Chromium-browser-bin woun't start

I've installed chromium-browser-bin from aur, and it woun't launch.
So, I deleted it and installed "chromium" package from extra. After using it for a while I wanted to try latest build again.
And so today, I tried for the third time installing chromium-browser-bin from aur.
And got the same error.
$ pacman -Q chromium-browser-bin
chromium-browser-bin 56505-1
$ chromium-browser
Illegal instruction
What could be wrong with it?
Last edited by Doctor Drive (2010-08-18 16:40:30)

Doctor Drive wrote:But why does chromium 5 work and 6 doesn't?
Chromium 6 is in its early stages if I'm not mistaken. You should probably wait a little while for them to get this whole thing straightened out.
EDIT: Actually, from reading that thread, I see that it is happening on x86 CPUs. I'll attempt it on my Arch64 machine and see what happens.
Last edited by itsbrad212 (2010-08-18 17:23:26)

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    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.10-1
    x264 20100607-1
    And something as dependancies for the above.
    But I cannot watch video in HTML5 mode in chromium.
    Is there anything I missed?
    Thanks a lot.

    1. Why not use chromium from extra?
    2. chromium does not support all vide encodings, only a few of them. This is due to licensing, software patensts, politics and other fun stuff.
    Blame the ones who desided to not make thedora the standard encoding in html5.

  • [semi-solved]chromium-browser-bin

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    A list of the usual stuff pops up, eg. the comments and what not.. Then I get the typical warning about whether or not I would like to modify the pkgbuild which, of course, I would select yes (problem still happens if I hit no).. Immediately after that, I'm back with
    chromium-browser-bin LATEST-12 : The open-source project behind Google Chrome
    ( Unsupported package: Potentally dangerous ! )
    ==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A" to abort)
    ==> ----------------------------------------------
    [molecular-bio@archbox ~]$
    Does this potentially mean that this package is deleted?
    yaourt works for other packages, so I'm not sure here... I really, really liked the chromium-browser-bin package.
    Thank you
    Last edited by 10wattmindtrip (2009-12-28 14:18:01)

    The problem is with yaourt's parser.  Using a different AUR helper, this problem disappears.
    However, I can understand the attraction of using Yaourt.  You can make chromium-browser-bin and chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree-bin work with yaourt by editing the PKGBUILDs.  Where it says:
    case "$CARCH" in
    i686|i[3-5]86) _bldarch='chromium-rel-linux';;
    x86_64|amd64) _bldarch='chromium-rel-linux-64';;
    # The following should not happen; provided you're using 'makepkg' ;)
    *) error "Unknown or invalid CARCH=$CARCH"; exit 1
    Replace that with the one for the version that you have:
    64-bit Arch
    32-bit Arch
    (Edit: stupidly had the two swapped)
    Last edited by airbreather (2010-03-17 12:25:03)

  • [SOLVED] Using chromium-browser-bin with tsocks

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    EDIT: I should have had SOCKS_VERSION=4 or just left it alone for the default of 4. Works as expected now.
    I have a computer ($BG) with sshd open on port 81.
    from my .bashrc
    function unblock() {
    export SOCKS_SERVER=localhost:$port
    export SOCKS_VERSION=5
    chromium &
    ssh -p 81 -D $port $BG
    "unblock" brings chromium up but with no change in it's behavior. It's not using SOCKS.
    man chromium wrote:
           Chromium obeys the following environment variables:
                  Shorthand for specifying all of http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy
           http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy
                  The proxy servers used for HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.  Note: because Gnome/KDE proxy settings may propagate into these variables in some terminals, this variable is ignored (in preference  for actual system proxy settings) when running under Gnome or KDE.  Use the command-line flags to set these when you want to force their values.
                  Specify proxy autoconfiguration.  Defined and empty autodetects; otherwise, it should be  an autoconfig URL.  But see above note about Gnome/KDE.
    The man page does not mention any SOCKS_* settings.
    However, wrench icon->options->Under the Hood: Network (Change proxy settings) launches about:linux-proxy-config which does.
    about:linux-proxy-config wrote:SOCKS_SERVER: SOCKS proxy server (defaults to SOCKS v4, also specify SOCKS_VERSION=5 to use SOCKS v5)
    pacman -Qi chromium wrote:Version        : 5.0.375.55-1
    Am I doing it wrong?
    Last edited by _will (2010-06-09 15:39:40)

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    This webpage is not found.
    No webpage was found for the web address: file:///home/larry/Downloads/Hardware
    The Downloads directory is where all my downloads go. Any ideas on how to set up Chromium to use xpdf properly would be greatly appreciated. I went to the Chromium forum and there was a similar query with no response as of yet.

    Works for me™
    Do PDFs open in the right app if you open them with 'xdg-open path/to/pdf/file' ?
    I forgot to mention that I haven't set any "special" environment variables before using chromium.
    Last edited by R00KIE (2010-01-01 00:41:03)

  • Launchy + Chromium Browser?

    Hi all,
    I'm excited to say that this is my first post in the forums.  I've used Ubuntu, switched to Gentoo, got tired of compiling everything from source so went back to Ubuntu, then got tired of not having any control of my system so I switched over to Arch...and I've never been happier.
    Anyways, I have a quick question about getting launchy configured with chromium.  Launchy has as Weby plugin that allows the user to launch websites from directly inside launchy but it doesn't seem to be working.  It looks like Launchy tries to launch the url in a few different browsers first (ie firefox, opera, etc.) and then stops without every trying chromium.  How do I set chromium to be the default browser for launchy?
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    Last edited by calvin (2009-10-06 18:29:05)

    Hi Calvin,
    i am using pekwm as windowmanager and thunar as filemanager. If i start chromium this way:
    jayjay@gonzo ~ % export DE=xfce && chromium-browser
    i can select in thunar with which progamm i want open a file after download in chromium.
    In thunar, right click on a PDF file -> Settings -> Open with: epdfview (select your favorite viewer for this type)
    A other important info: I am using the chromium-snapshot package from AUR.

  • What's going on with the Chromium browser packages ?

    They are too many !
    1 bin32-cxchromium--> An old chromium package. Do we need it ?
    2 chromium-browser-{buildnumber}~-svn{date}{upstreamrev} --> it's the repackaged deb of a rebuilt svn chromium. 32bit only.
    3 chromium-browser-dev --> OK. it's the same as the previous one + 64bit package. So (2) isn't needed ?
    4 chromium-browser-inspector --> Don't really know what this is.
    5 chromium-continuous / fresh / lkgr --> Don't they provide the same package ? They drag the .zip from What if they provide different svn versions? In an experimental browser, don't expect much stability, so why should we have now three different stages of the svn history of chromium ?
    6 chromium-snapshot --> same as chromium-continuous. 32bit only.
    7 chromium-snapshot-64 --> it's the native 64bit package of chromium-snapshot. 64bit only.
    8 chromium-snapshot-64-last --> Don't really know what this is. It seems the same as (7).
    9 chromium-browser-svn -->The only one that provides the source for building.
    Well, they are too many. Some of them provide the same thing, others should be merged.
    What we should need:
    One PKGBUILD to repackage the deb package from ppa launchpad for both architectures. Too difficult to create a PKGBUILD that will (with the aid of wget or curl or even elinks) automatically check the latest version possible.
    One PKGBUILD to repackage the zip package from I have a suggestion for this.
    One PKGBUILD to make an archlinux package from sources. It already exists, this should be the base for the future chrome (stable) package.
    Not all of these.
    Just a suggestion
    Last edited by flamelab (2009-09-04 01:13:32)

    VII wrote:
    As far as I'm concern, Chrome is the spy-ware browser...
    But not a spy-ware for a specific type of users, but one for a major company like Google. Which means, you don't have to worry about Credit Card frauds or something like that... There's an old saying: "information is power" - Google being the biggest marketing corporation on the Internet has a very good use for this power. So, they won't harm users in any way, that would be against their "current" interests... They just want to gather data regarding users interests.
    As you all know by now, at current times Internet is the best place for that:
    -you want to buy something, you browse the Internet
    -you're interested in some future gadgets, you browse the Internet
    -you're looking for a specific product (from any domain) you browse the Internet
    -you're looking for a specific place for a vacation, you browse the Internet.
    ... and so on.
    Until Chrome was released, their search engine (Google) and their mail client (Gmail) was a very good tool for that, yet with Google Chrome they have even more control which obviously, can lead to more accurate results. This will increase their profits significantly, as mentioned above - without hurting those involved.
    It's all up to you as user, if you agree with that or not... which is obviously coved by their EULA Yet, I strongly believe 99.9% of all Goggle Chrome users never looked at it (same as they proceed with any EULA).
    I use Firefox for general usage, yet I also have Chromium installed for YouTube - since under Linux 64 bit flash doesn't work as wanted under Firefox, yet works pretty decent under Chromium. YouTube is also part of Google, so it makes no difference. And yes, I one of those rare people that don't accept their entire policy and also read EULA's.
    and how does your rant against Google add anything to this 7 month old thread which was created only to clarify the hassles about so many chromium packages in AUR
    Last edited by Inxsible (2010-06-23 14:34:05)

  • Use Chromium OS text-to-speech voices with Chromium browser

    ...and he's at it again!
    TL;DR chromium-ext-chromiumos-tts-git - all TTS voices from Chromium OS for use with Chromium desktop browser. Install as unpacked extension (no more auto-install, sorry, damn you Google!)
    So you've heard about the text-to-speech capabilities of Chromium OS, and you would like to use them with your desktop browser?
    Perhaps you have dyslexia, a visual disability, or just a desire to learn a new language, have Web pages read out to you, or you simply want to show off your digital-fu to your friends?
    Then you may have noticed that the Chrome web store does have plenty speech synthesizers from third parties, but in most countries, the one from Google usually shows up with just one voice (US English).
    For those who don't (want to) speak English, are bi-/multilingual, or who just are more open-minded with regards to the world's languages, here's my way to help make this happen: chromium-ext-chromiumos-tts-git on the AUR.
    This extension packages the TTS engine and all the voices available from the Chromium OS a Chromium extension.
    To install it:
    Download the taurball, build and install the package
    In Chromium, browse to chrome://extensions
    Enable Developer mode by ticking the box
    Click the button named "Install unpacked extension..."
    Navigate to /usr/share/chromium/extensions/chromium-ext-chromiumos-tts
    Click on Open
    That's it, you should now have a new extension named "Chromium OS Text-to-speech (by Google)" enabled and ready to use.
    Note: Before rushing off to try out some HTML5 / TTS demos out there on the Web, please realize that not all of them work well (or at all), since text-to-speech on the Web is quite new and still in development.
    The easiest way to get a quick glimpse (or rather soundbite) of what this thing can do, is to install the ChromeVox extension from the Google web store. After installation, click on its Options link, scroll down to Voices, and try out the different languages from the listbox.
    Suggestions, questions, etc. are very welcome.
    Enjoy :-)
    Last edited by ackalker (2015-01-04 17:46:38)

    To make it clear, this is not ripped, reverse-engineered, "warez" or anything like that. It uses publicly available material from the Chromium OS project, and modifies only BSD-licensed source files.

  • I have Google as my default home page in Firefox and the Google browser opens when I start Firefox, but every time I open a new tab it opens the Yahoo browser.

    I have Google as my default home page in Firefox and the Google browser opens when I start Firefox, but every time I open a new tab it opens the Yahoo browser.

    Do you have the FastStart extension?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

  • Unable to install Flash add-on for Linux Lite Chromium browser

    I'm also a newbie to Linux Lite (a variant of Ubuntu) & Chromium browser (but I use Chrome as my default Windows XP browser).  Every time I try to go to a site that requires Flash I get redirected to here
    Which option should I be using? 
    I tried selecting "APT for Ubuntu 10.04+" then it says
    External Protocol Request
    Chromium needs to launch an external application to handle apt:links.  The link request is apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$istro-partner.
    The following application will be launched if you accept this request:
    If you did not initiate this request, it may represent an attempted attack on your system.  Unless you took explicit action to initiate this request, you should press Do Nothing.
    When I tell it to go ahead I get 'Failed to open URI "apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$istro-partner". The specified location is not supported.'
    How else do I get Flash installed????

    "Why can't I install Flash Player on my Tablet?" (Kindle or Samsung Galaxy)"
    As to the iPhone. Apple designed iOS not to be comaptible with Flash. It has never been, and never will be, able to use Flash Player. that was an Apple decision years ago.

  • Chromium: /usr/bin/chromedriver exists in filesystem

    When I try to install Chromium I get this error message: "chromium: /usr/bin/chromedriver exists in filesystem"
    I installed the "chromdriver 2.1" package before (pacaur -S chromedriver), because I use the Watir-Webdriver Ruby gem, and it is a dependency. What can I do to use Chromium with "chromedriver" package installed?

    You don't need chromedriver. Ruby gems installed with the gem utility do not care for the actual packages as long as the required files are present. And since the chromium package provides its own /usr/bin/chromedriver, this shouldn't be a problem. And if you've installed the gem from AUR, chromedriver is not listed as a dependency either. I've just checked and been able to install the specified gem with chromium present in the system, and thus you may safely remove chromedriver.

  • When i open firefox browser the pacman song starts playing in the background??

    when i open firefox browser the pacman song starts playing in the background??
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; GTB6.5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; WinNT-PAI 11.09.2009; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)

    Hi everyone!
    I will be posting this in all "weird sounds topics" just so you know.
    These "weird" sounds you hear are from pacman.
    Today is Pacmans 30:th birthday and google wanted to celebrate by making the pacman game playable at their website "".
    You will notice that their logo is changed to pacman with the map swapped out to the text "google".
    The game will probably just be here today so all noises will be gone by tomorrow. If you don't want to hear the sound today then please don't visit google or just turn your volume down.
    Yours sincerely: LAwLz

  • Chromium-browser native build issues

    Hello! I made a not-yet-working PKGBUILD for chromium-browser, and this page is a place to discuss its issues.
    Let me mention why this PKGBUILD is different: it seems all the others download binary packages from other places and modify them so they work on Arch. That seems unnecessary for an open source program, and fragile. On to the issues:
    First, chrome doesn't build--it fails to link the "chrome" executable. It looks to me like it's not being linked properly to webkit.
    There is no "make install" target, so the relevant files must be placed in $pkgdir by hand.
    Because of the above issues, I can't find where exactly the executables and resources need to go to find each other.
    The code is a little different for 32-bit and 64-bit installations. Specifically, Google says that to compile this on 64 bit, we need to pull newest unstable version of v8, the javascript library. It's possible that the build currently does work for 32-bit users, but I suspect not.
    I think the first course of action is investigating the linking problem. The symbol that isn't found is "findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)"
    Last edited by piojo (2009-08-20 15:20:45)

    flamelab wrote:Isn't that error very ...stupid ? Is it a bash error ? A "make" error ?
    It's more of a Linux error. There's a maximum argument length that the "exec" functions can be called with. This seems to be defined in /usr/src/linux-2.6.30-ARCH/include/linux/limits.h (my source is , but I checked it myself). It's funny, because I remember discussion on the linux kernel mailing list about removing this limit entirely, and having the arg length be limited by available memory.
    Note that this space limit also applies to environment variables (as limits.h seems to imply), so if need to save even more space, you can try "env - PATH=$PATH USER=$USER HOME=$HOME make -r chrome" instead of just "make -r chrome" ( ). I didn't need to do that, though.
    When you get down to it, though, I think it's really an error in chromium's build system. This just shouldn't happen, because practically every linux script writer knows that you can't have infinitely long arguments.
    Last edited by piojo (2009-08-20 23:07:43)

  • Every time I watch a video on youtube (on any browser) my macbook pro starts freezing

    Hello everyone,
    Every time I watch a video on youtube (on any browser) my macbook pro starts freezing half a minute, works fine for 10 seconds, then freezes again... This started a couple days ago. The only solution is to restart and not watch video's... Anyone know how to solve this?
    I have a pretty old macbook pro, from around 2006. I've never had this problem...
    P.S. My family is currently deleting some items and it seems to be working, I'll update you if the problem is fixed.

    Reinstall Flash Player?  YouTube is Flash based.

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    It starts but immediately stops again. What can I do. I actually have 4000 iems in the trash bin

    I have been following the instructions but Youtube still has the same problem.
    It starts for a few seconds, then the screen gets bigger and it stops showing the

Maybe you are looking for