ClassNotFoundException on main class when no network access

While testing that my Webstart application can run Offline, I ran into the following problem:
Using Webstart 1.6.0_01
Using JRE 1.5.0_07
[Steps to reproduce]
1-While having access to network, download MEdit Webstart application from server
=> MEdit application is properly cached and because of desktop integration parameters, icon is added to desktop
=> MEdit application starts properly
2- Close MEdit application and unplug network cable
3- Double-click on icon on desktop (or go through Control Panel -> Java console) and start MEdit
=> This time MEdit does not start properly and instead, I'm having the following ClassNotFoundException:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.miranda.medit.MEdit
     at$ Source)
     at Method)
     at Source)
     at com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
     at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp(Unknown Source)
     at Source)
     at Source)
I checked my jnlp file, but I haven't find any wrong. Does any one have a clue what could be causing the problem? I tried the steps above using demo applications and it I am not having any problem. Thus for sure there something wrong with my .jnlp file or the application itself.
Here is a copy of the .jnlp file:
<jnlp href="MEdit-Layout-red.jnlp" spec="1.0+" codebase="http://ca-ops-build1/projects/MEdit/multiproject/MEdit-Layout/release-red/jnlp">
<title>Miranda Editor Layout Project</title>
<vendor>Miranda technologies</vendor>
<homepage href="index.html"> </homepage>
Main module that is to be used for creation and modification of various layouts for different monitoring products of Miranda.
<description kind="short">The Layout Edition part of MEdit</description>
<all-permissions> </all-permissions>
<j2se version="1.5+" max-heap-size="256m" initial-heap-size="32m"> </j2se>
<jar main="true" href="MEdit-Layout-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="junit-3.8.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-awt-util-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-dom-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-ext-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-svg-dom-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-svggen-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-util-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="batik-xml-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="itext-1.02b.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="looks-1.3.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="bsh-2.0b2.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="epsgraphics-2005.04.03.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="l2fprod-common-all-20051211.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jgraph-"> </jar>
<jar href="jgraphlayout-1.2.2.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jgraphpad-"> </jar>
<jar href="js-1.6R2-wo-optimizer.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-collections-3.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-configuration-1.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-pool-1.2.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-digester-1.6.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-betwixt-0.7.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="log4j-1.2.8.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="foxtrot-2.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="commons-lang-2.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icontrolweb-app.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="gsm-app.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="gsm-dl.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="gsm-common.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="gsm-client.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-miro-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-riverdance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-commons-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-store-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-data-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-dsi-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-config-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-command-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-dao-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icontrol-widget-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-sam-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="monako-resources-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="adapter-gsmclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="adapters-generic-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-tools.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-common.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="adapter-gsmservice-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-agent-router-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-common.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-clients.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-service.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-gui.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-plaf.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="router-util.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_network.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_datatek.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_digipath.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_dummy.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_gvg7000.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_leitch.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_matrixhub.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_nv9000.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_pesa.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_pesausp.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_philips.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_probelSWP08.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_sonyhkspc.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_utahpl160.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icr_utahrcp1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xmldb-api-20021118.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jug-2.0.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-service.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="miranda-util.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-log.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-api.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-gui.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-beans-images.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-beans.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mtfc-panels.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="snmp-plugin.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icontrol-scripting.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="icontrolweb-images.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="mmp_core.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="asi-client.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="asi-shared.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="navigator-app.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="streaming-media.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="streaming-services.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="streaming_tools.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="streaming-media-linux.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="streaming-media-windows.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jini-core.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="norm.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jini-ext.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="reggie.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jini-serviceui.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="sun-util.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xmldb-common-20021220.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xmlrpc-1.1.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xercesImpl-2.6.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xalan-2.6.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="xindice-1.1b3.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="beandt-4.0.jar"> </jar>
<jar href="jbcl-4.0.jar"> </jar>
<property name="java.protocol.handler.pkgs" value="com.miranda.monako.dao.url.protocol"> </property>
<property name="java.content.handler.pkgs" value="com.miranda.monako.dao.url.content"> </property>
<application-desc main-class="com.miranda.medit.MEdit"> </application-desc>

Ok I found the cause for the problem. It has to do with java.protocol.handler.pkgs in .jnlp file. Webstart uses that property and set it with '|'. To fix the bug, I must make sure I append these two protocol handlers, as shown here:
<property name="java.protocol.handler.pkgs" value="com.miranda.monako.dao.url.protocol||">

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    Class-Path: qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar
    Created-By: 1.5.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Main-Class: Ui_MainWindow
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    2. qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar
    3. qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar
    4. Ui_MainWindow.class
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    Message was edited by:

    One problem is you are specifying a file name instead of a class name. It probably should beMain-Class: mainClassA good test is to run your app before jaring it - if you run it with "java mainClass" then the Main-Class attribute must be mainClass.
    Also class naming conventions say that class names should start with a capital letter - MainClass for example. It is just a convention, but it is easier to get help when you follow conventions.

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    Thank you and have a wonderful day

    Subject: jnlp main class: static void main() or applet class????
    Note that one '?' denotes a question, wile two or more often denotes a dweeb.
    yunaeyes wrote:
    When create jnlp file for applet, I have to specify main class. This "main class", is it the class that contain static void main(), or the applet class.That depends on whether the JNLP you did not think to add, declares an [<application-desc>|] or [<applet-desc>|].
    .. The way I design is the that the applet class will SwingUtilities.InvokeAndWait the "main class".
    Should I specify main class when jar the files or in jnlp file?Either way should work, but I prefer in the JNLP file, to avoid the webstart client having to download any Jar(s) eagerly just to look for it.
    Lastly, when I upload my jnlp file to my web server, and try to access it through a web browser, it keeps saying that the web address is invalid. What address, what URL?
    ..Do I need any special permission from the web server to run jnlp file?No. All that is required is that it is accessible, and returns the correct content-type for .jnlp files.
    Thank you and have a wonderful dayIt's bright sunshine, clear skies and a lovely(1) 28 deg. C here, so not going too bad so far. ;)
    (1) Lovely if you are not working in the sun.
    Note that I also offer JaNeLA for comprehensive(2) checking of JNLP launches. Someone at your level of experience with JWS should definitely check it out.
    (2) JaNeLA's checks include validity of JNLP, content-type, resource availability..

  • Access the property of main class in loaded swf.

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    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class Main extends MovieClip
    private var loading:Loading;
    public var trovami:Number=10;
    public function Main()
    private function loadSWF():void
    loading=new Loading(this); is another class where i load another swf its name is my_swf.
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    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    public class Loading extends MovieClip
    private var _fla:MovieClip;
    private var url:String;
    public var val:String;
    private var loader:Loader;
    public function Loading(fla:MovieClip)
    private function init():void
    var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
    loader=new Loader();
    private function initListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void
    private function completato(event:Event):void
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    so i have to use property of Loading class in Main2 for text.
    code of is
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.*;
    public class Main2 extends MovieClip
    public function Main2()
    where val is the property of Loading class.
    so how can i access.

    You have a reference to your loaded movie within your Loading class - instead of just setting val to a string - add a method in your Main2 class - and call that from Loading - passing the string to it. Push not pull...
    Main 2 becomes:
    public function Main2() {
    public function setText(val:String):void {
        a_txt.text = val;
    And then in your Loading class - when you're done loading just call setText:
    private function completato(e:Event):void

  • Accessing object of the main class from the thread

    Hi, I'm having problem accessing object of the main class from the thread. I have only one Thread and I'm calling log.append() from the Thread. Object log is defined and inicialized in the main class like this:
    public Text log;  // Text is SWT component
    log = new Text(...);Here is a Thread code:
    ...while((line = br.readLine())!=null) {
         try {
              log.append(line + "\r\n");
         } catch (SWTException swte) {
              ErrorMsg("SWT error: "+swte.getMessage());
    }Error is: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
    When I replace log.append(...) with System.out.println(..) it works just fine, so my question is do the log.append(..) the right way.

    This is NOT a Java problem but a SWT specific issue.
    It is listed on the SWT FAQ page
    For more help with this you need to ask your question on a SWT specific forum, there is not a thing in these forums. This advice isn't just about SWT by the way but for all specific API exceptions/problems. You should take those questions to the forum or mailing list for that API. This forum is for general problems and exceptions arising from using the "core" Java libraries.

  • Silly problem when compiling main class

    hi there,
    i have a problem when compiling the main class.
    the classes used by the main class are not recognized. the compiler can't locate the children classes.
    i've already set the path and classpath environment variables, but there's still something missing.
    how should i organize my folders in order to be able to compile the main class successfully, please?

    It would be good to have a precise problem description: the actual command used, folder structure and environment variable settings. Even if you have to construct a simple test case with a couple of classes that illustrates the problem.
    In the absence of that some generic remarks:
    The PATH variable typically points at all the folders that contain executable files that you use often. You can always access other executable files by specifying there full names.
    The CLASSPATH variable is typically left unset.
    When you use the java tools (like the javac compiler or the java runtime) you can specify the classpath that you want to use with -cp. This will override any CLASSPATH value. So in the simple case of two classes (Main and MyClass), you can put them in anywhere you like (for example C:\MyJavaStuff) and compile and run with:
    C:\MyJavaStuff> javac -cp . *.java
    C:\MyJavaStuff> java -cp . Main
    {noformat}(Mind the dot after -cp))
    By a "main" class I guess you mean a class with a static void main(String args[]) method, but I am suspicious of your "child" classes. Perhaps packages are involved. A precise description of the problem would help.

  • No shared network access when booted from Firewire

    I can't seem to access any volumes on my network when my MacMini is booted from an ext. firewire drive. I've tried to do this from two seperate bootable FW drives and I can't access my NAS or any of the other Macs on my network. This is an issue that I just noticed. I have worked with Macs and PCs across networks for a while but I can't figure this one out for some reason.
    I'm running MacMini 1.66 GHz Intel Core Duo and I'm on 10.5.8. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

    UPDATED/SOLVED---I finally figured this problem out. **Note: This whole process began with the desire to expand my original MacMini's 75GB HD space and to avoid potential disaster. I have recently been going through a spate of HD failures and I really wanted to avoid such a calamity with my main system volume. So the goal was to, in effect, replace the MacMini's drive without having to open it up by simply buying a new 1TB drive and dropping it into a FW enclosure with a huge fan. I had hoped that a simple BounceBack recover would do the trick but I quickly found out that it was not to be.
    The problem existed on backup copies that were created by my old version (5.1.4) of BounceBack (that I never updated). For whatever reason, that version excludes necessary components for networking when making bootable volumes. Therefore all my external FW drives that were bootable were not truly complete/useable volumes. Here's how I came to that conclusion and how I ultimately solved the problem. 
    1. I ended up having to do a reinstall of Leopard. I did this by cloning Leopard install disc to an image file and then restoring that image file to the FW drive. The real purpose of cloning the install disc was to immediately test the veracity of my theory that the problem lay within my BounceBack bootable volumes and not with the FW drives themselves. Sure enough, I found everything to be working perfectly from the newly minted, clean install Leopard FW volume. So then...
    2. ...I cloned the MacMini's orginal internal HD. It was the only volume with my most recent system that did NOT have the aforementioned network access problems and it was the volume from which all of the other BounceBack volumes were created.
    3. I restored this volume to the FW drive and was rewarded with a brand new, expanded and fully working system volume with all my applications and settings intact.
    To be fair, I feel compelled to mention that this is not necessarily an indictment of BounceBack. Again, the copy I was using is several years old and I simply never paid for an update, thinking that the copy I was using was sufficient. I'm willing to bet that the makers of BounceBack solved this problem long ago with one of the many updates since that have been released I first purchased the software. That being said, I'm now using Time Machine for backups of  my system volume while utilizing BounceBack for data on other volumes that don't need to be bootable.

  • My program compiles but when i run it, main class cannot be found

    as you can see, my program TestMaker compiles but when i try running it i get all these errors, i have no idea what's wrong with this
    C:\Users\Student\workspace\TestMaker\src>java TestMaker 514pcp.txt
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: TestMaker
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestMaker
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    Could not find the main class: TestMaker. Program will exit.

    jgv9a wrote:
    So i try
    java -cp . TestMaker 514pcp.txt
    and get this
    C:\Users\Student\workspace\TestMaker\src>java -cp . TestMaker 514.txt
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: StdInThat means that you are using a class (StdIn), that is not on your classpath, but in some other place.
    The "-cp ." tells Java to ignore the CLASSPATH variable and just look in the current directory instead. You probably had the location of StdIn on your CLASSPATH variable.
    What you need to do in this case is to add the current directory "." to your CLASSPATH variable.
    Go [learn about the Classpath here|].

  • Java Access Bridge 1.1 Could not find the main class

    When I try to load Java Access Bridge 1.1 I receive the following error:
    Could not find the main class. Program will exit.
    Does anyone know why?

    you must check with the classpath
    please see that you have not repeated %classpath%
    at the end of the class path like you do in win98.
    similiarly with %path%
    in win2000 it is automatically taken care off.

  • How do I restrict wireless network access to specific devices/computers, using an Airport Extreme, when the WPA2 password is able to be found by other devices?

    I have set up a wireless network in my office using a couple of Airport Extremes, and, for some reason, our Windows computers are able to view the password of the network. Well, given that we employ teenagers, you can imagine what happens when they all find out the password. We want to restrict network access to only those devices we deem necessary. How do I accomplish this?

    SidMed wrote:
    We need 18-20 devices to access, all wirelessly.
    You can keep using your Apple routers as AP devices.. but get a router running a secure OS as the actual router that controls the network..
    If you have 18-20 teens on the network.. then setting quota and restrictions on bandwidth is far more important than time..
    Gargoyle on a cheap router can do it.. eg WNDR3800 or the newer W1024ND v2.
    Simply turn off the wireless in these devices.. and use the ethernet connection to the airport as WAP.
    Honestly you just will never get the security or control using apple domestic routers.

  • I want to be able to access my main computer when I'm away from home. Are there honest and trusted 3rd party applications that allow access to the home computer when I'm traveling?

    the job takes me away from home and at times I need information stored on the iMac. I would like to access the main computer and its files through a second computer, Mac Pro. Is there a service that will allow me to access my main computer when I'm traveling? For example if I'm in Brasil and need to access files found in my main computer in Canada, what reliable allows me to connect between the 2 computers?

    other ways:

  • Getting this message when trying to access our cameras, how to fix? This address is restricted This address uses a network port which is normally...

    Just installed Firefox for my boss, and ran into something I've not seen before. When trying to access our private camera system, that uses specific ports, I got this message: "This address is restricted - This address uses a network port which is normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. Firefox has canceled the request for your protection."
    Cannot find a setting in Firefox to correct this problem. Please help.

    Can you please check if either of these links help in the resolution of the issue
    # [ Firefox ports override]
    #[ Remove Firefox this address is restricted error]
    Thank you

  • When trying to launch a Java preferences get this message:  Cannot launch Java application A static initializer of the main class threw an exception: java.lang.NullPointerException"

    I have an IMac 10.5.8 and I am having problems with Java. I have tried todownload Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 4 and it looks as if it is doingsuccessfully, but I cannot see where it has put it and get this message when trying to launch Java preferences:
    Cannotlaunch Java application
    A static initializer of the main class threw an exception:java.lang.NullPointerException"
    Couldyou please help?

    Hmm, only way I know would be a relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
    Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.

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