Classic on 10.4.10 after Migration

I just purchased a new Mac, and Migrated apps and files from my previous Mac. I can see the OS9 System folder (it is now named System Folder (from old Mac)). Classic will not launch so I thought this folder needed to be renamed (to System Folder, as it was on my previous OS10 Mac). But neither account (old or new) allows renaming this folder. Please help me regain use of Classic for those couple of apps which require it. The only disks which came with my new Mac are: Mac OS 10 Install Disc 1 and Disc 2. Thank you.

According to: Intel-based Macs: Do Classic applications work?
Classic applications do not work on Intel processor-based Macs.
For best results using Mac OS X, upgrade your Mac OS 9 applications to a Mac OS X version. Check with the manufacturers for more information.
Perhaps Running Classic Software on an Intel Mac, by Charles Ross may be helpful.

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    See Pondini's  Transferring files from one User Account to another, for starters

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    Try these for the first attempt:
    First be sure to have a backup copy of the library if you already don't have one.

  • Can only access emails through OWA after migration from exchange 2007 to 2013

    can only access emails through OWA after migration from exchange 2007 to 2013, in other words unable to access mails through outlook or from other Applications services.
    needed RCA ... plz help..

    From your description, you can send and receive messages only when you use OWA after migration from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. If I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know.
    In your case, I recommend you create a new test mailbox in your Exchange 2013 and check if you can send and receive messages on Outlook. If yes, it is recommended to create a new profile to solve this issue.
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Application is not working after migrated to

    Hi expterts,
    I developed an adf application on JDeveloper It works without problem on
    Briefly uses following technologies: ADF faces, facelets and taskflows, EJB, hibernate...
    When i wanted to go on develop with, I copied my App root folder to another folder. And chosed .jws application file from version. Then IDE wants me to confirm about migration, then i accepted.
    I develop a supplierList structure for feeding the select one choice components' selectItems. These provide load the db objects on the first calling and manages by my ListManager class.
    These supplier classes initialize on the MBean init method. MBean init method calls on taskflow initializer. The project (VCUtil) that includes Supplier classes is on my main ViewController project as ADFLibrary.
    But after migration when i deploy the application on my Integrated weblogic Server. oops does'nt seen my jspx screens properly on first attempt which includes supplier classes. But when i refresh the screen it can be loaded properly.
    The log contains only that line:
    <20-Sep-2013 10:33:31 o'clock EEST> <Notice> <Stdout> <BEA-000000> <10:33:31,189 DEBUG [PerformanceMonitor_lsr6sq_Impl] Method public java.util.Collection took 167 (ms)>
    <20-Sep-2013 10:33:31 o'clock EEST> <Info> <ServletContext-/RestAutomation> <BEA-000000> <JspServlet error: Servlet unable to dispatch to the following requested page: The following exception occurred:oracle.adf.controller.activity.ActivityLogicException: ADFC-06015: An exception occured when invoking a task flow initializer.>
    My first supplier class is CurrencySupplier, and i can see the log it works, the second one is DepartmentSupplier class. So i expect log stdout about findDepartments() method too. But nothing, i guess when executing on CurrencySupplier there might be a wrong, that's why can not go on. But when i refresh the page at that time executes the DepartmentSupplier class. If i refresh page for Supplier class count times then page loads.
        public void init()
                if (ObjectUtil.isNull(currencySupplier = (CurrencySupplier)ListManager.getInstance().getSupplier("currencies")))
                    currencySupplier = new CurrencySupplier();
                if (ObjectUtil.isNull(departmentSupplier = (DepartmentSupplier)ListManager.getInstance().getSupplier("departments")))
                    departmentSupplier = new DepartmentSupplier(false);
                if (ObjectUtil.isNull(countrySupplier = (CountrySupplier)ListManager.getInstance().getSupplier("countries")))
                    countrySupplier = new CountrySupplier();
                if (ObjectUtil.isNull(cityForCountrySupplier = (CityForCountrySupplier)ListManager.getInstance().getSupplier("citiesforcountry")))
                    cityForCountrySupplier = new CityForCountrySupplier(false, null);
                if (ObjectUtil.isNull(districtForCitySupplier = (DistrictForCitySupplier)ListManager.getInstance().getSupplier("districtsforcountry")))
                    districtForCitySupplier = new DistrictForCitySupplier(false, null);
    public class CurrencySupplier extends SimpleListSupplier
        public CurrencySupplier(boolean blankItemApplied)
        public CurrencySupplier()
        public void loadList()
                UtilBean utilBean = new UtilBean();
                itemList.addAll(ConversionUtil.getConvertedToSelectItemList(list, isBlankItemApplied()));
            catch (Exception exc)
        public String getListName()
            return "currencies";
    I hope that i could explain the problem
    Thx, bgrds

    Are there missing / invalid entries in Settings >> General >> About ?

  • After Migrating from 10g to 11g Geeting problems with Guided navigations.

    After Migrating from 10g to 11g Geeting problems with Guided navigations and section navigations not working.
    And we are getting the following error <<odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW)>> where we have used navigations.
    In 10G we have Guided navigation Reports to display the Reports links and intermediate reports for conditionally displaying the Dashboard section(Reports) but after migrating to 11g Guided navigation reports and conditional reports are not working..
    We know that in 11g section navigation replaced with conditions and Guided navigation replaced with action link.. but
    do we need to recreate those reports in actions and condition or is there any work around avoid reworking.

    Hi Both,
    Thanks for the reply ...
    For Guided navigation we are getting like below error:
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    For Conditional dashboard section we are getting like below error:
    "saw.aViewsToRefresh = [];saw.aViewsToRefresh['d:dashboard~p:1egt6il5utl0uu8n~s:3jsmgfs3c1r4tn7c~n:condition'] = true;saw.aViewsToRefresh['d:dashboard~p:1egt6il5utl0uu8n~s:nos5q43jvjmi643b~n:condition'] = true;"

  • Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: CSpMultiSQL after migration

    I just switched over to Netscape Messenger from OutLook and I didn't
    realize that emails were displayed in threaded hierarchies and therefore
    did not see that you had already had responses to your post. Sorry for
    the confusion in my previous response.
    njdoe123 wrote:
    I have tested another simple MultiSQL. The Update, Delete, Insert
    are not funcitonal. I'm using only one single database table (no
    join). It worked great in netD. The database is Oracle.
    We're using migtoolbox-1.1.1 with Jato 1.1. Do we have to modify
    the file or other ? Or could i use jato 1.2
    to replace 1.1 ?
    The following is log from AppServer. Could i receive the migtool
    1.2 beta ?
    Alex Lin
    <Dec 21, 2001 11:18:36 AM PST> <Error> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext
    t3AppWar,/Test3AppWar)] Root cause of ServletException
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeUpdate
    at com.iplanet.jato.model.sql.QueryModelBase.executeUpdate
    at com.iplanet.jato.model.sql.QueryModelBase.update
    at Test3App.Test3.PgUpdateViewBean.handleUpdateRequest
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.iplanet.jato.view.RequestHandlingViewBase.handleRequest
    at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.invokeRequestHandler
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.dispatchRequest
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.processRequest
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.doPost
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., "Matthew Stevens" <matthew.stevens@E...>
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Matthew Stevens [mailto:<a href="/group/SunONE-JATO/post?protectID=029166114165042198028082000056130080177026031196061130152150">matthew.stevens@e...</a>]
    Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:32 PM
    If your implied question is, "Looks like the iMT did not migrate
    this block
    of code. What is my next step?" Then I have an answer for you. If
    misinterpreted your email then please clarify.
    The procedure for ND migration using the iMT (as outlined in the
    under <iMT_install_dir>/docs) is that customized code originally
    provided by
    the ND developer is purposely commented out so that the file can
    Our experience in migration efforts shows that it is preferrable to
    migrator to be able to select which part of the application they
    want to
    on by uncommenting specific blocks of code - allowing for
    edit/compile/test cycles. If we left all this arbitary code un-
    then nothing would compile after migration and you would have a huge
    roadblock for moving forward.
    Judging from the "spider" APIs which are still seen in your code
    block, you
    must not have run the Regular Expression API mapping tool which
    will take
    care of many of this code. I believe that the API mapper will
    migrate this
    block of code almost 100% and you just need to uncomment it.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: njdoe123 [mailto:<a href="/group/SunONE-JATO/post?protectID=230176091112175091130232203140129208071"></a>]
    Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:04 PM
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: CSpMultiSQL after migration
    Oops !
    The following (very simple) customized code was not migrated.
    In business logic - after update, goto another page.
    My backend database is Oracle.
    Alex Lin
    // The following code block was migrated from the Update_onWebEvent
    int command = PROCEED;
    CSpPage nextPage =(CSpPage) CSpider.getPage("PgDistrict");
    return nextPage.load();
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., "Craig V. Conover" <craig.conover@s...>
    CSpMultiSQL migrate just fine. You may have had to do something
    extraordinary for your
    particular database in your select statement.
    Can we see the entire exception stack trace, and the code that is
    executing the model?
    Also, what database are you hitting?
    njdoe123 wrote:
    It's a bit strange while doing CSpMultiSQL (select and update).
    I have received the following error on the AppServer.
    Web event invoked: Test3App.Test3.PgWebUserViewBean.Update
    <Dec 19, 2001 2:20:05 PM PST> <Error> <HTTP>
    AppWar,/Test3AppWar)] Root cause of ServletException
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    'SQL command not properly ended ?' - i haven't touched the sql
    it's just simple select and update to one table.
    Could iMT do MultiSQL ? If not, what is the solution after
    Alex Lin
    For more information about JATO, including download information,
    please visit:
    For more information about JATO, including download information,
    For more information about JATO, including download information,
    For more information about JATO, including download information, please visit:

    Thank you - Jin and Todd.
    Will try that.
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., Byung Jin Chun <bchun@n...> wrote:
    try using kregedit and modify the key for the jvm args, using the -x
    parameters for the 1.2 runtime
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Todd Fast [mailto:<a href="/group/SunONE-JATO/post?protectID=101233080150035167169232031248066208071048">Todd.Fast@S...</a>]
    Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:40 PM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: OutOfMemoryError
    Out of curiosity - How do you modify the memory parameters for
    the container's VM ?? I know I should try to do some research but
    figured you may already have some insight and willingness to
    Please consider this as low priority.It differs by container; I don't remember details of any particular one.
    For more information about JATO, including download information, please
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • PPR does not work after migrating from ADF to

    Hi, I'm able to programmatically refresh my UI components in ADF After migrating my application to ADF using the latest Jdev, I noticed that all the programmatically PPR no longer work. I'm using ADF Faces, managed beans and EJB. Data Control is not used.
    In addition, I noticed in Section 7:Rerendering Partial Page Content of the latest Web User Interface Developer's Guide(B31973-03), a new paragraph was added, stating that the clientComponent attribute of the target component should be set to "true" to enable PPR programmatically. An earlier version of the developer guide(B31973-01) does not have this paragraph.
    Given the huge amount of work required in going back to update the code, is there a way for me to set ADF 11gR1 to restore to the earlier behaviour in by setting some parameter somwhere (e.g. in the web.xml)?

    No there is no such switch. If you don't want to go through your code (which should be possible by find in files with a regular expression), you have to switch back to
    This would not be an option to me because of the buds fixed in
    Think aoubt the next version which is scheduled later this year. There you will have the same problem. If you are not fixing the code you have to stay on forever.

  • Report generation failed after migrated from 6i to 10g.

    Hi All,
    i have migrated the 6i application to 10g.
    There was a report which was generated in .html format and saved to a remote server location.
    Now after migration to 10g,when i run the report through the URL ,It is still generated on the same remote server location but the it is not showing in the application interface.
    Please help....

    Hi, Mike,
    user3211655 wrote:
    Hi All,
    We try to migrate a 8i database to 10g by using the exp and imp. All tables and data are already migrated by imp. During the imp, there are errors said the trigger compile with errors.
    When login to the em to check, I found these 2 errors.
    Line # = 2 Column # = 1 Error Text = PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    Line # = 2 Column # = 60 Error Text = PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    My trigger is a very simple one:
    And I'm sure the "TB_COUNER_SEQ" is there.
    Do I need to change anything on the trigger when migrating from 8i?
    In fact, besides this trigger, all other trigger imp to this schema are having the same error. The schema in the 10g is a newly created one, is there any special right I need to create grant to this new user?Grant the necessary privileges on the tables (and any other objects used, like sequences) directly to the owner of the triggers. Privileges granted to a role don't count in AUTHID OWNER stored procedures; the privileges have to be granted to the owner of the stored procedure (or to PUBLIC).
    It the error is occurring at position 60, then it looks like you don't have privileges on dual. Login as SYS and
    GRANT SELECT ON dual TO PUBLIC;You may need synonyms (perhaps public synonyms) for the objects, too.

  • Hotkey (Ctrl+B) is not working after migration from Forms 6i to 10g

    Dear Gurus,
    Need your help regarding the following problem:
    After migrating from Forms 6i to 10g (Rel 2), Ctrl+B (used to list the blocks in a form) hotkey is not working anymore (all other hotkeys are working fine). I've checked my FMRWEB.RES and it contains an entry for Ctrl+B:
    66 : 2 : "Ctrl+B" : 70 : "Block Menu"
    Additional Information:
    OS: AIX
    fmrweb_utf8.res also contains the same text for Ctrl+B as above.
    I tried to reproduce it on my Windows Machine (with NLS_LANG set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1) and its not working as well. I don't have right to put move files on AIX server but i can try anything (on my local system) suggested by the Oracle gurus.
    Best Regards,

    Dear Gerd,
    "are you sure, that it is the hotkey"
    Yes, i am dead sure. Since:
    (1) It was working fine in forms 6i
    (2) If you run a form and select Help => Keys, you will see Ctrl+B on the top of list
    The problem is its not taking into account the keys which i am defining in the file (although i am following the same procedure detailed on

  • Unable to view catalog after migrating from OBIEE10g to 11g

    Hi All
    I migrated "rpd and catalog" using "Upgrade Assistant" utility (Ora_Home\bin\ua.bat) available in OBIEE 11g. But after migration, I am unable to view my catalog and even create analysis reports in Analysis of 11g.
    Do I need to do something additional. Although I am able to login to repository.

    Ideally it shud...can you try this tutorial with Sample or Paint objects ??

  • Difference in behavior of sql and pl/sql after migrating from 9i to 11g

    after migrating our database from oracle 9i to oracle11g, the developpers are worry that the behavior of the queries and pl/sql procedures/functions will change
    example :
    in 9i, select salary,count(*) from emp group by salary, it will display the rows sorted by salary
    in 11gi, select salary,count(*) from emp group by salary, it will display the rows not sorted by default, we have to add the clause order by salary.
    somebody could give the list of other difference in behavior (SQL and PL/SQL) agter migrating from 9i to 11g
    Thanks a lot.

    Tell your developers: garbage in - garbage out. In relational databases only ORDER BY ensures row order. If your developers relied on GROUP BY implemented by SORT and therefore returning ordered rows they had to realize code they wrote is Oracle release dependent and sooner or later code would require changes. And that "sooner or later" is now reality. In newer versions ORACLE can do GROUP BY via SORT or via HASH. And if it is done via HASH - don't expect ordered results. So tell your developers "payback time".

  • Unable to parse WSDL of partnerlink after migrating from 10g to 11g

    My service is an Sync BPEL process calling a customised WSDL with the partnerlink. I migrated the working code of 10g to 11g. But compiling below is the error i am getting while trying to parse the WSDL of the partnerlink after migration.
    java.lang.RuntimeException: SCA_COMPONENT_NAME_NOT_DEFINEDProcessInteraction_v1
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
         at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(
         at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(
         at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Caused by: SCA_COMPONENT_NAME_NOT_DEFINEDProcessInteraction_v1
         ... 64 more
    Can someone help me out!
    Thanks in advance:)

    Were you able to resolve this Issue, can you please post the solution
    글 수정: soauser

  • NQS ERROR:14025 NO FACT TABLE EXISTS -after migrating from 10g to 11g

    NQS ERROR:14025 NO FACT TABLE EXISTS AT THE REQUESTED LEVEL OF DETAIL in all the reports after migrating from 10g to 11g ...
    then we applied the patch (One-off Patch for Bug: 11850704) for the error <<NQS ERROR:14025 NO FACT TABLE EXISTS AT THE REQUESTED LEVEL OF DETAIL>>
    But after applying the above the above patch we are still getting the same error.
    but in the above patch instructions file - Post deployment instructions to create the Variable
    Post Install Instructions:
    - To revert to the 10g navigator behavior for handling conforming dimensions,
    you must set the following session variable via an init block in the RPD:
    The default value for the above variable is 0.
    - Restart all servers (Admin Server and all Managed Server(s))
    but we didn’t find the process to create the specified variable and Initialization block in the RPD
    Can you please suggest us how to go further.
    Our questions are:

    Refer the below thread.
    obiee 11g non-conforming dimensions and nQSError 14025
    Might be help you/

  • Migration to new G/L , balance and line item display after migration

    After migration in the development
    system, the balance of a G/L account
    in a year before the migration date
    cannot be displayed unless the G/L
    account is managed on open item basis
    or is a reconciliation account. The
    message "No data found in 2007" is
    Additionally, the correct balance of
    G/L accounts if it is managed on open
    item basis or is a reconciliation
    account cannot be displayed by
    FAGLB03.Only the balance of open items
    can be displayed.
    How can we display all line items of a
    G/L account in year 2007?
    Thanks in advance and kind regards,

    Hi Elena,
    This is a very complex area. You need to check the following notes:
    1070629 - FAQs: Migration to General Ledger Accounting (new)
    1014364 - New G/L migration: Information, prerequisites, performance
    You may also have to contact SAP Migration Services
    [email protected]

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