Class documentation: list of all members

Is there a way to generate a list of all the class members in the class documentation (CtrlShiftF9) with links to all (existing) documents?
I think of a similar automatism that generates the list of parameters and exceptions when documenting a function module.

I guess, NO.
Function module uses the documentation class FU for the Documentation and FU is for the Function Module and & Parameter documentation. Where as there are different document classes for the Class (CL), Class Methods (CO), Class Attributes (CA) & Class Events (CE).
Moreover, your mapping of FM to Class and Parameters to Method is illogical.
Naimesh Patel

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    b               blue                            3
    c               Magenta                     1
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    Justin_P wrote:
    There is not a way to associate the color of the cube glyph (class data member control icon) with the color of the class template.  If I had just a couple classes I would just change them manually.  If I had a whole lot of classes, I would probably draw the cube in another program (that would do the shading automatically) and turn the image into a glyph that you could use in the icon editor.
    I have attached a psd file (inside the zip) that will allow you to shade any color cube for this glyph creation.  Simply change the color in the "Color" layer and the shading will apply automatically.  Please note, you will need to flatten all the layers before you can copy and paste this into labview.
    Attachments: ‏7 KB

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              while (processorList.hasMoreElements()){
                   IUser user = (IUser)processorList.nextElement();
                   IWDNodeElement node = wdContext.nodeTableStructure().createElement();
                   node.setAttributeValue("USERID", user.getUniqueID()  );
                   node.setAttributeValue("USERNAME", user.getName() );
    Thanks for helping me
    Message was edited by: Steve Mussdorf

    Try this
    IGPProcessInstance process = ... ;
    IGPBlock processTemlate = (IGPBlock) process.getTemplate() ;;
    for (int i = 0, len = processTemlate.getRoleInfoCount(); i < len; i++)
    IGPRoleInfo roleInfo = processTemlate.getRoleInfo(i) ;
    String techName = roleInfo.getRoleName() ;
    Enumeration userEnum = process.getUsersForRole(techName) ;
    //store users to some global collection or your table (IUser)

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    Hey Grupo Castillo,
    Thanks for the question. You can actually configure this behavior from Mail preferences:
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    2. Click Composing.
    3. Deselect the checkbox for "When sending to a group, show all member addresses".
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    Mac OS X: Mail - How to Hide Address Book Group Member Names When Sending an Email
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    Hi Ri Fr,
    What you are looking for is a query, so a profile would not help.
    In as far as I know, there is currently no such explicit query. There is actually little related to traceability reporting (of which your request is an aspect) within the tool at this point.
    However, all the information for both explicit and implicit traceability queries is in the model, so it should be possible to create such a query as you want using existing customization capabilities of the tool.
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    try the below to get the list.
    "Concurrent Programs report"
    "Concurrent Program Details report"
    Also, here is the purchasing list
    Reschedule Requisitions Purchasing
    Location Listing Purchasing
    New Vendor Letter Report Purchasing
    Purchase Order Detail Report Purchasing
    Vendors on Hold Report Purchasing
    Receipt Adjustments Report Purchasing
    Receiving Exceptions Report Purchasing
    Savings Analysis Report(by Buyer) Purchasing
    Purchase Order and Releases Detail Report Purchasing
    Vendor Price Performance Analysis Report Purchasing
    Buyer's Requisition Action Required Report Purchasing
    Item Summary Listing Purchasing
    Blanket and Planned PO Status Report Purchasing
    Purchase Order Distribution Detail Report Purchasing
    Purchase Price Variance Report Purchasing
    Expected Receipts Report Purchasing
    Matching Holds Report by Buyer Report Purchasing
    Vendor Purchase Summary Report Purchasing
    Unordered Receipts Report Purchasing
    Standard Notes Listing Purchasing
    Requisition Activity Register Purchasing
    Buyer Listing Purchasing
    Quality Code Listing Purchasing
    RFQ Action Required Report Purchasing
    Unit of Measure Class Listing Purchasing
    Printed RFQ Report(Landscape) Purchasing
    Printed RFQ Report(Portrait) Purchasing
    Overshipments Report Purchasing
    Purchasing Activity Register Purchasing
    Encumbrance Detail Report Purchasing
    Item Detail Listing Purchasing
    Open Purchase Orders Report(by Cost Center) Purchasing
    Purchase Agreement Audit Report Purchasing
    Printed Purchase Order Report(Landscape) Purchasing
    Printed Purchase Order Report(Portrait) Purchasing
    Open Purchase Orders Report(by Buyer) Purchasing
    Invoice Price Variance Report Purchasing
    Printed Requisitions Report Purchasing
    Purchase Requisition Status Report Purchasing
    Receipt Traveler Purchasing
    Substitute Receipts Report Purchasing
    Purchase Summary Report By Category Purchasing
    Overdue Vendor Shipments Report Purchasing
    Quotation Action Required Report Purchasing
    Requisition Distribution Detail Report Purchasing
    Internal Requisition Status Report Purchasing
    Cancelled Requisition Report Purchasing
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    Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report Purchasing
    Vendor Volume Analysis Report Purchasing
    Vendor Quality Performance Analysis Report Purchasing
    Vendor Service Performance Analysis Report Purchasing
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    Cancelled Purchase Orders Report Purchasing
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    Savings Analysis Report(by Category) Purchasing
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    Country of Origin (By Item) Report Purchasing
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    Purchasing Packing Slip Inventory
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    Accrual Write-Off Report Bills of Material
    Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report Bills of Material
    Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation Report Bills of Material
    AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report Bills of Material
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    Perhaps you should read these Apple documents about what is stored by iCloud.  The following is from this Apple document: iCloud: iCloud storage and backup overview:
    Your iCloud account includes 5 GB of free storage for iCloud Mail, Documents in the Cloud, and your iOS device backups. Your purchased music, apps, books, and TV shows, as well as your photo stream, don’t count against the 5 GB of free storage ........
    Here’s what iCloud backs up:
    Purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and booksPurchased music isn’t backed up in all countries. Purchased movies and TV shows are backed up only in the U.S. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they have been refunded or are no longer in the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBookstore. Some previously purchased movies may not be available in iTunes in the Cloud. A movie’s product details page in the iTunes Store shows if the movie is unavailable.
    Photos and videos in your Camera Roll

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    i want to get the list of all running processes on my system. please let me know if it is possible to do with JAVA. which class i should use?
    waiting for reply

    Wrong forum. Just a hint.

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    Each SAP Business One form has a unique type to support multiple instances of the same form. For example, the type of the Purchase Order form is 142, Form=139 for Sales Order.
    Is this information stored anywhere?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Juha / Sheetal,
    Activating the menus will only help to get the forms which are "directly" accessible...
    ...but there are forms that come up only when clicking some button - or double-clicking - or activating a menu item in the (dynamic!) "Goto" menu etc.
    In 2005 SP01 a new function was introduced (and documented in the SDK Helpcenter) that can be used to iterate over all integer IDs (note there are a lot of gaps) up to 65535 and get information about the form and items on it (specifically the databinding!).
    Please take a look at the ResourceData property of the Application object in UI API!
    Gaps (in A version today - to my best knowledge): 10.000 - 20.000; 21.000 - 40.000; 41.000 - 50.000; 51.000 - 60.000...
    <i>Visit the WiKi-FAQ at:</i>
    BTW: What do you need that information on "all forms" for?
    Message was edited by:
            Frank Moebius

  • Getting list of all users and their group memberships from Active Directory

    I want to retrieve a list of all the users and their group memberships through JNDI from Active Directory. I am using the following code to achieve this:
    import javax.naming.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class GetUsersGroups{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              String[] attributeNames = {"memberOf"};
              //create an initial directory context
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
              env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "[email protected]");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "p8admin");
              try {
                   // Create the initial directory context
                   DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);     
                   //get all the users list and their group memberships
                   NamingEnumeration contentsEnum = ctx.list("CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com");
                   while (contentsEnum.hasMore()){
                        NameClassPair ncp = (NameClassPair);
                        String userName = ncp.getName();
                        System.out.println("User: "+userName);
                             System.out.println("am here....1");
                             Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames); // only asked for one attribute so only one should be returned
                             System.out.println("am here....2");
                             Attribute groupsAttribute = attrs.get(attributeNames[0]); // memberOf
                             if (groupsAttribute != null){
                                  // memberOf is a multi valued attribute
                                  for (int i=0; i<groupsAttribute.size(); i++){
                                  // print out each group that user belongs to
                                  System.out.println("MemberOf: "+groupsAttribute.get(i));
                        }catch(NamingException ne){
                        // ignore for now
                   System.err.println("Problem encountered....0000:" + ne);
                   //get all the groups list
              } catch (NamingException e) {
              System.err.println("Problem encountered 1111:" + e);
    The following exception gets thrown at every user entry:
    User: CN=Administrator
    am here....1
    Problem encountered....0000:javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 -
    000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-03100690, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 0
    ]; remaining name 'CN=Administrator'
    I think it gets thrown at this line in the code:
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames);
    Any idea how to overcome this and where am I wrong?
    Thanks in advance,

    In this sentence:
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames); // only asked for one attribute so only one should
    It seems Ok when I add "CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com" after userName, just as
    userName + ",CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com"
    But I still have some problem with it.
    Hope it will be useful for you.

  • File Content Conversion - documentation, especially for all parameters?

    Can anyone point me to do for the File Content Conversion documentation?  especailyl for all the parapters for record set structures?  I've found some articles, posts here and there, but nothing that just lists them all.
    I'm try to parse a flatfile thats simply looks like this:
    Into a single recordset with 3 structures..
    the first struct has 3 fields, 1 char each
    then 2nd structure has 1 field
    then the 3rd structure has 1 field
    however, no matter what I try, the engine always seems to try to parse the 2nd line as the first structure type.. thus complaining line 2 can't be converted to the first strucuture format...

    Here are couple of weblogs
    For Sender
    SAP Help for sender
    For Receiver:
    SAP Help for receiver

  • Listing of all file names in a directory

    Hello everyone,
    Is there a way to get the listing of all file names in a directory
    pointed by an entry in dba_directory in oracle into a collection in
    pl/sql procedure.
    Thank you.

    this is the same problem I am trying to solve now. I found some ehlp in Tom Kyte articles on java stored procedures.
    create global temporary table DIR_LIST
    ( filename varchar2(255) )
    on commit delete rows;
    create and compile java source named "DirList" as
    import java.sql.*;
    public class DirList
    public static void getList(String directory)
    throws SQLException
    File path = new File( directory );
    String[] list = path.list();
    String element;
    for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
    element = list;
    VALUES (:element) };
    create procedure get_dir_list( p_directory in varchar2 )
    as language java
    name 'DirList.getList( java.lang.String )';
    then you call in your pl/sql and fill your collection from the DIR_LIST table:
    get_dir_list('the name of the directory' );
    ---then you fill the collection by fetching the DIR_LIST table
    good luck,

  • List of project members and business process owners

    Hi Experts,
    Can any one tell me where we can view list of Business Process Owners and list of Project members who are involved in a particular project.
    I know that we can view list of team member in authorisation view. is there any other view to view list all member who are all involved in a particulat project.

    Try this
    IGPProcessInstance process = ... ;
    IGPBlock processTemlate = (IGPBlock) process.getTemplate() ;;
    for (int i = 0, len = processTemlate.getRoleInfoCount(); i < len; i++)
    IGPRoleInfo roleInfo = processTemlate.getRoleInfo(i) ;
    String techName = roleInfo.getRoleName() ;
    Enumeration userEnum = process.getUsersForRole(techName) ;
    //store users to some global collection or your table (IUser)

  • Table/program/Report to list down all fields in a query.

    Hi BW Gurus,
    Is there any table/program I can use to list down all the infoobjects used in a query. (like all free characteristics, fields used in coloumns, rows etc).
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Neha,
    One very easy way is:
    Run a program RSRQ_QUERYDEFINITION, give a query name, check all the checkboxes and run
    The program details the the query object. Transaction - RSRTQ
    I am sure you will like this way
    There is another way....
    Take an excel.
    Go to RSZELTXREF. In SETUID give query technical definition name like (ASFWDSVD.....).
    You will get a lits of TELTUIDs.(ie a lis of records)
    Copy all TELTUID' in column in excel.
    Now copy these TELTUIDs as multiple values in RSZELTXREF in SETUID
    Again copy all TELTUIDs and append it to the existing records in Excel.
    Keep doing this until you get no records in RSZELTXREF.
    Now your TELTUID column is ready.
    Take all these values to RSZELTDIR and coopy them to ELTUID as multiple values.
    In the default hint, it will show you your characteristics and key figures
    After you get the answer, please close the question, marking it solved and rewarding appropriate points. There are star icons to do this. This will help others to find right anwers and appreciate community members for their help
    Hope this helps,
    Best regards,

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