

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    ":/u01/app/oracle/jre/1.1.8/bin/.../bin/i686/native-threads/ symbol_ _libc_wait, version Glibc -2.0 not defined in file with link time refrence
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    The requirements for installing 10.2.0 and 9.0.4 on RHEL4 differ - 9.0.4 is based on older versioned RSFs and require linking against older compatibility libraries.
    The OUI may incorrectly complain if later versions of the required/pre-requisite packages really are installed - this should not be a problem functionally, however.
    The latter errors you report, however (make, relocation error, glibc/symbol), are symptomatic of trying to link with/against incompatible gcc/glibc versions. Try installing the following additional compatibility files (appropriate for your architecture);
    If you have not already done so, I suggest you create and use (i.e. source) separate environment definition files when working with each product/version environment. For 9.0.4, ensure that you specify environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 before installing 9.0.4 (or relinking).
    If you have MetaLink access, refer also to Note.315832.1, Note.389811.1.
    Message was edited by:

  • Form Mail CGI

    I have applications on two sites where I use a form mail CGI-bin script to allow a user to enter contact information and send. It works great, but I'm wondering if there's any easier method than what I'm currently doing. I now direct the form info e-mail to my domain server, and then forward it from there to a private e-mail address.
    With CGI form mail, is it possible to simply direct the form data to a private e-mail address, or does it need to go to the domain server first?

    Hi KB:
    I'm not an expert by any measure, but here's how it works for me:
         1. You'll need a folder on your site root. Mine is calle "cgi-bin". In that folder, there should be several files that are provided by your host. In my case, there are four files in it. That folder needs to be on your local drive and on your host server in your website's root folder.
         2. In your code view (or split view), you'll need to insert these three lines of code, filled in with your information (I've indicated data you'll need to fill in for your site in bold italic). Once completed, these three lines of code should be inserted directly below the line that contains the code with your
    Make sure you don't lose the " marks when you edit in your info.   
    Assuming you are using the DWCS4 "form" function and all the other form fields are filled in, you'll need to be sure your "ACTION" field on the form is as follows:
    Finally, I've found that, at least with my hosts, I have to direct the form data to my domain e-mail address initially. If I want to redirect it from there to my "private" e-mail address (e.g., yahoo, gmail,, other), I have to set up an auto-forward of the domain e-mail to my private e-mail address using the host's C-panel function. I tried just specifying my private e-mail and I got an error message that my private mail address could not be found on the server. I think that if you want form data forwarded directly to a private e-mail address without first having to go through your host server, you'll probably need to use a PHP script -- which is even more "fun" than CGI.
    Hope this helps.

  • IE7 support in Forms and Jinitiator


    I inlined my comments
    Where can I get the Forms EAR for OC4J?
    We planned to certify Forms6i patch 9 with OC4J. Performance
    testing unveilled problems when running the Forms Servlet in
    OC4J via the Apache listener. I see. I wanted to run forms on OC4J without apache at all. I was hoping this would become a supported configuration.
    Is Reports CGI + OC4J a certified combination?Does OC4J have a CGI environemnt? Anyway, the answer is no.Yes, there are instructions on metalink about how to run the forms and reports CGI applications through OC4J's CGI servlet. However, I don't know how "supported/certified" that is.
    For somebody that needs just forms and reports, the full
    iAS 9i EE installation is way overkill. I'd rather just
    have iAS9i Core + Forms + Reports.
    Forms and Reports are part of 9iAS Enterprise Edition and are
    installed in this bundle. There is no other option.Yes, it is true that Oracle forced us to pay for all of Oracle 9iAS Enterprise Edition to use forms and reports on the web. But, that doesn't mean that Forms and Reports won't work without all the other components installed. In fact, I couldn't even get it installed with the default EE install. I had to install iAS Core, then install Forms and Reports 6i, and then patch them all the way up manually because the iAS EE install kept dying while trying to install Discoverer (something I didn't even want).
    Even using OC4J would have required you to use Apache upfront.We need to have good performance with a small number of users on an intranet. We want webforms mostly for the convenience of avoiding client installations. We don't need any load-balancing at this time (and anyway, we could come up with some poor-mans load balancing if needed it). So, I think we would have been okay with OC4J and no Apache.
    Thanks for the answers,

  • Formail and CGI-bin file

    I installed a form mail product called Formail several months
    ago. I am using Dreamweaver 8 at work. I am creating a new form and
    cannot find my cgi-bin file to modify the program. Does anybody
    have any experience with this program in Dreamweaver? I have
    earched for hours. The old form I created still works great but I
    cannot trace it back to the cgi-bin file. I think I have been
    working to long!!!!!

    look inside your cgi-bin for a file named
    --Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    "Warren Sims" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g7d4d0$jf7$[email protected]..
    > I installed a form mail product called Formail several
    months ago. I am
    > Dreamweaver 8 at work. I am creating a new form and
    cannot find my cgi-bin
    > to modify the program. Does anybody have any experience
    with this program
    > Dreamweaver? I have earched for hours. The old form I
    created still works
    > but I cannot trace it back to the cgi-bin file. I think
    I have been
    working to
    > long!!!!!

  • Yesterday, as today's deadline for filing tax returns approached, I was paralyzed by the inability to create new IRS PDF forms and to retrieve archived ones from a year ago. My computer went crazy. 24 hours later, I am still paralyzed. Can you help?

    My computer went crazy yesterday on two occasions involving PDF documents. One dealt with attachments to an email from a bona fide corporation. The other dealt with IRS PDF forms & schedules needed for today's submission.
    As both dealt with PDF and had nothing else in common, I suspected my PC had a virus. When I asked a local store technician, he agreed. I turned to Norton, which protects my PC from viruses, and after a few hours of really thorough searching, the computer was found to have no viruses.
    Before describing what I call "crazy" computer behavior, you need to know that I have long had IE8 as my default browser but a few weeks ago switched to Mozilla Firefox because IE8 had beome incompatible with some websites from which I get information.
    When I received the email from AT&T email service and clicked the first of four icons representing attachments, there was figuratively an explosion on my monitor: a series of new tabs, each called New Tab, burst onto the monitor--but no text or picture. The new tabs appeared faster than I coul kill them. I finally decided just to shut down the computer, hoping they would not reappear when I restarted. I was wrong. After 2 repeats, I decided to forget about the attachments and asked the sender to send them to me by regular mail.
    That was no solution for my IRS PDFs. I wanted to complete filling in the various forms and schedules that I had begun months ago so that I could mail them today to the IRS (without having to copy them all in ink). When I tried to open the first one, BOOM. The same thing happened: the blizzard of New Tabs atop blank pages; my IRS form or schedule did not show up. Did the same shutdown/restart routine with the same results.
    When I looked at the list of current forms that had to be completed, I noticed something very strange: the icons that began the listing of the documents' names were replaced one by one by Mozilla icons. When I moused over them, they said Firefox HTML. Why?
    Starting the day today, I had the same experience. What's more, when I started to retrieve 2012 IRS PDFs from a year ago, the same New Tab tabs appeared and had to be killed, and Mozilla icons replaced whatever icon was there before.
    Assuming that the problem arose with Adobe Reader's reading of the PDFs, I contacted Adobe but got no helpful phone number because PDFs are a free service and was directed to use this Forum to get help.
    What do I have to do to (a) read and use PDFs in the normal way and (b) remove the Mozilla icon from those that have appeared on icon documents. If Mozilla is the source of the problem, shall I go back to IE8? (In my 80s, I want eventually to replace my old computer but for the time being I must continue using it. It will not take an IE9. Anther possible default browser would be Google Chrome, but I have unfavorable impressions of it because of its intrusiveness, loading my PC with stuff I do not need.
    Can you help?

    The problem is absolutely not Reader. The problem is that FireFox has stepped in front of Reader and handles all the PDF stuff - wrongly in your case. FireFox is DESIGNED to take over PDF files. But it is not capable of doing IRS forms!
    To start with go back to IE for these forms. When you save them to disk DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THEM until this is fixed. Just open the in the normal way - start Adobe Reader and use Open from the File menu.

  • How to Install the Forms and Reports 6i in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

    Dear All,
    I need to install Forms and Reports 6i in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.
    I had downloaded the d2k6irelease2.tar also and extracted the tar file.
    I don't know how to start up with the installation further., Is there any document available for the installation process inubuntu.. or what are the steps that i need to follow to make it work..?
    Many thanks in advance...

    Here's the Forms and Reports Services Deployment Guide for OAS 10g 10.1.2:
    You will need to modify your default.env to point to the directory where your .fmx is located and formsweb.cfg to run the specific form, e.g. foo.fmx (default is test.fmx).

  • Get cell value in Planning Data form and using it in a business rule

    Hi Everybody,
    if i set the data type of an Account Member as text, is there a way to get the value inserted by the user in a dataform, turning it as dimensional member and using it in a business rule?
    So, if the user insert the value "USA" in a cell, can i use any functions to tell essbase that "USA" is a dimensional member and then using it in a business rule, for example in a cross-dimension like Period1->FY12->USA?
    I tried to use the function @Member and it doesn't work, but i'm wondering if there is a way that can let me get the value inserted and use it just like a dimensional member. What are the ways that can let user input value that can be used in a business rule? I think one is by using SmartList, is there any other ways? Maybe using variables?? As an alternative i tried to use Prompt Variable but there are too many members on which the rule must run.
    Please help me, i wanna know if i can or not let the user input the member on which the rule must run...
    Thank all guys

    Thanks EW for your answer,
    YesI could use SmartList even if i think it's very tough to handle. My experience on using SmartList in caclc script is not so good. I try to enter in details of my requirement:
    I have 500 account members.
    For each one, I have to calculate the monthly budget by sharing the amount among the months. The user wants to calculate it on the basis of the actual flow(over the months) of an unspecified account of the prior year. The unspecified account must be inserted in a data form.
    So, i could use a Smart List but it colud be of 500 elements and then i should make a rule with as many IF as how many are the accounts. Or im wrong? The only way to use smart list dynamically in a business rule is by referring its values in a IF condition. Or i'm wrong.
    I tried to use execution variable ma it seems don't work. In this case the user must pay attention to write the account correctly, otherwise as you say the rule doesn't work.
    The value in PD0A020 is "PD0A000" (that is a dimensional member). The value in PD0A000 is "hello". In PD0A040 the rule returns "PD0A000" and not "hello" as i would. The function @Member appears to be not able to catch the dimensional member by the value in PD0A000.
    So, my doubt is: is it possible for Essbase/Planning to use the value inserted in a data form and to turn it in a dimensional member? What are the practicable ways to let the user input/choose the member on which makes the rule run?
    Thank you Ew, thank you guys

  • What is the diff b\w open form and start form in scripts.

         can any one tell me what is the diff andb\w open form and start form in scripts.when we should use open form and when start form.

    Hi Friend.
    I have understood some usefull information and would like to share with you.
    Within one transaction, you can open and close several layout sets using OPEN_FORM and
    CLOSE_FORM, however not simultaneously. You can use parameters in the OPEN_FORM to control
    whether the output is stored in the same print request. But also the SAP spool decides,
    depending on several plausibility checks, whether new output is appended to an existing
    print request or whether to create a new print request anyway.
    You cannot combine ABAP/4 list output and SAPscript output in one print request.
    Usually a print program does not print only one urging letter or one account statement, but
    several layout sets for different customers. To have the output for each customer begin with
    the start page of the layout set, you must start the current layout set again and again.
    To start a layout set again, you must first end the current layout set and then open the
    layout set again. Within one print request, first call the function module END_FORM. It
    executes the final processing for the current layout set. Then start the layout set again
    using START_FORM. Output then begins again on the start page of the desired layout set.
    Hope your obstacle is cleared.
    If not do ask me again?

  • Can we use Perform statement in start routine ,Form and endform.

    Can we use Perform statement in start routine ? Then write the ABAP code between Form and Endform.
    Example : Can I use Perform ABC in start routine. Then define ABC at the end of start routine.
          Form ABC,
          ......<ABAP> code .....

    In BI 7.0 we have start routines defined using Class where you might be able to create your own performs, but in case of BW3.5 Start routines are defined using Form so there I don't think it will allow you to create one more form.
    But you can surely try both the approaches.

  • Migration of forms and reports developed using Headstart  VERSION 3.4.1

    We have developed an application in forms 4.5 reports 2.0 based on repository 1.3.2 and Headstart
    Designer/2000 Template Package VERSION 3.4.1
    Now we want to migrate to Oracle 9i(web enabled)
    1)Is it possible to migrate only the forms and reports in 4,5 to 9i without the designer repository?Can the repository be left out?
    2)What about the templates and packages on the 2000 Headstart version.Is it necessary to migrate the same to 9i also?
    2)In case the repository has also to be migrated how do i go about migration to 9i??
    4)In case the headstart template/packages to be migrated how do i migrate to 9i?
    5)Where is the documentation available for headstart?
    Kindly help..

    Hi 23768 ( ;-) ),
    There is a whole wealth on information regarding upgrade/migration of headstart generated application systems.
    What you need is a licence on iDevelopment Accellerators and the Supplement Option ( to download this material.
    Contact your Oracle Consulting representative if you would like to know how to do this.
    Best regards, Marc Vahsen
    Headstart Team
    Oracle Consulting Netherlands

  • Oracle Forms and Reports Installation - Creating domain failed

    I installed the weblogic 10.3.6 (Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) + Coherence + OEPE - Package Installer) in my Microsoft Windows(32-bit JVM) system first.
    But there was an error occorred when the package of forms and reports (Oracle Forms and Reports 11gR2 ( was installing.
    Please find the following error message for your reference.
    Do you have any idea? Please kindly advise.
    Thanks a lot!
    2014-04-02 14:11:14,099 INFO  [main] - read template from "C:/Users/GZ/AppData/Local/Temp//tmp1396419069239wls.jar"
    2014-04-02 14:11:16,185 INFO  [main] - C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\lib\components.xml does not contain component elements and will be skipped
    2014-04-02 14:11:17,556 INFO  [main] - No config-groups.xml found in template
    2014-04-02 14:11:17,556 INFO  [main] - No template-database.xml found in template
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,205 INFO  [main] - succeed: read template from "C:/Users/GZ/AppData/Local/Temp//tmp1396419069239wls.jar"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,477 INFO  [main] - set config option ServerStartMode to "prod"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,477 INFO  [main] - succeed: set config option ServerStartMode to "prod"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,490 INFO  [main] - create Machine "PC-42A26D.GZAD.MSAD.LOCAL" as obj0
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,604 INFO  [main] - succeed: create Machine "PC-42A26D.GZAD.MSAD.LOCAL" as obj0
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,612 INFO  [main] - find Server "AdminServer" as obj1
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,652 INFO  [main] - succeed: find Server "AdminServer" as obj1
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,698 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute Machine to "PC-42A26D.GZAD.MSAD.LOCAL"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,705 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute Machine to "PC-42A26D.GZAD.MSAD.LOCAL"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,706 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute ListenPort to "7002"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,716 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute ListenPort to "7002"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,716 INFO  [main] - create Server!SSL "AdminServer!AdminServer" as obj2
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,724 INFO  [main] - succeed: create Server!SSL "AdminServer!AdminServer" as obj2
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,735 INFO  [main] - set obj2 attribute HostnameVerificationIgnored to "true"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,739 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj2 attribute HostnameVerificationIgnored to "true"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,739 INFO  [main] - find User "weblogic" as obj3
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,755 INFO  [main] - succeed: find User "weblogic" as obj3
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,755 INFO  [main] - delete obj3
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,763 INFO  [main] - succeed: delete obj3
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,764 INFO  [main] - create User "weblogic" as obj4
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,768 INFO  [main] - succeed: create User "weblogic" as obj4
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,771 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute PeriodLength to "200000"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,807 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute PeriodLength to "200000"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,807 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout to "20"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,815 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout to "20"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,815 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute DGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout to "21"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,821 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute DGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout to "21"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,822 INFO  [main] - set obj1 attribute IdleConnectionTimeout to "1000"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,830 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj1 attribute IdleConnectionTimeout to "1000"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,833 INFO  [main] - set obj4 attribute Password to "********"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,837 INFO  [main] - succeed: set obj4 attribute Password to "********"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,837 INFO  [main] - set config option OverwriteDomain to "true"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,837 INFO  [main] - succeed: set config option OverwriteDomain to "true"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,837 INFO  [main] - set config option JavaHome to "C:/Oracle/Middleware/jdk160_29"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,837 INFO  [main] - succeed: set config option JavaHome to "C:/Oracle/Middleware/jdk160_29"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,948 INFO  [main] - validateConfig "KeyStorePasswords"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,953 INFO  [main] - succeed: validateConfig "KeyStorePasswords"
    2014-04-02 14:11:18,954 INFO  [main] - write Domain to "C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain"
    2014-04-02 14:11:19,441 INFO  [main] - ListenPort internal Validation result= [null]
    2014-04-02 14:11:19,441 INFO  [main] - ListenPort external Validation result= [null]
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,609 INFO  [Thread-1] - Creating start menu program=C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd link=Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,659 INFO  [Thread-1] - Creating start menu program=C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopWebLogic.cmd link=Stop Admin Server
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,667 INFO  [Thread-1] - Creating start menu program=C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe link=Admin Server Console
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,759 INFO  [Thread-1] - need to initialize domainRegistrydocument object
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,777 INFO  [Thread-1] - Domain Generation Successful!
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,783 INFO  [main] - succeed: write Domain to "C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain"
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,784 INFO  [main] - close template
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,784 INFO  [main] - succeed: close template
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,784 INFO  [main] - read domain from "C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain"
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,967 INFO  [main] - succeed: read domain from "C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain"
    2014-04-02 14:11:21,967 INFO  [main] - add template C:/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_common/common/templates/applications/jrf_template_11.1.1.jar to domain
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,011 WARN  [main] - Catalog does not have matching template for location C:\Users\GZ\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1396419069239wls.jar
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,071 INFO  [main] - No template-database.xml found in template
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,100 INFO  [main] - No template-database.xml found in template
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,101 ERROR [main]$ConfigTopology - Multiple definitions of server-group BI-ADF-ADMIN-SVR are not allowed
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,101 INFO  [main] - fail: add template C:/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_common/common/templates/applications/jrf_template_11.1.1.jar to domain
    2014-04-02 14:11:22,101 ERROR [main] - fail: add template C:/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_common/common/templates/applications/jrf_template_11.1.1.jar to domain Multiple definitions of server-group BI-ADF-ADMIN-SVR are not allowed
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.core.PyInstance.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.pycode._pyx3.addTemplate$20(C:\Users\GZ\AppData\Local\Temp\
    at org.python.pycode._pyx3.call_function(C:\Users\GZ\AppData\Local\Temp\
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at org.python.core.PyFunction.__call__(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.pycode._pyx15.f$0(C:\Users\GZ\AppData\Local\Temp\
    at org.python.pycode._pyx15.call_function(C:\Users\GZ\AppData\Local\Temp\
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at org.python.core.Py.runCode(Unknown Source)
    at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.execfile(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at weblogic.WLST.main(

    hi user ...
    on windows there are some steps in front of installation and configuration.
    1) cleare the Windows Env (Path .. Programme x86 )
         no Blank in Path and so on
    2) insert into your local host file your server and IP Adress
    3) in Windows 32 setup of WLS is JDK included so you don't have to install the jdk in front of WLS
    4) verify if you are using the right installation medium (jdk 32 bit, wls 32 bit , fmw 32 bit
    in your OraInventory/logs directory is a *.out file for your installation please can you put this file in the forum
    is there a nodemanager up and running (if so please stop)

  • Migration MS ACCESS FORMS and Reports to Oracle (Java or Forms or Reports)

    Hello ,
    can someone tell me, how i can migrate a whole MS ACCESS 2000 mdb (with forms and Reports) to Oracle.
    I think i have first migrate the Access DB with the OMWB to Oracle and in the next Step to convert the VBA Code to JAVA or Forms9i.
    BUT Is there a tool available for Migrating VBA code like the OMWB ????

    I don't know if this is an obvious question, but do you have MS Access 2k installed on the machine you are trying to run this from? I'm assuming yes.
    If you do and there is still a problem, you should log a ticket for support who will take your mdb and help out with the issue for you.
    Many thanks

  • Question regarding material for Forms and Reports

    Hi, I'm good at SQL, now that i would like to learn Forms and Reports in Database. But i dont know like where to start and how to start. Could someone please help me out like what i need to do to learn them. As i said i'm very much new to these concepts.
    Thanks in advance

    if buying abook is an option for you and you are speaking german I would advise you to get
    Perry Pakull, Stefan Jüssen, Walter H. Müller:
    "Praktische Anwendungsentwicklung mit Oracle Forms", HANSER Verlag ISBN-10: 3-446-41098-8. Have a look at

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