Clean my captured videos

I would like to capture some realy old video tapes from our archive. Some of them have a unbeliveable bad quality.
So, I'm thinking about to buy Final Cut Studio as my solution to get happy with. But nobody can answer question.
Has Final Cut enough filters, tools and so on to clean up my videos so that it looks like a new one. So I think about pumping up the saturation, remove some bad color faults, remove noise, sharpen it, get rid of scratches. Also some filters like 2D/3D Y/C Separation, Digital 3D Noise Reduction and Digital Line Time Base Corrector as found in some hardware boxes would be very nice.
Is it possible to do that with Final Cut, or should I buy Plugins or other Software.
Nice Greetings
PS: Please excuse my bad english... it is not the best. ;o)

You might want to try Cleaner 6.x. It has several sophisticated filtering utilities to include temporal processing. But It will still only do so much. Cleaner is slow to render and you may need to do some experimenting witht the various settings. Pick a short segment to try various render settings and render often to determine the best settings for your situation. When you capture your footage follow the previous advice!! Use a high quality deck and run it through a TBC.
Hope this helps.
Dave F

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    This sounds like dirty heads.
    I'd first try cleaning them. Then recapture.
    However -- when you say 'lines'... do you mean WIDE lines or like one pixel lines you can only see if you stop the video and look really close?

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    Most probably a tape problem on the original recording.
    You know this information, and you know you've been doing it for years. We don't know that. We're trying to help you, and we can't see your system, what you're doing, or what you know. We have to guess, one step at a time. From what I can glean from the message, I can't see it being anything but a recording problem on the tape, or a recording problem in relation to the playback device, but those are pretty rare occurrences for cameras and decks that are properly maintained.

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    acyclone wrote:
    Thanks.  Don't know why I didn't see it.  That arrow is pretty small.
    I do still have an issue that I cannot figure out.  I'm using the same mic for webcam recording (now in QT thanks to Luis) and in Final Cut for voiceovers.  Though I'm still on the same Mic the sound is not the same.  It's close, but the sound on the voiceover sounds cleaner and clearer.  I'm sitting in the same spot speaking the same way, but the sound quality difference is noticable.  Not sure why.
    It seems that the difference is in how each software deals with it.
    It may be that QT is sampling audio differently from FCP X somehow, or using a different audio codec or whatever.
    Just guessing, I really have no concrete knowledge.
    Oh, wait: there are a few things that I can notice, after trying a small example: the QT audio is AAC at 44.1 KHz,
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    ibook g4   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    I think I had the same problem as you about a month ago. I tried 13 different things to solve it, spent some unnecessary money, and a whole lot of wasted time in trying to fix this problem. Hope this list will save you time and money. There could also be more solutions I didn't try, that might fix your problem instead.
    Consistent Drop Frames,or Time Code Breaks during Capture. Problem never occurred Before until Recent.
    What I'm Using:
    1. Powerbook 512mb sdram, 1.67ghz powerpcG4,
    2. Final Cut Pro v4.5, Quicktime v7.1.5
    3. G-Drive 7200rpm External Hard Drive as my scratch, scratch folders with different names.
    4. Firewire 400 from camera to hard drive, hard drive to laptop
    5. I'm using a CANON GL2 as my deck.
    Solutions I tried and failed:
    1. I changed the memory& cache from 100% to 75%.
    2. Turned off the Abort Capture on Drop Frames--- but got time code breaks, and clips that jump frames.
    3. Capturing on all of the available Firewire NTSC settings.
    4. Capturing on Non-Controllable Device.
    5. Batch Capturing and the Capture Now.
    6. Deleting Quicktime Receipts... all the packages, and Reinstalling Quicktime.
    7. Used MiniDv tapehead cleaner on the GL2 camera/deck.
    8. Tried three different MiniDv tapes shot with LP and SP.
    9. Trashing Final Cut Pro preferences, and turing off the Mirror on Desktop A/V setting.
    10. Capturing to USB 2.0 Hard drive.
    11. Capturing to Internal Drive.
    12. Different Firewire Cable.
    13. A Panasonic MiniDV Camcorder to transfer the footage internally.
    Things that do work
    1. Using MiniDV with a DVCPRO adapter to a DVCPRO Tape Deck to transfer footage.
    Haven't tried:
    1. *Fixing that Volume Error Structure.
    2. Re-installing FCP.
    ** What solved my problem was posted by gympool:
    Why isn't this the very first response: there are many posts regarding capture problems when running FCP 4.5 on OS 10.4.9
    you can do an archive and install back down to 10.4.8 or...
    The simple solution seems to be to remove the designated capture folder from Spotlight's search.
    Open system preferences
    Open spotlight
    Select Privacy
    click on the +
    add your capture scratch folder

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    Charles Bergmeier

    If you have the Video Capture Driver installed then the video capture program should see it. On MSI site version 1.16 of the driver is available for download.
    If you still have problems (e.g. too many frames lost) you can try using Virtual VCR (worked best in my case).

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    I had difficullty with the X.4.10 plus QT7.2 and put my info on the Forum as well as sending feedback to Apple. Shortly afterwards, Apple brought out a short security update which I downloaded and, hey presto, I was then able to use QT7.2 with OSX.4.10. It may be that you missed out on the later small update to QT7.2..... ? Another factor I found was that some little while later I again had a problem so I again installed QT7.2 and over-installed FCP5.1.4 which has resolved my problems for the time being. Worth a try if you still can't get through on the DAC.

  • Unable to capture video

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    You have two problems that fold into one another masking the solution.
    1. an intermittant connection between your camera and the computer
    2. a possible conflict between your camera and an external drive.
    Lets take the problems individually.
    1. An intermittant connection. If your camera is not being recognized in system profiler (before trying iMovie or FCP) you have a connection issue. Either the camera settings are wrong, the camera's firewire port is damaged, your firewire cable is flakey and/or your computer firewire port is damaged.
    To test these items individually, you'll need another computer, cable and camera that you know work. If you don't have these things or have access to them, you'll probably need to take your machine to a knowledgable repair shop.
    2. A conflict between the camera and the hard drive. If the camera connects reliably and shows up in system profiler, it should always work with iMovie- even with a hard drive attached. This is the very first test. If it now doesn't work when you try it in FCP with the hard drive attached, you have the firewire bus conflict. Disconnecting all external hard drives from the computer and capturing to an internal drive will solve the conflict problem.

  • Help! Unable to capture video.

    I can still take images, but when I click to record I get the following message:Unable to capture video. Please check that you have sufficient space on your hard dri've and the following are setup correctlyVideo CompressorAudio CompressorI certainly have enough hard drive space...44G available. I am a first time user so I need detailed instructions on how to solve this problem. Thanks.

    Model is Creative Live!Cam Voice...all updates performed.

  • Webcam Live - Unable to capture Video when "audio" is on

    Unable to capture Video when "audio" is checked.
    Error message "Unable to capture Video - check settings for video compressor and Audio compressor". What are these ??
    I have Plantronics headset and have tried most "8bit, mono settings"
    Capture Video works when audio is not checked.
    Am at latest s/w and driver patch levels.
    HELP !!!

    Addl info
    1) When using Skype, Camera and Mic work fine.
    2) When I get error - the camera view on my screen balcks out

  • Error- "Unable to capture video..."

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    Now i get this error!!!!!!!!!!! Pls advice on this error:
    "Unable to capture video. Pls check hard disk space and the following are set correctly: video/ audio compressor"
    I know I am not the only one with this issue. yes, already tried uninstalling/reinstalling drivers and software fron the Creative website.
    THanks a lot for solutions!

    Addl info
    1) When using Skype, Camera and Mic work fine.
    2) When I get error - the camera view on my screen balcks out

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    This article is for FCE2 but it works for FCE3 as well:-

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    MHP and OCAP only use JMF 1.0, which does not include support for capturing video. You will not be able to do this in any current MHP/OCAP imlementation that I know of.

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    MHP and OCAP only use JMF 1.0, which does not include support for capturing video. You will not be able to do this in any current MHP/OCAP imlementation that I know of.

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    OK, I see that there are plenty of "bugs" with Quicktime Version 7.4 (92), but I don't see the problem I am having, posted anywhere. Here goes...
    I cannot capture video using my [Firewire] iSight camera on my CoreDuo MacMini. I definitely used to be able to do this. When I go to File>New Movie Recording, I get a back/blank Movie Recording window and that's it. I click on the Red/Record button and nothing happens. The timer doesn't even advance. Just sits there. When I try to stop the recording, I get the following message:
    *"Recording failed because no data was received.*
    *Make sure that the media input source is turned on and playing."*
    I can still capture audio, although had some problems and had to "downgrade" to version 7.3.x and subsequently reinstalled 7.4. Now the audio works but still no video.
    A few things:
    1. YES, the iSight camera works - I can use it in iMovie, iChat, Photobooth, etc. - for both video and audio.
    2. As I mentioned, I tried "downgrading" (using "Pacifist") but still no video.
    3. I re-installed Version 7.4 and the audio problems cleared up, but again, still unable to capture video.
    3. All software updates installed.
    Any ideas???

    "As I mentioned, I tried "downgrading" (using "Pacifist") but still no video."
    See QuickTimeKirk’s posting in the following thread:
    Try the following:
    It's located in your account:
    Delete the file, restart (a new .plist will be created) and quicktime hopefully will work again w/o doing an Archive & Install.
    +If you want to do an A&I:+
    Do an archive and install of your OS from the OS disc. Stop at the QT upgrade you need. Scroll down to "Archive and Install”
    IMPORTANT: Maker sure you select "preserve user preferences and data" when you performed the A&I?
    Good luck!

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