Chrome browser and Java question

Not too long ago the chrome browser development removed support for the NPAPI plugins since version 35, so the java packages for the jre no longer work in chrome. Chrome has its own internal flash support and the flashplugin package is not visible any longer within the about:plugins page in chrome.  There are new Java 8 iced tea packages currently in testing, but does anyone know if these new packages have PPAPI support which would then be compatible with chrome versions newer than 35?  Chrome is currently at version 36 for the stable branch.
If the current latest linux packages for Java plugins are not PPAPI compatible can anyone suggest a way to get Java working in the current chrome stable browser?

Thanks for the reply - none of the solutions is ideal!  Although I can live without java plugins at the moment since none of the day to day sites I visit depend on java it would be nice to see java support returned to chrome (as opposed to chromium). However there will be some users who do rely on java support for critical needs such as certain banking websites in some countries, and for such users it would be necessary to move from chrome to firefox or another browser. So this is not an ideal situation overall.  Of course it appears that google are forcing the issue to push web sites away from java! It will be interesting to see how java plugin support changes over the coming months as more users start using the updated versions of chrome and then find that they can't utilise java coded web sites.

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    Best regards,
    "Life's too short not to use ADF"

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